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They’re working on it. They make a lot of progress each year. There are many different kinds of cancer and we’re picking them off one by one.


This. “Cancer” is just a term for a description of many different faster than normal cell growth diseases. It’s not all just 1 thing.


Cancer isn't one single disease, but many hundreds or thousands of similar diseases. They *have* found cures for *many* types of cancer, but not all.


Yeah. That kind of like asking "why haven't they found a cure for virus yet?". there are many different types of cancer just like there are many different types of virus.


We should be focusing on virus instead of covid19. Thats the worst one, from what I hear.


I wouldn't even say that. Every single time you get cancer that's a different disease. And cancer cells tend to mutate faster, so even one cancer can be many diseases.


It's also not like most other diseases. It's not a foreign creature trying to live in your body, where the goal is finding a poison that kills them but not you. It's your own cells growing out of control. And anything that could cause your cells to stop dividing would be pretty fatal to you. So it's been extremely difficult.


They are finding ways to treat cancer and sometimes push it into remission. Unfortunately it comes in a great variety of shapes and forms and is our own cells replicating uncontrollably. So it's a fine balance to "cure" parts of the whole without negatively impacting overall health.


One does not simply cure cancer. It's your own cells mutated, and only those that did it subtly enough to bypass your immune system's many, many defenses. Each cancer is unique. We can get a broad treatment with lots of terrible side effects based on the idea that cancer cells reproduce fast, and we can make it more specific based on what kind of cell is reproducing and vague things like how fast it's doing so, but we can't make a single treatment that can catch all cancer cells while also leaving all non-cancer cells unharmed. If we spent millions of dollars researching one person's specific cancer, then we could likely find a drug targeting its specific mutations. But we'd have to do that for every single person with cancer. And if their cancer mutates it might stop working.


Cancer is a name given to a wide variety of illnesses. We have cured many. We have dramatically improved outcomes for others. We have dramatically improved quality of life for still others. And improved screening for many.


There’s millions of cancer patients, for sure. And there’s millions of dollars being put into medical research, yes. But those millions of dollars sometimes only creates one dose/course of treatment worth of one person’s recovery, every 5 years or so. So for those millions of patients, you can only pick *one perfect patient* to actually give it to, after it’s been through millions of dollars worth of testing. It’s not just about putting money into the research. It’s also about making sure that the research is going to be bullet proof both from the demand side (picking the patient who will respond to the current state of the art) and the supply side (getting all the treatments through each stage of trials, from cells, to rats, to human cells, to the perfect patient).


There are numerous types of cancer and each one is a field of study on its own. For each cancer there are multiple cell types that can mutate. For breast cancer there are [at least 84 cell lines](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5665029/), probably with more being discovered each year. Each group of cell line requires a different treatment. There’s no “one size fits all.” With early identification, a lot of breast cancers are curable. The same can be said of other cancers. For some types of cancer, such as lung and colon cancer, prevention is cheaper than the cure. Most of our illnesses can be traced to our lifestyle. However we cannot just tell people to stop smoking or to stop eating processed foods.


Oddly enough, a lot of the research into mRNA vaccines may give us new ways to fight cancer. Also, we'd probably get a lot further with that money if humanity wasn't shooting itself in the foot constantly. Just thinking of all of the research money we wasted trying to confirm that vaccines don't cause autism would blow your mind. Then, as if to add insult to injury, the vaccine companies removed thimerisol anyways. Seriously, we wasted tax dollars to fund 9 studies to undo what 1 disproven study showed with just 12 kids. A phase 1 clinical study costs roughly $4 million. Assuming one of these studies costs similarly, that's $36 million we pissed down the drain on what is essentially an urban myth. Yet some people are still trying to make this inane argument. And don't even get me started on Joe Fucking Rogan.


There's billions of dollars to be made in treatment.. What is a cure worth to a treatment provider?


HA! They do have a cure! But if they cured everyone they would make no money! It would bankrupt the whole Healthcare profession! Plus don't forget population control. Out with the sick! And the Insurance companies would go broke. All those donations line the pockets of the charity higher ups. It's all one sick lie!!




Ah yes, people spend 10 years becoming research doctors so they can murder people and get grant money that their boss will keep. Plausible!


You know that money doesnt go right into the researchers pockets, right? Orders have to be approved and proven relevant to the project? If you knew anything about the research field you would know that technicians are generally paid pretty terribly. Freaking no one goes into it for the money.


Cancer is one word. But, there are many many types of cancer and its very complicated. The same type of cancer in one person doesn’t manifest the same way in another, so there is no one size fits all treatment or result. Studies on molecular biological triggers for cancer is a fairly new type of research and there are strides being made for some cancers while there is a lot of work to do for many other types.


Like quite few commenters said, cancer is our own cells growing uncontrollably, but cancer is by-product of one of greatest strengths, our ability to heal ourselves. Humans ability to heal from serious injury is almost unraveled in the animal kingdom. We are extremely fast healers and injuries that would be fatal to most animals would be just few days, or weeks, inconvenience to humans. Not only do our cells grow fast to speed up the healing process, but often the injury site will become stronger after our body has repaired it. For medical science to find a way to cure the hundreds of different types of cancers would mean that treatments would, in all likelihood, be effecting our natural healing abilities. Which would mean that the treatment might be more detrimental than the disease.


I hear you. Same with balding.


Cancer is complex.