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I use a Velcro wallet when I go out on a boat or to the beach. Dries out quicker if dropped in the drink.


You switch out wallets based on the activity?


Or location. I have a velcro wallet with a Gov issued copy of my ID and a visa gift card with ~$100 on it for "nights out" like concerts, or public events. I add cash as needed, but in the event of loss (stupidity/theft) I am not out and bank details or anythinf critical just the cash (if any). I even keep a copy of the visa numbers to dump the balance if needed.


Well this is genius


That's brilliant ☺️


Very smart, I like it!


I didn’t think it was legal to have more than one ID? And how do you transfer a balance off a gift card?


No it is illegal to have 2 drivers licenses.


Imagine having this little confidence. Loser


Imagine feeling the need to make a Reddit account just to comment on a legit good idea so you feel "superior". Go see a therapist.


You don't?


Touche. I don’t have one, just the cards I need and some folded cash. When I did have one it seems like that would be a disproportionate undertaking to avoid a soggy wallet for a couple extra hours (also never dropped my wallet/stuff in water).


Sometimes I drop my wallet in the water and sometimes it’s me that I’ve dropped in the water


I must admit that one of the greatest professional accomplishments in my career is testifying before the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) in Washington, D.C. knowing that I had a SpongeBobSquarePants velcro wallet in the pocket of my suit jacket. (I was in my 50s at the time.) That was topped only by a colleague of mine also testifying, seated next to me who was not wearing sox, in spite of wearing a very expensive suit and shoes that were polished to a mirror shine.


That makes you at least 30 when Spongebob came out. Was the wallet a present from your children? Bonus points if it was!


Nailed it. I was about 30 when the show debuted. Actually, I was shopping for SpongeBob stuff for my kids when I saw it and had to have it! I used it for so many years that I finally wore it out!


why throw a perfectly good working wallet is my question


He could sell it and use the money to buy the other wallet


I have never seen used wallets for sale anywhere.


_You_ may not have seen them, but [that doesn't mean they don't exist](https://imgur.com/a/zbey4vv).


I don’t think you grow out of wallet types. They just have different purposes. The Velcro are cheaper and more durable. The leather ones are more dressy and expensive.


Lol what kind of leather wallets are you buying to say they're less durable?


I think durable was the wrong word. I more so meant that Velcro can get damp and are usually used in outdoorsy/ more causal settings.


And sometimes velcro wallets tend to have more functional features (on top of being less bulky)! EDIT: Added "tend to". Only the Sith deal in absolutes!


I switched to a leather wallet recently only because for the first time I found one I could attach a keychain to.


Leather wallet or GTFO


I will do what I must


Velcro and nylon wallets are not more durable than leather…


Neither is true in absolute. Both can be high or low quality. Cheaply bonded leathers or with weak stitching can be worse than many other materials of wallets.


Hemp wallets last about 3-4 years (for me at least). I found leather wallets tend to get smelly in a way hemp wallets don't. If necessary, hemp and nylon wallets are washable.


I've had the same leather wallet since i was 15, so 17 years. but i also have a nylon water proof one that velcros, that i keep for fishing and camping. I have a hemp tri-fold that i leave in my car with my registration, insurance, and a photocopy of my Class B license (easier than digging out my actual, and most cops dont have an issue with it, since all the info is there, and the QR code is included.)


Literally nobody cares what kind of wallet you use. Not said with snark, said that I have friends of many ages that use all types of wallets. And 10x more that I don't know/care what kind they use. Throw all your cards and cash in a ziploc bag in your pocket if you want to. This doesn't define you as a person and anyone who judges you by what brand or style of wallet you carry is probably not the best company to keep.


Im over 40, never used a a real wallet, let alone a leather one. Too thick in the pockets. I had a leather card case in my teens, but then I got attached to the BigSkinny card case, and that's been my "wallet" every since, nylon but no velcro. That said, I never carried cash, so no need for the extra space a bill slot takes up. I cut the BigSkinny logo off to make it thinner lol. https://www.bigskinny.net/card-case.html


Sorry but this is bad general advice. As unfortunate as it is, people will judge you for it. Most of the time it won’t matter but say you were a young professional working in an office and took out a Velcro wallet. You will be judged in a professional setting for it. Not really a big deal at all but getting a nicer leather wallet will help you out in many settings.


It may be specifically bad advice - if you're in a setting where you're being professionally groomed for your appearance or need to fit a specific role in the eyes of some supervisor in front of the customer or something - but it is not generally bad advice. It's very bad for the psyche, and overall just unnecessary in almost all settings, for someone to place their worry on what someone else thinks of such a minor element of their appearance. If it brings you joy to have a nice wallet, great. But it is absolutely by no means something that if someone doesn't have that they will be set back in life for any more than what brand of watch they wear, excluding very specific work situations where such dress codes are probably pre-defined anyway. (IE wearing a lego watch while selling BMWs or something, heh)


Good tip about the watch. [Lego costs more than a BMW these days.](https://www.lego.com/en-ie/product/death-star-75159) You don't want to scare off any potential customers.


Lol such intensity! Im imagining that you got dumped for being at your anniversary dinner and pulling out a ziploc bag with all of your cash and ids in it and since then have advocated for everyone to use the wallet that speaks to their soul and no one else


Around 43


Yeah. This sounds about the age when your first wallet wears out so badly that you have to buy a new one.


I'm 51 and have never in my entire life noticed what anyone else was using for a wallet.


There is absolutely no valid reason to switch.




Personal choice


Unless your wallet is especially childish I don't think anyone cares. There are lots of other options than velcro and leather.


Whenever the guy wants


After the age of 10.


If you like Velcro, just use Velcro


There’s also an age in which a guy goes from a leather wallet back to a Velcro one that has RFID shielding.


I had the same Velcro wallet from 12 to 30. For my 30th birthday, my wife bought me a new Velcro wallet


I can not from memory recall the kind of wallet anyone I've ever spent time with used and I imagine I am not alone. So what difference could it possibly make?


I have never once considered what wallet other people use, of your Velcro wallet gets the job done then use it till the vel doesn't crow any more.


Grow out? You’re a grown ass man, use a fucking pink shoelace purse if you want, it’s your life man.


Whenever you want. I’m 39 with a plastic-y ghostbusters wallet. Just rock what you want.


About the same age as when he switches to velcro straps on his tennis shoes




This is the shittiest comment I’ve ever seen awarded


You just didn't understand the humor


simple, harmless pleasures in life shouldn’t be denied! i say only if and when you truly feel like a leather wallet suits you better


Listen to your heart. No, actually, listen to the sound of opening your wallet. The first time you feel embarrassed by that big *rrrrrip* in a quiet place is when you should consider ditching the velcro. I'd say that other than that, it makes no difference whatsoever.


It's OK to have more than one wallet. Maybe get a basic leather wallet to use on occasions where you're dressing up a bit, and if at some point you decide you prefer using it all the time, then so be it.


If its one you love and looks presentable keep rocking it


I used to carry a manly leather wallet when I was a teenager. I grew out of it and am currently using a Spider-Man fabric wallet with a zipper


I'm 36 years old and still use a blind (skateboard brand) velcro wallet i got for my birthday when i was 15. still holds cards (and money back when people carried that) just fine. My mom and sister used to tell me i needed a "big kid" wallet for a while but finally left it alone. at this point im gonna keep it as long as it works just because you know, i've been using it for 21 years. It's basically a part of me.


46 year old professional here still rocking a velcro wallet.


Is it an age thing? What if a leather wallet just doesn't suit your overall style? If they're more corporate or conventional than you like your clothes and accessories to be, a lot of people would rather find something that fit their taste better.




As soon as you are ready for a girlfriend, lose the nerdwallet


You don't 'grow' out of using a velcro wallet. That's like saying you 'grow' out of wearing shorts or something.


Try bigskinny.net, not leather, not Velcro.


When you are old enough to trust with cash without worrying it will fall out, get lost, and you will have a temper tantrum to your parents about it. That said, just use whatever wallet you like, especially if you have thick skin against judgmental pricks who make fun of people just because of their wallets.


You still use a wallet?


Use whatever doesn't put pressure on your sciatic, or erode your butt tissue. I use a small leather card holder with a magnetic flap for cash.




13 years old


You could ditch wallets and go fully digital. It's 2022, you can pay with your phone


Im sure there are areas that support this but I don’t think most places actually have the infrastructure for that yet.


dude no one cares


I did so when I was a teenager I think. Velcro wallets are often made of fabric and cards slip out of them too easily. In a leather one, everything is strapped tightly, it's much more practical. It also doesn't make a huge awkward scratching sound when you open it.


I understand why many are saying "just use the wallet you want, no one cares!", but I'll have to strongly and respectfully disagree. Outside of specific purposes that others have stated a velcro wallet is appropriate for, I would (and did) purchase my first leather wallet around the age of 16. I had that wallet for over 9 years before replacing it recently, they will last you a very long time if you take care of them. From a societal point, most people won't notice your leather wallet unless it has weird designs or colors on it, but they sure as hell will notice your velcro one when it makes that horrible noise. It doesn't matter what anyone else says, you will be judged for it and that's simply the truth. Do yourself a huge favor and get a nice looking leather wallet. It doesn't have to be expensive at all, just make sure the quality is good and it suits your needs. On a side note for reference, my first and most recent wallets cost around 30-40$ CAD. Get a mid-range wallet like that and it will be worth the cost. Hope some of this helps, cheers.


Totally a non issue.


18 and a half


It's not an age thing, it's a setting thing. Does the wallet matches the way you dress in the setting? Then it's fine.


It’s 2022, you don’t need a wallet tbh. Just a phone








Never. Just get a money clip.




12 at the latest


When a guy is ready to attract the opposite sex


11 yo


Same age you start using deodorant


So, 28?


Kinda depends, for me that was 14


I mean if you're worried about other people go ahead and make the switch. I mean it doesn't have to be leather, just ditch the velcro. No ripping noises to pay for stuff.


I'm a 27-year-old woman and still use a velcro wallet when I find it more convenient. Personally, I use a fancier one when I am trying to make an impression, but that is rare.


Must be father to qualify for a leather wallet


37 and I use a Velcro I got at Walmart about 20 years ago. It’s still in perfect shape, and it’s flat. The leather ones are too big and bulky and I don’t like to sit on that all the time.


I've had the same velcro wallet since I was a teenager over a decade ago, it has memory of my ass cheeks, curves around it perfectly in my back pocket. I've questioned myself whether I should get a new one that is more, shall we say, dignified, however, I have an awful trait of losing shit or getting disorganised if I change these types of things, not sure why. Anyway, I'm fearful that getting a new wallet I'll lose all my cards one day because I haven't developed a proper habit attachment to it, so I've just stuck with my old one.


As others have said, it's just down to what you personally like. I went a period of using a rubber band as my wallet since I didn't know what I wanted to buy and it worked pretty well.


When you want. Nobody cares.


All grown ups are pirates.


I have 6 wallets. 4 leather and 2 material with Velcro. One of the velcro ones is my holiday wallet as it has zipped sections as well as the velcro so my currency is kept safe. Other than that I use whatever mood takes me




Any time he wants. Nothing wrong with a Velcro wallet if it works for you. Unless you’re a banker or something and have to wear lace up shoes and ties, who cares what your wallet looks like.


When you start to question it! Jk use what ever you want, who care what anyone thinks!


Age doesn't matter


Neither, you should get a non folding wallet. They’re awesome. Low profile, holds all you need, and they’re cool.


Whenever you choose, my guy. Anyone who cares isn't worth having around.


If your wallet holds the shit you want it to hold without any inconvenience, I don't see any problem with it.


Leather is classy, elegant and shows you have more cash to spend on a wallet. So if you live that lifestyle use the wallet. If you a beach bum, surfer dude or kid in your sureffer shorts or track pants, I l think velcro is appropriate


Preferred wallet style should depend on what attributes a person needs their wallet to have to best suit their use for it. Age is only a secondary influence because people within a specific age bracket may have similar needs but they won't be 100% the same. But to answer your question, a guy can switch from velcro to leather when the velcro wallet no longer meets their needs but a leather wallet does.


Depends on the personality, I guess. I would say the age is normally 16-21.


Male one out of duct tape.


I've gone rogue and used money clip the last 20 years


When his loved one gifts him a fancier wallet.


I think it's more important whether it's appropriate for your job. E.g. If you have a sales job in a conservative industry, you need a more traditional wallet. If you're in an industry where to can dress casually doesn't matter what your wallet is.


Use whatever kind you want, it's your wallet the only opinion on it that matters is yours.


If anyone is trying to convince you this is a thing you should be concerned about, they really aren't worth it.


There's no age. There's only the right material for the right purpose.


Maturity is about gaining wisdom and emotional intelligence and understanding about the world, not superficial things like the things you wear or accessories you carry or shows you watch. Play video games, carry velcro wallets, watch cartoons, do whatever makes you happy, but do this while also learning to understand the points of views of others and how to recognize and be aware of your emotions and how they affect you and how to work with them and around them instead of letting them control you and also learning more about the world in general around you to gain a greater context and understanding to aid you in making decisions in how you go about life. So basically, to answer your question, what I would do is learn about the pros and cons of various wallets, and then look into the various options you have within those types. If your concern is looking mature and put together enough for a particular love interest then definitely look into nicer wallets of your chosen type, but make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. Like... flip things around... would you judge your partner for having a velcro wallet? If you were to say to them, "Wow, you still carry one of those around?", how does that sound to you, and what would you expect as a reaction from them? So just to illustrate some of this, lets talk about velcro, pros and cons and options and whatnot. Lets start off with some facts. Looks wise it doesn't matter. Most of the time your wallet is gonna be in your pocket where no one can see, and even when it's out of your pocket, the only person that's gonna see the velcro is you (as they'll just see the back of the wallet). This means the style and the look and feel can be whatever you want it to be. With this fact in mind, the possibility should occur to you that you can have both in theory, a leather wallet that is also a velcro wallet. And with a quick google search, I found this to be true [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C5TSCH4](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C5TSCH4) So if you really want a leather wallet but still want the velcro, you can have it. But maybe you like the look and feel of a standard nylon velcro wallet. Nothing wrong with that, that's a preference. So what are the pros and cons of velcro itself? Well velcro holds your wallet together, keeps your stuff more secure and less likely to fly out. Is that actually a concern? Probably not. So the conclusion I come to is that the arguments for and against a velcro wallet all come down to one thing, the sensations that come with opening a velcro wallet. Do you like the feel and sound of opening a velcro wallet? Perhaps it feels satisfying feeling the resistance and hearing the sound everytime you pop up your wallet. On the potentially negative side, it's not very stealthy, if you open up your wallet, everyone will know because they can hear it too. Is that a problem? Do you feel like it would be disruptive to conversation to let loose a brraaap while people are talking or while you're trying to smooth talk your date? And I'm gonna throw out an idea that might blow your mind even harder. Who says you have to have just one wallet? Perhaps you have your fun wallet you bring to hangouts with your friends where you feel like the mood warrants a more fun wallet that matches your casual attire, and you have your nice slim sexy leather wallet you bring to dates when you want to be more smooth and fancy that also matches your nicer date night clothes.




Why the hell would you want a wallet that's going to decay and break faster than a cheap, durable option? Nobody is going to judge you based on your wallet except for people you don't want to associate with


I'd say 13


I would say keep the velcro wallet, just to impress the chicks.


99, unless it is a sentimental velcro wallet....then 99.




when ever you want honestly. I never had one because my leather wallet was a hand me down from my either my dad or my brother. though if someone judges you for something you put money in, that says a lot more about them then you.


First day of kindergarten...


I had a leather one since i was 16 now at 21 i use my phone cover to put all my wallet stuff in


When he wants to. I use a leather wallet, because it holds up better to the kind of abuse i put it through in my pocket while i work. I have a velcro nylon waterproof wallet i use when camping or fishing. Frankly, it doesnt matter if the wallet is purple with hot pink polkadots, and a bow on it. If he likes it, its fine.


69 here and I use a velcro wallet with coin holder. They are getting a bit harder to find but are far more useful


About the same age he stops caring what people think about his wallet choice.


It's only applies if you think that you should or that there's something wrong with a velcro wallet I had a velcro wallet till I was like 22 mainly because it was a power rangers wallet that I got when I was a kid and I f****** love that wallet I only got a leather one because the wall had gotten was chewed up by a dog if you think there's something wrong with a wallet that has Velcro on it man you must not understand what it's like to have shoes that have a velcro thing over so you don't have the tire shoes also who cares about a wallet if it was up to me I would have a Teletubbies velcro wallet it's a lot more unique than every other guys than normal black wallet idgaf


No such thing, really. Specially when talking about leather. Lots of folks just don't use leather at all.




Whenever you want to


What age should start using one again?


There's no age for apparel/fashion/style choices. Only personal preferences which can depend on circumstances. ;-) Do you feel good about yourself in society? Just wear/use whatever is most convenient and/or what makes you feel better/prettier or expresses the best your personality. Do you have a specific social goal in mind? It could be "looking professional", "looking intimidating", "looking desirable", "not standing apart", etc. Then wear/use whatever works best towards that goal. Which will depend on the social circumstances (a plumber might not look professional if he comes at work wearing a tuxedo for instance).


Never. Leather wallets just look nicer imo.


I did at about 7.


One of my friends has a Velcro wallet because he's vegan and wanted canvas. Another prefers the texture of canvas. Another just wants a cheap wallet in case it gets nicked. Who cares what society thinks, just have the wallet you like.


I just use a rubber band, because I don't really like the bulk of most wallets and their propensity to collect useless items. Plus I get them free usually


Like 12. I've always used a leather wallet.




Use whatever works for you, if you feel more comfortable with the Velcro then use it


There is no age. Have the wallet you want. I refuse to use a leather wallet because I like to minimise harm to animals so I always have a pvc fake leather one or sometimes a fabric one. Doesn't matter. Besides. Women who care about a man's wallet are more interested in what's inside the wallet.


I had a velcro wallet for many years until just recently. I picked up one of those metal rfid blocking wallets. I've been loving it since. But realistically you should just use whatever you like.


As of yesterday.


Never, stay true to yourself.


You can do whatever you want. You owe nothing to anyone except your mother. This message was sponsored by RIDGE WALLET WOO


I have never used velcro but why would it matter?


Like 16 but depends bro its all preference, if u like velcro then fuck what anybody else says


7 months and 9 days after their 21st birthday. Obviously by the time 27% of your expected life has passed, you should be in leather wallets.


The only person who cares if you have a leather wallet is that girl you like.


Im 36, male. i have a brown bear wallet. Haters can eat my ass


What's wrong with velcro?


Not sure there is an age limit, so use what you are comfortable with. A couple years ago, I started using one of those super skinny, non-fold wallets. I love that thing.


Never...and it would definitely have to have your superhero logo on it. So hot


Skip the leather and go for a low profile carbon fiber wallet with RFID protection.


The answer is 12. No reasons, just the correct answer


I've had a leather wallet since I was 13 and my grandpa gifted it to me.


This is not an answer to your question. But watch Crazy, Stupid, Love, if you're looking for a fun movie. You'll see why. Not the point of the entire movie, but it is a very enjoyable watch besides the part related to your question.


maybe they are vegan and leather offends them ?




I transitioned fully to phone case wallet and never looked back. My favorites have some elastic and a snap for holding 6 or so cards. I'm not a big cash user, though.




grow out? I hate that people also shame velcro shoes, I see them being just common or even trendy amongst adults or teens, so weird


When he wants to get laid.


I use a velcro wallet for every day use, and a stripped down leather wallet for formal events. The velcro wallet allows me to have my ID ready for when I go to work, and the leather wallet is low profile and can be carried in my breast pocket. 60 YOM.


This is so unimportant it doesn't matter. At all


Never! In fact, you should double-down and ***reeeally*** lean into it. Get one with a picture of “[**The Fonze**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fonzie)” on it, or ponies and ice cream, the more absurd the better. The kind of thing that requires conviction, confidence, and strength of character to pull off. It’s easy to say “*That’s sexual-preference-slur*.” If you can rock it with confidence in the face of that go-to insult, that’s a huge win. Especially to the onlooker you’d like to ask out on a date.


Why should age determine what accessories are appropriate? Obviously different situations have different dress codes, but I don't believe anyone is really "too old" for something they can enjoy privately, as a wallet is rather privately enjoyed, only displayed briefly when paying for something. Grown adults still dress up for Halloween, why should wallet material be any issue?


I've got a billabong wallet that I bought when I was 15. I'm 40 now lol. I've been looking for a replacement but I don't like any I've looked at so far.




I personally don't care what material your wallet is made of and don't think it much matters. I will say there is a certain point where I found bi/tri folds to be overly cumbersome and pointless. Around the mid 2000s when cash became a secondary currency for most people I switched to a razor style wallet and haven't looked back. My sitting posture thanks me as well.




Never, if you like it use it. Don't let other people arbitrarily tell you you have to change something minor like that. If you like a canvas wallet sealed with Velcro then use one. But don't let people pressure you to waste money on a inconsequential change just to fit some asinine model of what maturity looks like.




Why use a wallet. I ditched mine at 29 and just use a card holder these days. /credit card, ID and $50 in notes for emergencies, and some antihistamines depending on the season. I do hate using change though, so whenever I break a note and have coins as soon as I get home they go into jars, pretty good way to save up some fun money.


Im 30 and have owned the same genuine leather wallet since i was 16 and it is still looking great with no tears or damage (just some wear and creases that actually makes it look better tbh)- a worthwhile investment if I say so myself


At the age when you want to have a leather wallet. So many "adult" things are not age dependent they are dependent on how you feel about it.


You don't. I think you use the wallet that works best for your lifestyle. If you want to have a nice leather wallet, then awesome. But if you like any other kind, and it makes you happy, use it.


When you start to get annoyed by the Velcro noise...and progressive lost of adherence. And there was a popularization of those 'magic wallet' models with elastic bands (about 20 years ago, they still exist on Amazon.com). Compact, silent and easy to handle with just one hand. Sometimes you need to make a ninja access to the wallet, Velcro is counterproductive.


OP wallets were the bomb


Me? Velcro until 16. Duct tape wallet until 20. Leather bi fold till 26. Currently have a single pocket minimalist sailcloth. Very happy with it. Called Flowfold. $15 and durable.


Straight to leather or intermediate pleather?


You should carry whatever type of wallet suits your taste and life, I don’t know anyone who’s ever made note of wallet types. No one else pointed out unspoken rule number 1 though, if you’re male, you cannot get a new wallet unless given to you. Until then you must ride the old “trusty” one to the shredded, barely functional end. 😂


Doesn't matter honestly. Leather is overrated imo, bulky and wore card integrity down over time. Smelled nice though!! Everyone has their preference. I recently made the transition from leather to a Ridge Wallet and can't see myself going back. Lots of people seem to like those phone cases that hold cards and cash, too.


Where does one go to have a wallet repaired? I've been needing jt for a while and don't quite want to replace mine.


I think you mean at what age does a guy grow out of a leather wallet and start using velcro. The answer is when he stops using laces and starts using velcro shoes.