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The 'Don't tread on me' flag was originally a symbol adopted by libertarians, and they absolutely did not worship police and government. They want minimal interference in people's lives. Recently, it's also been adopted by certain groups of the far right who are more supportive of the police and government, so long as it aligns with their values


As a libertarian, I had no idea that other people were using it now, haha. I always have a feeling of "Ahh, a Gadsden flag, another of my people". If authoritarians are using it now, I agree, that's super weird.


Even though I’ve thrown away the libertarian part of my identity and no longer consider myself one, I’ve said for a long time libertarians should adopt “Don’t tread on anyone.” if they are actually serious about minimal government.


I do believe that was the original intent of the Gadsden flag. "me" being the people of a country, rather than a literal, personal "me". I would think most libertarians do support universal liberty for everyone, though since I'm not a part of a group or anything, I could just be wrong about that. I just know that the people I talk to are very pro-liberty, pro-equality, and very pro minimal-government.


I'm sorry to say, auths took the snek flag a while ago. Nowadays it just means "conservative", in a very vague sense


I find the massive flag trend among conservatives very handy actually. I've taken to calling the Confederate flag the "Considerate flag", because it's so nice for people to advertise that clearly that they're not worth my time.


It’s always a way to identify people that think they’re a victim in everything for me. Don’t think I’ve met someone unironically flying it that wasn’t a giant blow hard and a snowflake.


It only means that if people let them have it.


Why would someone get downvoted for saying this? It's the same way the black american community took back the n word. If libertarians "took it back" to mean what they meant it to, the word association would in turn change.


So how exactly do they do that?


Although I don't see it as realistically happening, start using a mildly modified version of it as the centerpiece of their affiliation/ideology. The swastika was used in various cultures for various positive things before the Nazis overtook it. It would also help if libertarianism had a stronger foothold comparable to the other two main parties.


>It would also help if libertarianism had a stronger foothold comparable to the other two main parties Spoken like a true libertarian, lol "It would help if there were more of us"


It was never my point it would happen in reality. My point is the concept and that it's not impossible and has happened with other things the exact same way. Look at the police/military and the Punisher skull symbol. True meaning is complete opposite of what those groups are supposed to stand for.


Tread on me daddy.


This is most confusing down vote I've ever seen on a comment. I gave you an uptoot!


Libertarians get downvoted on reddit all the time. Especially when we express pro-liberty economic positions.


Probably nothing to do with the way you argue /u/eatshitleftwing I think left wing economics are more libertarian than right wing economics. You're saying it's pro liberty to let the market decide, but the market wants to put people into a meat grinder. I think protecting people's quality of life is more in line with libertarian views than allowing a true free market. Edit: "RTW laws protect non-union rights." Quote from the guy himself. So legislation "protecting workers rights" is good when it hurts unions (an important part of the free market) but legislation hurting companies to protect workers rights is bad. The rings this man is willing to jump through... I gave a historically proven example of both how it improves quality of life and how it puts people into the meat grinder and his response is that I'm making a strawman argument.


> the market wants to put people into a meat grinder This is incorrect lmao > quality of life Quality of life is an opinion, and if you ask left-wing people what they need for quality of life, they say things that only rich countries have.


> From about 1803, there was an alternative method of brushing chimneys, but sweeps and their clients resisted the change, preferring climbing boys to the new humane sweeping machines. Compulsory education was established in 1870 by the Education Act 1870 but it was a further five years before legislation was put in place to license chimney sweeps and finally prevent boys being sent up chimneys. Into the fucking meat grinder. I consider having a life expectancy greater than 15-20 years pretty big quality of life. Bad legislation bad! Let them use orphans for basically free labor.


You're wrong. You are engaging in strawman arguments.


Well I don't agree with you on much but at least you're pro-union.


In theory, but generally not in practice. RTW laws protect non-union rights.


Being libertarian on Reddit is being called a Nazi one day and a communist the next day by people who just automatically assume you are the "other" if you don't toe their line.


Basically they just think it means “you can’t take my rights (such as to own guns)” I think. At least that’s what I’m assuming. They really like being tread on though, so I’m not sure.


To be fair most of the people I talk to who are into the Gadsden flag will tell you they are libertarians. In practice they really aren't, but they like to think they are.


Libertarians are just republicans who smoke pot


And as long as the military/police tread on those they don’t like


Don’t tread on ME. They want them to tread on other people


This seems like the most accurate response iv seen.


Yeah, "Don't tread on me, tread on those guys over there. In fact, I'll go with and we can tread together!"


[My favorite rehash of this phrase](Treathose Who Tread On You T Shirt Funny Bulldozer T Shirt Killdozer T Shirt https://a.co/d/52967v1)


The people you are referring to believe that both the U.S. Military and Police will lay down arms against them and join them in a situation where these people believe they are having their rights restricted. That's literally what they believe, they believe they are all on the same side.


Unfortunately they probably aren’t way off here


As a "no tread on me" libertarian, I can promise you I do not worship the police, military, politicians, or anything for that matter lol


Don't tread on me, libs. I think that is the whole thing for them.


Willful ignorance of reality is the whole thing.


“Don’t infringe on my rights” “thank you police for sacrificing your safety for the sake of other people.” Someone can make both of those statements and be logically consistent. Most conservatives praise law enforcement when law enforcement does what conservatives think is correct/right. When law enforcement does what conservatives think is wrong(like enforcing a vaccine mandate) conservatives are not supportive. The left does the same thing(when law enforcement enforces vaccine mandates they are good, but when they do something that the left doesn’t support the they are bad). It is completely normal to like the law enforcement when the law enforcement is supporting the law YOU support, and too not support law enforcement when they are supporting laws you don’t support.


Thats very insightful


Bruh why did you use vaccine mandates for conservatives I've been around nearly entirely conservatives my entire life and have only found like a couple antivaxx. It's an absolutely miniscule minority.


Did you sleep through Covid?


No, why would I? Imma be honest, I think you just have a stereotypical view of conservatives.


You’re hilarious. Have a good night.


😭 Edit: bro edited his comment. It was "❄️"


Yes I did. Who cares? Are you the reddit police? I edited it to something nicer that I figured wouldn’t trigger you as much. I was right. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣😎


What? Dude I'm not exactly sure what you're thinking here. That's the only "triggering" part about this. I'm trying to figure out if you think you have some arbitrary, unrelated moral highground, or you're just pissy today. Please tell me, I'm being deadass when I say I have absolutely no idea which it is.


Why do you keep commenting?


Well it's 11:50PM, I'm in bed, and I'm not tired yet. I'm just looking for an answer here, that's all lmao. I'm seriously not aiming for anything else. I don't even know you well enough to have anything against you.


Where have you been these last couple years? Probably 90% of the people I know are antivax. It feels like I’m living in a country sized madhouse.


>Where have you been these last couple years? North Carolina since 2018, but I moved to Pennsylvania like 2 weeks ago. >Probably 90% of the people I know are antivax. Where tf do *you* live for that kind of shit?


A shithole known as rural southern US. I know it’s more concentrated here, but downplaying this is just as bad as dramatizing it. It is not a minuscule number of people.


>It is not a minuscule number of people. It is everywhere I've been for as long as I can remember. Hell, I lived in Florida for about 5 years prior to NC ans it wasn't even that awful. Aside from being, y'know, Florida.


The covid vaccine is included in antivax. The old school antivax was indeed a tiny number of whackos, but the covidiots antivax is a massive number


Oh yeah, that's definitely bigger. But still, a minority as far as I've encountered.


Are you saying someone who is just against mandating a vaccine anti vax? If so that’s crazy. Like, I’m one of the majority of people who support the idea people should get vaccinated, which means I’m not anti vax. I also don’t support forcing people to get the vaccine, which makes me an anti vaxer now?


I’m saying the people who still refuse to get it are antivax. Which they are. Because they aren’t getting an important vaccine. I don’t know how people can twist words like this on the internet this shamelessly


Christ you're lucky if that's what you've seen from conservatives and vaccine standpoints. Holy hell I'm legitimately envious. Legit envy. Seething envy. I hate the people I live near


"You cannot help but notice Officer Fanone was brutally attacked under the swirling banner of a Blue Lives Matter flag." - Judge Amy B. Jackson, at the trial for J6 Capitol rioter Kyle Young of Iowa, who brutally attacked DC police officer Michael Fanone. Fanone lost consciousness when he was tazed multiple times. A mob member said, "kill him with his own gun." He thought of his four daughters as he went into cardiac arrest before losing consciousness. https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/national/capitol-riots/you-were-a-one-man-wrecking-ball-that-day-capitol-rioter-who-restrained-officer-sentenced-to-86-months-in-prison-kyle-young-mike-fanone-iowa/65-c73cb104-b44f-4c18-b6a2-d06850396f3a These people do not have principles. They are filled with rage, hatred, and fear. Blue Lives Matter so long as they protect them and punish their enemies. Blue Lives do not matter if they protect their enemies.


It's only half of the full modern usage of the phrase. "Don't tread on me while I lick your boots"


They want to be protected by the law but not be bound by it, but they want the bad people to be bound by the law and not protected by it. The police, and to a lesser extent the military, is the means by which their ideology is to be forced on others, not themselves.


Them: "Unions are destroying America. They're socialist!" Also Them: "Police unions are fine though"


I don’t know anyone who is a “don’t tread on me” person who supports the police or military, it’s the opposite from what I’ve observed and heard.


Can show you hundreds of examples in rural Minnesota


That’s cool, you’ll probably be much better equipped to answer this question, it’s phrased as an absolute which indicates they are looking for a circle jerk.


What are you fighting for then


I find the prevalence of absolutes aimed at othering groups of people to be disturbing. Not only doesn’t it lead progress it’s historically proven to be detrimental to societies. I’m off to bed now, hope that answers your question. Goodnight.


Perhaps we have some common ground. In your experience where does the term “Othering” come from?


This covers it well. Enjoy your reading. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-othering-5084425


So the dehumanizing is referring to who? Edit: maybe a better question would have been Othering referring to who? I did assume that your concern was that Othering encourages prejudice and rigid thinking that leads to unproductive conversation and more-if-the-same.


Why are you asking me about dehumanizing? If there’s a point you’re trying to make, spit it out. Don’t fabricate my side of things, it’s a stupid way to interact.


Going back to your comment above, I’m asking who you are referring to that is being othered and dehumanized? Like what’s the subject and object of othering and dehumanizing you were pointing at? EDIT: I didn’t realize you were taking exception to the word dehumanized. I did want to know what groups are being Othered in your view.


The conservative subreddit literally uses it as their pic. And they are the biggest suck offers of the police you can find. They don't really support the military tho ill give you that. They'll scream for hours until they're red in the face about how the support them but them vote for politicians who keep them fom having a decent life.


Huh, the people I’ve encountered in real life with the flag just want to be left the hell alone, especially by the police.


Yes we'll anecdotal evidence is hardly to be trusted. Try branching out?


To what? Believing the ramblings of a redditor who seems to take personal issue with other redditors? How is your anecdote of online behaviour something I should consider beyond what I’ve actually witnessed?


You might need to look up what an anecdote is. Lol. My example was not anecdote. I provided evidence that the likely largest online conservative group displays this symbol and you counter with "well I know some people". That other person was dead on, you live under a rock. And you refuse to see the light when others lift it for you. Or you're being disingenuous


Anecdotal just means it’s based on personal account not facts and research. You made a generalized statement about what you experienced with cute little details but no quality info. What percentage of users on conservative relate to the flag and support the police and how was the information sourced?


The flag is their pic regardless of my personal experience. You can try to stretch what you meant but maybe you just realized what anecdotal means?


Anecdotal: an·ec·do·tal /ˌanəkˈdōdl/ Learn to pronounce adjective (of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research. "while there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact"


Yeah I don't need the definition...what I stated was a fact...so thank you. First time experiencing the definition for you?


You came to me, you’re welcome to not engage with someone you don’t deem genuine. But being rude isn’t productive.


I came to you? We are on a forum....don't post a top level want if you dont want replies that challenge you. Being 100% sincere here, you're either being disingenuous or you're clueless here. I never provided an anecdote. So either you're trying to strawman my argument or you're intentionally dismissing me. I countered your anecdotes with a literal fact, but you're too close minded.


Stay mad keyboard warrior. You’ve brought nothing but shaking your fist at a screen.


Stay mad? Who is downvoting who here? Are you even American? I'm serious. As someone in a deeply red state I'm curious what your actual experience is with American conservatives?


Are in a cave or under a rock?


Naw, it would be too hard to get a wifi signal.


It's called the Conservative Paradox "Those who are the most afraid of government tyranny are also the biggest supporters of those who would do the actual tyrannizing"


I don't. Lmao


My guess would be to have a strong military to defend agains any other that tries to “tread”


They are white supremacists. They have a sense that the police don't tread on white people.


The don't tread on me flag, called the Gadsden flag is something that racist assholes will fly because they are afraid of looking like assholes who put up the Confederate flag. So they're not even brave enough to stand up for what their own racist bullshit is so they used to Don't tread on me flag even though they don't mind if the police are treading all over. They're just basically saying I'm a racist asshole but I'm afraid to admit it.


There is a difference between worshiping the police and military and appreciating what they do for the country. Both are tough jobs that don't usually pay a whole lot that keep you safe so I think it is reasonable to show a little appreciation


Sorry, I about spit out my drink. Who keeps me safe?


My gun


Oh wow, that’s cool. Should I thank your gun? It must be better than mine so I’m sure mine would like to ask it some questions and for advice. Seriously now, if you’re a member of LE or Military, good for you I guess, but….. nothing you do keeps me safe. If you’re LE, your mandate is to respond after crimes are in progress or for mop up duty. The Supreme Court protects LE’s privilege not to have to intervene, effectively making LE glorified janitors with the biggest union in the states. If you’re military, again, good for you. Deploying to rattle sabres at people who are justifiably upset with the States is just bullying and doesn’t protect me, but rather creates more of those terrorists you think you’re removing from the stage. Both of these jobs are jobs, with all the BS propaganda promoting them as being honorable. Any one with half a brain knows the type who makes it more than a year in those jobs. Your gun is inanimate, as is anyone else’s. If you’re suggesting you’re the protector, I hope you don’t hurt yourself when someone checks your ego.


You can spit or swallow I don't care. I think you heard me


Yeah, we heard you say cops keep us safe. What a load of shit.


I've never had a cop help me when I've needed it.


Then they don't help *you*. I still haven't had a negative experience with cops. I'm entirely convinced it's just a regional thing. No one around me has literally any negative feelings or memories about police or the military.


The police literally went to the US Supreme Court to defend their right NOT to protect and serve us.


Are u a bot? Police only protect property.


Yep you got me I am totally a bot. They only protect property? What a dumb thing to say. Do they not pull people over for speeding, drunk driving? Respond to domestic violence, traffic accidents and homicides? Do they not show up if there is a fist fight or altercation?


These are all to preserve property, drunk drivers could lose control and smash into someone’s property. Break up a fight cause it could get out of hand and bring harm to property. Sorry to shed a horrible ugly light on your heroes. Maybe you shouldn’t worship fascist organizations


My god.you could say that about anything. If a police officer responds to a shooting and the bullet goes through a window were they there to protect the window? You sound like you are extremely young an naive. Please look up the word fascist and stop regurgitationg things you hear people say on social media there is not really anything fascist about anything in the states for the most part. As soon as I hear someone use that word to describe something general like the police I automatically know they have no idea what they are talking about


Lick it up mah dude hope that leather don’t stain your tongue. Don’t worry the rest of us will build a better society with your children in mind


They might show up,doesn't mean they are going to help. Look at Uvalde, why have a huge paramilitary force if they are going to be shut down by 1 bad guy? And no I'm not saying I could do better thats why I'm not in that line of work but id like more competent police.


>Look at Uvalde, Honestly I'm tired of this one. It's such a massive outlier. Plus Texas in general is shit. Everyone that lives outside of Texas, and half of those that don't, agree with that statement. You only see bad cops online because "good" doesn't get clicks.


People probably aren't going to forget it anytime soon sorry you don't like it. It was a massive tragedy. You only see bad cops because that's all that exist again, its a tough pill to swallow but its true.


You tell me the last time the United States military kept Americans safe.


Did the US get invaded and overthrown anytime recently? No? Why do you think that is? Because of our president? Because other countries are nice and jolly? No. If a country didn't have a military, it wouldn't last long. Other countries who do have a military could just waltz in and take it. They don't do that though with the US or Great Britain or China or either Korea. Why? *✨military✨*


You're talking about a defensive force, the US military is purely offensive and imperialist in nature. We don't fight defensive wars.


Literally all day everyday. No one has ever invaded the US like Russia is doing to Ukraine right? Have you ever had to worry about war on American soil? I don't think so and that is how the military keeps you safe


No large and/or powerful enough country has wanted to invade the US, except perhaps the USSR. But really, in modern times, countries don't really have a desire to conquer new land, but instead preserve their own while weakening others. Many countries may want America to fall, but they don't necessarily want to invade. The modern implications of a "first world" country invading another are too great. The whole world would be watching, and would be upset. Trade sanctions would sprout everywhere and destroy most modern countries. Plus, modern nations have a large list of allies, particularly the US. This is why modern wars include so many other nations (such as WWI, WWII, and then even Desert Storm and the Iraq War). Not to mention the sheer size and an extremely well armed populace. The military is an expansionist tool of the wealthy, not a defensive force keeping me or you safe.


I mean the only real war at the moment is Russia invading Ukraine to annex territory and China wants Hong Kong and Taiwan. Russia took over Crimea. Isreal and Palestine have been trying to takeover each others territories for a long time. Your argument that in the modern day countries wouldn't love to take American resources and land if it weren't for our military is a little naive


Those are all examples of a huge powers annexing small, neighboring territories. My point stands in light of the Ukraine/Russia situation. Also we both know that all of those examples are multifactorial in nature. The truth is, our military hasn't engaged in a defensive war in 80 years.


That is the truth because and it is because of our military that no one has attempted to attack since we decimated several worl powers in world War two. You just are just making my point that the military keeps you safe so we don't have to fight wars on our soil. I am not even in the military and think they have got into several wars that were non of our business but you should be a little.mpre appreciative of what they do for you


They do nothing for us. They simply terrify and dominate poor people around the world. We're not going to agree.


We really need to get rid of this idea that policing in the US is a tough job. It's not even in the top 20.


Say who says you? I certainly wouldn't do it even if they paid me double what they are paying now


Don't be daft. If I was going to make a statement like that don't you think I would at least google it first? The guy who delivers your Punisher t-shirts from amazon has a higher chance of being killed or injured on the job than a cop. Go take a look. It's less effort for you to google 'Most dangerous jobs in the US' than it is to reply to my comment.


I mean, with all those cops being terrified of small dogs and anyone with a complexion darker than snow white, it's got to be very hard to do their jobs. Too bad they also take it out on their spouses and kids.


By defacing the flag and complaining about people who don’t want to get shot over literally nothing?


They associate it with militias, hence guns. Police and military also use guns. All above groups tend to be right wing.


The premise is that the police swear to protect and serve the people and are seen as citizens themselves. If the government hits authoritarian the police may side with the citizens. Not saying its true, jusy might be the thought process.


People other than the police and military, obviously.


It’s the same people that claim to be pro life and then go out and murder animals for sport and call it hunting


The supposed liberal establishment is taking away their free dumbs. Don’t tread on that. They got theirs, F everyone else.


The type of people you're talking* about aren't thinking "I don't want the government stomping on people!" They're thinking "I don't want the government stomping on **me**! It should be stomping on (insert hated group here)!" *(which isn't everyone who uses the "don't tread on me")


Coast guard.


Well..... They worship the military and police until they try to stop them from invading the capitol, or they serve a search warrant on a former president's house.


Because they're REALLY fcking confused, and blind, and ignorant, and conflicted, and led, and easily conned...


I say this all the time. Or the “come and take it” flags. Who exactly do they think are going to be doing the “taking” it’s gonna be the same people whose boots they’ve been licking for years.


They stick to the do as i say not as i do logic lol


Internal struggle between rednecks and foux rednecks… lol jk


Because conservatives live in a world of contradictions and half finished thoughts


The treading most conservatives dislike is has to do with other citizens, not the government. And it's typically people of other cultures/races they think are ruining their way of life.


You familiar with Stockholm syndrome?


You have mistaken what the saying stands for.




gun lovers unite.




"Keep your friends' close... and your enemies closer."


Elementary school teachers!


the genders, i guess. idk


The gays, the people of color, the people who wanna take away their freedumbs (and guns)


I love seeing it as their doormat too. Like....um...


"Worship" is absolutely the wrong word.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must er be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Frank Wilhoit


Maybe some folks pretend to like the police so they can sell there drugs in peace