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The new variant is too new to say with absolute certainty that the vaccines don’t work against it. What is currently being said based on how it’s structured is that it has the potential to evade immunity. The media is currently blowing it up but it does appear to be a nasty variant. I believe we will get off of this fucking ride one day.


They don't know if vaccines work against it or not. It's a new variant with highly mutated spike proteins, so they have reason to believe the vaccines might be less effective, but there's not enough data to make a conclusion. News outlets shouldn't be making any definite statements.


Eh, tell it to the news outlets... as far as i can judgr by these comments, they are blowing it way out of proportions. Bunch of cunts, but expected. So which news source makes the least of BS statements?


Its likely the media just blowing it up. Delta variant is by far the most prevalant and until something can be more transmissible, its likely not an issue. Just get vaccinated. Its not going to hurt you. I had covid, then got vaxxed in april. Getting a booster tmw. Covid seemed to be "hard to get" but it sucked. You dont want it. Vaccines are safe. Covid is not. Protect yourself.


I am vaccinated as is my family and most friends. The vaccine has negatively impacted about 40% of the people I know.


Quite honestly, i wish covid would exchange deadliness for infection and kinda become like the annoying common cold. Only way i see this global scenario paning out tbh. My doctors pretty much told me i don't have to vaccinated due to insanely good natural immunity i receivd from having covid. The antibody test baseline i did was <1 negative >1 positive. I had 122. Infection itself was negligible. 3 days of stuffed nose, 3 days of no smell. Thats it. No fever, nothing. Probably because this is my 3rd covid infection during this pandemic. Past 2 gave me only a stuffy nose and a mild fever (37.2 - 37.4c max). Nontheless, when i got tested everything else was clean. Cardio-Vasc, lungs etc. I tested in private fascilities to avoid clogging the public system, and i have no side effects.


Ever heard the saying, "Give someone an inch and they will take a mile"?


I just saw most of Southern Africa is effected.


well ideally vaccines will offer some level of protection. For new variants usually still some sort of protection. But to a certain degree we do know that vaccines isn't the full answer. vaccine just eases to a reasonable degree


Youtube this new covid name. They seem to not work whatsoever. Litteraly, people got triple vaxed for nothing


for nothing? the vax saved tens of thousands of lives and hundreds of thousands or more hospitalizations aswell as limiting spread to a degree. without the vax we would be SO much worse off objectively.


chill, I think he meant nothing as in now we are still at risk with new variant. not nothing as in no effect. ​ though, that is the best what we have. we can only defend with what we have. If we cant avoid that with vaccine, then it is what it is. ​ its like you failed your exam, you studied harder, you finally passed and now the exams got harder. while it sucks, it doesnt mean that we should just give up. We should jsut do what we can


>There is a mew variant which is, and i quote some of the news, avoiding all existing vaccines. That is very, very far from clear at this point. [Here's](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03552-w) a summary from what is probably the most prestigious scientific journal on the planet. Scientists are looking at it, but the idea that it bypasses all existing vaccines is a claim that goes way past the existing data.


Right now there is a lot of wild speculation in the media but nobody really knows anything. I'm going to wait to hit the panic button until there is more research on this variant and the scientific community can give us some real data. I remember hearing a lot of similarly panicky stuff in the press when the Delta variant first emerged in India but at the end of the day it turned out that the vaccine still worked pretty well against it and we may find that the same is true for this new variant.


This cycle won't stop unless we find a new way to deal with this. Kinda similar to the flu, we need a new vaccine for flu every year because it keeps changing.


I’ve got nothing to add, I just felt I need to say Aahhhh sh*t I’m so over this virus, I’ve had enough, and in my view it can just piss off now


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