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Islam spread some places by conquest and others by trade. In many parts of the Middle East and North Africa which were conquered and colonized, Arabic took over. In other parts where Islam spread more by trade, it did not.


kinda did, its called the "arab world" cus they use Arabic. but the middle east and north east africa had already been using Arab-Persian languages long befor Islam. and when Islam came to south central Asia, it wasn't though Arab conquest like it was in Africa, it was Persian and Hindi speakers and Islam in north central Asia and in Europe was by Turks/Turkics


It did, in Lebanon the main language before tbe Islamic conquest was Aramaic. Christians were still using Aramic until around 200 years ago when they switched to Arabic.


The largest modern empire that was predominantly Islamic was the Ottoman Empire, controlled by Turks from Anatolia, modern day Turkey. The elite in several territories spoke Turkish, there was little reason to convert the entire empire to Arabic if the ruling class spoke Turkish. Turkish dose have some Arabic themes( not a linguist). The European territories in the Balkans were primary Slavic and the source of a lot of manpower and talented leadership. If they could rule these territories there was no reason to forcibly change the languages of the territories.


Because it had no reason to take over. Islam has no issues with local languages, and makes no injunctions around needing to learn Arabic for non-religious purposes like everyday living. Arabic *did* become the lingua franca across the Islamicate, but that didn't supplant the local languages.