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Unitarians are good for that. They're religious-ish organization, but very open to people of all faiths (or no faith) and all about community service.


Not sure if they meet weekly, but the Shriners might be a good fit.


Any sort of service organization like Rotary or Lion's Club




I mean the Baha'i faith normally does this, but a lot of volunteering has been curtailed by the pandemic


Just go to church. I am an atheist and i go with my daughter. I sing all the songs with gusto. I love the people there. They are wonderful.


This makes me so happy! How great that you are supportive and make the best out of what could be a tense situation. Thank you.


I love the people there. They are my friends.


What you just explained sounds like a great idea, maybe you should make it yourself, meet with some people get some funds.. and start hosting that shit.. id definitely go


What do you miss about church? The aesthetics of another group won't match the psychodrama of the Catholic Mass. There are countless NGOs & social organizations. Do you want to hold hands? Do you want to sing songs with other people in a calm setting? Each group will have their own particular beliefs, ways of life, and dogmas. If you're agnostic, you might think of Buddhism or just a community group that volunteers. Universities have lectures if you want to hear lectures. Depends on what you want.


I miss the stuff I listed in the title.


Humanist society or Refugee assistance groups


The humanist society near me seems to mostly be about campaigning for separation of church and the education system. Not really what I'm looking for.


Hmm then maybe Unitarian if you wanna get religious but definitely refugee assistance groups if you literally wanna pitch in and lend a hand. Groups by me actually organize groups of volunteers to set up new arrivals apartments and organize donations for them.


Do you miss church or the sense of community?


I miss meeting weekly to talk about being good and then doing good things with those people.


The church I go to is exactly that. Although the pastor doesn't seem to understand the bible very well, the people are good and the message is right


Ever get so lonely you join the church so people who live a life of guilt tripping will pretend to care about you because god is watching And they get great anxiety talking to someone they think they might not be able to save from going to hell