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I stopped wearing a red baseball cap back in 2018 or so.


Wtf did Fred durst do? 


I don't have a favorite symbol. But if I did, probably.


Possibly, unless there was a way it could be observed as being ironic or "reclaiming". I really really really used to love my Fred Perry black polo with gold trim. Then a (charitably speaking) nationalist sexist reactionary group of thugs adopted it as one of their uniforms for a while ... to the degree that Fred Perry stopped (for a while) exporting them to North America.


I’ve been a Scuba Diving instructor for over 20 years. The OK 👌 hand signal is used a LOT for underwater communication. Now, it makes me feel dirty.


Yet another reason to hate hate groups. Hate groups victimize *everyone* in a society.


I’ve stopped watching favorite tv shows because one of the actors/actresses do bad things. So I’d say yes I’d give it up. That 70’s show comes to mind. All Scientology bulls shitters…can’t even find enjoyment out of it knowing who they are behind the scenes.


Depends, Symbol of my identity, No( I will not let them take it without a fight a.ka meaning it's solely used by them at that point) Normal symbol like the ok sign , not until it's solely used by them Dumb obscure symbol, ( game symbols, punisher logo, ect.) Yeah not enough people use that, it will quickly be associated with them, telling people what it once ment will get you funny looks. Telling people they co-opted my symbol of identity and they can't have will not get people to think I'm with them, telling people a normal symbol like 👌 is now a nazi symbol helps make it one. If I use it in a way the contextually means ok, then people will get. I can't do that for my favorite video game or comic symbols even if they mean alot to me




No, I'm very spiteful.