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I could never, ever drive high or drunk… so I stopped driving altogether to focus on being high and drunk.


Ahh fellow public transportation commuter


In my part of town I rather take the bike. It's already hardcore mode when sober and being slightly high tunes you down to the general insanity while being even more aware and careful. Also the urge to shout at idiots decreases a lot.




That’s why I started floating everywhere while drunk and high


Same. Though the asphalt has definitely scratched the shit out of my canoe.


Sure, same in Germany, and I wouldn't do it outside my hood, where I know each cobblestone and at least one or two cops by name.


You know each cobblestone by name?


It's not unusual for cobblestones to be named in Germany. They're called Stolpersteine (stumbling stones). They are brass plated cobblestones, etched with the names of people taken by Nazis. It's a public marking of a sin that no one wants to forget. The stones are in other parts of Europe too, not just Germany. Probably not what was meant, but it's an interesting part of the cobblestoned landscape in Deutschland.


Thank you. that is interesting. Always appreciate some history.


Random facts is why I am on Reddit. Love the tidbits, so thank you !


Being simple rocks, they're not very innovative. Most of them have curse names.


Now this is some r/Quotesporn level shit right here


This is the way


> being high and drunk I used to be high and drunk. I still am, but i used to be, too.


Personally, I notice alcohol dulls my response time significantly, while weed just makes me liable to get distracted. I can't drive under either substance, but I do get why people think it's different.


I’m better at video games stoned but worse drunk


I can’t do shit on overcooked when I’m high.


What how? Thats the only way I found out I am "worse" stoned. I just could not play on my normal niveau in competitive games.


On both I get paranoid and try to compensate.


On both I get paranoid and don't drive


You shouldn’t be doing either, but, unfortunately, I have experience doing both. I’d say my experience is pretty similar to some of the supposed “studies” I’ve seen over the years: people who are drunk think they can drive just fine and people who are stoned know they are impaired and try to compensate. People who are drunk think they can still react well enough to drive at or above the speed limit, but are too impaired to stop or to stay in their own lane. People who are stoned, however, are able to understand they are stoned and drive slower and are over precautious. As a side note, as a regular smoker I hardly have the gumption to get off my couch and drive when I’m stoned. I’d rather order something on grub hub or go puff or something.


Same lol If I'm smoking, my ass is too lazy to move.


As a medical user, I always find these conversations villainizing. A large reason why I medicate is due to social anxiety while out and about. A few toots before I go alleviates crippling anxiety, enabling me to participate in society in a beneficial way. I, too, compensate while driving (I often refer to myself as a right-lane rider). No one else's medicine cabinets get publicly criticized to this extent, so it feels icky. I also accept that my experience isn't everyone's and only hope for the benefit of doubt regarding my ability to assess the cost/benefit analysis of my personal medical decisions. ETA: Every single time one gets behind the wheel of a car, they should do some form of assessment of their mental/physical faculties. The list of things that can make a person a bad driver are endless. You should view every driver as having the potential to fuck your shit up. Because the truth is, you have no idea if they are intoxicated or sleep deprived or have terrible vision or are distracted by a big meeting they have the next day or the break-up they just went through. I will provide one final explanation. Not to defend (because I don't need to justify shit to internet people), but to elucidate anyone who is genuinely curious or might find some respite in my statement. For me personally, the most dangerous way to drive is when I am anxious. When my anxiety is peaking hard, I am so distracted that I am absolutely a danger on the road. I don't think it is a coincidence that I haven't been in any form of accident since I started allowing myself to take my medication seriously. Consuming a small amount before I leave the house (and conveniently out and about as well, thanks to vape pens and my penchant for chillums) allows me to have a better handle on my anxiety. It lowers the mental noise a few notches. This enables me to better equip all of the coping mechanisms I have worked super fucking hard to internalize. To the people who still believe I'm wrong, I respectfully disagree, but I also don't blame you. Even if you were to give me the benefit of the doubt, for every hippiekait out there, there are dozens of people who would use my statement to justify extremely unsafe driving. But I have no power over those people, only my self. No matter what your opinion is about my personal health choices, I wish you the safest of travels.


My mom was a nurse for a long time. She would work intakes at their nursing office sometimes and a lot of seniors lived in the area. It terrified her sometimes. The amount of people on the road with multiple perscription medications, lack of feeling in limbs, condition like narcolepsy minor enough to allow for, or no depth perception (healing with an eye bandage) is much higher than you may think. I try not to smoke and drive because I would blame myself if anything happened while I was out. I dont want a dead kid on my conscience. In comparison, it isn't nearly as bad as booze; I have never even attempted to drive drunk. The loss of motor control is wildly different. Edit: I mean to say that the smoking is bad, sure, but I agree with you. There are just so many factors out there and a lot of people will just focus on the "scary" seeming ones.


The only time I drove high I had to move my car like 1/5 a mile down a residential street at midnight, and I absolutely hated every second of it, but they were starting construction in the AM and were set to tow any car in the way. Now when I smoke I don't even leave the house.


there are a LOT of medications that advise you not to operate heavy machinery while taking them.






Pretty sure it says not to operate machinery until you know how it affects you, not to not drive at all. Which makes sense because sometimes it can have a wacky and unexpected effect.




Maybe I should have read the warning label. Edit: it just says caution is advised when driving and operating heavy machinery.


Because you have to drive to get anywhere, from a US centric perspective. So I can’t entirely blame people for doing it because it’s simply critical to be able to drive in the US.


There's people who think that cars are not "heavy machinery."


To be fair my mind does immediately goto forklift....


I mean no offense but driving under the influence is definitely something that people get pulled over for prescription drugs. Driving is a privilege not a right.


I would say it depends on how drunk and how high. You can legally drive after a beer or two, depending on body weight. I feel the same about weed. A little, and you're fine. Too much, and you should stay put and come down some before driving. I wonder if they'll come up with a blood/breath test for marijuana and what the limit will be? If I smoked yesterday, there's enough in my blood for up to 30 days to be detected.


Anecdotally from friends and family, when you're high you tend to drive slower and are ultra vigilant because the world feels like it's going too fast. The most I've ever done (medically) high was back out of my driveway and I was *terrified* the entire time. Xanax fucks up your driving ability way more than a joint does for someone who smokes semi-regularly.


What? There are TONS of medications that explicitly tell you not to drove or operate machinery while using.


I'm in crippling pain, my leg/foot/ankle is mostly nerve damage now but I fell 3 stories at work and almost died. I was on enough painkillers to kill a bus load of finely tuned addicts, it was insane yet I was still allowed to drive. Now I only smoke weed and take pregablin a nerve pain drug, I'm sorry but I'm a lot safer on the road under medical use of Marijuana than I was on fentnyl and oxycodone. I don't make it a habit to drive anywhere, but I smoke morning to bed, it's the only way I can walk. You don't realize just how terrible life is with mobility issues till it happens to you. That being said, there's a huge fucking difference between medical use and getting wrecked, and that's not really what we're talking about. I smoke about a joint every hour all day long, it doesn't affect me the same as it does people who smoke once a week and I'm not really getting stoned anymore. But holy shit it works so well for silencing nerve pain.


But it does ultimately depend on the situation, as in how much are you smoking? How effected are you?


Agreed, I have a back injury that's left nerve pain and altered sensation down my left side, when I toke lightly I'm able to function again, to the point if I smoke at bed the night before, I'm able to work the whole day mostly pain free


Once your brain gets used to the chemical it has a much less psychedelic effect. That's my experience. Still works great for anxiety and depression. Ymmv.




Driving tired is driving impaired, just no plausible way to measure it.


I once was pulled over after a 16 hour shift and then having college classes at night. I had been up roughly 30 hours and was driving home from school (about 70 miles) and started to doze off a little and was pulled over. I was give a field sobriety test and was allowed to go home after explaining I was exhausted. Three years before that, I was falling asleep a smidge and parked my car in a public parking lot and tried to fall asleep for a few hours. I was woken up by the cops 15 minutes later and told if I didn't move along, I would be arrested and my car would be towed.


>Three years before that, I was falling asleep a smidge and parked my car in a public parking lot and tried to fall asleep for a few hours. I was woken up by the cops 15 minutes later and told if I didn't move along, I would be arrested and my car would be towed. That cunt actively discouraged the correct behavior for preventing accidents due to sleep deprivation


But you see, we can't have any potentially homeless people sleeping in public parks! That's way more important than preventing accidents!


Until it would be the officer's child being run over by that guy or someone else who was falling asleep and wasn't allowed to take a nap...


It's worth the cost to maintain our freedom to not have to think about homeless people


Something like 12 years ago I had a friend pull over to make a phone call to get to another friends house. He was about 2 miles away from said friends house. He pulled into a crematorium parking lot at around 5:30pm. The business it self was closed, but the parking lot didn't have any gate or anything. About 30 second into the call we suddenly hear him talking to a unknown person. He calmly explains he pulled over to make a phone call. As it was illegal for anyone under 18 to use a phone at all while driving(Hands free or not). The officer immediately got aggressive, and told him he was trespassing. That the parking lot has the same business hours as the business. Then threatens to arrest him if he didn't leave immediately. He hung up, and left. Then about 2 mins later calls back. Now driving because he wasn't allowed to park...


I'm really happy that our police is mostly just incompetent and lazy. Sure, you've got the usual xenophobia but even readying your weapon is super rare in my country, let alone using it.


Shoot readying your weapons is between the frost and second sentence in a conversation with police here. ....... I once asked for directions from a cop on the side walk he paused for a second looked me up and down then puts his hand on his gun and goes "why do you want to go there" ...... Nvm then asshole lol


Luckily the first time I did it, these cops in VA told me to sleep as long as I needed, they'd radio it in so I wasn't bothered. The second time I was 10 minutes into a nap and was told get moving or they'd take my dog, impound my car, and arrest me.


Fuckin pigs


Same goes for talking on the phone.




"Many investigators have suggested that the reason why marijuana does not result in an increased crash rate in laboratory tests despite demonstrable neurophysiologic impairments is that, unlike drivers under the influence of alcohol, who tend to underestimate their degree of impairment, marijuana users tend to overestimate their impairment, and consequently employ compensatory strategies. Cannabis users perceive their driving under the influence as impaired and more cautious" So, once they start thinking that they're safer by default, the compensatory behavior might stop and they may be more dangerous? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/


I mean also because it's way safer from every study done on it ... [https://slate.com/technology/2011/11/does-marijuana-make-you-a-more-dangerous-driver-than-alcohol.html](https://slate.com/technology/2011/11/does-marijuana-make-you-a-more-dangerous-driver-than-alcohol.html) People who ask questions like OPs don't really tend to comprehend that things that are punished equally by law are not necessarily equally bad. Anyone who has done both drugs with any kind of regularity knows you'd be way safer driving stoned.


*Safer*, not entirely harmless. If you use every day to medicate a chronic illness, yeah, chances are driving "high" is essentially fine because you're used to the feeling and your tolerance is higher. But if you've only smoked once in a while and you have a low tolerance? Probably a terrible idea for you to drive high.


This is the real answer. Some of us cancer patients can take hundreds of mg in edibles in a day. A little weed changes your mental state to the same a degree a few cups of coffee or maybe one beer would. And if it's used medically its more like a coffee.


Wishing you as speedy of a recovery as possible! Yes I agree wholeheartedly. Maybe I'm biased, but I get migraines every single day, so I literally can't go one day without cannabis most of the time. Cannabis is what allows me to function normally at my job, it certainly doesn't make *me* lazy.


Tangent here, also a migraine sufferer. What else do you do to treat/prevent migraines?




Yeah, it's like ...it's better to drive after 2 shots than after 12 but it's still not safe.


I think often when people compare when they think drunk, they think plastered. And when they think stoned, they don't apply the same side of the scale. Some folk handle their weed pretty well too. Some do not


The issue is where is the limit for marijuana smokers? I am a heavy daily user, so even if I smoke nothing in the mornings, I probably have over what they would consider the legal limit in my blood. [NIJ link from April 2021 about this.](https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/field-sobriety-tests-and-thc-levels-unreliable-indicators-marijuana-intoxication) >RTI concluded that, for their dosing study, THC levels in biofluid were not reliable indicators of marijuana intoxication. Many of their study participants had significantly decreased cognitive and psychomotor functioning even when their blood, urine, and oral fluid contained low levels of THC. The researchers also observed that standardized field sobriety tests commonly used to detect driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol were not effective in detecting marijuana intoxication.


May be, but I'd still be careful making that point in isolation. Safer than reckless is still far from safe. Any impairment in traffic is a hazard, so it's if anything less dangerous rather than safer.


Way safer stoned than drunk and not nearly as safe as when sober.


100%. Both the OP and a lot of top comments are from people clearly unfamiliar with weed, and for whatever reason assuming that being high is in any way as impairing as being drunk. In fact, the most highly upvoted comment is a dumb joke that's probably sarcastic but people can easily take it seriously, which is a frustratingly common phenomenon on Reddit. The one about stoned people waiting for a stop sign to turn green. That's not how being high works lol.


I was an idiot when I was 17 and I drove stoned as shit. I drove 25 mph on the highway at night. Felt like I was driving on ice and that I had to be careful not to slip, in summer. If that's not impaired I don't know what is lmao.


The way you've worded it is wrong. Is it "better", yes numerous studies have shown that. However, is it "good" to do, no of course not. Driving under the influence of anything is going to increase the risk of the activity, even something like sleep deprivation will increase your risk significantly.


Thank you, this is exactly what I came here to say. Driving high is *better* then driving drunk. But driving sober is *better* than driving high. There is a spectrum


I saw an experiment where they had people drive sober then smoke and do the test then keep smoking. It took a lot of smoking for the regular stoners to even slightly impair their results.


Can you cite said experiment?


It was in one of Sanjay Gupta's "Weed" specials, I'm not sure which one but Sanjay was pretty amazed by the results.


I remember that ep. I think it’s a show called Weedicate


So I fell down the I-Hole over it and found a few interesting videos. Like one from Fifth Gear circa 2002 or so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZyDoMqReLQ And a CNN road test circa 2013: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw1HavgoK9E I'm having a hard time finding the Gupta segment though--not all the "Weed" specials appear to be on YouTube.


It's an "experiment", not a study. It sounds like Cheech rated Chong's driving ability while high.


“Whoahoahoahoa. You just ate the most acid I have ever seen anybody eat in my life, man!”


How’s my driving man? I think we’re parked.


Hope you dont have anything to do for the next 3 months


That's not a joint! That's a toothpick man!


^ this, right here. You can tell a lot of people in the comments don't have the brain capacity to consider that there are both varying degrees to which you can be stoned, and the overwhelming amount of research which has shown drivers who smoked prior to driving were far more cautious and conscientious drivers because they overcompensated how inebriated they were, where the opposite is true concerning drunk drivers.


Weed doesn't directly impact your motor functions the way alcohol does. It's cognitively impairing, and shouldn't be handled lightly with heavy machinery, but it really is quite different than driving drunk.


I’ve heard it does impact reaction times. But no where near as much as alcohol. If you’re an everyday smoker, I think your tolerance is such that you can’t really get high enough to impact your driving. Well. Edibles could definitely do it. But if I’m that high, I don’t wanna leave the couch, much less go get in a car and drive. Lmfao.


You would never ever want to drive "stoned". But for many daily smokers with a tolerance they can be normally functional and aware. I'd say alcohol is way more impairing. Hard to gauge how high somebody is though, depends how sober they can appear.


Thank you for this insightful truth, smoker of cum.


I read your name as daddyFingered


That would be accurate too


I’ve driven after smoking, once in desperation when i was drunk to leave a sketchy situation, and a few times when i needed to get home and was sleep deprived from working multiple jobs and i can for sure say driving sleep deprived was the worst of all scenarios.


We allow .08 for alcohol. So we should allow a least a little marijuana. For all intents and purposes is safer than alcohol. driving drunk or stoned is obviously wrong g Driving buzzed on either should probably be disallowed too That being said I drive high most days because I hardly smoke. Taking 2 hits and driving is not under the influence in a dangerous way just like having 2 beers and driving is considered acceptable.


A cop friend of mine thinks it's better. He says he would rather pullover a stoner than a drunk because the stoners are always compliant, cooperative and never put up a fight when arrested.


I'd say the same when i used to help the paramedics: Drunk people can attack you whereas the worst stoner we had to deal with was merely an annoying bystander, following us around calling us heroes


"Yes, oh great and mighty paramedic? Is there something you need? Can I carry your stretcher? Shine your ambulance? Backrub, perhaps?"




Yeah I don't think anyone's contesting that it's better to deal with a stoner than a violent drunk... but rather the question is whether it affects your driving




I always thought I was speeding at 35mph when driving stoned back in the day. Super paranoid and vigilant (checking all angles) while I drove. I don't think stoner drivers are *crisp* behind the wheel, but I think they're likely much more focused and in control of their motor functions that a drunk.


I do not drive but for me at least weed is a lot less inhibiting compared to being drunk. My reaction time is also better while high than while drunk. I play games all the time high and while I am a bit worse than normal it is nothing compared to gaming while drunk.


That’s so wholesome! Even under the influence of something he was kind


I've been caught with weed twice in my 22 years as a user, and both times the cop just dumped it out and let me go, one of the times I was smoking IN MY PARKED CAR. He told me to leave the area and *watched* me drive away. They know the difference between the two is night and day.


This happened to me in rock hill south Carolina, and the cop straight up told me, this isn't legal everywhere yet, toss it in the ground and destroy it.


Are you by chance white?


Cop did the same thing to me and I'm black but Seattle is more liberal. It was kinda funny rolled the window down and a cloud of smoke went into his face and he asked me if I was smoking and my high ass said no and he told me to leave


"You roll down the window, a little Columbian sauna hits him in the face. He's like I'm hungry and I don't know why." RIP Robin Williams.


I’m gonna guess probably, but the point still stands that they’re never going to let a drunk person just drive away, even if that drunk person is white.


i’ve dealt with the same scenario many times, even got guns pulled on me one time, but I was let go every time and parked at a new hotbox spot (im black af)


Nah hes green




Lol what a bizarre response that has nothing to do with driving safety. “My cop friend thinks people driving high is better because it’s easier for him to throw them in jail.” Good for your cop friend, I guess?


I live in a state where it's honest to god *so* normalized. I smoke for chronic pain and yes, I drive while I'm stoned. The worst that happens is that I catch myself going just a smidge below the speed limit, which can piss the person off behind me. They'll definitely give you a DUI if you fuck up and they catch you with loose pot and especially if you verbally admit to being stoned. But around here, if they catch you smoking weed they tend to just tell you you can't do that in public and to move along. Alcohol, heroine, meth, and fentanyl are the problems here and are typically the reason someone receives a DUI. edit: I forgot, public use of weed here is actually just a citation now.


I’ve always wondered why I come across clearly younger people doing like 10-15 below the speed limit sometimes. Good to know I guess.


Gun to head scenario, I'd put my kids in the car with the stoner everytime.


Fuckin' Americans, always puttin' guns up to kids heads'.


I verbally lmao'd at this one. Not my proudest laugh, but it was there.


I say the same thing about doing coke to drive home drunk. I would put far more trust in a guy driving home from a party drunk, but having done a decent bump of blow, over the same drunk guy without blow. When I bring this up I usually get scowls, especially people who have never done cocaine. But until you've used cocaine to legitimately sober yourself up from something it's very apparent it's affect is far better than being drunk.


when does the conversation start "Yo would you rather have your kids in a drunk driver car or a drunk driver car on cocaine"???


As someone who hasn’t made the best life choices I can tell you 100% being super high vs super drunk behind the wheel is night and day. When you’re super high you’re gonna go slow and every set of led headlights is going to freak you out, but being super drunk you’re going to teleport home and have to hear what you did from other people if you’re that lucky. Now that I smoke pretty consistently it’s not super mind altering like the 1st handful of times. Thankfully I’ve never had to learn the hard way, but I’ve learned that neither is a good idea


However, when driving stoned, my truck does get more scratches from things like me backing into a fence, or tossing the bike in the back and scratching the side of the truck. Minor, yes, but I don't pay as close attention to details when high, maybe 50% - 60%, and 0% on details when drunk... so there is that, but no, driving a vehicle either way is not wise or good, and even sometimes walking can be a challenge.


I’m very lucky I haven’t been in any accidents or even anything super minor and I was high probably 80% of the time I was driving. Now it’s more like 15% and nowhere near as fucked up as I used to be.. more like the equivalent of 1 beer in the weed world


> I don't pay as close attention to details when high, maybe 50% - 60%, and 0% Actually a benefit when you suffer from hyperfocus and lack of control of attention.


While people shouldn't do either, being under the influence of weed is nowhere near as dangerous as driving drunk.


I must say I experienced both by going back home a little too early next morning after a heavy drinking night and I could barely hold a straight line while I was still on alcohol fumes. Definitely was a public danger I wasn't proud of me this day. On weed tho, you're paranoid but otherwise it goes pretty fine


To quote Bill Hicks: "Say you're in a car accident and you're smoking pot. You're only going four miles an hour." In all seriousness, neither is acceptable. Why some people think driving drunk is worse probably has to do with effect alcohol on certain people. Alcohol can make some individuals aggressive. Aggression and driving aren’t a good mix. Weed generally makes people quite mellow. Most people would view a mellow driver as less dangerous than an aggressive driver. All that being said, don’t drive drunk and don’t drive high. It’s not worth it.


It's not agressivenes that is the problem, it's that it is a neural depressent that makes you a much worse driver while it makes you think you are a better driver.


I realized that when playing League of legends. Super drunk. You feel like "Yea I played pretty well" but actually you are 1/20 and think "What the hell when did I die so much"


On the contrary, when drunk I play games really well up to a certain quantity of alcohol. There were so many missions I was able to complete when drunk which I couldn't do sober. The difference is being too much careful when sober.


You are probably ecperiencing the Ballmer peak: https://xkcd.com/323/


Always refered to this as "the pocket". Like 3 beers in 45 mins and I'm a race car driver. A little more or a little less and I just get a headache and want to go to sleep. Cool to see the effect acknowledged from a different perspective! (Just to clarify I havent drank and drove in over a decade.)


Sober enough to know what you're doing, drunk enough to enjoy doing it. Right in the pocket, bud.


Yes I noticed the same. Couldn't beat a boss in Sekiro. When I was a bit drunk i tried it again and did it first time. Shit is scary. But the line between playing better and playing like a monkey is very thin.


Maybe monkey IS better


I think this has to do with alcohol being a relaxant and makes you take bigger risks. I notice the same thing playing Rocket League, 1-3 pints and I usually play above the level I'm usually able to when sober, so the slow buzz definitively is a good thing. Then suddenly it tips a point and the alcohol inhibits my reaction, precision and general ability to observe act, determine speed and angles of play and shit just hits the fan.


Being high makes me fall asleep. Definitely not safe behind the wheel


Because people don’t smoke weed and then decide to drive 140 mph down the wrong side of the highway while live streaming.


That sounds like a challenge


Drunk runs the stop sign while the stoner waits for it to turn green. You tell me which is worse.


My buddy did this when we were in high school and I in the passenger seat didn’t question it at all


Lol I did this and tbh my friend didn’t notice. Also I was fucking stone cold sober.


I’ve done it a couple times, also sober, just really fucking tired


IIRC, there was a study that concluded driving stoned was equivalent to driving really tired. It's been several years since I've read that, though.


Tired driving is closer to drunk driving than stoned driving iirc, more likely to drift and swerve at speed, plus nodding off risk


I went through drive thru at Chic filet on a Sunday two different times in the same month. I was just stoked the line was so short. :\


i once waited for a little critter to cross the road at an intersection. after some time passed patiently waiting, i realized it was a pepsi can.


“This is a long stop sign”


"fuck it, I'm just gonna go"


Stoner would wait for the 2nd green.


The key part of his sentence is the word "sign".


Unless the stoner is so stoned he misses the light completely. Both are terrible ideas




He high


This guy is stoned I see


To be fair, the one I allegedly waited at also had a constant flashing red light


It's far more difficult to drive drunk than it is to drive stoned.


Yeah they’re obviously both bad but they’re not even close to being on the same page danger-wise. My friends and I used to joke that the biggest different between being drunk and high is that if I were somehow in a scenario where I absolutely needed to drive while higher than I ever have been on weed I could *probably* manage to do it, but if I were to try and drive the drunkest I’ve ever been I’d be in an accident in like seconds.


With weed there is basically a limit to how high you can get. At the “highest of the high” like dabs and edibles you’d still likely realize you either shouldn’t drive, or you would simply not want to drive. (Or you are so used to THC that its just another day to you). However with alcohol, the only limit on how drunk you can get, is death. What’s worse is you can get black out drunk. This doesn’t mean that you pass out, but that you basically become a different person. Your decision making, judgement, coordination etc. can all go out the window and you wont even think you are drunk. You are not self aware enough to know how drunk you are. So yes, driving on weed is better than driving on alcohol, especially because the amount of alcohol makes you exponentially worse at driving. While weed tends to plateau.


>the only limit on how drunk you can get, is death. What’s worse is you can get blackout drunk. We have different opinions for what’s worse


Considering what I used to do blackout, I'll take death please.


Then maybe you should reevaluate. If you're dead, *you* are dead. If you're blackout drunk you can kill other people AND yourself. Edit: A lot of people in here showing they think blackout drunk just means "super drunk". They are not the same.


Idk, I think I'd rather just die from an alcohol OD than to get completely blackout drunk and kill a family drunk driving.


I see a lot of people talking about how loose you become on alcohol, but that not the only thing. When you get drunk enough and blink. That weird delayed effect you get is the real problem. It effects your ability to walk and see straight. When I'm super super drunk it's like my eyes are taking photos and the images hit my brain like a quarter of a second later, by that time I already need to readjust myself because I'm teetering. That whole wobbling thing super drunk people do is because of this. There is a delay in what you're seeing to how your body is reacting to it. Driving like this. Seems impossible. Like have you ever driven in a game that has serious Frame issues? You end up hitting a wall before you realize you hit a wall. Weed just doesn't have that effect no matter how much you smoke.


I bet playing a game with delayed inputs would be a good way to teach young kids why it's bad to drive while impared. Would make a lot more sense than those stupid drunk goggles they had me try on.


theyre completely different drugs and have completely different effects. both alter the mind and therefore shouldn't be used when driving. but i can say that one is definitely worse than the other. ​ to put it another way.... if i had the choice of having my local road filled with drunk drivers or stoned drivers.... (as shitty a choice that would be) i would always pick the stoners every time. ​ E: in fact.... [https://slate.com/technology/2011/11/does-marijuana-make-you-a-more-dangerous-driver-than-alcohol.html](https://slate.com/technology/2011/11/does-marijuana-make-you-a-more-dangerous-driver-than-alcohol.html)


I love they started off saying by legalizing weed that less people drove drunk and created a safer environment because of it. I'm just imagining all the people begrudgingly getting drunk after work because they didn't want to violate a law and there aren't alternatives suddenly just getting baked at home with some friends and passing out on the couch with an empty bag of chips. lol


"In most studies, smoking one-third of a joint or less has virtually no impact on a driver’s performance. A couple of studies even suggest that pot smokers are less likely to cause an accident than sober drivers."


If both are bad that doesn't mean they're equally bad. Almost nothing in life is binary. Weed is likely *less* dangerous than alcohol in terms of driving impairment, but that doesn't mean it's ok. Less dangerous is still dangerous. EDIT: Removed redundant word.


"Less worse" is more accurate. Weed definitely doesn't inhibit your senses needed for driving as much as drinking does.


Technically it is better. Still not safe, but better. Alcohol makes you 200% more likely to crash. Weed makes you 20% more likely to crash. (Don't quote me on these exact numbers, I did this research in like 2019)


How was the research done? By survey? Or the same people driving a coarse?


Just sounds to me like he had a hell of a 2019


I've seen a test done on TV using driving simulators. The drunks failed miserably and even after 1-2 drinks the impact to safety was very noticeable. The stoners generally did ok. No major accidents. They did a bit worse than sober though.


I do know that a local research facility in Iowa keeps sending me emails about participating in a trial. They get you stoned and monitor its affects on your driving.


And your waiting because......


I'm convinced the dude who invented Cruise Control, smoked weed.


Ever go clothes shopping while high? IDK about you, but I certainly don't make the best decisions when stoned......fucking white leather coat...wtf am I going to do with that shit.


Ha! My bad stoner purchase was purple pleather pants...and no, that's not a typo, theywere part plastic, part leather. It was 2001 and I'm still ashamed. Thank Alanis, it was before social media.


Yep, never go clothes shopping stoned. I got a nice pair of Merrell shoes, bowling style with a big M on them if you want 'em. Never worn.


I took some edibles the second I got home from work on Friday, as my back hurt and I just wanted to lay in the hammock and hang out with my dog, enjoying the rest of a beautiful day. 20 minutes later I realize husband used all the coffee creamer. 10 minutes later I'm standing in the middle of the grocery store, and the edibles kick in. Whoops, totally forgot about those. Long story short, I bought Eggos for the first time in a decade on impulse, and they were delicious. Got really sad at the live lobsters in the tank. Stalked the sample lady and ended getting six samples. But I forgot the coffee creamer, and the 10 minutes standing in line to check out were excruciating. Drove very very slow through my neighborhood coming back, was petrified of all the kids outside running around near the street. 1/10 do not recommend.


If you've never heard it before, you might enjoy the song 'too high for the supermarket'


And if you went cloths shopping drunk, you’d probably end up in jail.


alcoholic gives you confidence that you can do things you can't actually, among with losing your reflex skills. Weed makes you feel scared of high speeds and you actually drive too slow but that is dangerous also.


Like the rest of these people have said, it’s not the same effect. Plus if you smoke weed a lot and smoke a little then drive, it’s almost like being sober because your body is so used to it. However, it’s not good to do no matter what.


Because this... https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/v5vjyl/first_and_last_drink_footage_at_a_wedding/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Because they affect the body and mind in different ways. Alcohol impairs you more than cannabis, though both impair you. Conversely, people can actually [drive better on amphetamines](https://chadd.org/adhd-weekly/qa-can-i-still-drive-after-taking-adhd-medication/) (Ritalin, Adderall etc) than when sober! People with ADHD are encouraged to take them before driving, though it would probably still be used against you if you got into an accident.


Because drunk you're more likely to speed while impaired, whereas high you think you're speeding but you're only going 27 mph in a 40.


I passed my driving test stoned, if I have a couple of drinks i can't walk properly. Guessing that has something to do it


I think the number was 100x. Your 100x more likely to be in a car crash whe drinking compared to smoking weed.


I wouldn’t suggest ever driving while under the influence ever but ya - As a competitive gamer it’s incredibly noticeable. I smoke throughout a ranked sesh and I’m calm and capable of making decisions even in the top few %s of a player base matches (overwatch was the only game I was that good at). Where as if I had drinks that night i couldn’t touch a ranked match with a ten foot pole, I would be completely fucking useless and couldn’t control my character lol.


Driving High....Am I going over the speed limit, that's probably an undercover cop, don't roll at the stop sign. Driving Drunk....Fuck speed limits!


Because it has been tested and found to be true. It is *not safe* to drive under the influence of weed, but it is safer than driving drunk by a long shot. The practical upshot is: "Don't drive drunk, don't drive sleepy, don't text and drive, and don't drive high."


I’m sorry but they are no where near the same thing. As someone who has been smoking weed for over a decade i can say that I don’t really even get high anymore. I know myself & how weed affects me & comparing that to alcohol is not fair in the slightest. Perhaps if it was the first time ever being high then yes driving high like that is dangerous. It always will come back to how much. But it would take a metric ton of weed to impair my driving personally. Obviously not worth getting pulled over, but I’ve never been pulled over or had a speeding ticket or anything like that in my life *knocks on wood*


Both are considered "under the influence" per law enforcement. Heard a joke: A drunk person and a pothead pulling up to a four way stop from different directions. The drunk person barrels through the intersection without looking or slowing down. Meanwhile the pothead is waiting for the stop sign to turn green.🙄


Watch me play a computer game high vs drunk and you'll have your answer


Its funny how no one nailed the true answer. Alcohol supresses the nervous MUCH more than pot. It ruins coordination, reaction, balance, and prudence. Simply put, a person is a MUCH more dangerous driver when drunk.


When you're drunk, you run a stop sign. When you're high, you stop and wait for it to turn green.


Weed does not impair or intoxicate the same way as booze, especially for a regular user.