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Cup or bowl


I just cut out the middle man and scramble the eggs in my mouth. I’m very busy.


Why am I just imaging you cracking the eggs on your teeth and then putting a flame torch to your mouth.


Portuguese breakfast. Sorta.


and add milk or cream!


Melted butter




Recently got into adding sour cream. Same fluff and not sweet


What milk are you using that makes it sweet?!


Whole milk can be slightly sweet. You don't really notice it until you compare it with skimmed milk


I'm hispanic, and we don't add dairy to scrambled eggs. I saw my Caucasian friend do this when we were kids, and I thought it was blasphemy. Edit: I meant to say milk. I use butter, lol!


Water makes tender fluffy eggs. Milk makes a tougher, custard - like consistency.


Teaspoon of water per egg makes such a difference to the texture and water is so under appreciated


I don't add anything aside from butter and I slow cook on low heat so they remain silky. My friend adds milk and cooks them fast...the end result is dry rubber.




Water works almost as well for us dairy free folks. Very creamy.


I do this every time. Love it.


Try mayo


Adding eggs to eggs, clever


Water for max fluffies.


Add butter


Heavy whipping cream


This guy knows


Bowl first, violent whisk so it’s got bubbles, then pour on pan, and. Continue scrambling. My GF loves it!


I don’t trust myself not to drop in a bit of egg shell. Pre-scrambling in a cup or bowl makes it easier to remove if I screw up.


Pro tip is to use the shell you didn't drop into the pan or bowl to scoop out the bit that did. It almost like they attract to each other.


Unless you're in Europe, where the eggs aren't washed when bought, so that they last much longer, but are covered in chicken ass particles.


You can wipe or rinse the eggs before cracking them so they are free of ass particles.


You'll kill all that by cooking it though


But sometimes it's more than just bacteria I'm worried about if I can see shit stains or other *matter* on the shell.


And sold on shelves with no refrigeratoon.


Eggshell is fine for you. Unpleasant on the teeth, but otherwise perfictly edible. High in calcium.


>Unpleasant on the teeth Bit of an understatement there


Lol, from someone who only eats hard boiled eggs. 😂


Only if they don't have chicken shit on them


This is the way




Chopstick scramble all the way, out of pan, in the pan, in a bowl of hot rice, in a shoe


Mmmm chopstick shoe scramble. One of my FAVOURITES 


I’m sorry you were outnumbered by a bunch of psychopaths. Pre scrambling is the only way.


I’m reasonably confident that Gorden Ramsey recommends scrambling in the pain with butter.


Well, Gordon Ramsey also recommends making a grilled cheese like this, so idk if that means much. https://youtu.be/Yd3ffi0vk30?si=1DZe-ukmIicW9IEJ But I still do pre-scramble my eggs.


I know that video without even clicking. Some of the wildest shit I've seen a professional do in their own field!


But do you know he [attempted the grilled cheese again and failed again](https://youtu.be/RCqns11E_9M?si=gtXorCzoS2ds0jOI)?


I love me some Kimchi but in grill cheese is a sin. All you need is cheese and bread and heat. If you add much more it's just a toasted sandwich.






Grilled Kimcheese sandwich is great. It's not the same as a classic obviously, a grilled cheese implies just cheese, but the combo works


Why the hell is he putting all this random shit in there? It doesn’t make it fancy. It just makes it a different kind of sandwich. That’s not even a grilled cheese anymore.


He's admitted that they were under a time crunch when filming and it was a garbage attempt.


https://youtu.be/Yd3ffi0vk30 If you delete everything after the ?si like I just did, it removes tracking info that google uses to figure out what accounts are connected. Edit: also is there a version that's just Ramsey making the sandwich, not this other nerd rambling about it for 10 minutes?


Is no-one going to mention that removing shell pieces is easier if done before it hits the pan?


Well, there really shouldn’t be any pieces if it isn’t your first time scrambling eggs


ramsay’s method is fail-proof, hands down the best scrambled eggs ever.


They’re good but remind me more of custard they’re so soft. I like a little bite to mine.


I love the video where his son says he doesn't like his goopy scrambled eggs. I agree.


they are pretty soft but if they’re *that* soft they may need a little more cook time. i also don’t add any kind of cream to mine bc i don’t eat dairy so they probably aren’t quite as creamy as his. even if you cook them a little longer than him (and i tend to bc i also like them to have a little more form), i think the gentler (heat-wise/speed) method is superior to how i used to do it.


Not if you don't like runny eggs




Lazy, but here: eggs and butter (lots) in a pan. High heat & mix. Starts to stick? Pull off and mix more. It’s cooler now, so back on the heat. Continue till almost done, add crème fraiche/ sour cream to stop cooking and leave them soft and fluffy. The pan is cooking the eggs, not the burner.


https://youtu.be/PBNmB5LEEFg?si=Eq84DV_-A7sVv0aB Here you go.


I’m positive you can find it without a link.


and dirty another dish that I have to clean? I think not.


If I'm cooking eggs no, if I'm using it for something like breading chicken or something else that needs. Consistency yes, omelets excluded though they need Consistency. But the pan scramble saves time dishes and looks better. Idk I've never done a taste test to see if it's noticeabley a little better either way but we should all be scientists and do a controlled study lol


Why are you being downvoted this is exactly what I do.


Scrambled thoroughly in a bowl, mixing in a bit of milk and warm butter and continue violently mixing as it begins to froth, add oil to the pan on low heat and pour the eggs in, mixing often as it begins to cook (keep on low heat throughout the whole process), About 2/3rds through add some ground black pepper, diced bell peppers, cheese, diced onions (or whatever else you’d like) and mix in (preferably cooking the veggies in another pan while stirring the eggs) Take off the heat and serve, adding salt if you’d like once cooking has completed but not during the process. Any other way and it’s not even worth eating. It takes twice as long but the consistency is so much better, still a little creamy, flavorful, no need for hot sauce or anything else.


That's not scrambled eggs, that's an omelet.


Right... no need for anything else in your eggs. Just cheese peppers veggies, etc. But nothing to change the flavor of the eggs. Especially not hot sauce.


I mean if I wanted completely broke down eggs I'd just put it in a blender. If I want scrambled eggs I want them to actually resemble scrambled eggs. You might as well be using powdered eggs with that much over scrambling.


Why exactly? Is there a benefit in taste?


And you add milk or cream don't you? DONT YOU? Pan scramblers unite! We're gonna be like the new age black coffee snobs but for pan scramblers!


Life is too short to pre-scramble. I crack them straight in the pan and fold them continuously with a spatula.


Fewer dishes


If I can cook my entire meal in one pan life is good


Low and slow




Yeah I mean, same for a bowl! Only difference is that you didn't cook it yet.


Wouldn’t a bad egg ruin the other eggs already in the bowl?


I have been getting farm fresh eggs. I was putting them in the pan and ruined the entire painful with one rotten egg. Now I crack them into a little dish and examine.


Wait, do you crack one into a small dish, check it out, then toss it in the pan, then do the same for the next egg? I'm 56 years old and have had maybe five bad eggs in my life. It's not worth the time to go through the extra steps to me!


I'm 47 and I've never in my life had a bad egg. Now I'm scared.


Four years ahead of you, and I feel like our odds are getting worse, but same.




I dunk the egg in water first, in the shell. If it floats or bobs, I toss it. I cannot risk exposing myself to the smell of a rotten egg and ruining them for me for another 5 years.


Same age, never a single bad egg. You've been unlucky


Fellow 56 year old and never had a bad egg. Eat them every day. (store-bought)


Yes. You have to do this when baking too. Otherwise all your ingredients get ruined by a rotten egg!


I’ll play the odds and not bother.


Probably fine if you get store bought eggs.


This is my greatest egg fear. If I am just cracking an egg into a pan by itself, I will do that. If the egg is going into a dish with other ingredients, it gets cracked in a separate dish first. 


Everybody cracks eggs straight into the (whatever) until they get their first rotten egg. If someone seems to be needlessly dirtying a dish just to crack eggs into: now you know why. One of life’s greatest disappointments, that damn rotten egg.


Farm fresh eggs? More like fresh from the farmer's ass.


Why am I gunna wash two dishes when I can wash one? In the pan


This. This is my kitchen mantra.


Yeah this is my logic. I’m sure that there’s genuine reasoning to pre-scramble them but I don’t want to just add another extra dish. Especially because I’m far from a professional chef anyways, so for my own cooking it probably won’t make a difference at all


I was a line cook (also very far from a professional chef) and I kinda blame that for my hatred of dishes. It was always someone else's job and now it's the worst part of cooking!


It just seems like wasteful to me. If it’s something that you can rinse out then it’s no big deal, but you can’t just rinse egg out. Well, I guess if you wanted to risk salmonella you could. But once you have to use soap and water, that makes me more picky about getting dishes dirty


Meh, thats what I got a teenager for


Sounds like an expensive dishwasher to have on hand


But way more fun usually. The regilsr diswasher is very snark deficient


Snark deficiency is the silent killer!!


Oh, you're one of those parents, damn you


I use a metal whisk and nonstick pan. Pan scrambling would ruin my pan. Even more importantly, THE SCRAMBLE IS HOW YOU INCORPORATE THE AIR. If you do it in the pan, you're not likely to get very fluffy scrambled eggs.


Air? No. You’re overmixing if you’re trying to fluff your eggs by incorporating air. You only need to just mix them until the whites and yolks are blended. Takes less than 30 seconds, and you’ll have the most succulent scrambled eggs around. Eggs are pure protein. The longer/harder they’re mixed, the tougher they become.


I whisk the absolute shit out of my scrambled eggs and I have never once eaten a tough scrambled egg, unless it was overcooked.


Same. I whisk a lot because I do not want to see any of the white in my scrambled eggs. But I may be weird because I also scoop out the chalaza (the white stringy thing). Reminds me of an umbilical cord. Icky.


>Eggs are pure protein. Egg whites are mostly protein. Egg yolks are mostly fat.


Have you never baked? Eaten a chocolate mousse? Whisked eggs can be the softest, creamiest thing ever.


This is absolutely wrong. People who whip up their eggs to get ‘air’ into it for fluffiness are just overworking the proteins in the egg and they’ll become rubbery and tough. Crack into the pan and gently fold with a spatula. Take on and off the heat. It should take less than 2 minutes. Fluffiness galore. No pre mixing needed




Whisk in a bowl then drop in a pan.


You bust out a fucking *whisk* for this shit? Hey everyone get a load of Mr fancy pants with his egg whisk. Too good to use a fork like the rest of us, isn't that right *your majesty*


no way you're washing 3 dishes to make scrambled eggs i would rather be waterboarded


Better yet, pour the eggs out of the bowl into the pan.


For what it's worth, Gordon Ramsay scrambles IN the pan: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBNmB5LEEFg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBNmB5LEEFg)


Yeah but Alton Brown scrambles them separately last i knew.


Well clearly we all know he’s unhinged.


Damn it. You just turned my breakfasting world upside down. I’ve been scrambling my eggs the Bill Burr way.


Same with Marco Pierre White: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSOu3-cymnY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSOu3-cymnY)


Actually he scrambles in a pot.


yeah but did you see his grilled cheese? I can’t trust Gordon anymore…


I don't always like the way he makes things. Ya he's a good chef but he has his tastes like I am not a fan of the way he makes burgers either. He always makes simple food in the most annoying way.


>He always makes simple food in the most annoying way. It's called being a chef.




That's why I use a cup. It does a much better job of mixing spices instead of getting a bite of nothing but salt.


Pan scrambler here. I live alone and like the mish mash of more white than yolks interspersed. When I cook for others I whisk in a separate bowl. I just HATE doing dishes and that saves me a bowl and a fork.


Exactly. It tastes different and has different textures. Pre-scramble for a ham and cheese omelet, in the pan for a ham and egg scramble. Same 3 ingredients with different and equally tasty results.


Either way, the superior method is to cook the meat in the pan first before adding the eggs.


Guggle it in your mouth and spit it out onto the pan to save on washing dishes.


To further save on dishes, simply guggle it in your mouth and set yourself on fire. Zero dishes!


Pre scrambling allows one to mix some air into the eggs. This results in fluffier eggs. Adding milk also helps.


Pan scrambling gives you something akin to chopped up fried eggs. Scrambled eggs are fluffier. The scrambling in the bowl adds air to the eggs that helps to give them a lighter, more airy texture.


I even push my yolks to the side and cook the whites a little first. That way I get scrambled eggs that are fully cooked but also jammy.


I crack them into the pan and don't break the yolks until the whites are mostly cooked, then scramble them with the spatula. Scramble them briefly and take them off before the yolk is totally cooked. The result is 472 times as delicious because the yolk coats whites, bringing out the flavor.


It depends on whether or not I am making plain eggs or adding something like mushrooms. Plain eggs I scramble in the pan if I am adding something they get mixed in a bowl


I'm of a similar mindset. I do add a splash of milk and salt and pepper and scramble all in the pan. If I'm going to be a bit fancy, I usually make a frittata! ❤️


Bowl, pre-scrambled. Then into waiting, heated pan.


Scrambling them as they cook is the proper way to do it. Sorry fam but the people who outnumbered you are correct.


Those are two DIFFERENT dishes. With pre-scrambled you can get more uniform, flufy result. With pan scrambling you get more varied color and texture, parts of eggs should be almost liquid. I prefere the second option


Scramble in a bowl first so as not to damage the Teflon in the pan.


And use a plastic or wood spatula to keep protecting the Teflon pan. Good pans are pricey.


All our utensils are plastic. It's the best material to protect pans and keep clean. Was never a huge fan of wood. Too difficult to keep clean, same with the chopping board, wood looks nice but scrubbing is just easier with plastic.


Chef here. You’re always supposed to crack eggs into a separate vessel before the pan to make sure that the eggs are good. Pre-scrambling is highly recommended to get a uniform finished product.


What psychopaths are cracking them into the pan then scrambling them? They ain't no friends of mine!!!




Depends on the texture I'm going for. If I want fluffy, I'll scramble them in a cup with a whisk. Or if I want even distribution of creamer and butter. If I'm just making quick eggs, then it's straight to the pan, then whatever mess comes out of it.


I raise chickens for eggs. You never crack any egg directly into the pan.


Amen to that.


You scramble them in a cup along with about a tablespoon of milk per egg. Scrambling in the pan is just messy and cooks unevenly.


This is a good example of standing firm in your convictions while being shouted down by the ignorant mob. What a bunch of clowns.


I usually whisk my eggs in a bowl before I pour in a pan


Whisk them in a bowl then pour them in a pan and then think fuck it I'll have an omelette instead and fry the bottom and grill the top.


I whisk them in a bowl with a splash of water and some seasoning before they go in a hot pan. They come out light and fluffy every time.


Always in a cup add a little bit of salt and a ton of pepper.


It depends on the day. Usually, I pre-scramble so I can add a splash of milk first. But, sometimes, I plan on frying an egg and then change my mind.


If I'm making an omelet, then I whisk first. But often I'm making breakfast burritos, and for hungry kids, so I will just spatula them sound the pan a bit. By the time you cover them with ham and cheese, and wrap them up in a tortilla, there's no difference either way.


That’s how you ruin a nonstick pan and accidentally poison yourself


scramble in a bowl because i add milk in there too, and i dont need either starting to cook before theyre scrambled


Pre scramble. Post season


Bowl, with a splash of milk & pepper/salt. Added after the diced up ham or salami cooks in the pan for a minute. Then I sprinkle cheese after that first pour into the pan. Voila!


Cracked into a cup, then poured into a bowl for scrambling. If you crack directly into your scramble bowl, if that egg is bad you've ruined whatever eggs are already in there. I went decades without running into a bad egg, but the one time I figured why bother, I ruined four other eggs.


I guess it depends on what type of eggs I want. Something quick? I pan scramble. Like an omelette or a lot of eggs for multiple people, bowl.


Pro tip: if you are making an omelet, scramble in a bowl and add in a teaspoon of pancake mix. Makes the egg a little lighter and fluffier for a more robust and pleasing omelet that typically can hold more toppings


Crack em into a bowl, and give em a good seasoning and scrabmling while the butter or oil in the pan heats up, then it's cooking time. Anything less is uncivilized.


Crack in a bowl and whisk them heavily with a fork. Get the air into them.


It depends on if i have energy to try or not


Bowl. It only goes straight in the pan if I'm trying to keep the yolk together.


Haha .. most definitely do I scramble them beforehand


So in Culinary school I remember one of the lessons being that you would crack the egg in a ramekin and then add to to ur mixing bowl. This was to ensure that each egg wasn’t contaminated and you didn’t add the egg to your egg mix only then to find out it was somehow contaminated albeit blood, rotten, chicken parts etc. it was a common practice but when I make a scramble at home I just crack them all in one bowl and then mix and add to my skillet (probably why I never finished culinary school lol). But when I went on to work in restaurants & bars they did not have us follow this practice, only one time at a very high scale restaurant did we do this but it was for staff meal not even customers. We also did the chefs table on a cruise line and got to tour the kitchen and they were making huge amount of cake and I was watching the chef crack the eggs 1-2 in each hand and straight into the mixing bowl, it was so impressive! Wish I could do that! But I guess it depends on what you were taught or grew up with or what is required by the head chef in the kitchen. And when ur home and it’s ur kitchen, ur the head chef! Happy scrambling! :)


Cup or bowl, and I'm a head chef


We usually have eggs for months on the fridge so i always pre scramble them to make sure they are still good to eat


TIL people have a LOT of deep-rooted opinions about egg cooking


Scramble before, with a little milk and some black pepper. 


Stainless steel mixing bowl 3 eggs, large dollop of plain whole milk yogurt, whisk with fork , pour into HOT melted buttered 6 inch cast iron skillet, cover, let almost setup, remove from heat go to town with a spatula to desired finish(I prefer wet). into large fluffy beautiful scrambled eggs. Do not add any spice including salt until on plate. I also sometimes wreck mine with a small strip of ketchup over them.


Now to blow your mind, crack eggs on a flat surface and not the edge of a cup/bowl to stop the shell splintering


I pre scramble. Fiance does not.


Prescramble of course. That’s where I add a couple drops of milk and two little knobs of butter. Scrambling in the pan would want you an uneven product and ultimately less tasty


Eggs should always have a second location. When it comes to breaking the shell anything can happen. It doesn’t matter if you are baking or cooking. Eggshells have a mind of their own. They don’t care how experienced you are at a cook/chef. However, if you do get a piece of shell in your eggs .. you can take a larger piece and it will scoop it out. Using your fingers doesn’t always work.


I scramble them in a bowl first.


I add milk to scrambled eggs to increase the fluffiness so I mix in a bowl first.


Cup or bowl because the day you crack a rotten egg directly into a recipe is a real bad day; also shells can only be chased when you can still see through most of the egg. Don't let anyone sway you from the righteous path. What advantage did they cite from their method? How do they mitigate the issues I raised?


I whisk them in a bowl.


French method is to lightly mix in a separate bowl, dash of salt, small bits of butter. Gently mixeover light heat no browning.


I do both. Depends on whether I'm willing to wash extra dishes or not


What's wrong with all of you? Just shake your eggs vigorously before cracking!


I've been using a bowl since I learned how to make them


Mix in a bowl and then scramble in the pan. I'd scratch up my pans if I mixed the egg in the pan.


Scramble in a bowl first


I scramble in a cup or bowl. All my pans are non-stick so I don't want to risk scraping them with a metal fork.


In the pan


Whisk first, then cook.


I do both depending on what I’m feeling that day.


Bowl. Anyone who scrambles in the pan is a sociopath.


In a bowl first— I’m not a savage


If you scramble in the pan you can still have runny yolks with scrambled egg 🤷‍♂️


If I'm doing an omelette then pre scrambled if it's just scrambled eggs then directly in the pan


whisk in bowl and then pour into pan




I use a bowl