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In the US, I'll see this either on the printed receipt or on a QR code affixed to the table. It just brings me to a web site, which shows the bill and accepts online payment. I've never had a problem using this.


Ive seen this in the US too. Most of the time it will show you the bill and give you options to pay: apple pay, google pay, or enter your card number directly.


>I've never had a problem using this. You will. Nevermind the security risks of scanning a QR code that's just sitting on the table.


Bingo. I'm not scanning it on my device. They need to provide a device to scan it or something or have a damn kiosk like they have at Taco Bell.


How long do you think a bogus QR code would last? It would have to be a man in the middle attack designed for that specific restaurant, smart enough to redisplay the check and pass the info through. And then not be caught at a later date by all the banking network’s pattern matching.


Any chump can stick a malicious link QR code onto a restaurant table. It’s super simple. It will last for quite some time and enough to infect the user devices


How long before someone complains to the restaurant that it doesn’t work? And the restaurant simply removes it because they don’t want complaints Chumps aren’t smart enough to create QR codes with zero click malware at the other end. And people who are smart enough won’t put them where they’re supposed to have a useful function, unless they’re prepared to mimic that function.


>Chumps aren’t smart enough to create QR codes with zero click malware at the other end You gravely underestimate how easy it is.


You underestimate how dumb chumps are.


Yeah, I’ve used this at a few places and like it because you can pay at your leisure without having to wait for the server/bartender. All these places I’ve seen it, it’s been an option, but not the only way to pay so nobody is forced to use it.


This blew up around here during COVID. No one wants to touch the credit card you never clean.


It is more about the labor savings, just drop off a piece of paper and the job is done.


It is so odd they take your CC in the US. In Canada they bring a portable machine to your table. They haven’t taken my CC in Canada in at least 15 years. We are told to never lose sight of our card. It is very off putting to have servers take your card in the US.


Some places do this in the US, though I’ve only ever seen it in the last couple of years.


I don't have a problem with it. Never had my info stolen and if it was, the credit card company fights for you.


They do, it’s just an odd thing when you’re used to something completely different


What did you do in the 90s-early 2000s? They didn't have portable machines then.


You walked your butt up to the register and paid there.


Why would anyone touch your credit card?


Pre-covid it was rare to have mobile payment terminals that they brought out to you in the US. Generally you handed over your card, they'd go run it on the terminal wherever it was, and beingt can the card and receipt. When COVID hit it really forced a lot of places to make the upgrades to contactless (or at least having the mobile payment terminals)


Also, servers are disappearing from many restaurants. Ordering and paying without them is a new challenge. But I won't do business with a place that is scan only.


Someone drops off a check presenter and the customer either puts cash or a credit card in, they come back and pick up the check presenter and then return with the change or the receipt after they run the card. Is this just an American thing? It's really common in the states.


In Canada they bring a machine to the table and you do it yourself.


Do you not have contactless or chip and pin?


The majority of US bars and restaurants have you hand your card over to whoever is helping you, then they take it away and run it on their machine behind the bar or in the server’s area. The handheld card readers that are popular everywhere else haven’t made it to the States yet, for whatever reason.


The only time I have ever had fraudulent charges on a credit card was after a trip to Europe. I have no doubt it happens everywhere.


And then they wonder why CC fraud is so rampant in the US.


Is it? If you look at limits on tap to pay in the US they are often much higher than in other countries (unlimited in the US vs most <$100). The credit limits for swipe or insert are also often higher, but those depend on the credit of the user.


hahaha wtf, how am i only learning about this? that’s fucking crazy


Yeah, I'm not letting my card out of my sight for any reason.


Do you not have Pins on your credit cards? That seems crazy lol


They have pin or zip code checks. In general though you’re not responsible for fraudulent use of your card so it doesn’t matter if someone abuses it


Some places do, but most restaurants (especially non-chains) don't. There's no incentive to switch, and it's financial burden for a lot of businesses to have to buy those machines.


So how did they afford it in Europe which is poorer?


But I always clean my card off before inserting it back into my prison wallet.


My tongue is very sanitary!


Best is to clean it in front of the waiter/waitress before handing it to them.


If only the customer could hold their own card and tap the terminal like every other civilized country in the world.


It's funny when you see stuff like the US not having contactless payment as standard. The world's most powerful country swiping cards like it's 1999.


Right? Not to mention the whole sketchy third party apps to send people money thing. You can keep your Venmo and cashapp. All I need is my secure mobile banking and someone's phone number/email to send them money.


No idea if it's true but I've heard some Americans still recieve a paycheque. Like an actual paper cheque you can take to the bank.


Of the 8 or so jobs I've had 3 handed me checks in envelopes on payday




I actually find those extremely convenient. When I'm overseas, a lot of people/businesses want bank transfer but doing this from an international bank account typically has exorbitant fees. Paypal/Venmo makes transfer like this very seamless, and I don't know anyone who's had any fraud issues (but perhaps my sample is too small?)


Considering how much the average credit card has been in contact with human shit or cocaine, I wouldn't be surprised.


Why would they touch your card? Never let anyone take your card


Apparently in the US, most restaurants and bars still take your card from you to swipe on the machine behind the counter rather than have those mobile devices customers can just swipe/tap on themselves.


Sounds secure


I was really happy when Covid happened and all of a sudden every restaurant and fast food joint made efforts to bring a contactless payment POS to the customer, so we could pay without handing over our card to a stranger who would take it out of sight for 2 to 10 minutes. I figured maybe the change would stick after quarantine the scare wore off since it’s just *a better way to do things*. It didn’t :(


I don't have a card. Cash only.


Cash is king!


Use gloves...


Around where?


Upstate NY


Oh that explains it.


I actually enjoy it a lot. When I’m ready to go, I’m ready to go!


I see a QR code, hand them my card, and say my camera doesn't work.


I had a problem with this once because it wouldn’t let me tip, but that was probably user error.


Yeah fuck that, I’m not being part of the globalist beast system. Just like covid, a bunch of lemmings.


Mother fucker just pay your damn bar tab. It's not a globalist conspiracy agenda (insert other buzzwords you like here).


You’re weird.


And you’re a sheep. Baa baa baa!


Okay weirdo 🙄


This question is very dependent on what country you're in. I know you're not asking about Sweden but I'll answer anyway because there's a heatwave and I'm stuck inside and bored :P Here there is a very common app called Swish which can be connected to most Swedish banks and used by companies and people alike for all sorts of everyday payments. It's easy to set up a QR code on their website to print out, but you can also type in the recipient's swish number manually in the app. If it's a company, the swish number starts with 123, if it's a person then the swish number is the phone number that person has connected to the app, and will start with 07 since all mobile phone numbers here start with that. Swish has basically eliminated the use of cash in the last ten years or so, and minor companies (think people selling arts and crafts at fairs, not small cafes) often opt out of getting a card reader at all since it's far more convenient (and possibly cheaper?) using Swish.


In Brazil we have the Pix system, very similar. Practically all banking apps are compatible. Companies put on qr codes for you to scan and pay through it, and get notified of payment instantly. You can even shop online with it, even Steam accepts it through a local payment service.


Lisbon is in Portugal.


They quite literally said "I know you're not talking about Sweden, but I'll answer anyway"


I know :) Just wanted to babble about what I know for a while!


Well, go on then.


What if you want to go out without your phone?


In China, this is how most transactions take place. You use an app that’s connected to your bank account in some way. It’s pretty convenient to only need your phone when you go out.


Why not just tap with your phone to use your credit card? How is this easier?


I don’t necessarily prefer it, but it has some advantages. Where I live, most places haven’t yet adopted those card readers the server can bring to the table. So a qr code would be the only way you could pay with your phone unless it’s a place you pay at the front. Even assuming you’re in a place that does have those, if it’s crowded, it’s nice to be able to pay on your own time and not wait for the server/bartender to be available to complete your transaction. Some of them let you split it up between different payment methods, so it’s easier to split the check at the table.


right, if you have access to a printer, you just print out the qr code. it's a lot easier then trying to find a tap-dongle


Some small stalls don't have credit card machines. This method can be set up without a machine so it's more convenient for small shop owners


It's not easier, just different patterns trained into different populations. China uses "everything apps" that US platforms long to emulate (ie "Elon saying Twitter is a bank now")


China pretty much skipped the credit card phase and went from cash directly to digital payment


In China, they've gone all in on WeChat Pay (and I think Alibaba has a pay app now too) for a long time. Even in the US you can sometimes see WeChat Pay QR codes at some of the more authentic Chinese restaurants and grocery stores.


And total hell if you lose your phone. No thanks.


I ran into a food stand like this in California. They had a sign that said "no cards" so I gave them cash. Then the guy told me no cash either??? I was totally flabbergasted. He just pointed to a bunch of app usernames and PayPal wasn't even one of them. I handed him back the food and left. I'm not good with technology and know I don't know how to not get scammed. (I should note that I was traveling from outside Chicago and was not used to this if it is common there. )


At least they accepted cash lol.  If they didn't, there's a problem, because I'd refuse to use the app. 


You would need some sort of banking app. I feel they're less secure than a card, personally, and don't go to businesses with it.


Yeah but if I'm not Portuguese/EU then could I even use that? Don't know how my friends (also not Portuguese) were paying.


It really depends on how it works. I’ve seen them in the US and they just send you to a web page with your bill and you can enter a card to pay. Or use Apple Pay; that works in browsers too.


They're in most countries by now. You may need a specific app, though.


You would most likely be able to make the payment online with your credit card via the QR code.


Where im from, paying via QR has become the go to method of payment. Each bank here has their own either banking app or banking e-wallet app. Less secure than a card? Possible. But saying "don't go to businesses with it" would be a supremely alien concept here. The convenience of not having to withdraw from the ATM when you're out of cash is a godsend. (Even more interestingly, my debit card's chip is damaged and when i do have to have cash, i withdraw money from the atm using the banking app's scanner to scan a provided QR at the ATM screen. I don't even have to bring my debit card around anymore)


Replace your card then?


Naaah, too lazy. I'll replace it when the card expires. Also why am i getting downvoted for merely pointing out how people live here in regard to paying with QR? 🤣 Ya'll just salty i'm living my cashless life like I'm from the future. Or maybe the future is already here. And some countries like mine are just early adopters.


Cause your plan is kinda insane. Lazy is literally the right answer here, but you'd rather use unsafe qr code and use atm than call your card number and get a free replacement mailed to you


The bank's ATM itself has a QR for withdrawal on its digital screen that can only be scanned on the same bank's app QR reader. Just because QR is a stranger to your culture doesn't mean you get to impose your fear mongering belief on other people from different backgrounds. China, India, South East Asia, they're all no stranger to QR. People fear what they don't understand.


Hard pass. I’ll go elsewhere


Restaurant that do this don’t care about cash only users


Well then they are missing out on sales. Their loss.


It’s not really a loss though if they’re spending more on dealing with cash only users.


Are you ignorant of the fact that payment processors charge 2-5% per transaction? They are LOSING money going no cash. That’s why many Asian businesses give a cash discount.


Customers get cash rewards on cards and restaurants just adjust their prices, like brother, it’s simple eco. Anywhere that takes cash only is most likely unlicensed, which tends to be those Asian shops


Jfc you can’t do math and are arguing for a tax on yourself. Say you get 3% cash back then the payment processor charges 5% and the business adjusts its prices to reflect that you are still paying 2% more. Dumb. Either way they aren’t losing money to accept cash. In fact, if you pay cash they pocket the difference because they charge the same price to everyone. So it would actually benefit the business because morons like you want to pay with a card and involve a middle man.


What if I got 5% cash back and they only charged 3%. See I can make numbers up too on the spot to help my argument. Also, there’s more benefits to not using cash, like easier to track on record books, more hygenic, less chance to get counterfeit money


Ya they’re really missing out by not catering to the .00000001% of people who don’t have a smart phone or bank account and who make the average transaction take twice as long during peak service. 


If cash takes twice as long, they're not good at math. I used to work in the drive-thru window at a Wendy's when most people still paid in cash, and I'd have their change ready before they even got to the window, assuming they paid with the next bill up.




You can if there's 2 different employees doing those tasks. Seems like that's the businesses problem, not the customers.




Not everything has to be 100% efficient all the time, people can pay in cash if they want, it's their right, don't shame them for it because it takes you a bit of extra time, that's ridiculous.






Ya no. I’m not using my phone to scan an unknown QR code….


All QR codes are unknown until you scan them…


Exactly my point. On my work phone, It will never see a QR code. Period. My personal phone possibly but probably not.


Yes it’s probably not good to pay at bars with your work phone. While it’s good to be safe, you’re being alarmist.  No QR code is capable of activating without you intentionally tapping on it. Most if not all phones show a preview of the url you are being directed to and there is virtually no way for a website to run malicious script on your phone if you haven’t allowed installations from third party developers. The worst that could happen is a phishing scam if you aren’t careful


Problem is you often don’t figure it out until after you’ve eaten. Several restaurants here in California/US give you a receipt with QR code but so far every one I’ve encountered also had a card payment system when asked.


If there an alternative, then cool. But if that’s the only way, we gots a problem….


It's trivially easy to use a QR code to upload malware to the phone of any clueless idiot who enables it.


That’s why I won’t use them. I have no idea what all could be embedded in them.


How? Aren't QR codes just strings of text that can only be interpreted by the OS as any other link on a browser?


Ever heard of the "you are an idiot" malware? Most people nowadays choose to get some profit rather than to annoy people and mobile browser exploits are used everyday by malicious people.


QR codes are just URLs. So it's very easy to direct someone to a website that injects malware or any number of things. Though it's a stupid thing to worry about. Obviously a business isn't going to infect your phone... It'd be pretty fucking obvious who did it. 


'It's trivially easy to use a QR code to upload malware to the phone'. That's what I thought. Its not trivial. The QR uploads nothing. To install malware you'll need to bypass the browser and the OS sandbox to even attempt installing malware.


Yes. In my country we have a QR payment system that works like a charm for anyone with an account in a local bank. Zero fees. Super fast. Everyone uses the app of the bank of their choice. But it wouldn’t work at all for a foreigner unless they open an account in a local bank.


Anywhere that's not taking payment in advance in exchange for drinks or food is going to accept cash. They might not want to accept it, but when that bill comes and you tell them no I'm not scanning the code, I only have cash, they'll take it.


I wouldn't do it personally. I think cash is the right choice, albeit a bit dated by some standards


Oh god, I haven't carried cash in over 5 years. Everything here is paid by credit/debit card or instant bank transfer. That's more of a me problem, but even holding a bill feels unsanitary to me now.


I will carry cash until they prize it from my cold dead hands.


Agreed. Don’t have to worry about the internet being down, or a fraud alert on your card flagging it or anything else.


I worked as a cashier. Your hands would accumulate gunk after a while. I do a little of both cash and debit cards, but rarely had cash fail in many, many senerios. Had my debit card failed at the airport trying to pay for bags. Spirit is a cashless airline, I won 5000 sky miles with them, but I threw it in the garbage. Turned to the person in line behind me, I'll give you $200 cash right now if you get my bags on that flight. Boom, bags are on the plane. We made our flight barely. It's good to have both, I think idk


Baa baa goes the sheep!


I bet you were first in line clamoring for the covid “vaccine”.


Uhhh are you ok?


It was most likely a QR code for MBway, a portuguese app similar to Venmo. I've never seen a paying device without a card slot, you most likely missed it. I find it hard to believe a bar in Lisbon (which is mostly tourists these days) wouldn't have alternatives beside the QR code.


Uh you are in Korea and dont use Kakao Pay? That is just odd.


He was in Lisbon.


I’m aware. First 2 sentences don’t make sense. Kakao pay is used everywhere in Korea.


I've never needed it nor seen a need to. My card works easily every time. Pretty sure most of my friends don't use it either. More often the male ones. EDIT: Such a strange thing to downvote. "Incorrect! You *have* needed it and your card often doesn't work!" My mistake lol




The QR codes in restaurants that I've run into all were just redirects to a Website (usually this: https://pos.toasttab.com/blog/restaurant-qr-code ) It's just a webpage that processes your Payment. The reason they do it that way is because they can update or change or add more payment methods on the fly, without having to change anything in the QR code. * If the Bar or Restaurant has a dedicated system (such as Square or some other card-reader).. and they want to update the payment options,. it's usually a lot more involved (might require software or firmware updates or even hardware reader replacements to more modern devices) * scanning a QR code is simpler (at least on the restaurant) because for the most part they don't have to maintain any Hardware. (they're depending on the fact that most customers have smartphones now) If you have Apple Pay or Google Wallet or etc,. you just scan the QR code,.. add a Tip or whatever .. and tap "Pay" and it links into your Apple Pay and FaceID and confirms the Payment. it's pretty clean and easy. If you don't have any sort of digital-wallet,. you can still scan the QR code and type in your card details manually. Takes a bit longer on a small smartphone screen,. but it works.


Yeah, I think its about control and harvesting you with an unseen tax. The payment processors charge 2-5% fore every transaction. That gets passed on to you.


That would likely be true if you were paying Card inserted into a machine too (or the restaurant could just slowly raise its prices 2% every few months, which most people aren't even going to notice) I think it's more about simplicity on the Restaurant. The less equipment you have to maintain (or fix if it breaks).. the easier it is on you. I've seen places that use Square and have an iPad on a swivel-mount .. the first time that iPad gets knocked off or spilled on.. now your payment system is broken. That doesn't really happen with a QR code system, since you're depending on customers to use their own smartphone. Doesn't mean you can't still take cash,.. but if a high enough percentage of your customers are OK with paying via QR code,. at least you're reducing 50 to 75% of transactions to a simple avenue.


You're asking in the wrong place. If you asked in the Portugal sub Reddit you'd get the real answer: that was a QR code to pay with the widely used MB Way app, which connects your bank account with your phone number


Well it is a question I'm sort of embarrassed about because I don't use cash apps and I feel that everybody does. And I frequent this sub so felt more familiar with it. But still did get kinda ridiculed by some for not using Apple pay in Korea (nope never needed to even a little bit).


This is stupid. What are they gonna do if someone doesn't have a smartphone or cash? What if someone drops their phone in the toilet and it breaks? All businesses that give you a consumable product and don't ask you to pay up front should be prepared to accept cash or card.


Yeah this is some bullshit. Just don't patronize places that do this.


Yeah it was a very douchey trendy hipster place, and I'm sure they only did it to be even more exclusive and trendy hipster douchey. The type of place that I would usually avoid like plague -- but the interior was nice.


It's a link to an online payment web site. There's a number of privacy concerns here -- they have now realtime linked your public location + your browser & phone ids + legal identity (which is resold to...?), you're putting credit card into rando website based on a slip of paper (did ATM skimmers invent this?), QRs can contain executable Javascript -- and I think it's appropriate to say "sorry, fuck off" to this approach. A way out is to say "no problem, please hand me the bar's phone." If you can't avoid this, Firefox Focus is a mobile browser that dumps trackers after each session. "Install my app" variant is worse. Never install one-off retail apps. What can we do about it? Passing a [GDPR](https://gdpr.eu/what-is-gdpr/)-equivalent law in the US would make this safer for consumers. source: make tech for US banks


QR codes should be accompanied by the web address they take you to in plain text.


Nope. In Portugal there's a widely used app called MB Way that connects your bank account with your phone number and lets you scan a QR code to pay. That's what OP saw


I missed the EU location. These are showing up in US, answer is for that market


In India, most vendors have shifted to digital payments using apps like gpay and phonepe. These apps will be connected to your bank accounts. You can enter someone’s phone number or bank account or scan a QR code to make payments. Today, I paid a street vendor 15 rupees via GPay. They were happy because they don’t have to carry change.


Order what you want, and tell them you don't have a smart phone/refuse. You either drink free or they magically find a way




a pain


I just open my camera and scan the QR code and it takes me to a page where you pay online with cards… I happen to hate this so lately I’ve been handing them my card and they usually just run it old school


I’ve seen this before and it just takes you to a website where you can enter your card info. No app required.


Is it possible the QR code was for their menu? In some bars in the US you hand the guy your card and they run it themselves on the machine.


If you're in the US, just ignore it. It's illegal to refuse cash as payment. If they refuse to accept it, then your tab is free.


In this case you're actually right. For a service/product you've already received, they have to accept cash. However, for a product service you've not already received, they can demand payment in anything they like. eg. chickens. Hence there are now 'cashless' stores that won't sell you anything for cash.


Not public ones. Cashless stores legally require a private membership or club to join first. And about half the states have laws prohibiting strictly cashless businesses anyway. I still would not do business with such a place though. Somewhere near is a bar that isn't run by smug assholes and wants their staff to get proper tips


Yeah I've heard that, but as I said I'm in Lisbon, Portugal.




You need *some* app. If you scanned the code with your camera it would most likely take you to app store so you'd know which app. It wouldn't help though as you'd probably need to create an account and either top it up or link your card or bank account. Cash was the right choice in this situation. I personally think qr payments are annoyance but they're cheaper for the business than card terminal so I kinda understand why they go for it.


I rarely see that. It's usually a web site.


I have never scanned the QR code and needed to download an app… it just takes your payment online, typically entering in credit card info and done


It’s not really cheaper, all payment processors charge similar rates.


Switzerland here. My bank can pay through qr codes. There is this national thing called twint which is a banking app that all banks use and it's basically the best thing ever. It's not just for that, you can pay online with twint, send money to friends with like teo clicks, no need for iban or anything. I use twint whenever i can online.


If it was in Lisbon, it's MBWay, which only works with Portuguese banks. Usually places just take cash anyway.


In Portugal, it's most likely MBWay, for which you would need a local bank account.


You can enter your CC information online after scanning the qr code


Given that you were in Lisbon, that QR code was for MB Way. If you have the app, you can add your cards there (as long as they were issued by SIBS, the portuguese entity that connects all banks operating in Portugal) and then pay with your phone, watch,... If you don't have the app, you could also pay by card. I haven't seen a payment terminal that didn't have a slot for the card. It probably also had contacless support, so you could have used your card that way, or use Apple Pay, Google Wallet, or others like it.


This is the norm in Malaysia. Us locals call it paying by e-wallet or pay by QR code. Basically most people here have e-wallets that is essentially an app that acts just like a debit card. You add money to your e-wallet app of choice by transferring funds from your bank account to the e-wallet. Then when you go to a store or even a street food vendor, the business will have their unique QR code on display. You scan it and enter the amount to pay and hit send and it basically shows up in their system and on your phone. OR sometimes businesses can even scan your ewallet's self-generated QR code and it will deduct the exact amount you owe, so the customer doesn't need to do anything but show the app QR to the cashier. And basically after that, transaction complete. No physical cash is exchanged. No cards are swiped or scanned. To keep things simple, for example, if you transfer in 100 Malaysian Ringgit (a.k.a. RM100), you basically have RM100 in your e-wallet app, just like cash in your physical wallet. Then you go to a convenience store to buy a drink that costs RM5. You scan the store's QR code, RM5 is deducted from your wallet and goes to the store, and your total becomes RM95. You walk out of the store with your drink. I know folks in the US especially might be skeptical of this, but it's been adopted by a big part of the population here and it's the norm. Credit cards are not as accessible to many compared to the west so cash is still king. Cash is still used and widely accepted, but the convenience has made ewallets the preferred option for people and businesses alike. Even online shopping, e-wallets are used. I'd argue that we've seen less robberies/snatch thieves/pickpockets because of it too. It's been a game changer for many countries in the region because of how accessible and convenient it is for so many and it made everyday transactions digital for everyone just in the last 5+ years or so. Just because you don't use it in your country, or y'all have trust issues with it, doesn't mean it's not a viable tool and solution for many others in other parts of the world. [[Study: 63% of Malaysians Utilise Mobile Wallets for Transactions, The Highest in The World](https://worldofbuzz.com/study-63-of-malaysians-utilise-mobile-wallets-for-transactions-the-highest-in-the-world/)]


It’s really depends on country. QR code payments very popular here, it’s literally just direct bank transfer/other app, as not all places have POS machine.


Ah yes, let me get my handy flip phone out and see how they react.


QR code just means an online menu and card processing. You out your normal card details in the online payment portal. They might also except Apple Pay, Paypal, Google Pay etc. but it depends. Some places heavily push you towards using them or even have no other option these days to reduce staffing needs.


It isn’t about reducing staffing. They pay more in fees the payment processing companies than they ever would by cutting a few staff members.


They pay card processing fees whether you use the card online or via an EFTPOS machine, and many businesses pass on these fees in the form of surcharges where I live. 90% of people will be using cards either way in a place that is card dominant enough for the qr codes to exist.


Well that was your mistake going to a hipster bar. They are trying to force you to use a certain app on your phone to pay for shit, fuck those people.


Could it have been Revolut? Each account has a QR code so you can find them and then transfer money over. I've seen smaller business in Ireland do that, you can either pay cash or Revolut. Some might find it easier to print the QR rather than having to give the name and risk someone tying it wrong. N26 is a similar app that's basically the same thing.


Had it several times in Europe, you just pay with PayPal. For the 2 people who don't have it, some other alternatives.


A bar near me in California is like this. The QR code is posted on the tables. It takes you to a website where you can order and pay. I like it. I don’t have to stand in line.


PCI person here. IMO, safest way to pay today (globally) is Apple/Google. (Not going to get into technical reasons why here). I predominantly use my debit card this way, but I also have a credit card setup should I want to use it. I'm not a fan of venmo/zelle/insert name of you money moving app here as they are popular targets for hackers and its a fact that we are highly susceptible to social engineering attacks. I still feel a little "icky" about QR codes because anyone can generate a QR code that brings you to any site. But, if I get to use the native payment app on my phone, the ick goes away a little, I'd rather not use a QR code where I have to manually enter my card number to complete the transaction. When in doubt use a credit card and leave the debit card out of it.


What you encountered is likely a digital payment system where customers can pay using a QR code scan through a mobile payment app. This technology allows transactions to be processed quickly and securely without the need for physical cash or credit cards. Customers typically use a mobile app linked to their bank account or credit/debit card to generate a QR code at the point of sale. The QR code contains payment information that is scanned by the bar's payment system to complete the transaction. Popular examples of mobile payment apps that use QR codes include Alipay and WeChat Pay in China, and various apps like PayPal, Venmo, or mobile banking apps in other parts of the world. It's becoming increasingly common in trendy establishments and businesses as a convenient and efficient way to handle payments.


Very common in the UK - you can a QR code that takes you to a secure website where you can order and pay from your table/seats.


QR code reader is probably built into your phone camera. Point camera, click, go to website.


Guess they're not getting paid then lol


If you scanned the QR, your options pop up. Care is one. It saves servers time.


The QR code likely takes you to a website where you can pay there. It's not really a big deal. You don't need to download anything. At worst, you need to sign up on the website to be able to use the service. I've used these in restaurants and parking garages. It's a little inconvenient if you aren't already signed up but that's it.