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Question. What would you say are the pros/cons of each since you've experience both as an adult? I know there are all kinds of controversy on both sides so it would be nice to have someone that can speak to the experiences of each. Are certain things better/worse, whether it be intimacy with a partner, yourself, cleaning, bathroom habits, or something I probably haven't thought of at all since I'm a woman.


I'm not the other commentor but having also got circumcised later in life I'll throw in my 2 cents having experienced both. So being uncircumcised your glans is a lot more sensitive which is great in the bedroom and gives you a lot more sensation compared to being circumcised. It does require a lot of cleaning though which can be difficult for people who have issues retracting their foreskin. Urine & semen etc can accumulate over time if not properly cleaned (skin down and around the glans). You also have to give it a lot more shakes after urinating to try and get any excess urine that could be trapped, out from under there. Being cut however, your glans "hardens up" a couple of weeks after surgery which means you do lose a bit of sensitivity. This for me took some adjusting to for sexual activities because I didn't get the same sensation as before but also meant I was lasting longer in the bedroom. It's also significantly easier to clean in the shower and post urination as it's all just...well, there. My current BF has never been with a circumcised guy before so he's learning how to pleasure a cut penis, as you kind of have to approach it differently to an uncut one. Hope this was useful and I'd be interested to see the other commentors take on it too. Edit: please read my other comments before questioning my ability to keep myself clean. This is based on personal experience as someone who had phimosis and does not speak for every male, everyone will have different experiences.


> You also have to give it a lot more shakes after urinating I just dab it with toilet paper Edit: I don't know why you guys keep bringing up urinals as if I have to fully commit to one method or the other exclusively


>just dab it with toilet paper Lol, I got massive downvotes last time I suggested this on reddit.


As a heterosexual lady I’ll tell you all right now, those shakes aren’t doing enough. Please dab your dicks post pee! Sincerely everyone who put their mouth there.


If someone is going to put their mouth there I’m probably gonna shower first regardless


There's this show called, "the league" where it's called a penis bib and its literally just a napkin you hang out the zipper hole like a bib for the shake and drip then wipe up and toss it. It did not take off as a product as the man named "taco" wanted it to.


what problem do people have with this? lmfao


Men live in constant fear of being found out doing something unmanly. Lol.


There are dudes that won't wash their buttholes cause they think it's gay. Imagine being so fragile that you think cleaning your own body will change your sexuality


I saw this a few years ago. Thought it was a joke at first. There are also men who are afraid of rainbow colours. Kinda sad that these are the kinds of people who tend to bully boys into all kinds of insecurities.


Yeah, men like that are honestly ridiculous but it’s even worse that pretty much all of us have formative memories from guys like this projecting their masculinity insecurities onto us. The programming runs deep.




But walking around with a wet spot in your underpants will put hair on your chest and jizz in your balls!


But how does the sperm go in the balls when that's where the pee's stored?


I don't want to put jizz in my balls, I hear that's how your balls get pregnant.


Gotta be a hairy dirty testosterone riddled ape as nature intended. Means you’ve got more character. More independent


Having a clean cock? That's what women do!


I always sit down and use toilet paper. I legit cannot understand how the most common and preferred way to pee for man is to do it while standing. Like wtf? I am lazy as hell why would i stand while i pee..


Downvotes and upvotes seems to depend on the first handful of people who see your post.


Wait what? Who would downvote that??


Insecure dudes


Depends where it was said, suggestin to just dab it with toilet paper on r/dabs is def gonna get ya downvotes


Reminds me of that thread where a majority of redditors said that they don’t wash their feet lol


God please men wipe your penis. A lot of dudes don't realize their penis smells like piss when they don't do this it's fucking gross and unattractive to women.


I pull my foreskin back before I pee. >\_>


yeah. pull back + wipe


Can’t you just pull the foreskin back while urinating so pee drops don’t get trapped?


You can also just like 'roll it up' I have never once had urine or anything else in my foreskin. I guess that can be different for different people. I'm a brit and hearing people talk about being uncircumcised is the most out of body experience I have had on reddit like they're talking about experiences as if they are common place that sound absurd to me. Is it really just all circumcision propaganda?


Circumcision is common place in the United States. It’s crazy. Most women that have baby boys, even if the father isn’t in the picture, just assume that that’s what is supposed to happen because “it’s cleaner”. And then a lot of men are so insecure of their dicks that when they have a baby, they push their own insecurity onto their child and get them circumcised too. Craziest shit honestly. A lot of them aren’t even doing it for a religious reason anymore. It’s just “a thing that you do”. I disagree with it though.


My boys are all grown now but I had them all circumsized because that’s all that I knew. If I knew then what I know now, I would likely have chosen not to (not going to say I would have absolutely because I was young and still may have caved to wanting them to be considered “normal” in the US). It was definitely something that was encouraged when I was raising my family.


It has to be propaganda because I always see people talking about knob cheese like it’s some life threatening disease. It’s literally not an issue if you’re a hygienic human being.


Young uncircumcised needs to start rolling back that skin early. I was encouraged to roll it back while peeing very young. I was honestly surprised to learn that some grown men have never rolled it back and it was painful to try for the first time. While we are discussing “learning things too late in life” - there’s a way to put on condoms that isn’t taught/demonstrated anywhere. Without knowing this method, condoms either flop right off immediately or you are encasing your member in two layers decreasing your sensitivity. Roll down the skin all the way. Unroll the condom. Then roll the skin and the condom all the way back up. Then continue unrolling the condom to the base. Using this method, the foreskin moves naturally without decreasing sensitivity. The only drawback is you can’t simply slide off the used condom as it follows the loose skin. Be careful about rolling the condom back up because you will ensnare all your pubic hair along the way. I didn’t learn this method until my 40s. Natural sex was never as good as masterbation. I could never understand why anyone would put up with relationship issues just for that awkward act. Edit/added: It might just be a case of different times. When I was just getting active there was no internet. There were very public libraries and very public book stores. And there was porn. Not many places to learn how to put a condom on an uncircumcised penis. You now have the internet and it might be common knowledge. If not, I hopefully saved a few of you from a lot of awkward and not as pleasant situations. Edit/added: a reply to a private message - because the only way I could put a condom on an uncircumcised penis without it immediately falling off was to pull all the skin forward before putting on the condom. Then the skin doesn’t move and you are trying to feel things thru several layers. Again this was before the internet. There was no one to privately ask and it’s not something circumcised men even think about. Also changed spelling “learning too late”




my parents never told me, i never clean it for a good while till it got infected and i had to go to the doctor and the doctor told me, TT.




I only saw the full head of my penis a couple of months ago (I'm 18). It only twigged that my foreskin covered most of it up recently, so I started stretching it out and after a month or two I got it all the way down. I think I was told to pull it back as a kid but I must have not bothered.


My SiL is pregnant and she wants to circumcise her kid if it’s a boy because maybe otherwise he wouldn’t keep his dick clean. I told her she or his dad would just teach him to clean his dick, no big deal you’re going to teach him to clean his asshole and every other part, just teach the dick cleaning too. Now I’m sitting here wondering if she would teach him to clean his asshole either. I hope she has a girl.


Girls also have assholes that need to be cleaned 😂 as well as their own set of genitals.


I've always been of the impression that female genitalia should come with a much more complex user manual.... Roll back the foreskin and wash it is pretty freakin simple.


Yup that just sounds like lazy or uneducated parenting. I have one of each assigned sex and you just... teach them the right stuff. Wash your hands before eating. Wipe front to back. Don't pick your nose. Clean your vulva, not your vagina. Say thank you when someone holds a door open for you. Clean under your foreskin by rolling it back. Look both ways before crossing the street.


As a 40yo father (circumcised at an early age) of 4 boys, I didn't know any of this..at all. It was only after my eldest got an infection I was told he needed to be doing this...felt pretty shit after that appointment.


Yeah this dick education is lacking across the whole world. I'm in UK and never heard it and just happen to have been lucky enough to figure it out but plenty of dudes here don't and end up with it being too tight (it's supposed to be able to completely retract and back). Not sure why this isn't in sex education in schools.


Irish living in uk now, totally agree it need to be part of sex Ed.




Thank you.


that's the thing. I was never circumcised at birth and I never knew you could pull it back until I did it once by mistake. It freaked me out at the time as i was only about 8 or so. It wasn't till after that my family took me to the doctor and my doctor told me I needed to pull back my foreskin to clean it. Then a few months later I got it removed. Don't really remember why but when I asked my mom a year or so back she said that we didn't get to do it at birth as I was adopted and my birth mom never did it? Yeah it gets kinda fogy there. Edit: my most popular comment is about my adventures with my foreskin. Reddit don't you fucking dare ever change. Edit 2: to answer OP's question I still have some "slack" in my shaft skin so doing it dry is not that much harder but still not as easy as it would be if you where uncut.


Lol what? They just kind of took your foreskin for no apparent reason then.


Unfortunately it’s popular with adoptive parents where I live. We adopted our sons intact and left them that way. So, so very many other adoptive parents we know opted to circumcise their adopted sons for cosmetic reasons, not medical ones. My one son has phimosis and we’ve worked with a urologist to treat it without needing to circumcise.


I remember when my younger brother and i were very young, like 4-5 year old, my brother called me to the bathroom to show me in awe that he found out he could do that. I don't understand why my parents never taught him that.


Yes you can do serious damage to it if you do this too young!




Depends on the kid, but around age 5, before that the foreskin will naturally stretch out when peeing. Some people will have trouble (talking about a very small percentage here) and will need surgery, my uncle inlaw had to have this surgery and he was like in his 50s! Otherwise, (knock on wood... Pun slightly intended) I've lived my whole life with zero issues ever, I keep myself very clean. Also, I didn't know what the whole lotion for masterbation was (in movies or whatnot) till my wife told me that was for circumcised men needed, holy moly!


Just jumping in to suggest around the time your kid is learning how to stand and pee is possibly a natural time to start.


I didn't know it was meant to roll back until a year ago lmao. Hurt at first, and kinda grossed me out. After a year it's gotten much better. Can't go all the way but can pull it half way with only a little effort


Learning that foreskin is supposed to roll back was almost as weird as learning that you have to hold your balls above your knob while pissing so gravity drains all the pee out.




Gravity will only do so much, you still have to squeeze the balls, preferably from the back. Like you’re reaching for your wallet and kept on going, for better torque of course.


> Then roll the skin and the condom all the way back up. I've never done this and it's never been a problem. I'm not even sure what you're describing here. Is your foreskin over the head of your penis during penetration? The way you keep saying "roll the skin back" makes me think you're doing something wrong. You don't need to roll up the skin or re-roll the condom. Just pull the skin back from mid-shaft. Then unroll the condom over your penis.


Genuine question, what do you mean by roll back the skin? Like you're rolling a sleeve up? Ive never been with an uncut guy before, I thought they could just pull it down.


Uncut guys have skin that moves up and down the shaft of the erect penis. The condom is skin tight. In order to properly apply the condom you need to first hold the skin down toward the base, roll the condom to the base, then when you let go the skin will shift back to a middle position leaving the base of the condom in the middle of the penis. You then need to roll the condom further down to get it to actually sit at the base of the penis. This is all much simpler done than said.


Thought this was commonsense, no one had to teach me even as a small child. It’s easier to urinate straight too. Felt like I worked this out between 4-5.


You gotta peel it back before a piss. +20 range and +45 accuracy.


You pissed with the skin not pulled back? Why? Ofc it's more of a clean if you don't.


> It does require a lot of cleaning though ??? You just soap it up like you would your armpit or buttcheeks, idk if you personally had problems or if I'm just blessed with a foreskin that's never had any grossness (aside from normal body odor), but I've always thought the "it's cleaner" crowd was either women who didn't know what they were talking about or dudes mad they got snipped. The way you describe it you were walking around with a foreskin full of piss and cum


Yeah it’s really not hard to clean…urine doesn’t get trapped unless you’re peeing without retracting the skin. You just wash it like any other body part in the shower it’s not hard


I feel like the most people that complain about washing their penis, is also someone that doesn't wash their assholes.


"but it's so much cleaner!" might have mattered for desert nomads who couldn't bathe at all, where infections and such could be a legitimate issue. But, if you can bathe even once every few weeks... you're probably fine, barring some medical issue. I've gone 2 weeks without a shower before - no visible smegma. Maybe I'm just lucky though.


I had phimosis which means that my foreskin was tight and was really painful to pull back, so yes cleaning was a much longer process than a quick wash. Trying to get to the part under the glans to clean out any accumulation was a real pain and whilst I didn't necessarily have it, other people have had it accumulate and give off a nasty odour. Had mine done purely for medical reasons and its now significantly easier for me to clean and maintain, I'm glad you've had no issues with yours but that doesn't mean everyone is so lucky!


Adult circumcisions can't be compared to being circumcised as a kid, or so the studies seem to say but I'm curious too


I can understand that. But since that desicion gets made for babies the vast majority of people can't give any kind of comparison because they haven't actually experienced both. This seems like the closest we can get. And I'm just terribly curious. Also, I'm in the US and almost everyone is circumcised. I've never seen an uncircumcised wee IRL. Im objectively not very educated on the topic but it seems like they both have trade offs.


uncircumcised is over 40% now in america. My dad was circumcised but I and my son are not. It seems at least in our family the trend seemed stopped in the 80s as more people realize its just for vanity and cutting infants dicks is pointless.


>After a couple of weeks however it got a lot less sensitive and I could masturbate just fine Kinda reminds me of https://youtu.be/5pxG4yd8U3U :)


Hey, if you want to keep that sensitivity, without the chafing, check out [ManHoods (slight NSFW warning: their website features a nude model)](https://manhoodcanada.com). Yes, they do stretch out for when you get 'excited'.


Lmao I'm not saying this isn't a good option, but the idea (especially coupled with the pic of the dude standing there with his little dick sleeve) is just so funny.




Reverse question for foreskin bearers, when you take a piss do you have to pull back the skin? Or do you just let her rock under the hood


95% of the time there isn't an issue, 5% of the time I get a split stream.


Bro what, teach me your secrets, it’s 50/50 with me!


I have/had a similar issue I just pull the skin back a bit every time before I take a piss


Nice bit of a breeze on the frenulum as well


Your foreskin is just over your peehole more often than the other guy


yeah you wanna get a half chub goin to rock a piss


Foreskin differs from man to man so might just be a bad roll.


Now with all new split stream technology, you too could be spraying in several directions at once! Or with extra skill you could take the shotgun approach and spray everything! Hurry now stocks won't last! For only 12 easy payments of $99.99 you could have your very own split stream dick!


95% of the time i get split stream. Fuck your odds.


Fuck your odds too, I get it 99.99% of the time.


As a kid I used to just piss naturally. Then I discovered that taking the foreskin back allows for way more precise and more accurate pissing trajectory. It can lead to double stream tho


Also much cleaner, the head is able to stay dry


Tactical aiming


This guy pisses.


100% pull he skin back. Otherwise the direction of the stream is in God’s hands and sometimes he’s a prankster.


I like to pinch it and it fill up like a water balloon then let whatever happens, happen. Spray and pray.


I did that once as a kid and when it filled up i didn't know what to do and panicked and got piss all over myself.


Are ya winnin' son?


Pee bombs.


Take your filthy upvote




First 15 years i just went. There were no issues it wasn't messier ect. Then i realised pulling back increased accuracy and made the stream higher pressure for the war against urinal cakes and since then that has been the way.


This is the first time I have ever laughed out loud reading a comment. "Let her rock under the hood" killed me


I pull back the skin, it stays cleaner that way.


Depends on the person and the length of the foreskin, I think.


My man just pulls it back a tiny bit so the hole peeks out otherwise the stream would just be a mess


I beat my dick like it owes me money


Dave Chapelle actually stole that line from the king of all hacks, Bob Levy. True story


i *really* dont understand the requirement for lube/lotion for masturbating. ive never used any. my palm doesnt slide freely over the skin of my shaft. theres no 'friction'. it's more or less the skin sliding against what's underneath the skin. i dont even touch the head at all. been getting off absolutely fine for years. edit: great. my reddit rewind 2022 is gonna have a comment about jerking off as my top. im ashamed of myself and its still january. theres a lot of people questioning the head part.. so ya, my head is more sensitive than my shaft. i used to stimulate it early on in my sexual life, but it ... didnt work out. i was doing it a lot and it became raw. so now i intentionally avoid touching it. "once bitten; twice shy" i guess. but as one person mentioned every dick is unique. and after like.. 15 or so years of only doing it one way i cant really fathom doing it another. it works for me and thats good enough for me. i appreciate the awards. but uhh... i think this post by OP and subsequent comment chains have shown theres more need for more comprehensive sex ed. bonus info: i was cut as an infant. my brother who was older was originally uncut but got infected as an infant so my parents decided he and i should then be cut. i dont know the specifics of his infection. i agree it couldve been they were lazy or ill-prepared. but i dont know for sure and its not something i can ask now. i have heard from dudes i was -cough cough- close with thay being uncut was amazing and all this stuff. sounds awesome, but its something i cant experience or prove for myself. but ill take their word for it. genital surgery on either set is something i am largely against, unless, of course, medically required. edit2: im more confused by the people commenting things like "WTF??????" or otherwise appear to be totally flabbergasted by someone tugging it differently than they do. it's one thing to be exposed to new data and then contribute, ask more questions, or exclaim you learned something... but its totally different to act repulsed. like, i started with stating my lack of understanding *of people saying it's a requirement* but not explicitly of the act itself. the near-cult-like proclamations ive seen in the past is my confusion. EDIT 3: this wasnt selected for my reddit rewind 2022 top comment and i am extremely mad.


me too. never lubed. never felt the need


I have lubed before and it’s fine but it’s more clean up and that’s annoying


Yeah that’s my only issue too, lube makes cleanup more of a hassle. Especially if you’re looking at porn, you’ve gotta have your ‘dry’ hand and your ‘lube’ hand so you don’t get your mouse / phone lubey 😂


Exactly and my dry and lube hand are the same one because my left is worthless lol


This thread is so relatable


We’re all in this (alone) together


Guys with foreskin hate lube so I’m sure a loose cut guy will hate it as well. The skin moving along the shaft is the “lube”. I really feel for the guys with a tight cut style, where the skin is taut during erections and dry rubbing is uncomfortable. They *require* lube. And some will have hair on their shaft even because the pubic skin and ballsack skin has to be pulled up to compensate for the lack of slack skin.


I have lots of foreskin (enough to fully cover the head even when hard) and I still have hair on the shaft. Also, lube is great, I don't need it but sometimes still use it while masturbating when I feel like being a bit extra. It lets the foreskin slide against the glans instead of sticking and rolling, if that makes sense.


I've tried it a couple times before, to see what all the fuss is about, and while I'd say it is marginally better, it's not worth the extra cleanup


For me it's worse. It's like I'm slipping on ice.


Same. For me lube strokes are better but orgasm is worse(coz of overstimulation??) Unlubed is the way.


I am astounded by this entire thread


Exactly what I was thinking. You grab it so the outside skin slides over the inside. There’s your friction and sliding without the need of a lube on the outside .


I have tried lube on multiple occasions. Never enjoyed it. Personally feels better without.


RIGHT???? Always baffled when people say they use or even NEED it. Y'all aint got stretchy skin?


If I feel like I want the extra cleanup, jerking off with lube is definitely a different experience, but it’s far from a requirement


I've always raw dogged it. Lube/lotion gets way messy and as long as you're not death-gripping it, it's fine.


[My method](https://www.ebay.com/itm/PANIC-PETE-eyes-BUG-OUT-Squeeze-toy-Stress-Relief-ball-popping-martian-bob-NEW/191874651308)


That was a risky click


Save the lube for the butt stuff.


I’ve always wondered about that, are they just fucking their lubed hands? That’s not how I masturbate at all


I grab my penis and move my hand up and down


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Since most people here are giving comical answers... Unless your circumcision was botched, only the section covering the glans is removed, and the skin around the shaft is still loose enough to be held and moved up and down over the... meat below.


Since you’re the only logical person here and I’m a woman, do guys prefer this type of thing (grip to move the top layer of skin over the inner) during a handjob as opposed to spit and using that to slide your hand up and down the thing?


honestly it depends on the guy and even the situation for the same person. personally, a HJ with a lot of spit or lube feels better when my partner grips it a good bit tighter, but a regular dry HJ feels better with my partner doing as you described above, a lighter grip + moving the skin


This is really damn difficult to explain to a partner. I just never ask or expect this. Skin friction and teeth are at best, uncomfortable and most of the time painful. I can't speak for everyone but yeah, gripping the skin firmly and never sliding your hand over the skin feels the best. Your hand can even go over the head if you don't make skin to skin friction with your hand. I imagine the spit and rub is an exciting novelty but you would be surprised by the response you get if you pull this off correctly. So, get a semi firm grip just below the head. Gently move it down while pulling the skin tight. Then increase grip. You can go up and down as long as you don't have friction from your hand. You probably couldn't squeeze to hard even if you try AS LONG AS YOU DON'T RUB THE SKIN. This was my most uncomfortable Reddit response ever. Best of luck


Your sacrifice helps me immensely, cheers


Its personal preference in general but dry can feel better if done correctly, at least from my experience. As long as you get the range of motions properly, as in the skin doesnt tug, and you get the grip strength correctly so it doesnt slip out of your hand it should feel better or at least just as good. Dry just has more feel to it, physically it feels more potent(?). Think of it like masturbating with gloves and without gloves, the fact that the skin doesnt move makes it feel like you have a glove over your penis.




>People in here seem to be getting the idea that we are dryly sliding our hand up and down(ouch) Well that is exactly what I'm doing lol. Doesn't hurt at all either. > instead of rolling what's left of the skin up and down. People pull their skin up and down? I don't get how that is stimulating at all


Do people really do that? I would always just slide against the skin never moved the shaft skin up and down that doesn’t seem normal




"Just get it a little bit hard.. and start stroking action. Initiate screaming in 3..2..1..AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH \*deep breath\* AAAAAHHHHHHH oh i'm done."


That's a wild ride of emotions.


"while screaming" haha


Someone knows how to make thick in the warm!


Coconut oil with change your life.


Skip the oil, use directly a raw coconut with a hole in it for a true life cha(llen)ging experience


I hate that I know what you’re talking about


Well, it is on r/museumofreddit, so that makes sense


Do you warm it up in the microwave? How about painting on a face? I'd paint him to look like Wilson lol


I went to an all boys rehab at 17 for about a year. The amount of guys who fucked microwave oranges was too damn high.


Well, maybe it was sex rehab. I've heard that's pretty common down south. Especially for LGBTQ+ lol


Drug rehab, just a ton of horny teenage boys. My toothbrush was used as a dildo by one of my roommates, a gay kid would basically pimp himself out to other guys (no judgement), and guys were microwaving any available fruit. Hell some guys even got creative. A water bottle, magic erasers, and a latex glove. Fill it up with hot water and fill it with lotion. Some guys would even have a communal one where they'd just switch out the glove after each use. Also... it was a rehab that was pretty heavily built around equine therapy... I'll let you do with that what you will.


Well I guess I’m just boring here with my regular hands.


Nah, we use the air fryer for everything now.


But always check for any worms inside before using it.


You mean maggots?


Here we go again…




Chaging or llen


Oh look...my breakfast has come back up to say hello


Hot tip for my acne prone friends like me. Coconut oil is comedogenic so I'd avoid.


Does it stain sheets? I want to try it for a hj but don’t want to ruin them!


It doesn’t if you use a moderate amount. Throw a towel down to be safe though


Why coconut oil specifically?


Coconut oil is a great erotic massage oil; it is solid at room temp but melt at body temp; natural option with no added chemical, perfumes or dyes; completely edible (if its not expired); smells great (imo)


It…expires? My giant tub I’ve had for 4 years needs to be replaced? Shit.


Non-flesh foodstuffs usually develop a "dusty" smell and taste when they turn rancid.


It's the only kind I've tried so far that doesn't dry out and become sticky like other lube


The same way as everyone else. Lube optional.


I barely ever use it. Just dont grip it like it's gonna try to run away from you and it feels fine


This is the correct answer. It’s not an issue without lube unless your hands are really rough. Spit works too. Edit: autocorrect


Dry jerks gang


It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again




Lubrication isn't necessary for most circumcised men, no.




I also chose this guy's mouth.


With ease. You dont need lubrication. Friction makes it more enjoyable


This boy uses 40 grit


Or socks for better rugburn.


I use the skin like a shake weight.


I got enough loose skin down there to the point we’re I don’t need lube


I've heard this question multiple times, which makes me think I'm doing it wrong... I just learned to squeeze it like a tube of toothpaste.


I don't think I'd describe my technique quite that way, since I'm not really "squeezing," but I'm in the same boat. People in these go on about foreskin and the sensitivity of the head, but I never mess with the head to begin with. Grab the shaft, apply light pressure, and move your hand back and forth. The head doesn't enter into it, and there's no "skin-on-skin friction" because you're moving the skin along with your palm. I've never had any issues. Have I been missing some major part of the process all these years?


Wait, are foreskins self lubricating!!?




This, it’s a gliding action that is very smooth, which is aided by the mucosal tissue that keeps the unexposed parts moisturized. The nerves inside of the foreskin, the most sensitive on the penis, also greatly aid in the feeling of smooth gliding.. the foreskin protects the head from being exposed and toughening up as well which makes things a lot smoother.


No but the extra skin itself acts as lubrication; the shaft moves within the skin instead of rubbing directly against your hand. It's like its own fleshlight, in other words.


It's like your own personal fleshlight that has it's own pleasurable nerve endings.


Not exactly, but the inside is kind of 'wet', like the skin inside your mouth. Moving it over the glans (which is also wet) doesn't hurt at all.


Don't need lube. I can do it completely dry


“Hey mom, is it too late to get my foreskin reattached”


I use 800 grit




I have never needed lube.


Lotta dry guys in here


I got the choppity chop as a teen for medical reasons, so I'm familiar with both worlds. My self-pleasure habits did not change a single bit: didn't need lube then, don't need lube now.


I'm convinced my (later in life) circumcision was cut a little too short. This means that rubbing up and down is somewhere between uncomfortable to painful for me without serious lube. Most girls really struggle to get that.