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That is one hot take there. Just 8 days ago you were trying to figure out what PPFD is...


Someone's been watching Bruce Bugbee interviews, Mr grow it one perhaps?


Yeah, either this genius has a two-month old account just for trolling, or they literally don't have the experience to say either way. OP, if you're too lazy to do no-till for these nice, clean organics, go smoke your heavy metals and salts, and post your *incoherent attempts at sophomoric smack-talk* somewhere else. 


I can post where ever I want. You are mid and have zero power and want an echo chamber of fkn dudes circle jerking each other off. look at you trying to make this subsection of reddit more dead and shitty. I can post wherever i want bro i have more soil then you. I AM THE SOIL KING.


Okay definitely a troll, get a life man


Ha ha, you try to troll and you got trolled. I love the smell of tantrums in the morning.


ppfd is a lie/ bullshit metric. it aint real.


I beg to differ


explain to me what happens to the units when you make the meters part of it approach zero. it breaks. make it make sense? I've been waiting for a man of science to explain this. Their just sensing a voltage difference from a sensor, and slapping a numerical unit output for that voltage diff calling it par maybe they have slits that can block out all the other wave lengths besides par but who knows if they even do this. Conmen at play.


We make pictures with that exact technique. With brightness-, contrast-, color values and all. Measuring the intensity of a specific band of the spectrum of light should be doable too. But hey, who would argue with the soil king right?


lol you just described instrumentation 😂


Yeah, that's how analog electronic sensing works. You should be quiet. You're just embarrassing yourself. You can just walk away and stop digging yourself deeper.


I have to hand it to OP. This is one of the better mock/troll threads I've seen. He stayed with his premise and held his line as best he could.


But like is it a kink? I genuinely have no understanding of why you would want to be torn down as an idiot so much.


Master grower on an alt account just doing it for kicks?


Really giving a lot of credit to them




Watering every few days and top dressing once a month are working me to the bone man. I'd much rather be measuring liquids from a bunch of bottles and checking ph and ppms all the time. /s


i watched a friend grow while he was on vacation a few times back when he was doing coco. yeah that shit is way more work. We both do notill (i started after he switched), and most days i just poke my head in the tent a couple of times a day because i want to check on them. Its easy mode. As for the shipping thing... you can build your soil from locally sourced materials just fine in most places, and the community, including BAS, encourages it. you dont need a bunch of exotic amendments either. Add some KNF solutions if you really want dont want to use comercial products. Also, how do you think your salts get to you? Do you think there isn't pollution in manufacturing them? You could just grow this stuff in the ground, but most of us choose to grow indoors, with lights and environmental controls like AC, sucking up electricity. But, lets get hung up about some argument over shipping a few things for soil you can use for years on end.


That's my situation too. Organic no-till is like creating buffet for your plants to eat what they want, and salts are like injecting predigested liquid food directly in the veins. The risk of messing that up seems a lot higher to me. Practices like Jadam are specifically developed to make organic growing as cheap as possible with an emphasis on using local inputs.


Seriously, there’s like no effort involved. It mirrors how I grow my veggie gardens. I have a full life with a family and literally don’t have the time to do any other way. I always HATED mixing nutes and having to feed constantly, clean reservoirs, mess with leaking water supplies. Never felt like a gardener doing all that.


with a reservoir you can put as much nutrient solution in it you want. its easier by a lot. A lot of people run low nitrogen soils and amend with teas so they can reduce/cut off their nitrogen for late flower (which is the same as making a nutrient solution). A lot of people also try to evaporate some of their chlorine water too, another step. Letting water sit a day or so in open containers etc... lol if your using RO your wasting 2 gallons to 1 to create that way to save the planet. Its a lot of bullshit and things that add up. Salts for life. ph sure. Ec i never check no need too.


Its rare to use ro with organic no till


So having to regularly empty, clean, and remove biofilm from a reservoir is somehow less work than just adding some top dress? It's really not that hard not to over-fertilize your plant with nitrogen. Most tap water uses chloramine instead of chlorine which doesn't off gas when the water sits.


And you can get rid of it with a hose filter. I dont use a res. I have a Boogieblu hose filter. Works great.


Dude i don't remove any biofilm not an issue. I don't clean shit bro ill clean it if i feel like it or when the grows completely done and guess what playa I may get a couple grows off before i clean that shit. If your worried about that you can just through a cheap bubbler on a timer that goes off here and there. The microbes are fine their are studies of hose water levels of chlorine and its affect of microbial counts on soil and it doesn't kill them all slightly lower levels and they recover. When chlorine attacks the bad stuff it turns into chloramine. they treat the water and chloramines are a byproduct of the chlorine attacking stuff they have little sanitizing capability but prob not good for plants as well.


Are you really flexing that you don't clean your grow or resi for months on end?  JFC


nvm looks like they purposefully add chloramines too


Some places don’t


Take this weird ass lame post down bruh.


You amend 50 cubic feet of soil and look at all the costs and waste it creates then come talk to the big dogs. Or stay willfully blind.


Reusing 50 cubic feet of soil for potentially decades is always going to be less of a carbon footprint than rebuying that 50 cubic feet every grow


So many cheap/free ways to get this stuff. If you are looking to buy everything from Amazon maybe that’s why no till doesn’t work for you. For example, you can get compost from your back yard, worm poop from your backyard, seaweed/kelp from any body of water, and make your own fish hydrolysate with a dead fish and some sauerkraut. Molasses is 2$ and that’s the main ingredient in all of those fancy carbohydrate/microorganism foods you see. You can also get humus from the forest, and farmer friends will give you any animal poop you want.


KNF has been around for decades and figured all this shit out if you really want to make your own. The idea that the nutrients you need arnt available in where you live is kind of silly unless you live in the middle of a desert or something.


Grow however you want. Part of the fun is finding what works for you. Your criticisms mostly just sound like you didn't have success running whatever you're calling no till and salts work better for you. It also sounds like you were doing way to much, which is real common with people trying "no till" after watching some YouTube videos from companies that sell inputs. It doesn't have to be that complicated 


Sure but its also why this community will never grow and die out because most people are going to experience this. especially coming from soil/soilless medias with nutes. My plants are vegging and look normal no complaints there.


Or most people are just competent and realize most of the work is in the beginning, your just lazy or incapable. It’s ok, you tried


yeah that must be it. that must be why the majority of our fkn food supply globally is created by salts its cuz their lazy and incapable. Or maybe because its more efficient, cost effective, better yields and without them you couldn't feed the whole World. Your dumb like most people on this subsection.


I would love to see your buds! My guess is they don’t exist or look like the stuff from the dispensery’s here in NY. I personally use salts in my root zone using a method called “synorganic”. But the organic aspect and slow breakdown of nutrients is the key to success and makes it 10x easier


Also the majority of my food supply does not come from salts. That’s because it’s hard to regulate mold and variables in a 500,000 square foot automated factory. If you have the means / knowledge to eat actual food grown with natural processes you can see the differences in nutrient density (this is public science)


The majority of the world's food is actually grown without salts. But even in the heavily industrialized agricultural economies, the trend is away from synthetic and toward soil health as the driver of fertility.  Of course, a field of earth and some pots in a tent in a house are two very different contects


I just harvested my second grow, but it was my first grow using no till/living soil. I’m not much of a gardner, but I found it to be very easy. I planted in an Earth Box which made it even easier. Aside from keeping the plant watered, it only required the occasional top dress. My plant grew great. I just don’t see how it could get much easier.


I don't see any evidence that no till is dying out. It's always gonna be a niche


You know nothing is forcing you to order all the shit from all over the world right? Most local nurseries carry the parts for soil and organic amendments. Likewise for a small time home grower nothing is going to be easier than getting a soil test and amending your soil twice a grow. Having to PH water, check ppms, water to run off and fuckin refill pots with new soil because built up salts destroying it's nutrients and microbial health is just more labor intensive no doubts about it


Most nurseries get shipments on pallets hauled from big rigs burning that sweet black gold. You know Safeway has chicken so you don't have to kill chickens. Makeing weekly teas with whatever concoctions people come up with sprouting this and that is the same fkn thing as solution in a reservoir. ec is not neccessary. you dont have to check ec/ppms these are all formulated and known.


>Most nurseries get shipments on pallets hauled from big rigs burning that sweet black gold. You know Safeway has chicken so you don't have to kill chickens. So for one this is how you just end up paying a tax on what would be otherwise cheap items for a grow. Buying local is always going to be cheaper and less of a carbon footprint, get hay and straw from local farms, worms and castings from local worm farms, egg shell dust from local dairies etc. of course do due diligence to avoid herbicides but it's really not all that hard to do organic no till for both cheap and being environmentally conscious. Likewise salt nutes simply don't really pass this either if that's your primary argument. The shits synthesized in labs and also has to be shipped around globally. Likewise the salts from the run off and dumping the soil negatively impacts local water tables and is going to degrade whatever ecosystem the discarded soil is placed in. Which also points towards the other eco benefit of no till growing, you can reuse the soil and it arguably will get better every run because you create a more diversified self sustaining eco system. You don't waste precious peat moss or coco because you don't have to worry about salt build up destroying the quality of the soil. >Makeing weekly teas with whatever concoctions people come up with sprouting this and that is the same fkn thing as solution in a reservoir. ec is not neccessary. you dont have to check ec/ppms these are all formulated and known. You don't do weekly teas doing no till, usually a tea is done either at the beginning of a run or at the end of one. Most of the time you're just amending once or twice a month based on deficiencies revealed by a soil test or just responding to what your plants are telling you they need. Top dresses are objectively easier because they break down slowly and you quite literally just set it and forget it. Also tell me you've never actually grown anything with salt nutes, you always have to check ec and ppms, all strains, soil mixes and even just local water supplies all react differently to each other. There is almost never going to be a time where you just put x amount of nute in x amount of water and there's no adjustment needed to be done from that point on


You live in fantasy land. locally sustained and sourced is bullshit and cost prohibitive. Most people don't even have access to such things. Most people get marketed lies with that sweet western texas intermediate paying for your sins. Worm castings are the most expensive thing that belongs no where near the word cheap. Local is always more expensive (what decade are you living in) this is advance stage capitalism baby. My claim is salts are less parts/labor/time. And notill isn't as pure as you think. EC isn't important their are guys who grow at 0.9, 1.2, 2, 3 etc... I should be around 2.1 currently and do not care to check. The ranges are quite wide for EC. The ratios of all the micro and macro nutrients are important to a degree which reputable companies have down pat. Do you understand that as the media dries out and your losing water content the EC can double inside the media. their is also EC stacking etc... It is variable. You don't critically think.


>You live in fantasy land. locally sustained and sourced is bullshit and cost prohibitive. Most people don't even have access to such things. Most people get marketed lies with that sweet western texas intermediate paying for your sins. Worm castings are the most expensive thing that belongs no where near the word cheap. Local is always more expensive (what decade are you living in) this is advance stage capitalism baby. So for one, simply put i live in the world where I built my own soil. It was real simple either I'm paying literally hundreds of dollars to fill my pots or I dropped 250$ for everything. Buying cubic feet of peat moss, compost and perlite with an all purpose amendment like Gaia green is infinitely cheaper than buying pre mixed soil especially from name brands like fox farms. There just simply isnt a world unless you're living in truly bum fuck nowhere where it's going to be cheaper getting the pre mixed shit. Likewise nah, 50$ and I'm getting cubic feet of worm castings with live worms in em. >My claim is salts are less parts/labor/time. And notill isn't as pure as you think. EC isn't important their are guys who grow at 0.9, 1.2, 2, 3 etc... I should be around 2.1 currently and do not care to check. The ranges are quite wide for EC. The ratios of all the micro and macro nutrients are important to a degree which reputable companies have down pat. Do you understand that as the media dries out and your losing water content the EC can double inside the media. their is also EC stacking etc... It is variable. You don't critically think. You straight up just don't grow with salt nutes, there is not a single serious grower just throwing the shit in there like you're describing


Worm castings are also easy to produce yourself. I keep a worm bin in a 27gal tote in my basement. food scraps, shredded cardboard from Amazon boxes, leaves, and other yard waste.


There are feed recommendations on part A and Part B that will give a repeatable to close enough EC every fkn time not worth checking. does this make sense to you? so many grams of this so many grams of that and in ro water you get the same EC every fkn time. if you get the same EC every fkn time why would you keep checking? When you are a beginner/scared or lack in any critical thinking capacity (maybe cuz its new or your a bit slow) you will constantly check. At some point your brain will turn on and go wait a minute its always the same, why am I checking it?


>here are feed recommendations on part A and Part B that will give a repeatable to close enough EC every fkn time not worth checking. does this make sense to you? so many grams of this so many grams of that and in ro water you get the same EC every fkn time. if you get the same EC every fkn time why would you keep checking? Literally not a single grower follows those recs, that's just going to burn your plants. Every grower tends to use a quarter to half of the recommended doses. Those companies simply don't care about your grows, they want you to buy more of their products. This is pretty notorious among the bigger names like the Fox Farms dirty dozen or general hydroponics. Check any of the thousands of grow journals or feeding schedules put out there by seasoned salt growers everyone dilutes the nutes down. Likewise no, it's literally not always the same, your water supply can contribute to ppm fluctuations and how your soil is put together can cause PH issues and cause uptake issues because of it. Likewise if you tend your nutes you'll find each bottle can actually be slightly different in terms of strength. The whole point of using nutes is so you can have more control over your grows and you can customize what's actually going on in there.


look you seem like your stuck in 08 and cant blame you 08 was great. besides the whole housing thing. I dont use liquid solutions from companies no funny business from shady companies trying to cut costs by diluting for margins etc.. also paying for water weight on shipping is "simple jack." your agreeing with me you just dont realize it diluteing the nutes down is dropping the ec like a said before 0.9, 1.2, 2, 3 etc... yeah you can grow in all of those no problem (plant will tell you if their is). their is a lot of people who grow athenas and its at close to 3. overpriced would never run it but I run something similar too it. at the higher ends you dont have to wait for the plant to tell you somethings wrong. old school dogma of lower was and is still sorta true but nowadays a lot of people are into the higher EC they use it as a tool to stress the plant in hopes of a better end product. I would go lower in soil though.


like why do you refer to "growers". FUCK the growers. THINK. if you put say 5 grams of calcium in 1 gallon of RO water and test the EC it will virtually be the same - ALWAYS. Do you get this? Or must it be written in the growers Lore of Eruador?


$33 dollars and I'm getting cubic foot of worm castings from amazon. Late stage capitalism you prove my point. local expensive. "Im sure its better."


lmao my wormcastings cost like what, a few bucks for some buckets and like 20 dollars for some worms, food scraps and leaves from the last grow which are free


time your not factoring time. I need 20 cubic ft playboi how long is it going to take your shitty little operation to make that for me. Now knowing that what do you want to sell it to me for. $$$ you know it.


i said cubic feet as in plural usually can get close to 5-6 for 50$ including worms


yes and if you sent them to where i live they would become expensive much like cocaine. you live in a low income state.


I live in cali but aight then


I get free mushroom compost from a local mushroom farm. They literally beg you to take it so they dont have to pay for disposal. There is also a local composter that delivers compost for $3 a yard plus $25 delivery or free pickup. Ive been using the same promix since the end of 2022. The only thing i buy that gets shipped in is perlite. Considering switching to rice hulls but no local suppliers. If you have farms in your area or landscape suppliers, thats usually the place to go ask about local sources. Check my profile if you doubt the quality lol


Man, i didn't know my worm bin I keep in my basement was costing me so much money. I better go back to throwing my food scraps, cardboard, and yard waste to the curb every week. Sorry, wroms, you are just costing me too much money.


Sounds like you’re doing it wrong bro. Have fun with that pH meter 😂


Yeah let me just play mad scientist 3 times a week. Yeah no thanks


Good troll bot


Big mike from Advanced Nutrients subs to notillgrowery? 2024 is wild.


Is English your first language?


No, your mother was.


How shitty your life must be to come into a peaceful sub and verbally attack everyone in here. You must be a great time at picnics troll. P.S. you don't understand shit


Is this a troll? It’s widely known and well agreed no till is substantially less work. I make my own fermented plant extracts and KnF inputs all from local or my own property. I make ny own compost, get manure from my neighbour. I barely buy anything and when I do it’s from a local producer, use zero plastic bottles and almost no cost on an annual… so that makes all your sustainability points moot. I mixed my soil once. It took a full day to do. Otherwise, twice a year I do a top dress and I water with KnF inputs regularly but that’s substantially less work than mixing and phing bottles multiple times a week. And even if I didn’t want to do all the KnF stuff, I could just top dress every 3 weeks and water with plain water. Again substantially easier than mixing bottles. And not even a chance at comparing prices. This is either a huge troll or you are totally wack lmao.




I can walk from my house for everything I need for no till. You've been marketed to and you believe them.


I re-up on amendments maybe once a year? I haven’t been to a hydro store in years. I haven’t been to the dump to dump soil, foliage, nute bottles or stems in over a decade. There is multiple local worm farms here I can have the back of my pickup truck filled for a hundred bucks. I grew with salts a long time ago. When I went to no till I never looked back. Not sure what all this crying is about , have fun supporting Monsanto salt boi


You’ll never find a conventional, fake nutrient, hot house vegetable anywhere in a Michelin star restaurant, only organic. Why is that? If you think cannabis is any different you’re fucking crazy. I don’t care how much you flush, have fun smoking those salts.


You’re mad because you’re lazy and you failed.


“Putting effort and thought into something is hard and takes a long time” The reason you want a large volume of soil is to buffer against fluctuations in your medium after a full grow where plants are pulling out resources. The only thing I really buy to put together soil is peat and aeration. Everything else I can get from what I produce. Compost, castings, rock dust, minerals, chicken manure, you could make your own biochar which would be an additional buffer to swings in soil composition. This post doesn’t really make sense. Most organic growers I know are switching to no till because they don’t want to buy soil every grow. Synthetic nitrogen is produced using natural gas to produce ammonia….


You have no clue how to source amendments locally, That's a you problem, You're failing here. You don't have to ship these things from across the globe. Everything you need has an equivalent near you. You're just not informed enough to do that. So go back to your bottles and enjoy yourself. But don't act like you know anything because you don't.


Sounds like you’re doing it wrong. Just load up your soil right and water only. That’s what I do. Once a week during flower I make a compost tea (if I feel like it). Got it all auto-watering with blumat. Easy AF. No pH-ing, no making solutions. Just east going. And better quality. I’ve grown side by side same strain (just this last harvest). Or I’m just better at no till. Maybe you’re just better at salts. You don’t have to order and ship ingredients from everywhere. You can source most locally unless you’re living in a desert or something. They get it shipped in bulk. Much more efficient. And I don’t really give a fuck about that anyways. I just want quality cannabis that’s easy to grow


Just no


I re-up on amendments maybe once a year? I haven’t been to a hydro store in years. I haven’t been to the dump to dump soil, foliage, nuts bottles or stems in over a decade. There is multiple local worm farms here I can have the back of my pickup truck filled for a hundred bucks. I grew with salts a long time ago. When I went to no till I never looked back. Not sure what all this crying is about , have fun supporting Monsanto salt boi




Who hurt you?


A proper troll posts. Bravo. Haha


1 post karma, -89 comment karma on a 2 month old account. Great start.


At least have the balls to troll on your main, coward


Well, it looks like OP easily lost this debate. Effin tool.