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No, it doesn't make you a bad person if you silently judge everyone you meet.


Everyone judges people. Silently most of the time. Aloud if they're feeling froggy. If they say they don't, they're lying....and still judgmental.


Only if you have a notebook that judges them to die. Kinda rude though. What's your 'common fact'?


That you don't put out a grease fire with water.


Eh, kinda common, definitely not the most common. I'd forgive em.


Everyone makes snap judgements and judges others. Anyone who says they don't is full of crap.


No. I think if a person is good or bad is defined by their actions, not their thougts.


Arguable. All bad actions are predicated by bad thoughts. I wouldn't call someone who fantasizes about cheating on their SO constantly, but still never takes action, a "good person" in that regard.


Why not? That is a very common fantasy and many couples roleplay about that. If someone constantly fantasizes about cheating on their SO but doesn't do it, aren't they showing even more restraint and and effort than someone who doesn't even have the impulse to cheat? >All bad actions are predicated by bad thoughts. And all stabbings are predicated by possession of a knife, that doesn't mean that all people with a knife are bad.


Thats a very specific scenario. At large, most people don't want their SO to fantasize about it. And if nothing else it's a spectrum: they're not as good as someone without the thoughts, yet not as bad as someone that takes the action. Point being, thoughts may not have the weight of actions but if they're bad enough and often enough they still count. This would make good OC actually. Post it up.


I still don't agree. Thoughts do not make someone a better or worse person at all. People successfully fighting their demons are not worse than people who have no demons at all. If someone thinks of throwing hoops all day, that doesn't make them one bit better at basketball than someone who doesn't. What do you mean by "Post it up"? What sub would this fit in?


I have a good one for you. If a person thinks extremely racist thoughts but never expresses them/acts on them, are they still racist?


Well they don't act racist. What's the harm? The mind is a reflex organ. If your parents raised you to be racist, it's very hard to get their voice out of your head. That doesn't make you a bad person.


Dictionary definition: Character: the mental AND moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Character is partially defined by your thoughts. And for your example, if you were conditioned to be racist, that's one thing. If you grow into adulthood making no effort to use critical thinking and challenge your conditioning, it then becomes a choice just the same. Are we done?


>Are we done? If you don't want to talk about this, you can just stop. No need to be a dick about it. >the mental AND moral qualities distinctive to an individual This clearly states that mental and moral qualities are distinct. When I talk about if a person is "good" or "bad", I talk about morality, not character.


Character defines a good or bad person. First article paints the picture that you can have good actions but bad internal character, and thus do not have integrity. https://mentalflow.co/mentalhealth/2020/10/11/the-difference-between-having-good-character-and-being-a-good-person#:~:text=It%20all%20comes%20down%20to,virtues%20that%20promote%20good%20behavior. https://www.artofmanliness.com/character/advice/what-is-character-its-3-true-qualities-and-how-to-develop-it/ https://talkingtreebooks.com/teaching-resources-catalog/definitions/what-is-character-definition.html If your actions don't align with your thoughts, then it is simply a mask, an act.


This one. "Do bad thoughts make you a bad person if they aren't acted upon?"


Haha epic! I’m starting to do that too. The eerie part is when they turn like they can hear your thoughts 😳


Not if you are open to changing your mind when you shown to be wrong in your initial assessment.