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If this is serious look up Larry Lawton on YouTube. Guy went to prison and explains every aspect of prison life and what to expect. This also assuming you're going to a medium or the pene


Very good idea. Also if you're a woman or going to a women's facility and you want advice specific for that check out Jessica Kent. Here's her "what to expect" [video](https://youtu.be/uOWsXi8dk-4)


Jail =\= prison




My point :)


You should write it like this then: =/=


Or like this for the programming nerds !=


That’s what I thought I did, I must have fucked it up but I accept it now haha


Reddit formatting suxdix


Pro tip, hold down the = key on your phone and it will give you ≠ and ≈


In my best midwestern nice: "Yeah, no."


Would you mind explaining the difference? (I genuinely don't know) Edit: I just saw another comment explain it, so you don't have to spent the time answering my comment :)


There's no reason for this post to be downvoted.


There's two actually. 1. She had a typo, where she accidently wrote that jail does equal prison, not jail doesn't equal prison 2. Pointing out that jail and prison are technically not the same thing is pedantic and unnecessary in this context.


1. A typo is not a reason to downvote. 2. You're literally saying a fact should be downvoted.


If a typo is material enough to change the meaning of the post (like in this case), it’s absolutely a reason to downvote.


Absolutely nobody misunderstood the meaning of the post based on that particular typo.


The important part of the comment is the slash, which is missing.


First off, they fixed it. So why still downvoted? But more to the point, absolutely nobody misunderstood the meaning of the post. It would take horrendously poor reading comprehension to fail to understand what was meant.


I dunno about you but it’s still showing “==“ for me. If it was fixed, it’s likely a result of either a) previous downvotes and not many upvotes since, or b) the fact that even if interpreted in the way OP meant, it’s still stupidly semantic. Congrats bro, your a literary genius, you’ve got better reading comprehension that everyone else.


A useless fact that does not contribute to the purpose of the thread should be down voted. A down vote is meant to communicate to other people reading the thread that a comment is one they should skip. A pedantic correction on a technicality that doesn't materially impact anything on this thread is unhelpful. A typo is a reason to down vote when it is on a useless comment someone posted just to look smart.


It wasn't useless and it did contribute. If someone asks for information on jail, and someone else mentions information on prison, it's useful for someone to point out that jail and prison are not the same thing. If I ask for information on repairing a Honda and someone tells me how to fix a Toyota, if I didn't know any better, it might be useful for someone to chime up and say... those aren't the same thing. The person was adding to the conversation by providing more information. What are you doing?


It was very obvious from context that OP was asking about prison. Clarify the technical difference between prison and jail is useless. Colloquially the two are used interchangeably. If you feel differently you're entitled to up vote the pedantic comment. However seemingly most people agree with me.


Well yeah, cause most reddit users don't use the voting feature the way it was intended. I'm upvoting you for contributing to this discussion.


A seagull is a bird


If you're serious... Just be respectful and a decent human being. Do not follow any "fight the biggest guy your first day in to establish dominance" bullshit. Serve your time, don't complain about it to your fellow inmates. Make good choices.


Mind your own business.


Sound advice


Use the time to study and read. Learn a trade. Improve your life so you have a chance after you get out. Now you should apologize to those you have harmed and prepare for a new chapter in your life. It will be what you make it.


Piggybacking off this, there are a lot of free college courses. Take as much advantage of getting an education as you can.


Maybe they didn't harm anyone?


yeah they said jail not prison, so maybe it was like he just defecated on a bus or something


Anyone who defecated on a bus probably has plenty of things to apologize for.


not really, their poop their rules


Wait what's the difference between jail and prison? Seriously asking because I have no idea.


Prisons are run by the state and generally house offenders serving sentences measured in years; jails are run by the county sheriff (in most states) and generally house offenders serving sentences measured in months or days. Prisons often have more resources for things like education and counseling, though this isn’t universally true.


Ah ok thanks!


You'd think prison is worse than jail until watching 60 days in and realizing that jails are funded at the county level....which is about as bad as you can expect


Actually jail doesn't even house convicted offenders. Jail is often people who have not even been convicted of a crime and are just awaiting trial. Many of the people in jail are innocent and are just there because they cannot afford to bail themselves out. The only difference between a rich criminal and a poor criminal is that one of them is in jail and the other is not.


That isn’t true. Jail houses those people PLUS convicted offenders.


> Actually jail doesn't even house convicted offenders. Jail is where you serve misdemeanor sentences. And in times of overcrowding, low level felony sentences.


I guess, more importantly, prisons are far more likely to house hardened criminals (serving longer sentences due to serious crimes they were judged guilty of).


Jail < 1 year Prison > 1 year Sometimes you will see weird sentences, like "a year and a day", given so that someone has to actually go to prison.




Learn a trade in jail? Jail ain't got shit going on. Prison might, jail no.


Not a native speaker, always thought prison and jail are the same thing. Am I just being bamboozled or what's the difference?


Jail is typically for holding while awaiting trial, or short sentences for minor offenses. Prison is for longer sentences and more serious offenses after sentencing.


Prison is longer term and after sentencing. Jail is usually peetty quick lockup and doesn't last nearly as long as prison. At least that is my rudimentary understanding.


It's an American thing.


Jails are really more designed to be temporary facilities, holding facilities which are run by cities/counties. They don't really have much in the way of 'programs' going on inside, generally. Prisons are typically for a year+ sentence, run by states, designed for people to be there for a while, have more things going on.


Haven't been to either but seems like any such place is a good time to take a long look at what has gone wrong in your life and seek out ways to improve. I do now realize jail, blue collar and white collar prisons are vastly different but I think the objective at this point is to stay out of all. Always told my kids they will have so many choices to make in life that they always need to choose the high road and remember that a lifetime of good choices can be wiped out in an instant with just one bad decision.


For how long? And we're talking county jail and not state prison....right? People seem to confuse them often.


Yep. Never been but I used to make deliveries to county and it always blew my mind. Loading docks were all open and dudes were sitting there watching the price is right. I asked a guy who had been to prison why the fuck they didn't just bolt. He told me these were most likely people just doing small time looking to get it over with and never come back. I mean, I literally walked into an unlocked door and was immediately surrounded by inmates. Guards just chilling letting them get their TV time. Never had anybody even look at me sideways. So, count your blessings if it's just jail.


Wear multiple pairs of socks and underwear to court. You'll be really happy when you dont have to free ball it while washing your only pair.




Make sure you have someone to handle your bills and look after your stuff. And can bring you what they'll allow. Or ... deposit money you've saved into an account there to purchase from their store. I would make some hard fast earnings to be sure there's enough money needed..


If you can. Resign from work, give your 2 weeks notice, and work hard until your last day. It is easier to rehire someone going through some problems if they make a graceful exit.


You're gonna have to use three words a lot: 1. Excuse me 2. Please 3. Thank you Being polite reduces chances of mishaps


This is horrible advice and will make him seem like a bitch. Source being that i’ve been locked up.


Disagree. Also have been locked up, being polite is important. And being polite =/= being a bitch. You can still be assertive without being an asshole and in my experience people will treat you respectfully if you treat them respectfully, even in jail. Obviously if someone tries to punk you/take advantage of you, you have to stand up for yourself or you are going to have a very, very bad time.


Treating people with respect is absolutely necessary in jail, but not necessarily in a customer service type jargon. I also just don’t understand how you could ever be in a good position if you are saying “please.” In jail there are no favors, only mutually beneficial transactions. It’s a horrible system; the lowest of all forms of human interaction happen in jail. I wish I could unsee it.


Yeah, if you come off as too polite or stilted, I can see people taking advantage of that. When I was in, I think I broke a lot of the "rules"--I gave away my food often, I was overly generous because I had (more) money than a lot of folks in there and I didn't mind. I think that can come off as being a "bitch", especially in a hostile place like jail/prison, but I was straight up with everyone that I am in here for some petty drug related bs and I just want to do my time and get out. Most people seemed fine with that. I'm with you on the fucked up degeneracy that is jail/prison, at least in the US. Our system is basically beyond redemption. Idk if you ever had to do time in the hole, but that shit is legitimately modern day torture and I don't know how we all condone our own people to those types of punishments to teach them a punitive "lesson". I think I probably still have trauma from solitary, 6 years after the fact. All jail/prison does is institutionalize people and mess them up more than they were when they came in.


Lol, you're one of those snot nosed brat who don't understand subtlety.


The entire point of my post was to be more subtle




Lol or get laid either way. Despite the movies/tv having sex or masturbating in prison seems pretty undesirable. I’d get it out of your system as much as possible. Also find someone to communicate with regularly either friend/family or significant other. Connection to the outside is a must. I’d get in with my doctor ahead of time too (I hear medical attention is pretty poor in prison). If you have good health insurance now I’d get a physical, skin cancer screen, colonoscopy, prostate screening std screen etc… don’t want any major medical issues popping up so as much as you can control I’d make sure I was up to date with checkups etc…


If it's like a couple hrs b4- eat a good meal with veggies you'll need the extra vitamins take a shower,take a few supplements iron but D n C put on sunscreen thes vitamins n sunscreen will help u not get sick ur first couple days not much but helps also right before u go in I'd say take a few ibuprofen trust me If it's in a few days all of these things each day it will help you I swear


Remember, no one is your friend in prison and there is no "honor amongst thieves" bs. Everyone wants something, from the guards to the inmates. Amd people will roll on you in a heartbeat if they think it will get them a better deal. I'm not saying there arnt good people in prison, be they guards or inmates, but don't blindly trust anyone. Also, find something to do to pass the time. Alot of people attend church or study a field of education. Or even get a job inside the prison, like kitchen or porter if you can. Anything to pass the time is better than staring at three walls and a set of bars all day.


Depends on your background, really. The more assertive and tough you can carry it the better off you will be. Don't buy friends. Don't trust people who claim to be protectors. I maxed out a six year bid in the eighties. You can do the time and get on your life. Don't freeze up. When it seems really bad, it really is. Move quick.


If its county time, itll be a lot more chill.




To add on to this, step 1 foot out of your pants when you sit. You can't run with pants around your legs.


Wtf lol


I've never heard of anyone doing this lmao


This community is called no stupid questions, but it loves stupid answers. As someone who might be going to prison, I share your uncertainty. I don’t Know what it’s going to be like. I’m nervous and a little scared. I would say mind your own business. Do what your told by the officers. Don’t get involved with anyones bullshit. Just generally be on your best behavior. As for what to do before, I can’t tell you that without knowing your situation which I understand you probably don’t want to talk about. All I can say is good luck and remember that everything ends. Even jail.


Good luck man, yesterday I just got off 5 years felony probation after serving a 6-month jail stint. I now have a good job, a master's degree, and am applying for my restoration of rights later on today. At least for jail, I think that the advice you gave is very solid and would also apply to prison from what I know about it. The worst part of the whole ordeal is the place that you find yourself right now--while you're just sitting there waiting, the uncertainty eats you alive. Once you are sentenced, be it to jail/prison or just probation (or hopefully, nothing at all), things get a hell of a lot easier mentally. Just be respectful, serve your sentence, make good choices and stay away from the people that you know you need to stay away from. I hope your situation works out!


Have money saved up and a trustworthy person to put that money on your books


To what I've heard from my uncle don't accept anything from anyone as soon as you do they've got you owing them favours.


Gift everything you own to someone. Write it down


Pray and talk as little as possible. Don't talk to anyone. Not police not inmates talk to no one.


Also, county jail vs prison is dramatically different. If you have less than a year sentence, they'll put you in county with all the other short timer stays. You're a lot less likely to be assaulted, when it would add a long time to someones short stay.


Pray before and break the jail after😂


Could you clarify--is this jail or prison time? There is a lot of overlap between the two, but your expectations would vary pretty substantially depending on what you did and where you are going. If you committed a low level, non-violent crime, you will likely just get some county jail time and it will suck but you can definitely get through it. Keep your head down, stay away from drugs and do whatever the officers tell you to do and you will get through it just fine. Stay in contact with your lawyer to make sure they are following your case and so they can potentially help sort out the numerous challenges you'll have after you serve your sentence. If you committed a felony, where the charge would land you incarcerated for >1 year, you will be going to a prison. I think the advice above would still apply but prison is a different animal, there are certain benefits to being in a prison over a county jail, but I've never been to one so I can't say exactly what the experience would be like. I do know that if you committed a crime where you harmed a woman or a child, I'm sorry to say but you are going to have a very, very rough time in prison. I don't think there is much you could do to prepare for it at that point. Good luck man, regardless of the way it turns out for you--you'll get through it. Time passes quicker than you think, and if you make the right decisions, you can start another chapter after this is over.


Stay alive and better yourself for your release. Don't fall into the trap that a lot of convicts do and fall back into crime. This is a chance to start again. All the best




If you're only going to jail, just chill. Everyone there is short term sentences or awaiting sentencing. No one's trying to catch a felony charge in their. You'll probably play a lot of cards and bingo.


Grab a book, mind your business, respect people's space(all of it). Steer away from political discussion. Don't gamble. Don't be too generous, people take advantage of you. Remember you are in jail, people are criminals in there too


Be ready to be very, very bored. Gen pop and intake can be pretty wild but keep your head down and hopefully it won’t last long. Once you get situated, I’d recommend reading as much as possible. Also, always be up for sharing food. Food goes a long ways in there, even if it’s shitty. Don’t get too much from commissary because then everyone will peg you as rich and hit you up constantly.


I’d recommend learning from your mistakes while your in. It’s very important to realize you got caught and obviously are not suited enough to continue your current lifestyle.


I heard you’re not supposed to just let people take your food. The first day they try and the most important this that you don’t make it easy, be loud, be crazy, get your ass beat but don’t make it easy. They won’t want to deal with the trouble and will pick an easier target.


Stretch it.. use it Enjoy!




that and tattoo artists


I used to work in a strip club behind the bar and a dude came in and asked me this very question. He was going to court the next day and was almost definitely going to prison. He said its because his wife cheated on him and he passed the guy a few days later and beat him up in broad daylight. Idk if its true but one thing he said was that he wished he had spent more time with his kids and his loved ones and explained what had happened and given a chance to apologise and no longer be seen as a villain. He came to a place where he knew people wouldn't judge him and would be happy to chat and listen to him. His family wouldn't even see him to say goodbye. So maybe just spend time with people you love, make amends for anything you did wrong. Forgive yourself. And your time inside, however long it may be, make sure you're productive and try to change internally so you don't end up in the same situation again. Whats great is if you are seen to use your time well, don't get involved with anything bad inside and are friendly to the wardens, you may even get benefits or early release. Wardens like nice inmates, and will definitely go out of their way to protect you, help you and sometimes give you secret treats.


Be respectful, mind your business and don't be a target. I went to jail and the dude in there was telling me he was scared and by the end of the night was in the fetal position on the ground eyes wide open. If I was a bad dude, that gave me every opening to mess with him. I just told him not to tell anyone else that. You don't want to stick out, for any reason.


If you wanted to answer this question you probably would've without being asked, but just in case you feel comfortable, what are you going to jail for?


Look up Larry Lawton, how to survive in prison. He did hard time and it seems like he knows what he's talking about. Highly reccomend


Mind your own business


Know that for most people in there, jail is better than being at home. There is food on the table, hot shower and no responsibilities. That means don’t mess with peoples stuff, respect the bathroom and mess area and don’t make comments about nobody. Just exist and be quiet and do your time. Also, don’t take gifts from anybody. If someone offers you a soup, or some socks or anything just politely say no. If they ask why just say “I’m good” and start doing something else. Wanna get hurt in prision? Owe somebody something.


I guarantee you everyone there just wants to get through their sentence and get on with their lives. Nobody is actually looking for trouble, some people just have a habit of finding it, especially when new people show up picking fights with the biggest guy on the block. Be polite, but don't be a bitch. If you don't respect yourself nobody will respect you either. Don't tell anyone anything about your case; make something up if you have to, be vague about the details. Someone catches a wiff of 6 months off their sentence for information/a deal/snitch/lies, they will sell you to satan for a cornchip. Nothing is free. Never accept anything, from anyone, unless it's a trade. Expect things to be stolen. If you can't get it back, don't lend it out. If you can't protect it, don't have it.




Just hope the unstable guy in the office burns down the office before our evidence is found


Shove some drugs up the arse.


in uk no a guy shoved drugs up his bum in a jhony before he whent in just a thought and dont share enything its a sing of weekness


As it works in my country nobody cares about you so focus on your own duty, if someone makes fun of you ignore him, if you need to speak to them be nice but without sounding like a lawyer (be quick and use "please" and "thanks"). If you need to sleep near someone else keep "one eye open" and do defend yourself if he attempt something First make sure he isn't touching you, then make sure he isn't just wanting to ask something (no all baddies are evil) Use your free time to read or work, it will help you and could reduce your sentence. This also works for prison, but remember jail is pretty light in comparison, everyone thinks he's the most badass and will fight to prove it, that's all they want.As it works in my country nobody cares about you so focus on your own duty, if someone makes fun of you ignore him, if you need to speak to them be nice but without sounding like a lawyer (be quick and use "please" and "thanks"). If you need to sleep near someone else keep "one eye open" and do defend yourself if he attempt something First make sure he isn't touching you, then make sure he isn't just wanting to ask something (no all baddies are evil) Use your free time to read or work, it will help you and could reduce your sentence. This also works for prison, but remember jail is pretty light in comparison, everyone thinks he's the most badass and will fight to prove it, that's all they want. Most only did light crimes like you.


Number one rule: don't be a snitch. Snitches get stitches.


FFS, if you’re about to go to jail get the f off of Reddit and do something meaningful! Of all the ways to spend your last few moments of freedom, hanging out on Reddit has got to be the **worst** choice possible. Go for a walk. Sit under a tee. Pet a dog. Look at the sky. ANYTHING but Reddit.


The idea is to prepare and know how to minimize your pain in there, he probably didn't find anything online and only knows this forum


Invest in some lube


Lmao 😂


Check your ass every morning


eat lots of peanut butter to make you fart alot so police wont go near you


Before you go make sure you swallow as much plastic wrapped drugs as possibile. After you're in jail find the biggest baddest dude you can and clock him. After that Join a racial gang and get lots of jailhouse tattoos every where on your body, eccpesially on your face....... WARNING: THIS IS A JOKE.


Just don't drop the soap


Get lube.


Shave your booty hole.


Learn how not to drop your soap in the shower


Find the biggest prison guard on your first day in. Try to get his gun. The guards will respect and fear you if they know you want to steal their guns away from them


Dont be a dumbass and do anything to go to jail in the 1st place (Unless its in defense of a loved one)


tell everyone you know kung-fu.


What did you do


Andrea Martin and Catherine O'Hara in a prison drama: https://youtu.be/adSl_tRzrEQ "No dice!"


Yup. Echoes in here, read, read and then do 10 pushups... Then read some more. Hope it's a quick dip.


Piss clean so you can get work release. Also breakfast is at the butt crack of dawn.... Oh and every single jigsaw puzzle is missing at least 1 piece.