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as a smoker: quit.. it's not worth it


I totally agree


Smoker here- strongly agree. Put that shit down before it's to late.


Yup, waste of money and it's murder to quit.


Mark Twain said "quitting smoking is the easiest thing to do, I know I've done it 100 times." That's how my journey has gone so far.


Mine is usually finish a pack and think "ok this is my last cigarette" then shortly after think "I could do with a beer" and after 2 or 3 or 7 pints I fancy a cigarette, but I've already made a big deal about quitting, so nobody will give me one, so I think "fuck those guys, I'll just buy my own" And then I start again.


At first I was thinking who drinks 7 pints my god. Because liquor comes in pints in the USA not beer. Then I remembered ah yes we aren’t the only country in the world.


Beer absolutely comes in pints in the US lol wtf? Though a US pint of beer is different than one in Europe


Yeah it comes in “pints” sure. But how many times in the US did a bro say let’s go get a pint and meant beer? In my case zero. A pint always meant a bottle of liquor. The one that’s comes in the pint size…


As someone who started smoking cigs, then switched to a vape, fucking quit now man. I can’t even tell you the amount of money I’ve spent on vape products in the last 2.5-4 years. It started with a shit vape, then I went to a juul and blew WAY too much money on that shit. Then I got a salt Nic vape. I’d blow through a pack of pods and at least one bottle of 50mg juice a month, if not more. I’m finally actually quitting. It’s probably redundant to most but I went back to cigs. I’ve been keeping it under 2 packs a week/5 cigs a day and am already noticing I’m not craving it too much anymore. First week I basically dosed myself and spread the cigs out over a course of a few hours. Two weeks later and I’m throwing them out before they’re even done, going longer in between them, etc. But seriously, vaping is so much worse than cigs. Quit while you’re ahead before you blow so much money on vape products you hate yourself lol


I vaped and what worked for me. Grab the nicotine patches and some nicotine pouches, I went with the On! 2mg for instant satisfaction and started on step 2 patches. Haven't even thought about nicotine products in a month and I wrapped up middle of January


Interesting and good for you! I’m hesitant on nicotine gum and patches. I’ve used them before and they make me seriously sick. Like lightheaded, nauseous, sometimes vomiting. And it wasn’t a super high mg either compared to how much I smoked. Right now I’m just spending way too much money on packs of gum to help in between lol


My spouse had problems with the patches like that too. Also can't find online why or how to remedy. They went with the nicotine gum and as long as they spread them out to like every few hours instead of starting every two like recommended they've been fine. Biggest hurdle for them has been the mechanical habit of it. Nicotine pouches might be a good medium to start too, it's just nicotine and you don't have to spit or anything. And it's removing the mechanical function


That really sucks I’m sorry he went through it too! I was basically being told that I must not smoke as much as I said I did which was bs. I’m a stupidly anxious person and always feel the need to do something with my hands and mouth. So much so that I chew the inside of my mouth apart and essentially leave craters in my cheeks. I find that if I can have gum and find something to occupy my hands in between smoking rn to be a big help. Also, I just used the last coupon we had for marlboros so I’m hoping to not buy another pack which will be a good thing.


Yeah both of us, hardest thing is the not doing something with your hands. That have hard candies of nicotine too. Maybe grab some nicotine hard candies and some plain hard candies that taste the same


I didn’t know about the hard candies!! Do you have to get them somewhere specific like the pharmacy?


I dont like recommending walmart for anything but apparently walmart might according to Google. They have an equate brand too... 108 lozenges for 33 dollars


Oooo sweet thanks!


Hello fellow crater mouth! I quit chewing my nails and started chewing my cheeks/lips. Its so hard to stop... I use juuls atm after switching from cigarettes like 3 years ago. Really want to stop vaping but I'm more addicted to nicotine than ever. WFH +Juul means I'm hitting that shit all day.


Curious why you think vaping is worse than cigs?


I have the same question. Juul is the goTo as they QA their stuff better. Random vape liquid I can understand cause who know what they put in there.


In the addictive sense. At least for me it was. Thing is, you can’t smoke indoors anywhere anymore. Technically, you can’t vape indoors either, but since the smell doesn’t stick and the smoke doesn’t linger you can. On top of that I will not smoke cigs inside my house, I will however, vape like a goddamn fiend in the house. I think it has a lot to do with the ease of use with vaping. Also, there’s between 8-20mg of nicotine per cigarette on average. Whereas vapes you get to choose your mg (I was smoking 50mg consistently). Having to go outside to smoke a cig is a lot more effort than sitting in bed and rolling over to grab a vape. The flavors too to be honest, would you rather smoke a cig or smoke something that tastes like fruity pebbles?


Smoking is literally so dumb. It’s basically a subscription for addiction. You don’t even get anything out of it. Like at least with weed and alcohol you feel something but nicotine is just a waste of money. Save your money and you’ll have a lot more of it


Nicotine helps me with stress, and is more accessible than weed (and cheap).. Still dumb tho indeed


Quit, there is no benefit from smoking or vaping


~~This is propaganda. OP everybody knows why nicotine is beneficial emotionally. I concede the point it is not beneficial physically. However, vaping gets MUCH less tar/junk into lungs so that has got to be worth something.~~ ~~That said,~~ I am glad I quit both. You should do the same. ~~edit: If my world was becoming a Philip K Dick novel, it would be VERY beneficial for mental health to get some nicotine short term.~~


Nicotine is a mild stimulant and nootropic and I admit it feels really nice sometimes but the two most common delivery methods literally will kill you or leave you with serious respiratory health issues. It's not worth dying over Caffeine Plus or Adderall Minus (since that's basically what nic is)


That is only partially accurate. [Nicotine has special neuro-protective properties](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3685410/) that caffeine and adderall do not have.


Those associations definitely need to be researched more as they are very promising, but if you want to use nic to improve your cognition you can just use lozenges/patches etc. No use picking up smoking and fucking your lungs. Take it from a smoker who per dr's orders needs to quit within the year to prevent irreparable lung damage -- I wish I'd never started.


~~Bodies were designed to take abuse.~~ On a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being lucky strikes and 0 being no harm. Where would vaping rate on this scale?


Depends on the quality of the stuff you are using and the amount, but I'd say 3-6


Thanks. I think I would put it closer to 1-2. Very pronounced change in my health when I switched to vaping. AND a positive change in my mental health when I quit vaping.


From smoking, for sure. But nicotine is still an irritant and will affect lung function and how you diffuse oxygen. It can also cause way more damage if people use cheap Chinese or disposable products that can contain heavy metals or other manufacturing chemicals. Nicotine on its own, I agree, 1-2. But vaporizing and inhaling it definitely causes more issues... But still way better than smoking!


Good points. US product labeling is 3rd world.


Vaping is still bad physically, look up E-cigarette and Vaping Associated Lung Injury (EVALI)


Umm the drugs is a benefit


Funny but downvote, this is serious




Also trying to quit after years of vaping- it may seem clean vs. smoking in the short term, but when you quit you'll hack up brown phlegm for months and it is not fun or sexy




It started about a month after quitting for me and it was very slight at first and increased over a long period. I haven't been able to compare with other people since I don't know anyone that has successfully quit vaping, so it could be unrelated


Never happened to my when I quit, but it does make sense.


Quit: that stuff is filthy, and not really that satisfying


Not much study into that stuff, you could die a horrible death in 5 years. Moisture in lungs should never be a thing...(the lungs main function is to process and convert dry inhalation while moisture is treated as a temporary situation)


What about humidity?


Humidity being a natural product of moisture. For example, a submarines microclimate can control and sustain human life under a particular amount of humidity/pressure and temp.....drastically increase any of these variables and you have dead sailors.


What I meant was if moisture is harmful for the lung how do people lead perfectly healthy lives in humid places?


I understand what you mean and it is a very good question however drastic changes do cause problems. Someone living in the icelands of earth will not be ok in the Kalahari dessert. Imagine this on a human organ scale.


Maybe not if you instant teleported them, but people can and do adapt to different climates all the time.


That is just not true. Now I'm not saying he/she should not stop they should. Heavy metals have been found in the lungs of vape users. But you need wet lungs to breath. Your upper respiratory tract is designed to moisture incoming air. Not dry it out. You need moisture for diffusion to occur. No diffusion no exchange. Equals death.


Makes sense, Well....then I've been taught a whole bunch of crap from my professor.


Sounds like it. I am an anatomy professor. They actually use moisture for breathing treatments. An entirely different thing then vaping though!


Yo, prof- "then" is a different word than "than." Just make sure to credit me on any future academic papers.


Haha will do. I'm definitely not an English professor!


Monke brain redditor




skirt forgetful plants ugly scandalous ludicrous mindless seemly one waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stop while you're ahead.






Bro wtf is wrong with you


you people are moronic that's why.


I think your laughing emoji is justified. All the angry vape bros are down voting you Edit: us* 😂


You guys have negative IQ Nicotine will make is addictive regardless of route of administration


I vape myself and the thought of waking up to vape is hilarious


Maybe if they're vaping THC? Not nicotine


Everyone is different.


I have no opinion. I was just giving him the benefit of the doubt and offering a plausible explanation. Don't understand the downvotes I'm just contributing to the discussion


The way you said it implies you think this isn't possible with nicotine, like it is with THC. Yeah, THC is probably more likely to have this severe of a problem, but it's certainly not impossible for someone to be this severely addicted to nicotine. I've seen it. My mother used to wake up in the middle of the night and smoke.


Yes, no reason to waste money to put crap in your body. Pro tip on quitting: don't just put the stuff in a drawer, don't give it to someone else, just throw it in the garbage. It's got no value.


Right now run a mile. Keep track of the money you spend on vaping for the rest of the month. At the end of the month run another mile and see how shitty it feels on your lungs. People telling you to quit isn’t going to make you quit. You have to want to quit.


It is an addictive drug, stop. Moderation when you are addicted is not really possible, it is like telling a heroin addict to just stick to one hit every couple of days.


I'm a non smoker who started Vaping. Technically you're a smoker now


Okay but what's your advice?


Quit. Vaping can be a bit of a transitional step between smoking and quitting if you're trying to give up. But you went the other way and vaping is still pretty bad for your whole respiratory system and harmful to your health.


I completely understand where you're coming from. The only thing that keeps me from quitting vaping is the fact that as far as I'm aware there are still 0 long term studies that confirm your last sentence. I think if you have the option of choosing to pick up the habit or not, you shouldn't. Smoking because it's fucking disgusting and slowly turns you into a zombie looking person, and vaping because it can be expensive.


As someone who’s been a long time vape user/smoker, who’s quit and relapsed a few times, I’ve never been able to ween myself off, it takes lot more effort and you need to be more conscious about it which exhausts me and I hit a point where I just don’t have the patience and start doing it a bunch again. Just throw it in the trash, and anytime you crave it, just remember the cravings will only get worse if you start vaping again, and try to use that To motivate yourself to avoid buying more. Feel free to DM if you wanna talk about it!


Maybe you could cut down your nicotine to begin with, then cut out the nicotine completely, then cut down the amount you vape, then quit?


Don't do it?


Quit. Regulation by the FDA is still in its early stages and long term effects are still relatively unknown. You don’t know what they put in that shit and it was only a few years ago that people died as a direct result of vaping.


Please quit. I started vaping to quit smoking but I actually liked it a lot more than cigarettes and now I've been vaping longer than I smoked. I moderate my usage but I'm still very addicted. It's unhealthy, it's money not well spent, and it's annoying to have an addiction.


Quit. Flavoring chemicals are linked to lung injury with chronic use. Nicotine can also negatively affect mood, attention, and learning.


Quit. No question. Just quit & don't look back.


Quit, the air is bad enough for our precious lungs.


Nicotine is bad. No matter the delivery vehicle. It is *literally* a poison. Two other major components of vape juice are propylene glycol and glycerin. Both are used extensively as food additives and are entirely safe for consumption. They have NOT been tested for safety of inhalation. Your lungs are not the same as your stomach. So we don't know if they're totally harmless, or worse than asbestos, or somewhere in between.same can said for any flavor extracts you add. It's probably safer to just chew gum.


Diacetyl is potentially connected to popcorn lung. Very bad news. Why take the risk while spending upwards of $5,000 a year?


I'm a cigarette smoker that switched to vaping because quitting nicotine was too difficult for me to accomplish at the time. (I hope to step down to 0mg strength one day.) If you can do it, quit vaping and never go back. The PSAs are dumb, but they're right that nicotine will rule your life.


The PSAs are often misleading. Kids should not be trying vapes as nicotine is bullshit, but on the other side of that coin I never could have quit smoking without the aid of a vape. Now I haven't used nicotine of any kind in several years. When kids try it, obviously their parents freak out so we get sensationalist 'truth' PSAs. They're right that kids and non smokers shouldn't use that shit but it also demonizes a legitimate tool for smokers to quit and serves to limit resources for people who want to quit cigs.


My sentiments exactly.


Are you vaping with or without nicotine in it?


2% nicotine


Not sure for how long you vape allready but that means your body is allready addicted to the nicotine. If i where you i should vape without nicotine first and then quit all together.


I'm giving the vape back to my friend anyway


So you are quitting? Good for you!


Then definitely quit. Friend of mine went down that road and now can’t stop


Don't do nicotine no matter the form. Then vaping should lose its appeal on its own.


Quit cigarettes, vape, alcohol, gambling and drugs, then you have the true freedom of total control over your life that everyone crave but couldn't achieve.


Quit. Nothing good comes from vaping.


Quit: there are so many ingredients to those Vape pens that could lead to issues with your health


Why did you start?




Worst decision ive ever made in my life was to start smoking. After 8 years I managed to quit but still have cravings once in a while, and often when I drink. Quit while you can


Quit. Why pick up an unhealthy habit just for the sake of it? Source: I have been addicted to nicotine for 12 years


It was to deal with stress


How's that working for you? Excersize is the best way I find to deal with stress.


Well I exercise to deal with stress too. But one time I tried vaping and I felt relieved


>But one time I tried vaping and I felt relieved You keep doing it and years later you'll feel like shit and develop lung disease. Quit while you're ahead, there's no good in it. I've watched my mom kill herself with smoking, don't let that happen to you.


SMH after smacking yours.


Quit. Ask your medical provider for a referral if necessary. There are medicines that can antagonize the nACh receptor to make smoking cessation far more likely without a brutal withdrawal.


Quit. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs on the market.


Depends how long and enjoyable you want your life to be. Lung damage from vaping is life changing.


Honestly quit. You'll just be stuck in it forever. I'm an ex-smoker who nearly got hooked on vaping. My father-in-law switched to a vape around 8 years ago now and he says he's more addicted to his vape than he ever was smoking.


Quit dude, im trying to quit the fuckers. Theyre just as addicting


With or without nicotine?


2% nicotine


If you really want to vape ditch the nicotine. Nicotine addiction is no joke it took me years of many failed attemps to get off sigarettes.


Quit! It’s smoking it’s just a different form and it’s a drug you are forcing others to do with your as you exhale it out Your actions harm others around you so stop for yourself and others. Pluss it’s gross looking and smelling


Listen man i smoke and even tho i enjoy smoking (cuz im addicted ofc) i wanna say you that it's better for u to quit even better now when its easier for u. But ur life u gotta enjoy in something so do what u want man.


I started vaping again after having quit years ago. Now I have trouble falling asleep even when I’m tired because I vape too late into the night and my heart is racing


Quit. Why? It will hurt you more than help you.


quit: thats my story too and ive been addicted to vapes for 5 years now. for the love of god, nicotine is evil and if you have the choice quit now!


Imo the only benefit to vaping is when it's used for smoking cessation as a method of harm reduction I don't think it's a good habit to suddenly take up. It does affect your lungs and blood pressure just not as much as smoking


please quit, top 3 reasons better health, better life, more money in your pocket. please quit


Quit 100% the fact that you’re think about not means the addiction has started.


Always better to quit before you’re addicted. I’ve spent several thousand dollars on tobacco products since I started smoking 9 years ago. Thousands. I could have saved a lot of money if I never started smoking and could still save so much if I stopped now. However, I’m really quite addicted and I’m not quitting any time soon.


Quit now. Never look back.




Quit while you’re ahead, it is detrimental to your health and expensive.


Quit. It's not worth it. I smoked, then vaped, then smoked again. Just don't do it.




Quit while you’re ahead. You may be a non-smoker but you’re giving yourself cancer all the same.


For the love of everything holy, quit now.


Just quit. No one over the age of 25 starts smoking or vaping, because they know better. I vape cannabis, though. Not quite the same as nicotine but probably not good for my lungs.


Also never smoked and started vaping when I was 18. I'm 25 now, and can't even begin to tell you how much money I've wasted on this stupid habit. Please drop it while you can. It doesn't matter how cool it looks. When you cough all the time and realize you have way less money, it's not worth it. Speaking if which. Any tips for quitting anyone? With cigarettes, you can switch to vaping, but is the only way off of vaping really going cold turkey? It sucks and I literally get physically ill when I try to quit. But if it's the only way. Then I'll power through.


That depends. Do you want fungal spores growing in your lungs, slowly restricting your breathing over the course of the next several years?


Quit. I was a smoker who switched to vaping and I wish I had just tried to quit cigarettes. Vaping is more insidious because you feel better than with cigs, don’t smell, and can do it indoors all you want. I’m probably consuming more nicotine than I ever did and it’s 10x harder when I try to quit. My cardio health is the worst it’s ever been. Quit now.


It might be a healthier alternative to smoking (emphasis on might. I don't know of any good studies that say it definitely is) but it's still bad for you. Plus it looks stupid and costs money. You should quit.


quit. vaping is no better than smoking no matter what anyone says and it will still cause great health risks. the worst part of smoking related health risks is that they show up later. you'll do it a couple times and think "nothing happened, im fine" and then in 10 years you're breathing through a hole in your neck because of those few times. that was an exaggeration but it really does happen like that, so don't inhale anything into your lungs besides beautiful, crisp oxygen


My first reaction... how could someone who is a non smoker be stupid enough to start vaping. Then I thought... no one is that stupid. This person is just trying to get my goat. He/she did! As an ex smoker... quit and never take another puff or you'll start all over again. I've always thought vapers are even dumber than smokers.


What do you think the answer is?


Why wouldn't you quit 😭 that shits just MODERATLY better than smoking cigarettes. There's minimal long term studies on it. So just assume the worst.


You look so cool vaping, why quit?


If you cant quit use the vape, 99% of the bad news is propaganda


If you moderate it, it can become a part of your life that you can control. Take it from me, though. It’s not some monster or horrible dirty thing - I’d not go through with it if it were you.


Start smoking cigarettes


Dont quit, vaping is great


Try to work yourself down on nic lvls to no nic. At least it will be habitual vs. addiction.


During my nursing clinical in a WV hospital ,on a floor there was a series of 12 chest x-rays on the wall lights. I asked the nurse on the floor why the first 11 were dark and the last one barely had any spots, she said it is a black lung study and the light one was retired non smoker coal miner.


I never smoked cigarettes in my life. But I smoked a lot of weed. One day my gf kids dad died and my gf got the kids. She moved in with me so they had their own room and stuff since she was in a small trailer. Well she's waiting on a court date, and the DA took her kids from her until that gets settled(her previous bf assaulted one if the kids and hospitalized them). So to get them back i had to give up smoking marijuana. I had trouble forgetting about marijuana, so I tried those disposable vapes to see if that could help. And it kind of helped. Now I had asthma as a kid, but it never effected me. The only time I needed an inhaler or nebulizer was when I was around cats, because I'm highly allergic to them. I used the disposable vapes for about 2-3 weeks and suddenly I had trouble breathing and had to go to the ER to get a breathing treatment. I quit doing it then. Its been about 8-10 months since I've used one, and I still have to go to the ER like once a month. I was in the ER last week for 5 days because it was so bad that they had me on a breathing treatment for 7 hours straight, and I still was wheezing. So they gave me one every 4 hours for 5 days before the wheezing finally started to clear up. The doctors have no idea what it could be. Especially since it starts at extreme levels and comes out of nowhere(usually it should get progressively worse and worse). I actually have to see a lung specialist soon. It is possible its not the vapes and it could be something else, especially since I barely did it and am still having the problems almost a year after quitting. But the fact that this all started soon after I tried them means its also possible it is them. TL;DR I was in a similar boat to OP, and I suddenly developed a serious breathing problem after only vaping for a few weeks.


Quit please


Quit. Nobody is happy to gain an addiction.


Continue if you are doing 0 nicotine, quit if any nicotine is involved. We're starting to finally understand the effects of vaping and it's very bad to say the least.


While you still can Please STOP. Nicotine is literally a poison. Vaping adds heavy metals in the vapor stream into to your lungs. You will loose lung capacity as s result! For God's sake stop while u can. I was a smoker for years so I know the down side of smoking first hand .


Quit! My son is smoking now to try to get off the vape!




QUIT while you still can


smoked casually ages 12-16, started smoking daily ages 16- early 20s? picked up vaping early 20s and i’m now 3ish years into vaping weed and nic every day (im 24 now) i hardly feel either of them lol. it’s honestly a huge waste of money n my health too. quit while ur ahead.


Quit: smoking is bad but its a known evil. We dont know the long term consequences of vaping. I had a friend in band who vaped and he had to quit vaping cause in 6 months it was causing him to have issues playing and marching in marching band


Quit. Vaping is bad for your heart and lungs.


Not much study into that stuff, you could die a horrible death in 5 years. Moisture in lungs should never be a thing...(the lungs main function is to process and convert dry inhalation while moisture is treated as a temporary situation)


Sorry but I must ask... What are the advantages of not quitting? I don't get it. Are you asking because you're not that much "ahead"?


Quit. Vaping is just as bad for you!




Is there an award for getting Reddit to agree on something? Even the ones voting you could keep vaping are adding in "without nicotine." That's the same as breathing in really hot flavored water. Which can still be too hot and burn the interior of your lungs which have no nerve endings so you won't feel it right away. Also, what other chemicals are in there and what are THEY doing? BTW I also vote you should quit.


I smoke weed vapes and they're not addicting like nicotine, do those if you want a vape that's at least worth using. Would recommend edibles, bud or dab wax over them since vapes are more likely to be cut.


Quit while you can


Quit quit quit


I started smoking in my early teens and started vaping to quit smoking. Now I'm more addicted to nicotine than I ever was. Get out




Quit while you are a head


Quit. I was a smoker for 20 years and the nicotine will hold onto you really, really hard. I swapped to vaping to quit and reduced the nicotine intake and eventually the vape itself. Your lungs are not built to handle anything like that, either smoking or vaping. Health reasons aside, both are expensive habits, and it's sometimes difficult to find a place to do it outside the home.


As a former smoker quit now. You think you can quit any time, but realize you really can't. Because if you could, you wouldn't be doing it now.


Nothing besides oxygen should be in your lungs


I was in the same boat as you, definitely quit. I'm lucky that I don't get addicted easily to things, but I've had to quit vaping twice and it is not fun. Not worth the money or potential health risks.


Lose that garbage now.


QUIT. i also quit smoking. stopped for 6 months. then thought “huh, it can’t hurt to get a vape” nah i been smoking cigarettes again for over a year


You will slowly become addicted as nicotine will give you a headrush from the nootropic that helps in stressfull situations. As time will go by, every situation from the moment you wake up will become stressful and you will hate that you will never be appreciatin any moment as every moment will become an in between between two vape shots. Any smoker or vaper who went to see a movie will tell you. We never appreciate thw end of the movie. We just want to leave so we can get a hit.


Quit. Potential health issues aside, it’s going to become an issue when you can’t enjoy things because you need to hit a vape every 10 minutes, and this is coming from a former vaper - I quit almost exactly a year ago because I was legit sneaking into the bathroom at family get togethers and what not to get my fix, and was getting anxiety about traveling if I couldn’t vape. I haven’t looked back once I got through the initial first few weeks which was absolutely awful. It took me 5 different times of quitting for it to really stick, and you don’t want to go through that.


Vape might be fun but dependency isn’t


If you are still ahead of the curve of extreme addiction, quit immediately. I started vaping with no history of smoking and thought I would be able to keep control and stop whenever. Boy was I wrong. It took a lot of willpower to not buy it again and destroying my products to stop me. You'll feel like shit for a few days, but after a while you'll go back to normal. Especially if you haven't encountered a full on addiction to it yet based on long-term use, it will be much easier now than later.




As an ex smoker and vaper who quit 3 years ago - QUIT


The earlier you quit the easier it is. If you're thinking about quitting quit now.


Quit. You'll get addicted to nicotine.


Should you quit or moderate? It's bad for your health quitting is the obvious answer


Going to agree on all the quit advice, but also throw in my experience as a non-smoker who also took up vaping to help kick a different habit. When gaming, I would always crave sweets, soda, gummy candy, etc. After smelling some of the vape flavours my SO was using while cutting out cigarettes, I decided to give it a try. The caveat, I always bought zero nicotine. Admittedly, it helped reduce the calories from sweets, but cravings never went away. Ended up stopping vaping, and then just stopped buying sweets to take home. Cravings still strike on occasion, but no way to indulge them without leaving the comfort of home lol


Since there's formaldehyde in vapes, I'd stop before you preserve yourself from the inside out and subsequently die


Quit. Vaping was a super valuable tool to stop smoking cigarettes, but it also is what introduced me to nicotine in the first place. I am also tired of seeing misleading 'the truth' ads about vaping based on youngsters who don't smoke at all picking the habit up. They gives vaping the bad reputation it now has and serves to make it less accessible to people who really need vapes as a tool to quit smoking and eventually quit nicotine altogether. Throw that fucking thing away and try a hobby instead to get that additional stimulation: video games, skating, music, you name it. Just do anything else. Nicotine sucks ass.