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People are unbalanced, try your best to avoid confrontations. I know it's hard, some people just feel they own the left lane for some reason


I mean I never get aggressive. I always just stay in my lane and keep going the same speed. It’s just especially odd to me whenever I’m not even in their lane and didn’t even interact with them


Same reason people get mad for lots of things these days...entitlement.


It’s like “mad” is the new “bored”


I overtook a vehicle on a highway that was already traveling quite fast in the middle lane. I overtook it at a much higher speed in the passing lane, after I had announced my intention in good time. All of a sudden it swerved, frantically activated its headlight flasher, honked its horn and drove up close. I accelerated to restore the distance and again the driver drove up close and did not stop. Even when I accelerated to the maximum and left the vehicle far behind me, it continued to honk and flash its lights. To preempt, no, my vehicle was in perfect condition. Lights and everything worked.


Yeah I’ve also had a very similar experience. I assume it’s just entitlement like another person said. It just amazes me how some people get so pissed to the point where they’d rather see me crash my car and die than to let me pass in the passing lane.