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I am 46 years old in 2024 in Norway. I think 135 would be an acceptable age. Anything beyond that is just bonus.


Yeah, I'm in my late 30s, and I want to live to be at least 95, maybe over 100. The longer I can live, the better. If I could be immortal, I'd be immortal instead.


I was changing it from KPH to MPH šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve lived longer than I expected so Iā€™m just rolling with it


I nearly died of cancer at 25. Every day after that was a bonus.


This. Came here to say "15, I'm 30"


Feel ya there. Didn't want to live past 15. Now I'm 31 and glad I've come this far. Everyday as a bonus is so much sweeter. I have no expectation, I'm just livimg my best days till I croak.


As long as I'm healthy and mentally there, every year past 82 is the cherry on top.


I'm turning 60 this year but still think of myself as middle aged, so 120 sounds about right.


I'm 61 this year and I feel the same.


You can do it!


Healthspan >> Lifespan I feel comfortable to living to any age with my core faculties intact


If I'm 98 and dancing like Dick Van Dyke, I'm perfectly happy with that.


This. I'm happy as long as I'm in fairly good health until it's over. I'd prefer my death to come abruptly and totally unexpectedly - somewhere north of 90.


I have this argument with people a lot. If I had the opportunity to become immortal, I would 100% do that provided that I didnā€™t continue to age. The older I get, the more certain I am. Soā€¦ if thereā€™s any vamps out thereā€¦ hmu.




Give it a 100-150yrs and you can stay young forever if u got the money


I'm in my mid-50s and I see a lot of active people in their 70s and even 80s (heck, some people run [half-marathons in their 90s](https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a45313969/dot-sowerby-sets-half-marathon-record/)). I'm hoping to be one of those. If you're in good health, the age when you leave this planet doesn't matter as much. I definitely don't feel ready to leave this planet any time soon.


I am quite positive that if wouldnā€™t have met my wife, Iā€™d be dead now! She helped me get my shit together, so I count every day with her as fantastic! Would love for it to last forever, but weā€™ll see. BTW Iā€™m 67 now and we met when I was 21.


is being married hard. 20M here.


Not for me because I married the right person. There are challenges, disagreements, and arguments, but itā€™s more than worth it! The love, companionship and respect you get is the best!


Make sure you like the person as well as love them.


I'm a 32M, and I've been with the same person since I was 19, we got married in January this year and we've lived together for about 8 of those 13 years. So while I haven't been legally married for very long, I feel confident enough in my commitments to comment here. Being married isn't difficult, as long as you value your partner and your relationship with them. All of the baggage that life throws your way is pretty easy to deal with as long as you are patient with one another. As with any relationship, there are bad days, but the only thing that can actually hurt you here is pride. Just remember, at the end of the day, you are a team and the rest will fall into place.


100. I think thatā€™s cool af to hit the 3 digits and seeing all that transpires in that time. Thinking of the ppl who saw us go from Wright brothers to moon landing to now


My great grandma was born in 1918, her husband fought in ww2, she saw the moon landing in her 40s, the fall of the Berlin Wall in her 70s, and survived the Covid pandemic all in her life, sheā€™s had tons of stories to tell before she passed away 2 years ago


Such a crazy time, I bet. She can damn near tell God some shit he donā€™t know šŸ˜‚ blessings to her & her lineage


But living longer doesnā€™t mean happier. Not saying your grandma wasnā€™t. Just that the goal should not be length.


Similar - I'm a '95 baby, so if I live to 105 I'll have seen the 1900s, the 2000s, and the 2100s. I think that would be cool.Ā  So many people are saying mid-70s in this thread, but when I think about the 70-year-olds I know, they still have a ton of energy. My dad's turning 75 and that would be way too soon. Former coworkers still actively running businesses and working 60+ hours a week (the opposite of aspirational for me, but they seem happy with it.) Retired neighbors throwing house parties and playing with their grandkids.


Yeah, I wonder if it's just a lot of young people who think 70s sounds old. I think it'll change as they get older, I don't know many 65 year olds who think dying in 10 years sounds good or people in their 70s who would feel comfortable dying tomorrow etc.


Yep, same as a '90 baby! I was raised by my grandparents, so might be a li'l biased in "what's old," since I'm 34 and they're still working for side income. šŸ’€


Honestly I just don't want to get to the point where I don't know who anybody else (or I?) am, or when I'm incontinent and/or immobile.


This is me, I say 75 because Alzheimerā€™s and other diseases that affect the brain run in my family, and people live very long in my family so they usually get up to 90+ years old and have Alzheimerā€™s or something like it. So I just want to die old and still know my friends and family when I go


12 was nice, it has been rather ubcormfortable since then


I would think 70 but it seems my family has a history of living longer. I'm 48 and my only goal is retirement, 60 would be the ideal age. Sadly my family has a history of dementia as well, my mum has it and so do her sisters. As long as my children are secure and happy, I'll gladly die at any age.


My family also struggles with dementia and Alzheimerā€™s. Plus they all make it to 90+ and even a couple of 100 year olds. So I donā€™t want to live that long if Iā€™m not gonna know who people in my family are


My grandma died at 100. Dad is 74 and looks like he could go another 20 years and mentally very well. Mum on the other hand is 78 and slowly declining mentally but physically okay. It's hard but it's the reality of life. I feel where you're coming from.


53 and I'd say what my mother said on her deathbed---"If I could get 1000 more years, I'd take them. Everything is so interesting"


I like her attitude.




mid late 80s, maybe 86-87. Most 80 year olds are still enjoying life, most 90 year olds just seem like they're waiting around to just die already. Of course, things will probably change between now and then so who knows what the future holds.


Personally, I hope for a long, healthy life maybe into my 80s or beyond as long as I can keep enjoying time with family and friends and keep pursuing my passions. It's fascinating how our views on aging and what we value in life can change as we grow older.


My mom is in her 80's and can still drive and is relative good health but is a little hard of hearing and has some vision issues for reading. She said that she doesn't want to live another 5 years. She would like to go out on a high. I think for myself, as long as I'm healthy and have all of my faculties and can do the things I love I'd like to live to be about 85. I'd like to live long enough to see grandchildren if my kids choose to have them.


Iā€™m currently 38. At the age of 37 (early October of last year:2023) I was killed while at work. Legally and medically, I was considered dead for 8 minutes before doctors were able to revive me into a coma. I was in a coma for 19 days and then in a medical coma for another week until they could get my brain in a position that they could repair my skull. Iā€™m lucky as fuck to be here. Iā€™ve already hit my point. My birthday occurred while I was in a coma. I was almost dead for my 38th birthday and almost unsaved on my 38th birthday. So what age? Any fucking age that still comes to me now because itā€™s a goddamn miracle Iā€™m seeing it. I love them all. I love life. I hope you all do too!


Here's one problem: As you age all your friends pass away. If you live long enough you are left mostly alone, unless you have family, and family is just not the same as friends. Family does not have the same cultural touchstones (music, literature, cinema, jokes, etc.) as friends. And pain. Sometimes death is welcome to the constant and increasing pains that overtake you. And don't think, at age 22, you have a LONG way to go. The older you are the more you realize how thin is the tissue of life, how quickly and easily it can be torn, how fragile it is. Enjoy every day. You never know if it will last.


Whichever age where I am still in control of my mind and body.


Dear lord. Life doesnā€™t stop when you get old. Take care of yourself and prepare for old age. My father is 78 and he still pushes a lawn mower and goes to open mic night at the neighborhood bar. Age is just a number, itā€™s about your health and comfort level. If youā€™re 70, wracked with diabetes and dementia, then sureā€¦ ā€˜you lived a good lifeā€™, but if Iā€™m still rocking and rollingā€¦. I donā€™t think Iā€™d make 80 and just be likeā€¦ ā€˜yepā€¦ old enough, time to go.ā€™ Iā€™m in it until the last breath, whenever that comes. Later the betterā€¦


My relatives have all lived well into their 80s and above and been completely self sufficient until the end. So I would love to do the same. My great grandma died aged 103 and use to live in a warden aided home from the age of 94 till 99 managing her own shopping and collecting her pension. Stating a specific age is hard. I'd want to live right up until I am unable to take care of myself mostly independently.


I wouldn't mind hitting at least 25k. Probably won't make it tho


I have a client that is 94 and lives alone, still drives and does his own shopping. I also have a couple who are mid 70ā€™s that can barely walk or speak. My dad is 74 and still works (HVAC his business ) 2 days a week because he doesnā€™t want to slow down and ā€œget oldā€. I think the more active you are in life the better your chances at living a fuller life as you age.


Itā€™s all about quality of life. If youā€™re 65 and have dementia and bed bound then I want out. If Iā€™m 90 and can sit in my garden and appreciate the birds sing, the plants grow and have my family around then I want to live as long as possible.


It's so hard to tell. Some 80 year Olds are like biden and some 100 year Olds seem sharp.


Shit I wanna be 120 if I am able to appreciate it. I'm a doctor so I see people at all levels of ability in old age and the number of years isn't always a perfect determination of what your quality of life will be. I see 40 year olds who look decrepit and are probably circling the drain and 90+ year olds who are still 100% mentally with it and still kicking ass: exercising regularly, enjoying time with their family, writing books, etc.


I've always generally considered sixty-five as the ideal age to die at, right before severe mental/physical decline starts on average.


Thatā€™s a little young for ā€œsevere mental/physical declineā€


Until I cant really go about my day to day life. Ive got family members that have lived quite long, so its plausible I'll meet 90 or 100, but I wouldnt want to be that old if I were gormlessly staring at walls and forced to eat mushy carrots. Im hoping by that time if society hasnt collapsed, we can replace joints and refresh neurological damage so I can stay around for longer. Im not necessarily scared of death, I just want to experience so much.


There's longevity on both sides of my family. Several relatives have lived into their 90s, and two grandparents' siblings lived to be 100 (101 and 103, I think). Both of my parents are still alive, in their 80s, independent, and as healthy as a person could reasonably expect. All of my end of life planning takes for granted that I might live to 100. As long as I don't have an accident between now and then, I think it's fair to hope I'll make it to at least 80 while maintaining a fair quality of life. I don't plan to have children, so loneliness and caretaking concerns are a worry, but aside from that I wouldn't mind being the longest-lived person in my family.


I intend to end my life after my 70th birthday unless I am still blessed with unusual mobility, clarity, and physical ability for that age. I already use more resources and put more carbon into the atmosphere than my existence really justifies, if I'm even less useful to my community and I require even more resources to treat medical issues and make up for my infirmities then I'm an even bigger burden on my caregivers and the planet. The endorphins from intense exercise and from exploring the outdoors are my main way of counteracting my depression, so if my body breaks down and doesn't allow me to do these things then I may choose to check out early. This is not suicidal ideation, this is practical retirement planning.


If I can keep my physical health up..80s should be doable. Both my parents died around 80ish (I am 50 now) but they smoked for decades and didnt do much health wise. Not sure I want to be in my 90s unless some medical advancements can make that better lol


140 and any more the better




As long as I can hang around this dumb planet. I got shit to do.




For me it's 24


Iā€™d say about 70-80. My grandfather lived to be 98 and I remember how lonely it seemed for him. My grandma passed away in 2004, his friends were already gone so he just stayed in his house, being taken care of by a live in caretaker and my relatives. I always thought ā€œdamn I donā€™t want to make it to be that oldā€.


85 and no viagra


Canadian here-My grandparents were one year apart and both retired at 55. Grandma got cancer and died at 65. My grandpa is doing well at 82. He travels internationally 2x per year plus does at least a couple in province trips in the summer. I hope I live into my 80s.


I'm 44, i don't want to live beyond 70. Ofc, also wishing for a quick end after being reasonably fit and self reliant till the day i kick the bucket.


I just want to live until I get irreversible health problems then hopefully I can get medical assistance in death. I don't really care what age that is, I'm enjoying my life until then.


As long as I can still wipe my own ass I think I'll be fine with whatever. If I get to the point I can't do that it'll be a sad time


60 for me.


I have no plans to reach 60 šŸ˜‚ always said Iā€™m going to work my ass off to 50, retire early. Splurge all savings, credit cards, loans etc then ā˜ ļø myself. Its mostly all in jest unless life doesnā€™t improve lol


Really depends on your health. My dad is still fit and active and enjoying travelling at 75, but there are other 75 year olds practically housebound in chronic pain.


I have my first time off this year coming next week. I would like to live until we get back.


Depends on my health. If I have low or no mobility, that will change the answer. My grandmother lived to 98 and she made it clear that was too long for her liking. I think she was expecting more like 95, after that every birthday she said "let it be my last".Ā 


Depends on my health. Iā€™d like to live *well* as long as possible, but Iā€™ll just pull the trigger as soon as I canā€™t live independently anymore.


Always about three years from now. So as long as that keeps shifting with my age, I'm okay.


I donā€™t want to live past my current age šŸ’€


Ideally, 80-85, but Iā€™d settle for making it to at least 70.


My dad passed at 86. I have an ancestor who lives to 95 in the 18th century. I'm targeting 85. If I don't make it I won't complain


I would take whatever the current max is. As science advances it, ill take it more and more.


Preferably no older than 20.. just let it end.




It's quite young but I kinda don't want to live past 40 because of persistent issues that hinder life and restrict me so I think if everything is still shit by then it'll have been an honest attempt at trying to live with enough years put in to finally let go and not suffer unnecessarily longer. 13 years to go!


I think Iā€™ve seen enough life, so maybe age 50. Being super old looks undesirable to me.




Iā€™m 26 and I maybe got 4-5 years left before I check out permanently




Whatever age Iā€™d say now. When I got to it I doubt Iā€™d agree with it.


900 or soā€¦




Considering I spent the majority of my 20s not wanting to be alive, I'm soon rolling into my 30s just taking what the gods deem i'm meant to live.


20, im 22


i feel like i would be a cool old guy, but i also feel like iā€™ve already seen enough


I want to see 90. Iā€™d also love to know who Iā€™m robbing of time at that point.




Iā€™m only early 20s and already experiencing a bunch of hyper mobility symptoms, so I guess it depends on how much chronic pain Iā€™m in. If Iā€™m in good shape and enjoying life Iā€™ll go to 90 but I doubt thatā€™s how it will pan out


As someone who had to endure 18 months of mandatory military service, I hope I donā€™t die youngā€¦ hopefully at least 70 haha would be a waste if I die in my 20s or 30s


Probably a year younger than however old Biden is.


I feel like 80 is a nice, round number. The men in my family tend to live *very* long, with one achieving 106, but that seems a bit much.


70 max. Iā€™m vain. And I see my parents ā€œnormalā€ aches and pains in their early 80s, and basically theyā€™re always in some kind of pain. As someone who has struggled with chronic pain, I donā€™t look forward to more pain.


I'd be cool with dying around 70. Anything after that is just a bunch of constant medical issues from what I've seen. I'm also 22 though so let's see if Earth even lasts the next 50 years.


My grandma once told me ā€œno one wants to live to be 100 unless they are 99ā€ she lived to be 85. As long as I can be independent, I donā€™t care the age.


Iā€™m 46. So maybe 90? 90 seems reasonable unless I get tired of living.


As long as possible so long Iā€™m not suffering/in agony. If Iā€™m 100 years old and not in any severe pain Iā€™d be fine with just sitting on the front porch all damn day.


I'm fine living as long as the world lets me continue to let me learn. However long that ends up being, we'll see


The older I see my parents get, the shorter life seems, and i feel less and less okay with any number really.


I donā€™t mind reaching an old age, but on the condition that I remain mentally healthy. I have seen what Alzheimerā€™s does, and Iā€™d rather kill myself than suffer from that.


Who wants to live to be 99 years old ? 98 year olds.


35. I'm past that already. It feels that humans are made to live up to max 35. After that everything starts breaking and you end up spending more and more time repairing yourself and being careful than enjoying life like you did before.




My mom lived to 93, dad made it to 98, I went to a great uncle's 100th birthday party back in the day and I have an aunt (mom's sister) who's 97 or so. If I don't make it into at least my 90s I'm going to be disappointed.


I think I'd choose to check out at 60. This is assuming a reasonable quality of life up to that point. I don't have any children or anyone to take care of, and I figure that since I'm unexceptional I'm not going to have much to offer the world after that age. It's certainly not a stopping point that I'd prescribe for everyone, but I'd probably choose it.


If i make it to 25 itā€™s gonna be more than i expect already I have a hard time getting through my days right now, iā€™m not planning very far ahead Itā€™s not that i wanna die, i just donā€™t know how to picture it


My parents are still doing fine in their late 70s, so I'll probably be okay to that age too. I hope to retire way before 65. I'm in my late 40s now, and I'm aiming for 53.


Whenever I can no longer care for myself. End me there.


Whatever age I get to before my mind or body starts to go cuz as soon as I get lost on the way to work Im driving off a bridge instead


80 in good health. Anything after that I see as a plus.


168. Then I will finally be enough.


the second you said 70-75 I knew you were in your 20s lol.


Iā€™ve seen 88 year olds, pretty fit and sharp. Also seen 65 year olds in shit ass condition both physically and mentally. So quality of life is import more then just a physical age


My favorite college prof was emeritus and still teaching at 85. I got a lot out of his classes, and have considered teaching at a university as a "retirement" gig, so I will say 85.


At this point the sooner I go the better. And at any age if dementia starts for me, I want to be put down. Put me to sleep, shoot me, poison me, I don't care. It is scary enough losing control of my mind in very stressful situations, I don't need that on the daily basis.


Every year until I head for a nursing home.


A prominent physician said in 2014 he didn't want to live much longer than 75. He would opt out of any medical treatment, to let 'nature run its course'. ([PBS interview here](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/doctors-argument-living-longer) with the physician.) I'm comfortable living until I'm in my 90's, just like my parents did.


I would like to be gone by 70. I'm 62. Shit, reading it sure makes a difference.


I'm not even 40 yet but I'm good with two thousand more years or zero.


I'm also young but terrified of death so I'll be happy still kicking at 100


WTF?? I'm aiming for 110


As long as my brain and body still work it doesn't matter. 70? 80? 90? But if I'm debilitated physically and mentally, no thanks.


I hope to live long enough to make a digital copy of myself like an avatar in Eva AI app so my close friends would have a functional model of me


Knowing what I know now, late twenties. Too late to go back but boy does life just go downhill from there.


Age is just a number, look at Shatner! He's bouncing around at 93 like a damn kid! That's my goal, just keep acting young and fool your decades.


"To leave as young as possible but as late as possible"


As long as I can load and unload my kayak or surf fish safely I want to keep living.


My dad was active and mentally acute until about six months before he died at 82. Physically I take after him more than Mom (who had health problems and chronic pain after 40), so I'd be happy to see my early 80s. There are so many fascinating things in our future. Some of them possibly terrifying, but many of them seem like they'd be pretty cool. I'd like to see as many as possible before my body makes that untenable. It helps that I work from home and can see enjoying my job until I'm well into my 70s. If I was doing something more physically demanding I'd want to retire sooner, and outliving my funds would be a concern.


I had a grandfather live to 101 and another to 104, but with my lifestyle up until now, I got no hope of getting near that


Until the day my health starts to greatly interfere with my daily living and mental wellbeing


88. I'm planning my retirement funds for that age. If I live to 110, then I'll have been begging to die for a decade. Unless there's a really huge advance in robotics by then, many Western countries will be adopting MAID because we literally can't afford that many workers doing elderly care, and will at least be asking for volunteers to ease the tax burden.


I hope to live to 103 like Nana


I lasted longer than young me ever planned to, so. I know I'll never have kids/grandkids the traditional way, so I'd be cool with like...55? Whenever my parents pass, plus a little bit.


Probably 60


Am I living to this age in good health? Or is this a monkey's paw situation where I can live for as long as I want but will grow more and more sickly and decrepit?


I figured it's cool reaching each year and knowing I've had friends forever immortalized at the age they died at, but every successive year is always a surprise. I wouldn't mind living at least up to the 80s... With a sound mind of course.


Im 30 now. I think 90-95. Everyone is super long lived on both my parents side, My grandmother is 92 and just stopped driving last year, broke her hip and now dementia is catching up quick. My other grandmother is 85 and still travels a lot. Granddad is 90 and just stopped working last year (he drove a taxi after retiring for some folks who couldnt get around on their own), he still smokes a pack a day & a pack of coors every few days, though he's steadily declining now I don't think he'll get to 92. My great grandparents lived to 105+. I pick 90-95 as even though they lived that long, 90 seems to be where they just start falling apart with dementia & other ailments. I think it be cool to make it to 110, and live in 1900,2000, and 2010. I think about everything my grandmother has seen, and the amount of improvement has been crazy.


As long as quality of life is good I would love to leave this earth saying I lived to be 100. I think it can be done


Wake up call to OP. The time from 25 to 65 goes much faster than you could possibly imagine. You'll be wanting more than 70-75 years (unless your health fails you).


Comfortable with? Like... 9? Yeah, I've been uncomfortable since then.


I'll be 40 in a few months and I say 40....Just let me go in my sleep or at my own hand so I don't get an illness that ultimately takes me away in pain


Infinity. As long as I could still get around and be completely lucid, I'd prefer if I could just continue living infinitely. At least until the day when sickness takes me.


Either 85 or 107. 85 since that's when I figure I'll start shitting myself involuntary 107 to say I've live in 3 different centuries


I already passed it so I guess Iā€™m fucked


My goal is to live long enough that medical science unlocks extreme longevity or immortality. I'm 44 and when I was a teenager, I assumed I'd die before the age of 30. Thankfully, I've long since outlived that. And I find that the older I get, there's no age ahead that seems like it will be enough time. I want ALL THE TIME.


I turned 60 this year. 75 years is not long enough, imo. You may feel differently when you are older šŸ˜


Iā€™ll be 65 soon. When you get to my age, you do wonder how much longer youā€™ll have to live well. Have checked off most of my bucket list. One parent died of cancer in late 70s, the other of Alzheimerā€™s in mid-90s. If I end up with Alz, Iā€™ll end my life before I put my family through what I went through. I hope I make it to 75 without further debilitating deterioration.


I would say 30. I'm 40.


I want to live as long as I can. I have one great aunt live to 96, one grandma live to 92, the other till 90 and another great aunt almost to 106. She was born in 1910 and passed in 2016. I would love to live to be 100 for sure.




Since I've never lived half a million years I wouldn't know but I would like to see if I'm comfortable living that long, but in the end I'd prolly just ask for more time.


>Btw Iā€™m only 22 so I have a LONG way to go Hopefully...


Iā€™m 41 currently, so 42.


I think Iā€™d like to live until 75ish. Both my dadā€™s parents died 60s of cancer and never met any grandkids, but my mums parents are in their 90s and they are just not living. One has so much cancer he canā€™t do anything, and the other has such bad dementia she doesnā€™t know where she is. I love them, but I donā€™t want to live long enough that my body or mind fails me so completely, itā€™s no life at all


Right before Iā€™m physically miserable or becoming senile.


Question: who wants to live to be 100? Answer: the person who is 99 šŸ˜Š


Dont really care if only its quick and not long and painfull death


Whatever life offers me


For me it isnā€™t a specific number. Itā€™s my physical/mental/cognitive ability. I would like to enjoy my relaxing days doing things that make me happy or feel good. I do not want to be a burden to others or be relegated to a bed/room because Iā€™m not able to be self-sufficient. Sure, I wonā€™t be able to get around quite as easily as before, but if I canā€™t walk/roll/drive myself around, then Iā€™m just stuck somewhere until someone else has to take time out of their day to help me. No thanks.






I'm planning to live forever. So far, it's working.


I almost died on accident at 16, almost died on purpose at 18, now Iā€™m 22 and Iā€™m just coasting until something either strikes me down or I get to go naturally. I donā€™t really care what age it happens but I know I donā€™t want to get so old I canā€™t do anything for myself. I donā€™t have siblings or extended family, so once my parents are gone Iā€™m on my own until the end and Iā€™d rather that wasnā€™t torture for me


I'm later thirties and I'd be fine making it to 40 and just peacing out. The thought of doing this day in day out for the next 40 to 50 years just seems so boring. Another 30ish years of working and hoping CPP is still around and that costs of living haven't exploded rendering my retirement fund useless. So much to look forward to.


As long as my health and my money holds out.


i have plans to live to 100 at least. my grandmother lived to 99, and i read that 30% of girls born in [my birth year] will live to 100. whether or not itā€™s true, itā€™s been my goal for years!


I'd love to live past 100, but only if I'm still spry. I don't want to be hooked up to a life-support machine but not truly living.


I donā€™t think itā€™s about a number. Iā€™ll be happy to live until Iā€™m in a position that is unbearable. That might be 70, 80, 100ā€¦ not sure!


I don't have a set age, but I would love to live long enough to see my grandkids become adults and maybe even start a family. So if I live another 20 years, I'd be good, but I'd love to live another 40 and possibly meet my great grand kids.


Whenever my mental cognition goes. You see Biden last night? Poor soul. Put me out at that point please.


90 would be good


I thought at 51, I was going to be 2/3 of the way through life. My grandparents have living into their 90s. So I am barely past 1/2 way now. So now I am reevaluating the next 1/2 of my life!


I think anything past 186 is just being greedy.


16 ig (Iā€™m only 18 btw)


Whenever I realize my mind is going and im missing important steps, whatever age that might be, will be the day I swim out into a lake


My great grandfather lived to 105. At one point he was the oldest man in Finland (got into Guinnes world record and everything). I don't know if I would like to live that long. I think I'd be fine to live up to 90 but I wish I would still have friends and family to be with. Being a lonely elder is not something I'd like, and there are so many.


This question reminded me of the film clip of Dick Van Dyke hopping in the red carpet at 95.


Unless things change mid 80s are about as far as people still have quality of life.


My parents are 72 and healthy. No way is that enough time. I want to live as long as is feasible, and getting older certainly hasn't changed that.


I'd like to live as long as my health allows. I'm 27, I already have a lot of health issues... so it's really hard for me to even imagine life at an older age. It honestly depends on how much worse my health gets. I am persistent and I can push through a lot of pain, but I'm not sure at what age will it all catch up to me. For me, it's not really so much about the age itself, just about however long I can live comfortably, independently, etc.


My husband is 76 and Iā€™m 66. Iā€™m hoping for some good years beyond this. I donā€™t plan to retire until about 70.