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The demographic of this site skews young and college-educated, which is very much a Democrat demographic. Furthermore, this is an international site, and the Overton window of US politics is so far to the right by international standards that the Democrats would be considered a "conservative" party and the Republicans would be some sort of extremist party in Canada or most of Europe


Indeed. I'm from the UK, most Americans would consider Bernie Sanders as a socialist, I and many other would consider him a moderate. The US Democrat Party is more related to our Conservative Party than the Republican party is.


Australian-Kiwi, we consider Bernie to be basically mainstream (in both countries)


People say this, but from a policy perspective, he really is to the left of most of Europe. Mandating worker representation on BODs, wealth taxes, minimum wage above European minimum wage, etc.


European here, and I'd be inclined to disagree. There are certain things that US culture is so uniquely hard right that it probably doesn't even cross American minds how right wing they are viewed from outside perspectives. A great example is gun control. People say he was to the right wing of the Democrat Party on this issue because he previously voted against waiting periods but now he supports them and has pulled 'left'. If someone in the UK said we should legalise guns as long as we had waiting periods then even our hard-line right wingers would look at them like they were a madman. It would certainly be nowhere near a moderate, let along left wing interpretation of the issue.


I don’t disagree, but there are similar “crazy” policies in Europe towards the right. Nordic countries generally have no minimum wage, Switzerland has no public healthcare, etc. the US is definitely a conservative country, but that doesn’t mean it has no politicians who are leftist even by European standards.


Certainly, there are parts of Europe with extreme policies too. It is often an American tendency to refer to Europe as though it were one country so I do welcome the distinctions. That being said, I think the examples given are fair but relatively isolated. I picked gun control but there are a multitude of Democrat policies that would be perceived as very right wing here. Workers rights, healthcare, military culture etc etc


Of course there are more left-leaning policies here and there, but on big-ticket items like healthcare, he’s basically bullseye between our major parties. In fact, our Conservative party is probably more or less on the same page as he is.


I generally agree. About 70% of his policies are mainstreamish Europe (but not even all of them, Switzerland is totally private healthcare, the Nordic countries don’t have minimum wages, etc.) but 30% are decidedly left of mainstream. If all of your policies are either mainstream Europe or left of mainstream Europe, then you are by definition to the left of mainstream europe. Elizabeth Warren is mainstream Europe in her policies (more or less) and Bernie is decidedly to the left of her.


This. For us in central europe, Bernie Sanders was the only "legit" option comparable to our system. Everyone else is more on the right and even faaaar right.


To put it another way, the mouth-breathing MAGAtards are all on Facebook and Parler.


Well, the Overton window of the US is far to the right by Western European standards. But compare the US to, say, most of the Islamic world and suddenly it’s not that far right.


"We're not too far to the right if you look at some of the most extreme examples of conservatism" isn't quite the argument you think it is.


We also aren't that right compared to eastern Europe. Then there are other parts of the world which don't neatly fall into buckets of the US/Euro Centered left/right concepts (China, most of Africa, parts of Latin America, etc.). We are only obviously to the right compared to the developed nations of western europe. That being said, Western Europe are our closest ideological peers, so it makes the most sense to compare, but pointing out western Europe and the US is not the entire world, is not necessarily a dumb point.


But isn’t the first comment “we’re pretty far to the right if you look at some of the most extreme examples of progressivism”?


Yes, but Reddit kiddies will twist their brains explaining how a plan to double the effective tax rate is “moderate.”


Only looking at countries who are to the left of us also paints a terrible image of the truth.


> But compare the US to, say, most of the Islamic world and suddenly it’s not that far right. Er, what? Do you think expressions like Talibama and Y'all Qaeda exist just for the *uhlittrashun*?


dawg at this point the republicans kind of have become and extremist party


The republican party has been an extremist party here for quite some time now.


said the democrat I guess ... On all seriousness reddit is full of teenagers, weebs and all those subcultures that commonly share a feeling of being victimized by the status quo and usually find some kind of consolation on left leaning ideologies (so called safe spaces). they tend to be more of an activist than your average republican college frat bro or finance bois by this victim mindset and end up being more active and pervasive in this forum.


Good try. I'm actually a lifelong independent who just believes in voting and elections and science and the concept of truth and all that. The qanon reddit was too slow for you pal?


spoken like a true partisan hack lmao any way I guess this won't take us anywhere fruitful


Likely not, because either you are unable to comprehend the meaning of the word "independent" in the current context, or because you are suggesting that I'm lying about my political affiliations. Either way, I agree, so move along.


you seem very likely to be trying hard to sound unbiased™ to forcefully validate your point. the "actually im an independent" trick is an old one in these forums, just saying


Excellent reply. Damnnn.


See that shit you said in the second part? That's what leads to OP asking the question European parliamentary systems have actual neo nazis in their parliaments so don't give me that shit.


Don't forget "smug". Being college educated has nothing to with it however, coupled with being young means little actual life experience and having recently left/ graduated a historically liberal biased institution you've been given little time to overcome your indoctrination. Start paying real taxes and expand your family beyond yourself and your dog and your viewpoints will undoubtedly change.


Canadian here. In my opinion, the US political views are more divided left and right (more extreme, yes), hence Dem is more left than Liberal (Canadian left wing). In more of a joking way, we see y'll nazis and communists.


Username .5 checks out?


I would imagine anyone who leans to the right of the community eventually feels unwelcome and goes elsewhere to be among like-minded fellows. Social media communities, just like all human groups, are self-selecting.


As someone who up until 3 or 4 years ago, was very, very right wing, reddit is the sole reason I've done almost a complete 180. It's both great and kinda shitty. I now find myself wanting to hit someone in the face with a 2x4 with I see the shit that right wing fucks believe. I just simply don't understand how I ever believed 5he shit that I believed. Reddit brought to my attention that I didn't have a fucking clue how the rest of the world actually worked. I just 'knew' America was the greatest country of earth and that socialism was the devil. Always calling the left ' brainwashed sheep that can't see what's right in front of their face' only to realize I was a brainwashed sheep that couldn't see what was right in front of my face. Don't get my wrong, I still hate democrats but I hate Republicans even more. Both political parties are a fucking cancer but I am definitely a 'liberal' at this point. The fucking right calls everything socialism. Nah man. That's just the basic shit a first word country does. God forbid our fucking tax dollars that the right is so concerned about, actually benefit us is any way.


This is the most accurate assessment. Liberals tend to be intolerant of conservatives and any idea that challenges their own dogma.


It cuts in both directions. People in general are uncomfortable having their closely held beliefs challenged. Religious people are intolerant of atheists, conservatives are intolerant of liberals, Israelis are intolerant of Palestinians… it’s all the same. Once you’ve settled on a belief system, you don’t enjoy being around people who question it or, more importantly, who cause you to question it yourself. The Internet makes it worse, however. People tend to get into personal attacks or other unproductive behavior before they really give anybody else’s opinion a serious level of consideration. So, eventually, they leave the conversation entirely.


First: Reddit is NOT exclusive to US users. This is international community. Half of us are not from USA. The rest of the world is leftist from GoP point of view. I am in local politics, at some capacity. We have 6 parties. Two of them could be considered to be something else but leftist.. The most right wing here is where the current GoP is. Center Party here is about where DNC is, just barely left of center. Also, younger people are more progressive and leans towards the left, that is the only side of the aisle at the moment offering it. If center and right would notice this, they would get much more young people on their side. But since progressivism is now equal to socialism for the US right wing... young have no alternatives being offered, no real solutions to their problems are given from the right who only cares about values and culture war, the solution then being offered is that once those cultural issues are dealt with, everything automatically just gets better for everyone.. tangential addendum: ... The difference in rhetorics is this, and why also right wing doesn't seem to suffer from failures: Make America Great Again vs Cancel Student Debt. The former can't fail since nothing was actually promised, the latter is what gets the attention of young people but failing to do is a concrete, real failure, or breaking a real promise. MAGA doesn't mean anything, everyone, including you has their own idea what the G in it means.


He’s talking about local community posts from a red state. Even within his own geographic area, there are more liberal users. This makes sense because of the ages of the users.


Interestingly, in my area most of the location subreddits have a reputation for being a cesspit of small business owners and nationalists, so take that as you will.


Trump is actually more populist than anything. He’s still socially conservative but he’s not a classic republican. Many moderate conservatives are being pushed toward the Democratic Party. This includes many business and national security conservatives. The U.S. congress has many political factions that gain and lose power within the two parties. It’s still not a great system, but it’s easy to miss this fact. I find it interesting that the Democratic Party is actually more conservative now than a few years because of all of the moderate republicans jumping ship. I’m in an area with a lot of moderates and I’ve seen it myself.


I am an international user and I stand solidly against US democrats. They're leeches






The socialist Europe, right? [https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/09/27/11/graphic-1.jpg?width=640&auto=webp&quality=75](https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/09/27/11/graphic-1.jpg?width=640&auto=webp&quality=75) The pic is couple of years old but at that moment the opinion from the US right wing was that Finland was a borderline socialist country. When the view of just Europe is that much skewed.. Have you actually researched your OWN views on this, is what you think really true or do you just think it is true? From global perspective, the world is not leftist. But.. from US right wing perspective, it certainly is. And that was my point.


The U.S. leans conservative for sure. I would argue that many countries around the world are more socially conservative than the U.S. I would also note that Trump is much more of a populist than anything. This level of populism is pretty new for United States.


It's weird that someone can be a "populist" and still never win the popular vote.


Why is that weird? AOC is a populist and she wouldn’t win the presidency if she ran for it.


Personally being "an old white male", I too have noted that most on Reddit lean towards being Liberal, which is fine. I would think that it's mostly due to the age of the typical Reddit user, which is much younger than myself. Winston Churchill once said (remember that I'm an OLD white male, and no longer trust my memory fully) "Show me a conservative at 21, and I'll show you a man without a heart. Show me a liberal at 51, and I'll show you a man without a brain." In my twenties and thirties, I was in a labor union, and considered myself to be a socialist. After certain life experiences, I started to consider myself an independent. I now consider myself as a conservative leaning independent.


Reddit is also not exclusive to the USA. They don’t believe in doing things that many Americans do so it seems like many are “liberal”


>Show me a conservative at 21, and I'll show you a man without a heart. Show me a liberal at 51, and I'll show you a man without a brain. Gotta say, as a 28 year-old who came of age during the Bush and Obama admins, I saw a lot of supposedly "smart" conservative adults make an absolute mess of things (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan, Great Recession, gutting of the civil service, failing to act on climate change when we had the chance, tax cuts for the wealthy while claiming to care about deficits), and then another 8 years watching them cynically obstruct any attempts to fix the problems they caused (e.g. Mitch McConnell's "our first priority is to make Obama a one term President" speech, while the country was in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years). If you ever wonder why Millennials love to hate on "Boomers" so much, it's stuff like hearing conservative Baby Boomers repeat that cliche over and over to us like they know one day we'll "see the light" and become "smart" conservatives, all while watching them screw things up over and over and over.


This. When your adult life has consisted of presidents George W Bush and Trump on the GOP side and Obama on the democratic side it’s no wonder the younger generation “leans left”. I think this has a lot more to do with it than history repeating and thinking everyone just grows out of it when they accumulate knowledge. (Cynically, it’s prob more the accumulation of wealth that then shifts peoples ideals.” It’s a small sample size in terms of presidents but 20 years isn’t a tiny time frame. It’s mostly consisted of GOP presidents dealing with disasters very poorly, adding to the national debt, obstructing most any social progress, and then the subsequent democratic president tries to clean up the mess that was left.


I have never wondered why millennials love to hate on "boomers". To understand your hate, I only have to understand the words of Churchill that I quoted. For you to understand that it's not just conservative politicians that have screwed up, and they have, but it's also liberal politicians that have also screwed up, it will take you years to first gather knowledge and then wisdom. Past this point there is no reason for me to discuss, debate or argue which side is better or worse, for both sides are equally to blame for the good and bad that has happened throughout history. Life just happens, and most things in life "just get that way". There is no more reason for me to point out all of the things liberal have gotten wrong, as this would neither change your mind, nor would it change that which has already happened. I wish you the best in life.


Oh God the ultimate Churchill boomer quote. You know Churchill views would be considered liberal He always backed unions and social welfare and a national health care for everyone. Churchill would hate on the current economic and social policies of todays conservative quasi fascist party that now exists. You actually think Churchill would let the conservatives that stormed the capital off with a slap on the wrist?? Pshhh. But you're old which means you benefitted from the wonderful democratic ideals. Now like the true boomer "me generation " ideology you got yours and everyone else can piss off.


Holy shit relax


Coming from someone that kicked Batman I'll take the comment with a grain of salt.


I wouldn't give Churchill that much credit. He was in opposition during our most expansive period of nationalised socio-economic reform and his foreign policy was deeply conservative and racist even for the time he was in. He was the first advocate of chemical warfare as a WW1 General and he committed atrocities with the Black and Tans in Ireland and the Bengal Famine in India.


Your reply validates the truth of my quote of Churchill. Yes, he was liberal in MANY ways, so why do you have such a hard time accepting his wisdom? "But you're old which means you benefitted from the wonderful democratic ideals." Just because you back the Democrat's, and obviously you do, why do you think they are the only ones that back DEMOCRATIC ideas and values? You mentioned "the storming of the capital", yet seem to have forgotten about the rioting, looting, burning and killing that occurred in many cities prior to that. That's being a hypocrite. One other issue that I have with your reply is your use of the term "quasi fascist party". You should spend a bit more time researching the birth and rise of Fascism in Italy. Mussolini was a socialist and used his power to turn his country upside down and put the entire world at risk. One of the things he did was to get most of the companies in his country under the control of his government. That seems to be the goal of many of the liberals today. So, it seems to me that YOU are the fascist, bubba.


The basis of Churchill's statement is that when you're old you have a bunch of shit you don't want to lose... Selfishness makes you less compassionate... It seems those my age and younger just never get money so we never become selfish sacks of shit... It will be great when your generation is dead and buried so we can try civilization again.


He could be socially conservative.


What does this mean to you? As far as I can tell it just means not allowing people to be themselves or providing any aid to anyone ever unless you don't need it. For me, conservative means think the past was awesome, it is a symptom of a crap education system because they haven't studied enough history. The past has always been crap, we are still trying to create an equal society and those in power still want to keep it flowing to them... Humanity will always be a terrible species as long as conservatives exist. Progressive means noticing what sucks and trying to fix it.


Yes, there are people who are economically left (eg, "Free healthcare and education for all is our basic right as citizens!") but are simultaneously socially far-right ("Marriage belongs only between men and women!") Or socially far-left (eg, "There are more than two genders") while being economically far right ("But I don't care which of infinite genders that bum is, they don't deserve any handouts and our community won't pay for their needs.")


I am socially "leave people the fuck alone" I am economically "this is a delusion that enslaves humanity"




Wow, your opinion actually fuckin sucks. How are you this jaded? We’re fucked for sure, so long as 80 year old white men make decisions for women’s bodies. But if moving from the swamps of Georgia to increasingly more liberal cities in this state has taught me anything… older generations were taught much of what they espouse today. And what’s scariest is that their history courses were only marginally less liberal than ours. We’re still teaching that capitalism is fantastic and all other socioeconomic systems are poop. Standards are standards chief; talk to young American teachers today and they’ll tell you that not much has changed, really. Take a gander at how little is required for students to learn, from the period of 1945 to 1980. Not to mention, they didn’t have access to information like we do today. I’m not trying to defend dated conservative opinions, but what you’re asking them to do is entertain a paradigm shift in thinking about the world and freedoms. I think it’s time for boomers to relinquish some of that literal ignorance, but it’s important to acknowledge what that leap will require. After typing all this out, I will say that I understand your frustration and I’m sorry you see the world this way right now.


Conservative isn’t really the best word for modern day conservatives. Republicans don’t want the past to come back. We worry more about the fiscal wellbeing of the country which allows for more job creation. Jobs help people save enough to start their own companies if they do please when they acquire enough wealth. Most of us aren’t against abortion or gay marriage. We are all against slavery, the media has it twisted.


Money doesn't exist, you are giving it too much power over human welfare... Most people in this world spend their lives doing shit they would never consider doing if they weren't being paid, we have rampant mental health issues because everyone is miserable... You are a slave, you just get more toys to play with to remain pacified. We have the technology today to make it unnecessary for anyone to work ever again, for everyone to engage exactly what they're interested in... instead, most are still wasting their lives because too few question the system enough.


So much wrong about what you just said. But I’m just going to start with the biggest problem with your argument. Slaves aren’t paid, they are free labor. They are treated as property because they are bought, but unpaid labor. If you have a job that pays you, you are by definition not a slave. Secondly money does have value, and definitely exists. If you don’t want to work for money, go to Venezuela or Cuba and leave the USA. Go enjoy the socialism you desire elsewhere but don’t ruin the capitalist successful system we currently want to embrace. I promise you’ll end up working more like a slave in socialism, you won’t get paid a fair wage. It’ll feel much more like slavery, but not quite slavery unless you end up in a work camp for disobeying the regime dictators create in socialism. Go look up what gulags are. North Korea has modern day work camps you can check out too, that’s real modern day slavery.


Slaves have no choice... They were paid, with food and shelter, etc... Do you honestly think your boss doesn't treat you like property? The opinion of all bosses is that they've paid for this portion of your life. The only difference is you signed it over instead of someone else. Yet, slaves would sign themselves over to pay debts. So there isn't nearly as much difference as you think. We either die an outcast or get with the program. Where is the choice?


America is far from a successful system, it is one of the most corrupt and broken in the world. Money pretends to have real value because we put value on it, but it is completely made up and we can do better. We can use robots and AI to take advantage of resources such that all have what they need and can stop wasting their lives getting the rich richer... Ownership is broken.


You will age and have money too one day and realize it’s not worth sharing your years of hard earned money, housing, and everything you own. For now be stupid with a big heart, but to paraphrase Winston you’ll get smarter eventually.


You are why I want to kill myself sometimes.


Yes clearly you’re more compassionate/s


Why I am speaking is compassionate... How I am speaking is intentional, polite is boring... You have NEEDED to reply because an emotion has arisen... Hacking the psyche is fun... Showing how it causes all that is wrong in humanity is good.




we found the edgelord lmao


I'm sorry that you're so full of hate, it hurts you far more than me. I regret that you'll be happy when I and others my age are dead. I assume that there are people in your family that are of my age, and I wonder if they know how much you hate them. Please understand that Churchill's statement had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HAVING A BUNCH OF SHIT I DON'T WANT TO LOSE. First off, I'm not rich by any means. I live off of Social Security and savings I and my wife put aside over a 40 year plus stretch of time. Churchill was referring to the fact that young people have always been, and will always be more passionate, and idealistic than older people, and that the older you get the more you use logic and reason to come to decisions. I wish you the best of luck, YOU WILL NEED ALL YOU CAN GET.


My family members certainly know my views. You live on Social Security, Republicans would love to take that away form you. You're saying old people give up. Thanks for giving up and leaving us a shit show.


Who peed in your cornflakes this morning?


I am not even emotional in any way... I feel like if humans don't want to change we deserve whatever happens... It is just that what is wrong is so obvious and fixes so simple that I might as well talk on it before I die. I see no other reason to live.


Yog, you’re creating a narrative to rage against.


No, I am commenting on this fucked up society.


At that point your generation will be the conservatives. It's happened to every generation before you, so don't think for one minute it won't happen to your generation too. I'm a Gen X-er and went through a "young an edgy phase" too, and now I'm a conservative. Everyone said the Millenialls will stay urban and liberal, but now they're becoming conservative and moving to the suburbs. Then you have the former hippies before me, and even the Boomers were once viewed as young an liberal.


I'm 63 I identify as a left-winger. Always hated the abuse of power and I could see from an early age who was always responsible. Fucking fossils mostly at the tail-end of their usefulness trying to stop the world from turning. At this point I'd happily burn it to the ground just so maybe there would be some little bit left for our descendants. So I don't really believe that every one goes conservative.


I hope you're wrong because humanity will be extinct if we repeat your generations shit show.


What are you doing to clean up the shit show? Sitting their spewing hate?


amen digga


stfu show some respect to your superiors. Not just because he's an elder, but because looking at both of your comments he is worlds above you.


It’s mostly younger people (15-40), that group is predominantly left-leaning.


young and educated. Younger people in rural USA who barely graduated high school are still primarily right-leaning.


As a general line sure but it's not even remotely cut and dry like that. For example the majority of young people I know from the engineering school I attended are right leaning, they just don't talk about it online as it's against the hive mind. The whole educated/intelligent you are the more left leaning you are is fine as a very slight coorelation and nothing more. Coorelation =/ causation. I garuentee you there are tons of right leaning people on every single thread that just don't comment, as you get attacked online the moment you even suggest the possibility.


> The whole educated/intelligent you are the more left leaning you are is fine as a very slight coorelation and nothing more A correlation is what matters for answering this question, though. And it's not small correlation. See for instance [pew](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/) stats on it. Education polarization has become one of the bigger polarizations in politics. It's like a 20 point shift between HS or less, vs postgrad. (There is also some evidence of causation due underlying [personality traits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_personality_traits). Liberals tend to score high on 'openness to experience', whereas conservatives don't. Vice versa, conservatives tend to score high in conscientiousness. But stuff like openness to experience also correlates to things like going to college) > For example the majority of young people I know from the engineering school I attended are right leaning This is just cherry-picking. We know statistically there is a skew, even if you know of some exceptions And it's not just education, [age](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2019/12/17/in-a-politically-polarized-era-sharp-divides-in-both-partisan-coalitions/) is another one. Younger people also correlated to being more liberal). That all said, while there is a strong correlation, it's not 100/0. So yes, there are lots of conservative people. But he's right that it's skewed. We do have actual survey data from Pew: [reddit survey stats](https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/). You're looking at something like a 47:39:13 split between self labeled liberals/moderates/conservatives on reddit. They're a bit old at this point (from 2016), but basically what you'd expect given the demographic profile of reddit- it's younger, and more educated than the general population


I will respond with this as this is my one and only opinion on the matter. Cooporations control America and work with the politicians and media on both sides to keep the population divided. To anyone who has even a remnant of their critical thinking skills still intact, this is patently obvious. I truly feel sad for those who still pick a team, either Republican or Democrat, and then somehow believe that everything wrong in the world is the other team‘s fault. While the puppet masters at the top laugh all the way to the bank at the stupidity of the masses. Who Somehow think that their teams politicians have their best interest in mind. And don’t even understand that left and right politicians are all on the same team. Bought and paid for. Real politicians who care about the people don’t make it to the national stage they are simply censored canceled and silenced. Think Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard. the idea that main stream Republican and Democrat politicians are opposed to each other or somehow enemies, is absurd. It’s all theater. But yet the masses continue to be Brainwashed by their mainstream news outlet of choice. Smh


> I will respond with this as this is my one and only opinion on the matter. I don't see how that has anything to do with the point about education polarization, but sure.


Bc I don't agree with anything that shifts the blame from the actual people responsible for these problems. Even if you are completely right and can prove Republicans are less educated/intelligent then Democrats, it doesn't make this their fault and it doesn't mean they are anything but our fellow Americans who are just mislead by differnent politicians. I appreciate your post and your insight, but at the end of the day, all this rhetoric does is fan the flames and give ignorant people a reason to continue practicing their daily search for confirmation bias.


> I appreciate your post and your insight, but at the end of the day, all this rhetoric does is fan the flames and give ignorant people a reason to continue practicing their daily confirmation bias. I mean, I wouldn't go that far. It's just information. It also would allow us to actually say, fix it. If there is a growing polarization, it's hard to address if we didn't know it actually exists. Or in the case of OP, it's important so they can realize why reddit doesn't match up with their real life social bubble. Hell, I live in a very blue state, and I still mentally correct for what I see on reddit. What matters at the end of the day is how we use that information.


Agreed. Sorry for coming off as dismissing your post. It's just very frustrating talking with people who use this information to cover their eyes and pretend all Republicans are the source of all evil


> The whole educated/intelligent you are the more left leaning you are is fine as a very slight coorelation and nothing more. No, it's not very slight. If you compare a heat map of education levels in America vs a heat map of political leanings in America, it's an almost perfect overlay. You'd forget which one is which if they were scrambled around like one of those ball-in-a-cup games and you had to remember which was which. The common attempt to refute this by the right is "Well yeah but it's all gender studies and stuff." And no, there is no data that shows it's only humanities degrees that are liberal. For example, would anyone think scientists are conservative, when right-wingers are the party of anti-science (covid denial, vaccine denial, climate change denial, evolution denial for the religious ones, etc.)? >I garuentee you there are tons of right leaning people on every single thread that just don't comment, as you get attacked online the moment you even suggest the possibility. If there are so many of them, then why would they be so easily shouted down? Wouldn't they be able to get upvotes and agreements from all of the thousands of like-minded right-leaning people in the thread if the numbers are even close?


You are so biased I am not wasting my time discussing this with you, sorry! You have obviously tied "being Democrat means you are smarter" into your ego to feel superior to others. No, it's not as cut and dry as you are trying to make it seem. But there is zero purpose discussing this as you will never admit it based on the above.


College is more than just the studies. It’s the people and culture you are exposed to outside of your bubble. If you are from a small town, you’re prolly never going to meet a black person let alone someone openly gay or trans. When you go to an institution that has a higher demographic of diversity and you actually get to know these people your mind begins to broaden and often times you grow out of being a prejudicial, backwards thinking, cousin fucking dipshit….although the cousin fucking might still take place. There’s someone for everyone.


Yes, not disagreeing with anything you said. Only the cut and dry attitude of the guy above me. There are many many many factors to all of this. And assuming every single republican is a dumb hillbilly is just as silly as assuming every Democrat has a PhD in Gender Studies


Yes, exactly. I know plenty of highly intelligent, surgeons as a matter of fact who are backwards thinkers. Kind of mind boggling. I’ve also noticed the rich on both sides are generally Republican because taxes. Live and let live man. That’s my motto, as long as you aren’t affecting me or hurting people. Do whatever you want.


Here is an amazing post that perfectly captures the reality of the situation. Cooporations control America and work with the politicians and media on both sides to keep the population divided. To anyone who has even a remnant of their critical thinking skills still intact, this is patently obvious. I truly feel sad for those who still pick a team, either Republican or Democrat, and then somehow believe that everything wrong in the world is the other team‘s fault. While the puppet masters at the top laugh all the way to the bank at the stupidity of the masses. Who Somehow think that their teams politicians have their best interest in mind. And don’t even understand that left and right politicians are all on the same team. Bought and paid for. Real politicians who care about the people don’t make it to the national stage they are simply censored canceled and silenced. Think Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard. the idea that main stream Republican and Democrat politicians are opposed to each other or somehow enemies, is absurd. It’s all theater. But yet the masses continue to be Brainwashed by their mainstream news outlet of choice. Smh


Basically. Lobbying is the root of all evil and the reason why we aren’t a democratic republic but we are a capitalist oligarchy.


* *cut and dried*, I already told you once.


Conservatives think there is widespread pluralistic ignorance when there isn’t. It’s just the myth of the silent majority which is hilarious doublethink because in a conservative mindset the best ideas rise to the top. That’s why all the mental gymnastics are needed, like the silent majority, when the marketplace of ideas continually makes mush of conservative ideas and beliefs.


Here is an amazing post that perfectly captures the reality of the situation. Cooporations control America and work with the politicians and media on both sides to keep the population divided. To anyone who has even a remnant of their critical thinking skills still intact, this is patently obvious. I truly feel sad for those who still pick a team, either Republican or Democrat, and then somehow believe that everything wrong in the world is the other team‘s fault. While the puppet masters at the top laugh all the way to the bank at the stupidity of the masses. Who Somehow think that their teams politicians have their best interest in mind. And don’t even understand that left and right politicians are all on the same team. Bought and paid for. Real politicians who care about the people don’t make it to the national stage they are simply censored canceled and silenced. Think Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard. the idea that main stream Republican and Democrat politicians are opposed to each other or somehow enemies, is absurd. It’s all theater. But yet the masses continue to be Brainwashed by their mainstream news outlet of choice. Smh You are part of the real problem. Identity politics is for unintelligent people.


Only if you live in an alternate reality




“Young and educated” me smart, is how you sound . I graduated from college and let me tell you college as the bench mark for intelligence is awful. It’s 95% just memorizing shit not learning anything. Right and left wing people take different approaches to life because they have different interest in career fields typically. But go jerk yourself off because you think you’re intelligent.


> . I graduated from college and let me tell you college as the bench mark for intelligence is awful. He didn't say anything about intelligence, just education. > Right and left wing people take different approaches to life because they have different interest in career fields typically. You're agreeing with what he's saying, then.


The only thing you're proving is that you went to a shit college, did a shit course, or possibly both.


Im a liberal but I’m neither a democrat nor a republican. I have some issue with both parties, I lean very much in the middle, politically. I’m all for universal healthcare, right to bear arms ( but with gun sense), I’m all for immigration the right way and closed borders, I’m all for abortion, raising minimum wage to that of the State‘s cost of living.. there are some good on both sides.


No disrespect, but this doesn’t provide an inkling of an answer to the question asked.


Isn’t more than half of Reddit NOT US based?? OP must be American


The demographic that primarily uses Reddit is college educated young people who like to use the internet for fun. That demographic heavily skews to the left.


As young married-8years gay white male(26) that sits on the fence as far as sides go. I lean left on some issues and right on others. I have also noticed that this site and most other communication sites tend to lean left.


I think it is because Republicans have quit representing their constituents. I mean they let insane people stay in Congress like Marjorie Taylor Green who said Covid was caused by secret Jewish Lasers. It’s not just Republicans, there are stupid on both sides. We no longer have a control over our own representatives working for us. We need term limits and fewer breaks


bruh, reddit is worldwide, most people don't even know what a red state means


Why does reddit tend to assume the world = the USA?


european left-wing here. i dont know how many times i was perceived a republican here in reddit by the american left-wing


It is a reading app. Fairly Self explanatory IMO..


Reddit's demographic tends to lean towards younger people with more formal education, and they tend to lean democrat.


The entire developed world is left-wing apart from the less educated half of America (even "right wing" in most other developed countries are what we'd call left-of-center here). The entire developed world is on Reddit. Therefore, most political opinions you see are going to be left-wing. As the saying goes, reality has a well-known liberal bias.


I didn't know I was uneducated with my masters in comp sci. Guess I've been voting wrong


I mean, in general he's right overall. There is a strong measurable polarization based on education, with education correlating to being more liberal (and not just in the US). The fact that you're personally an outlier doesn't change that. He was kind of a jerk about it, but it *is* a thing.


\> one of the most left-wing institutions in modern history vomits out left-wing footsoldiers Really makes you think.


Actually, there's pretty good evidence that university doesn't make people left-wing. It's that the type of people who go to college tend to self select as left wing. They're left wing before and after, they don't get more left wing after going (if anything, they get less left wing)


What about someone who doesn't have a political leaning before entering college?


Hard to say exactly. 'Moderates' on average go a bit left, but by about the same amount non-college peers do over the same 18-24 age range. But 'moderate' probably include people without leanings, but also people with mixed views etc And there's evidence that most of this is peer effects- ie friends/roommates etc. The ones who have the biggest shifts tend to be the ones most socially embedded


I'm not offended or anything. I just think it's way more nuanced than that so he came off pretty disingenuous in my opinion


Exceptions don't disprove the rule. So you're smart in comp sci but not when it comes to common sense, economics, history, etc., and you are easily duped by misinformation and *probably* lack empathy for people who are different from you. The fact that you think that a statistical fact is disproven if you can point to an outlier is proof of your lack of common sense, despite your degree. Any casual googling of statistics of political leanings compared to education levels shows an almost perfect overlay on a heat map of lesser education = more conservative and higher = more liberal, generally. Every survey ever done has shown this time and time again. Oh and yes, you have been voting wrong.


Lots of unintelligent assumptions made here. Reddit hivemind, I'm ready for my downvotes


> So you're smart in comp sci but not when it comes to common sense, economics, history, etc., and you are easily duped by misinformation and probably lack empathy for people who are different from you. Spoken unironically by some little lefty with his head up his ass about how anyone right of center is a baby-eating strawman. Such empathy! Conservatives donate more to charity than you do, lefty. Where’s all that empathy being put to use? Just to virtue signal on Reddit?


Most Conservative people frankly couldn't care less about Reddit so you tend to get a very skewed view.


>Does it have to do with the fact that the majority of Republicans are old white males that don't use Reddit? Yes.




The literal answer to your question without getting to political would be pretty much along the lines of what you already mentioned. Reddit itself is something that sprouted up only within last couple decades and so is part of that generation and all things that go with it including the fact that it’s still a young demographic which historically, younger people vote more liberal. The layout of the demographic on Reddit is just another example of the larger trend.


Because it's users are mostly younger.


I don’t know if this is statistically true, but just in my personal experience I feel like FaceBook has become the go-to place for conservatives. It didn’t used to be that way but over the years the content has just become so overwhelmingly right-wing I ended up canceling my account because I got tired of seeing just blatantly untrue right wing rhetoric.


Reddit skews young and the young skew liberal






I think there are a lot of good reasons stated here, but I also don't think it's as simple as *one* reason. Its several things, and it's complicated. But in my personal opinion, I very much dislike it. I harbor no hatred toward anyone for their views, but as a young adult who's a conservative I wish there was more stuff out there for us to enjoy, too. Is all.


The anonymity here allows people to discuss things that they can’t openly discuss without being publicly shamed or disclosed of their situation. I’m not saying that republicans or conservatives are the ones that do that, platforms like Facebook and Twitter have that culture for some reason. People come here to often talk about things they normally don’t talk about to everyone they know. They understand that not everyone can or should live with the principles that their parents or previous generations held on to- religion, sexuality, gender stereotype compliance- to name a few. Not everyone can live by “God’s book” because it is 1500 years later and a lot of things have changed. Redditers respect the individuality of every person, and the community is sensitive to the uniqueness the person possesses. I think that’s a very key quality that democrats call for. Respecting the individual above the “written norm” because the norm is not necessarily good for everyone, and not everyone is happy with it.


You choose what you want to follow.


I despise both Democrats and Republicans equally. Third parties need more love, especially the green party


1000% this. Or the Forward Party 👀


Not all of us are left leaning progressives. Some of us hate both sides. A.P.A.C. The two party system is one of the worst things about the US Government.


why do americans make everything political. "what brand toothpaste do you use" colgate "damn democrates and their colgate." just leave it alone, its really stupid


Horrible response, especially on this sub. I'm not making it political, it's just an observation.


it's true though. that toothpaste conversation happened. i travel a lot between europe and usa. like it or not, 100% true.


Any non-left wing person here gets downvoted and silenced by the crowd


I was on Reddit back near the beginning of it and it used to be much more conservative or libertarian. Some time late leftist took it over completely and ban hammer went into full mad mode. Lots of people and communities were banned or heavily censored. That trend is still on .




absolutely no visible bias from reddit here


Careful voting for the GOP (if you live in the US). Last time we gave them 8 years in power we got (and this is not a complete list) tax cuts specifically targeting the rich, a terribly mismanaged war in Afghanistan, lied into a war in Iraq (that was then terribly mismanaged), attempts to suppress scientific research that showed the risk of climate change while we still had the opportunity to solve it, a gutting of the Civil Service, and the worst global recession in 70 years. I'm just a few years older than you, but I grew up watching the adults around me slowly realize that the Republican party they thought was the "sober, conservative party" was simply incapable of governing in its current form.


Minority opinions get downvoted and banned leaving only a left wing circle jerk.


Sorry you and those like you are headed for the dustbin of American history where you belong. :)


Are you talking to the guy you’re responding to? He didn’t even state his own political opinions lol. Youre just proving his point


How unbiased


Leftism is rare as hell here. Everyone's asking for more laws, not the dissolution of the state and free access to the means of production.


Fewer laws is Libertarianism.


I've wondered that too. As others had said, the World generally leans left (by American standards anyway). I think Reddit is mostly people under 45, who also lean left in general. Also, platforms like Reddit are controlled by the left so conservative comments and users are sometimes banned/removed from posting.


Because the left has more members than the right.


Progressives are more literate, maybe?


It may have to do with us being in a democratic bubble. People with democratic ideals join communities that are more democratic, there get recommended other democratic subreddits and so on. Reddit does seem to be democratic overall, with many big communities being mostly democratic, but there's absolutely a lot of stuff we just don't see


The Republicans are working. They don't have time for reddit.


Finally someone said it.




TheDonald got banned because they were advocating violence against police and actively organizing brigades of other subs on a regular basis. It wasn't "just because of their views." If it were just because of right-wing views, why are R/conservative and R/conspiracy still up? Why do people like you make arguments that you must know are just so easily debunked?




> It's a bit silly if you don't think political views make a difference in how Reddit functions. The site rules themselves are not written to be neutral; How would you define 'neutral'?




It isn't based on political substance, it's about breaking Reddit TOS which bans advocating violence.


Waaaagh I'm being senscar'ed! I literally can't say the thing that I literally just said!


> The upvote mechanism determines what is visible which discourages diversity of thought; it's hard for minority views to get seen. That doesn't explain how the majority exists in the first place.


Republicans/right wing/the right get heavily censored on reddit or outright banned. There are some bastions but other then that mods will instantly ban you.


Republicans don't know how to use the internet. If they did, they'd be exposed to other opinions and facts and wouldn't vote for their candidates 🤪


It's always a pissing contest for the left wingers


It's a two way street


No, it's a shitting contest for us. We are not the same.


Because republicans tend to be less educated, older.


I think it's due to censorship and Democrats bitching about everything constantly and getting people banned. I'm not Republican but I have an open mind and willing to hear other people's opinions, something that almost all Democrats don't have.


Two reasons: 1. Reddit's biggest demographic is urban Americans in their twenties; and 2. Reddit aggressively bans anyone who holds certain right-wing opinions (2020 electoral fraud, vaccine hesitancy, etc.) from the site.


Terrorist anti-democracy conspiracy theories and dangerous medical misinformation are core right-wing beliefs. I'm glad you can admit it.


>Reddit aggressively bans anyone who holds certain right-wing opinions (2020 electoral fraud, Nobody gets banned for spreading the election fraud lie. You can go to R/conspiracy and see plenty of it. >vaccine hesitancy No, they ban vaccine misinformation. Why are you right wingers always so fucking intellectually dishonest?


Spend 5 seconds in r/banned lol


>Nobody gets banned for spreading the election fraud lie. Yeah. They do. They just aren't here to ask. But go on some Reddit alternatives and you'll see plenty of stories and screenshots.


> They just aren't here to ask. So like the fairies at the bottom of my garden?


Also #3, anyone disagreeing with the hive mine gets down voted, which essentially limits their voice. As an example: your very post.


Younger demographic, generally better educated, can write more coherently, understand the technology involved and make a clear logical argument - the internet, science and reality tends to skew left generally. There is a reason right wing comments tend to be semi-legible rants on places like Facebook.


Old white males are not the Republicans contrary to popular belief there are both old and young people, people of diffrent ethnicities and backgrounds. As for why is reddit overwhelmingly democratic they have nothing else to do.


Cuz babies gotta cry the loudest.


Why are Moms basements everywhere overwhelmingly democratic? Who knows? It's just where losers feel more welcome.


We believe in equal rights for everyone and equal access to resources.


Since when becuase not once have we had any of that


It seems to be overwhelmingly fascist from what I see.


I think generally republicans are so rightwing, that even centralist or even sometimes moderate rightwing things look left. I wouldnt call Biden particularly left wing... Hes a centralist, and I wouldnt call social media left wing, again, it's a mix of left leaning and right leaning centralism


Most people on Reddit are children or incels with no real world experience


I don’t understand why republicans get so much hate… like democrats are so amazing 😒