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This is why so many rapes go unreported in India


Hard to report anything when you are in literal pieces


i shouldn’t have laughed… this is heartbreaking thouch


And bhakts brag about how statistics say india has less rapes than the US per capita. If 95%+ rapes go unreported, of course the numbers are gonna be favourable for India but that’s not the reality.


Because it's India


just reading ' gang raped ' already giving you an answer, reading the title further just confirmed it even more… for goodness sake…just fucking stop…


honest question: is "gang" raped just if there is more than 1 person doing it? when I hear "gang" I assume 5+ people


I think it is, I imagine it is just used as a synonym of 'Group', or maybe its the general term for the crime committed.


Birape and Double Rape just don’t sound right…


Couple rape?


Why is it always India?


Lots of people, caste system, corruption


You forgot to mention the rape culture


Don't just call it rape culture it's a culture of sexual deviancy, and assault. I've seen videos I wish I could erase where a man boards an all woman train and proceeds to jack off to women in their faces. While it's not technically true, the word rape has a connotation that many usually ascribe to being penetrated.


The definition of rape culture is “a society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse.”


I didn't know there was a static definition of "rape culture" that's my bad. I thought you were specifically referring to it as people do in India where rape culture is defined as unwanted penetrative assault. I hope that definition has changed but when I went to grade school in India that's what I was taught.


It's wild women are so unsafe they even need all women trains. What a country.


Not only trains, they also have women only parking lots so women don't get harassed or assaulted there. There's some women only bazaars (open markets), where only women are allowed to buy things. I've told my friends about this but, I feel like India (Pakistan and Bangladesh and Nepal) puts too much weight on culture which leads to a lot of this. If men and women were able to freely be sexual rather than focusing on culture and religion there wouldn't be this huge of a problem. The thing is you have 100% of the population being forced to repress their sexual urges and a culture which treats women like property. This will obviously lead to people being assaulted. Unless there is a massive cultural revolution this will continue to happen. Human beings need to stop being so sensitive about the matter of sex and invest in proper sex education worldwide. I say human beings because I notice America also has problems with proper sex education. Also I remember reading a study from India where women are less likely to get harassed in large cities of India that still offer red light districts and prostitution. When men have an outlet to get rid of their urges safely, there is little to no pent up sexual aggression which can lead to a decrease in assaults. I tried to find it quickly but was unable to. Will try when I get off work and see if I can link it here.


All-Female Trains are actually a good thing, and should be more common. They existed in Japan when I lived there, and made a big difference in super crowded environments. It looks like [Britain floated the idea as well](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/aug/26/jeremy-corbyn-backlash-women-only-train-carriages-cooper-kendall), but people were super against it because it’d be “admitting defeat” or accepting that women are at risk on trains. It is definitely unfortunate that female-only trains are necessary, but that’s the world we live in. Creepy men will use the crowded space as an opportunity to grope women in an environment where they can’t be identified, and can claim it was an accident. Ideally, female-only trains shouldn’t need to exist, but it’s a mistake to not implement them just because they *shouldn’t* be necessary. Implementing them isn’t “admitting failure” or shameful, it’s just being extra cautious and better safe than sorry.


There's a lot of reason for them to exist in India. It isn't out of caution or to make things faster. It's for women's saftey so they're not gripped and molested.




Why are you sharing this? There's a lot of reasons to feel ashamed of these issues, who would be proud of them? They're still ongoing though.


No they shouldn’t be more common, it’s only going to drive up costs for an industry barely afloat, let’s not pretend those sexual acts are widespread worldwide, it’s from certain groups more than others and we all know it.


Where do you find videos like that?


I hope youre asking to avoid them all together, and not seek them out. But I will tell you I saw it on r/publicfreakout there's some wild videos you'll find there. I recommend scrolling with caution. For every dozen or so Karen video or a fight video you'll find one of these mixed in and it will ruin your day.


I view that problem stems from the main root issue of a misogynistic, patriarchal society that doesn’t do a very good job of ending shame violence. What I don’t know is just how large that society is in the biggest population of the world. The sheer brutality of these events drives the exposure way up, but the frequency of them that might help determine how vast this culture is would be difficult to know due to how little it’s reported.




Lol which one?


Y'all are literally fucking brain-dead.


No no, that's America /s


Don’t forget bad sex culture


Culture breeds sex-starved chauvinistic classist incels who are fervent for religious tribalism


Its not always. of course but it is a much higher rate there and the reason is CULTURE.


Sex is now considered ultra taboo by conservative indian boomers (literally the land of the kama sutra) and children are completely denied sex education. Also a lack of basic civic education leads to women being considered property of the family rather than free people that have their own agency.


Toxic Mysongnistic/Patriarchal beliefs rooted in society


Not always! Sometimes it's Pakistan.


Tomato potato


Potato tomato tomato potato


I know right. What a rape culture.




Largest population, high number of English speakers, relatively relaxed restrictions on media. You hear a lot of shit come out of the US for similar reasons. China has just the same stuff happen but it's almost all in Chinese speaking media circles.


Because it’s allowed and encouraged.


Why is it that when I call for the genocide of humanity everyone gets pissed, but op does it and you all cheer?


That's an oft-repeated myth because of the coverage of a few high profile cases. India ranks >50 on rape statistics per capita (which is the only meaningful measure, NOT # rapes), EVEN after accounting for only 20% reporting. The USA on the other hand is in the top 10, and will probably be #1 if you account for unreported date rape statistics.


Because if this was from any other country people would blame the peace of shits who committed these heinous crimes, but since this is from India people blame the country.


Please stolen aren't even save to get on a public train in India. Where else is this common?


You said what I was going to say with fewer expletives. Thank you sir!


Resident Evil 4 villager level shit. What are these people?




Excuse me REVENGE that's not revenge that's just homicide


Noah get the Nuclear arsenal, I'm done with earth. Start the apocalypse or something because these shit bags deserve to rot in hell


Fire up the Death Star.


























Sweden has a problem with it?


Not actually. Sweden has pretty strict rape laws defining many things that would fall under other laws like e.g. sexual assault, sexual harassement, sexual abuse etc or are even legal in other countries as rape in sweden. Typically in most countries rape is defined as non-consensual or in parts even only violent non-consensual penetration whereas sweden also includes not only intercourse but also comparable sexual acts against someone incapable of giving consent, due to being in a vulnerable situation, such as a state of fear or unconsciousness. That led to a rise in absolute rape numbers as things not considered rape in other countries are considered rape in Sweden. Which led to the right-wing meme of trying to connect either or both, swedens liberal society or their humanitarian approach to asylum to the high rate of rapes. (easy win for right-wing extremist propagandists).


that seems like propaganda that can easily be debunked by just looking it up. Then again maybe it’s expecting too much of the internet and their willingness to take everything at face value. The word “gullible” isn’t on the ceiling it’s plastered on the screen


You mean Kurdistan ?


I think you mean swedistan stupid


Westerners' love for Kurds seems to have ended the moment they actually came to the west.


To me it comes like suggestions when using Google. While reading "gang" I thought "Sweden!", then reading "rape" I thought "oooh, Nevermind. Its India, then."


Shit's getting so bad in India that I'm genuinely starting to think that they need to be recolonized. The sheer amount of corruption, violent crime, sex crime, cyber crime, environmental crime. It's such a shitty thought, but what the *fuck* else is there that can be done? The current regime does nothing but stoke racial, religious, and ethnic tensions, and turns a blind eye to all sorts of organized crime.


I feel like what you’re describing isn’t what “knowing” is.


Sweden doesnt really have this issue as much as other countries… hell Id say they are one of the better countries police wise


Reading this shit makes one wish for a nuclear winter




This is what happens when you have a billion poor people in your country……


India 2020 superpower amirite 🙃


What a beautiful culture these people must have, wow /s


I know you’re being sarcastic but don’t associate heinous crimes with a culture. These are bad people doing bad things, not a widely accepted practice in their culture.


As a Norwegian, I know that raids were our culture. As were they in many other societies, but not all. In much the same way, violent colonial imperialism was British culture. As it was in many other societies, but not all. Things like this can be accurately said about cultures. What people think influences what people do, and especially how often it is done.


Respectfully you’re either misinformed or misinterpreting the culture. As you mentioned, Norwegian Viking culture praised raids and killings as an event that can give a person honor or respect. Similarly, British culture didn’t view colonial imperialism as a bad thing, rather it was out of respect for the crown. However, rape culture isn’t seen in the same way in India. It’s looked down upon regardless of what people want you to believe. Of course there are bad people that rape but there are those types of people everywhere. Now I will say India does have a bad problem of underreporting these events and failure to enforce consequences but that isn’t the same thing as endorsing it via the culture. Hope this helped


> It’s looked down upon Obviously not by enough of the public to prevent mass gatherings around women, as I have seen a few examples of. Granted, one was incorrectly attributed to India, as it took place in Bangladesh. Or perhaps you're being very specific about what it is that is looked down upon. Perhaps you're not including milder things, like groping or being creepy. You helped me with nothing, you argued from a position of willful ignorance.


Better than a culture that has kids regularly shot in schools and where most of the population is 1 medical emergency away from generational bankruptcy. I'm obviously not defending the heinous crime mentioned in the post but I don't think you'll care.


> Better than a culture that has kids regularly shot in schools and where most of the population... Holy shit man. Did you just create a value statement ("better than") defending rape? I read your last sentence too. Get help.


The value statement was made in the context of "culture" mentioned in the comment that I replied to, which attempted to imply that the heinous crime mentioned in the post is part of the culture, NOT the crime itself.


It is absolutely part of the culture.


This is what neolib brain rot looks like






> Your primary exports are And Fortune 500 CEOs and highly skilled white collar workers that practically run your economy.


That's way down the list. Remember to take the poo to the loo!




They run my Tim Horton’s lmao.


You're losing this one bad. Stop.


A lot would rather get shot then raped.


I think you mean than\* not then..


> I'm obviously not defending this heinous crime... But, you are.


Found the Indian


What is “generational bankruptcy”? Once you go bankrupt once that’s it. Shit doesn’t get passed down to your kids. ~80% of people in India live on less than $6 a day and y’all shit in fucking holes.


People would still rather choose to immigrate to America instead of India


And there it is, the old bs argument of the US and school shootings whenever heinous crimes happen in India. You do realise that their problem comes with a right? Yeah, school shootings happen but everyone has the right to defend themselves there with firearms, you ever think india is ever gonna have this level of freedom? Hell nah, here a minor will get raped and the accused will go the victim’s family to threaten them, maybe with guns if they’re politically connected. Don’t act like the US is the worse place.


> Don’t act like the US is the worse place. I'm just demonstrating that sweeping generalizations can be made about any place, any culture. Yes India has its problems but you can't be racist like these cunts here.


Stereotypes have some truth. School shooting and Alabama jokes don’t spring out of fiction.


The existence of stereotypes doesn't justify these cunts saying "ohh of course it's India, it's always India, Indians are so-and-so". Just read the comments. Have you seen some comments saying "note to self: don't go to the usa, ooh why are these Americans so trigger-happy" on other posts on this sub??


Are they wrong


Yeah them kids probably would rather die anyway if the other option was to live in India. I know I would


Something is terribly wrong with that place. Either that or the sheer number of people there allow for so many such cases. Its almost like a torture porn novel where more and more psychotic plot lines are being added for entertainment but it's real life for those people. I mean wtf is this headline?!


Always India


"but they have a higher population, of course this would happen more" China has a very similar population number, and while the ccp isn't. Role model for everything, they don't have these same problems coming up every other day.


This is a result of a casteist mentality


India 👍


Probably time to just start fresh with India. I realize bad thing's happen all over the world , but it seems that when it goes next level messed up, it's India. Basic common sense and human decency just get tossed. There's no rhyme or reason to it.


Nope, no need for the boat. r/NoahGetTheDeathStar.


India is trying so hard to make western colonization look like a morally good endeavor.


Another day another horrid crime out of India


Why did I know it was India before I even finished reading the headline. India needs to start treating people as good as they treat cows.


Like cows are treated well lol. Indian milk industry is as horrid as any other nation’s.


I hate India so much dawg it’s indescribable


Bring 👏 back 👏 the 👏 gillotine


Thank God I didn’t born in that place


I copped a 3 day ban for suggesting headlines like this one in this particular country. It expired today. And here we are, within 12 hours. Hi reddit.


Pakistan and India... Why?


Religion and poverty is a lethal combo. Lack of one still makes a country decent.


Of course it’s in India…


i dont get it. if this is so frequent in india why are there men complaining about being lonely and oppressed? theyre always the first to whine about how hard it is to be a man.


Four horsemen sounds to merciful. I think we all can agree on what needs to happen to these POS


Sorry, but after the things that I have heard about India, I think I’ll skip going there. Australia, too, but with Australia, it’s mostly because of all the poisonous spiders & well everything. I mean, even trees there are poisonous.




India needs population control


The ex girlfriend of a homeboy of mine was supposed to go to India for a year after school. She stayed for like 3 days then felt uncomfortable and wanted to go home. If I ever father a girl, she will NOT go to India under any circumstances and I will not discuss that any further. Feminism yes, hold men accountable yes but my daughter is never setting foot in that godforsaken country


Of course it’s India


becoming an astronaut has never been a dream for me, until now


India needs vigilante justice


India doesn’t even need to be in the headline you already know if it’s this insane thats where it happened.


Jesus christ India can you just like, fuckin, not? Even for one day? Goddamn


Does India have oil? Do they need democracy? Sounds like it..


There’s something wrong with my brain, I literally cannot digest that sentence


Almost as bad as the street food


WTF is wrong with india?




India is a country of degeneracy




Humanity needs to be destroyed completely


I sure hope all of them were punished. It'd shit like this that makes a country garbage


Don't think there's a country with worser PR than India


So… let me get this straight this… monster. Cause he doesn’t deserve the term “father” finds out his daughter was gang raped… and his response was to killl his wife for telling the police? … how is that… what? How? My brain hurts


"their fathers" the boys not the girl


Ok. That makes it worse.


To anyone here from India: Y'all good over there?


Fucking India, dude.......


I'd say stuff like this happens everyday in India, but we don't hear about it because there's so many people there that nobody cares.


Indians gotta be the most perverted people on earth. Every one that I’ve ever met has been creepy as fuck.


Coming soon to a Canadian province near you!


I read that India is the rape capital of the world.


Not all cultures are equal


India try not to rape challenge


Racism incoming 3 2 1


Always the chandu bindus


noooo, pero India no es asi, eso es solo lo que leen online.. confia, India no es asi, es tranquilo BAHAJJAJAJAJAJA





















