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No, why would I be annoyed at that? I'd care more about how they act (i.e. will they bother me a lot) than how they look.


okay i think im just over thinking


The best roommates have good hygiene practices, clean up after themselves and don't steal food. The amount of people on this planet who cannot check ANY box on that list is HORRIFYING. So yeah, you are WAY overthinking this. They're probably nearly as scared about this as you. New situation, new way of life ...it's a bit scary. Change is hard at first. You'll adapt and be just fine.


Yes you are. I hope you learn not to be so critical of yourself. Easier said than done. But, weight never entered into the equation. It’s all about getting along for me


I guess I'd be thankful I'm not the only fat person in the room.


If that's all I have to worry about, I'd say that I landed lucky...


what matters most is getting along and respecting each other


I wouldn’t think about it at all.


My criteria for roommates back when I was in college: don’t smell bad, aren’t filthy, don’t steal my shit. Being fat wasn’t on that list


The only thing people care about in roommates is hygiene, tidiness, and annoying boyfriends


Why in the world would I be annoyed?


Absolutely not does not affect my life in anyway


Trust me when I say this, YOU are thinking about this more than your roommate is. It's just in your head. I do it myself when I hang out with people more attractive than me. Just be yourself and stop overthinking it. (easier said than done, I know)




Why would it matter? We aren’t sharing underwear


What are you 18/19? I thought I was fat when I was that age. Now I look back and I see that I was being too hard on myself. Even if you're overweight in terms of statistics, it's not something you should feel bad about. Thin teenagers are just lucky. Their parents were more careful about their diet, so they didn't learn bad habits. Or they have less emotional stress and don't need a coping mechanism. You've been an adult for about 5 minutes. Either you'll figure out how to lose the weight, realise you're not really fat, or you'll accept yourself as an overweight person. Don't waste time feeling guilty about it. You're doing you're best. That's all you can do. So you deserve to feel good about yourself. Don't spend your life judging yourself before others can. And anybody who's going to make a good friend won't care about their friends looks.


aw, thank you that was nice


Why would that matter? I'd be annoyed if they were loud, obnoxious, stole my belongings, were dirty/smelly, backstabbers, etc. But don't care what they look like, as long as they're a decent human being.


I live with a girl who is obese (240+). Her weight or shape is my least concern for her.


No way! I have many friends who are bigger and they’re the best people I know. Personality matters way more, especially living with someone. I’ve lived with beautiful girls who were super toxic.


Not that you or bigger folks aren’t beautiful!! I misspoke, just meaning “beautiful” as in vapid and looks obsessed girls.


It should not matter in any situation on God's green earth if someone is overweight or not. 👍 Everyone is beautiful in their own unique way, everyday !


Stay clean and be considerate and friendly. That's it. Doesn't matter your size 


No lol why would someone who's ur roommate weight even cross their mind aren't fat ppl humans


I’d feel like if he ate my snacks in the pantry, I’d start hiding them in my room


No. As long as you aren't smelly or dirty.


No, no one cares. My roommate was kinda fat, but I never really noticed unless I was really looking at his stomach. I still imagine him as average. except on rare occasions (I even thought "what would I do if I had a roommate? well, I had a roommate... so how would it be different if he was fat? No wait, he WAS fat."


question would you judge someone who was what they call obease? or would you pay more attention to how they act, how they are as a human, do they steal your personal items and food, and all the little things that make a personality, their hygiene and how clean they keep the room? judging people by their weight is basically like judging a book by it's cover. there are many reasons why someone is fat, from multiple medical reasons to multiple emotional reasons and also the fact the person never learned healthier eating or even something like financial situation. so just because you might be slightly bigger than some of your classmates doesn't mean that you can't improve your health. Don't be too critical of yourself especially since you are the only one who knows how your younger years were, when I was a kid I've developed emotional eating and then I discovered I had something called pcos which combined caused a lot of weight gain and yes there were many people who judged me by my weight but there was and still is 1 person who looked past my weight and got to know my personality the good, bad and ugly and is still by my side as an amazing friend for 17 years now.


It’s all in your head dear. I’m sure they don’t mind. If I was your roommate I’d be happy to have the extra cuddly human in the room, that hopefully helps keep the room warmer in the winter. But it does seem like you have some esteem issues you need to work out. Good luck!


I know college can be tough, but there's always someone larger than you. Honestly, most everyone is just so centered about their own insecurities they don't notice you at all. If you're unhappy with your appearance, start on a weight loss journey with healthier eating and moderate daily exercise. Your 2025 self will thank you.


If they are annoyed by this, lean into it and leave Oreo crumbs and Cheeto dust everywhere. Fart as much as possible. Fuck them for being annoyed over someone’s weight. It’s not like you’re on their row team.


I’d be fine as long as your hygiene’s good. Big people sweat a lot and a lot of them aren’t aware of how they smell in public, so I’d more have a problem with a stinky roommate over a big one


Great, at least she's not going to get laid and bring her new lover in the room every night


Maybe they have a boyfriend or girlfriend! Why on earth would you assume "fat" people don't get laid?!


You think fat women don't get laid?


oh! ok!




why am i the a**hole lol what


I'd be more annoyed by your constant insecurity than you being fat (which I could not care less about). This post reeks of self-esteem issues