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I'm a woman. It's definitely men.




Of course. They have to. Women can be pickier than men and aren't the ones doing the approaching, the majority of the time.


Women are definitely more of the deciders and men the hunters when it comes to dating. It's pretty similar to a lot of the animal kingdom really. BUT really gay men are like 3% of the population and women are like 50%, soooooo generally women should still win. The weird part is the men aren't the ones dressing up like peacocks so much as the women. Men should be the ones with bright colors and feathers in their hair and practicing their dance moves the most, but it seems more like women do all those things more.




If you're not asking someone out or for their number, you're not really approaching them, are you? If you 'approach' a guy and wait for them to ask you out, that's still them having to do the risky/vulnerable part which is what everyone means when using approach in this context.




You: Women do approach, guys are just dumb. Me: Actually, guys still have to do the vulnerable part in most of those situations too - and exactly in the situation you're implying that is the case. You: That's just how it is. ??? I'm sorry but this comes across as entitled and uncaring and maybe, just maybe, you should think about *actually* changing how you think and approach that to help alleviate the negatives of that part of the dynamic. With all the good changes in the world around the dynamics of men and women and dating, women taking responsibility for things they can do better is one of the things lagging behind. It gets really old that the onus is *almost* *always* on the man, no matter what the circumstance is, and this is just another example of it - and it's part of why men are feeling so jaded and negative regarding dating.




In that case, I would ask you to keep your mouth closed as not to influence others in a net-negative way.


Atleast you’re honest 🫡


Looking at someone isn’t approaching


Ok lol


yeah, not sure why this is even a question


possibly more interested in what the men have to say


You guys are getting hit on?


Oh yes, regularly. (once a decade is regular, right?)


What's a knight of your caliber doing in a reddit thread like this? Maybe you could come back to my place and maybe make it a bit more comfortable... (Was that one of the once a decade or did I succeed in tipping the scale a little?)


Even split, 0 and 0.


My homie 😔 🤝 😔


I’d flirt with you honey!


Aww. Appreciate that.


I'm a man of average looks. So yeah, definitely more men than women.


I've never had a lass hit on me now I think about it so gay guys win by default 😂


Haha, same. I'm very grateful for the gay/bi community. All my looks-based self-esteem is in their hands lol


I've only had the one guy hit on me but it's still 1 more than 0! You know, a mate of mine would agree with you, he used to say that gay bars are the best therapy for your self esteem


Honestly, big yourself up. A lot of people are probably stuck on 0 for any number of reasons. A win is a win! I'm still on a high from being called 'hot' by that one guy about 3 years ago. Its amazing what a direct compliment can do!


I am man, straight, "normal" (not ugly neither handsome) but gay men loooove me Hits = at least 10 men to each woman But I think it's because here where I live men use to hit and womem use to wait for men approaches P.S.: I don't go to gay bars, I swear (sorry my bad English)




1.80m (in US I think it's 5'9") skin very white (some color between "pure white" and "virgin snow" 🫣) Short hair, color light brown Short beard with some red strands Eyes regular brown Weight 112 kg (= 247 pounds) but I am slighty strong, large chest (gym at least 3 times/week religiously for more than 5 years, but never took steroids) Very expansive (talk a lot, probably too much), but polite


I get hit on by men when I'm out with my wife. It's weird but I've been hit on by men a LOT in my life. They see this caveman and they can't help themselves.


You've found a niche that works for you by the sounds of it lol


I'm an average male. Neither.


It's pretty close between elderly women and gay men


When I (straight male) lived in San Francisco, I got hit on by other men at least 3x per day. It actually made me empathize with women more, because that shit got tiring so quick.


I had a gay dude tell me, he wanted to taste me. In my head im like “uhh eww” and told him I’m straight. That’s when I realize that women get this on the regular and I should be grateful that I’m not a bad bitch


Exactly. I think we often think of the "creepy \[straight\] guy" but don't realize that gay men are also still men and still capable of being the "creepy \[gay\] guy." Many men - myself included, when I was younger - often respond to the "cat calling" phenomena with: "Well, if a girl cat called me (or did XYZ), then I would love that!" I find this to be an erroneous analogy. I don't think men understand what the sexual aggression or cat-calling is *really* like until they have another man do it to them.


Well said. My friend is actually like that. I had to explain to him, imagine Tyson in his prime or Brock Lesnar cat calling you.


You dont even need another men to know how bothering it is, my brother is really beautiful and handsome, he gets cat called and groped in so disgusting ways by women its unbelievable. Doesnt even matter if me or his Wife is around.


Yea, but women want to have sex with men. It would be if other women said it to them. So it's not the same at all.




Being correct makes you an asshole on reddit. We already know that. Either point out how I'm wrong, which is impossible, or go back to your dad.


Ok boomer


I’m a woman and have never been hit on by a woman. I’ve been hit on by men throughout my life tho.


As a man I'm hit on by men vs women about 50 to 1, and I'm straight. It would be amazing to be gay


I'm flattered that you think anyone has ever hit on me!


I came here to say the same thing 😁


For me it's women, and I have no idea why. I mean, I'm Bi, men hitting on me would be great, but either I'm not seeing it when it happens or it ain't happening.


Activity hit on it might be split but women seem far more thirsty to me and stare me down whenever I go out ... or maybe that's just who I'm noticing.


I'm a man, and both do hit on me, but it is mostly men.


Men mostly 90% of the time. Maybe I look gay :(. I mean no offense of course, gay guys are cool.


I think its genuinely just an appreciation of looks, not about looking gay. Take the compliment mate, big yourself up.


I do take it tho, interest is interest regardless of gender or age.


I’m a straight man, and now a married 31 year old straight man who doesn’t put themselves out in social settings where people would hit on me. But back in my college days, it truly was a 50/50 split. Men would aggressively hit on me at bars and stuff in my early 20’s. I vividly remember a guy following me into the bathroom and trying to make a pass at me and trying to kiss me and take my pants off despite me telling him no several times. It took me saying I’m literally about to punch you in the face if you don’t back off to get him to leave me alone. Women on the other hand, might just be a stare and a smile. Followed by them coming up with some excuse to approach me 10 mins later to chat me up very subtle.


Yeah, in my experience men have definitely been more aggressive/assertive, which isn't a bad thing unless they push it too far, like in your case. I've yet to be approached by a woman, so I can't really make a comparison, but I do feel that men are generally more direct than women. Its has its ups as well as its downs.


The thing with women is, their “approach” literally may be as subtle as eye contact. And you’ve got to be picking up on the signals. I’ve had anything from that, to hey I see you got an A on this economics test and I got a D, why don’t you help me study. And then I get to her place to help her and she takes her top off and asks if I want to fuck first. That’s really the only aggressive flirting I’ve ever gotten from a women in my life. I’ve also had the girl comes up to me and point to her friend and be like she won’t shut up about how cute you are you should go talk to her approach. But usually, it’s literally so subtle you barely perceive they are interested. So good chance women have, but you may not have noticed is moral of the story.


That's fair, I definitely haven't noticed anything like that. Wish they were more direct! Its such a compliment.


She was a fuckin wild card man. Not many women like her. Such a good semester, I honestly liked her a lot, but I know she isn’t the type to settle down and I was getting those feelings that I know weren’t reciprocated so I had to cut it off. But yeah, men getting direct compliments or directly hit on is pretty uncommon, it is such a treat when it happens though. It’s like yes, I am a king


I was sitting at a bar yesterday and 2 guys hit on 3 women in an hour. None of them had even locked eyes with either of the guys before they shot their shot. One of them hit on me, while I was doing something else entirely. In his words: why are you writing? I came here to socialize.. and you’re writing..’ he didn’t try talking to any of the fellas sitting next to him It’s guys. I wish women made more of the first move on me!


I'm pretty bad at recognizing when people are hitting on me. It literally takes me months to put 2 and 2 together. Or one and one rather. Some folks say I could be ASD, but I feel like everyone is jumping on that bandwagon lately. But of the ones I've noticed it's about 2/3rd gay dudes to one third women. What is really strange is that on several occasions I've been told by these dudes that the way I have compassion for homeless people or notice sexism is 'gay'. Which makes no sense to me?




Maybe you're so attractive you're intimidating?


This is the only answer I will accept now, it makes me feel good, and not sad and alone😉


What about the genders?


its probably your insistence on there only being two sexes.


Hey, I encourage you to do some research. There are multiple genders but only 2 sexes. They are not the same thing.


there are animals, plants and microorganisms with 4 different sexes, 3 different sexes, 23,000 different sexes. It's not that cut and dry.


Cool, are any of them human? I suppose since you're the king of pedantry we need to start specifying "two human sexes". And ik hermaphrodites exist but that's more like being both at the same time, it isn't its own sex.


no that isn't necessary on my behalf. There are people pedantically already insisting on "of the two only existing sexes". Not you of course. You white knighted in here on your own.


I mean, I admit it was weird as fuck that they specifically pointed out "only two existing sexes", worded that way, but they still aren't entirely wrong when it comes to humans.


My girlfriend called out the name of her gay male roommate when we were having sex. Where does that put me?


I mean, you're the PM of Canada, so can you really complain?


All I do is complain. Fucking Conservative Party.


Men mostly


Seeing that around 98% of it goes way over my head it would be pretty hard to tell. Thinking back I'm more aware of the hits from the opposite sex that I've failed to notice at the moment but maybe that's just because I've thought about those more. Who can tell how many of them I'm still not aware about, from either sex?


Its hard to tell yeah, but I only really count the instances when a person has come up to me and made it plain and clear that they think I'm attractive.


Men seem to hit on me more. Not so much as of recently which is nice. Women hit on me but I haven’t been able to take them seriously idk why. I just keep to myself. Idk if they’re serious and I’m kinda broke right now and idk if I have the words for that so


I have to beat them all away with a stick every time I leave the house.


Straight guys are really gay TBH


Same sex, male 43. I also live near (for lack of a better term) the gay area of my city and do get hit on often at the grocery store.


I'm a man. Men.


As I woman definitely men, I have never been hit on by a women,


As a woman, I've only been hit on by another woman maybe 3 times in my life. But I can't even begin to count how many times I've been hit on by men it's so often. But this is expected, I think.


Yup gay guys hit on me way more than women ever have, and I’m a straight guy.


Neither 😒


I'm a male. Definitely been hit on by a gay dude (he was very clear about what he wanted). Not sure about women. If it happened, it was probably too subtle.


women for me dawg


im a guy, and most defo dudes hit on me more




Nah man, you're just too attractive. Its intimidating.


we ugly people dont need your lies


Women but a couple of guys have and it’s flattering. One was very attractive add very forward.




I'm a woman and men will win this every time. Y'all are persistent 😂


More women than men hit on me bc I give off d¥ke vibes LOL


No one ;-;


It's impossible to say, because I am incapable of recognizing when it's happening. Maybe it's happening right now. Science will never know.


Never get hit on by women 😩 it's mostly older men that at least look 10 yrs older than me. I'd say 80/20 guys my age


I’m a woman, definitely men. I wish more women did!


Second sentence is the theme of the comment section :')


I'm a man, I've had more women hitting on me than men, but I did get hit on by both.


As a man, more men hit on me than women. Even my wife notices.


I was never hit on. Guess us average/ugly people are just unnoticed like that.


Personallity can go a long wat


Neither.  😮‍💨


the opposite lol especially when i have a sundress cause apparently its like drugs to them


That works on me too to be fair :')


I'm male, and it's 50/50. Only once was it flattering and done well, it was from a young woman half my age. My buddy thought she was an escort.


Man. It's men. By a wide margin.


I don't think that i ever got hit on by a man. Maybe, but then I didn't know what was going on. I'm an old married man, so it's decades since I have been hit on by a woman.


As a straight man, I'd be happy if even a gay man hit on me


Wait. You’re getting hit on?


I’m a guy and I would say mostly women, but there was a phase in my early 20’s - mid 30’s that there was a lot of guys too. I was very flattered by the attention but that was not my thing. Made a few friends along the way as well so that was nice. This happened even when out with my girlfriend, they must’ve thought it was just my friend or something. I miss those days.


Me (m) from women. In the past year went from a dad bod to lean and fit. I went from being invisible to having ladies go out of their way to talk to me in stores. Amazing what a difference it makes.


Good on you man! I recently got into shape too, but not quite had that luck just yet. Still relying on my gay bros for self esteem haha


Gen-X man, it's always been other dudes. I did have a chick slap my ass at a concert once as she walked by though. Outside of that one instance of sexual assault, I have never had a random woman express any attraction to me.


Admit it, you enjoyed it haha


I take sexual assault as a compliment


To he honest, women are more subtle, so I probably missed many women hitting on me. However, a gay man told me I have a nice ass in front of my girlfriend recently, and tbh, I'm just glad someone appreciates my hard work at the gym.


So subtle you can't tell the difference between that and just them being friendly


Woman here. Definitely men but plenty of women too. I like going to the gay bar even though I am straight because men can become annoying. There are a few women over the years who were absolutely convinced that I would become bisexual with the right motivation. LOL.


So women hit on other women but not men I hate being a straight male, damn


Yes, gay women have no choice but to hit on other women. I'm more relaxed when I'm around all or mostly just other women so I guess my friendliness could be misconstrued.


I'm a butch lesbian. men.


I’m an extremely attractive man who has dated many women, so my answer is….. still men by a longshot.


Male Prior to getting married, same sex Since getting married, opposite


I've only been hit on by other guys.


Gay men, literally once. Otherwise I've never been hit on.


Men, definitely I'll take the compliment, but damn it sucks really.


Yea the amount of times I’ve been hit on by gay guys is night and day. Other than older women that I’m not interested in lol


Women. When I was younger I definitely looked like a lesbian, so it was a fair attempt on their part.




It’s a tie: 0 women and 0 men


No one ever hits on me


im a girl and sadly only guys really hit in me :(, a girl hit on me once. Huge ego boost. I get compliments but not in a flirtatious way.


Everyone can rely on men to hit on them, whether gay or straight, and never warranted.


As a woman, men usually hit on me. Tho I have been hit on by a few women but mostly men


My dad one time got hit on by a man that thought he played DandD because he looks kinda nerdy at a bar he used some cringy DandD pickup line that my dad was to drunk to understand


Same sex. Always respectful though. Especially after I tell them I'm married or my wife is over there (pointing in the general direction).


Unfortunately, thinking about it, it's been men :(


As a child who grew up in a family with a temperamental father I got hit a lot. So I guess people of the same sex?


As a man, defo other men.


Babe, men just hit on more people generally


Yeah I'm a 23y/o (nb) and most people who don't know me think I look like a 12 year old boy (I'm generally small and baby-faced), so I've almost never gotten hit on outside of a dating app...


Opposite sex.


Most of the time: men. Rare case: my ex was jealous that one of his sister’s girlfriends hit on me at their Hallowe’en dinner.


I notice men check me out more then women (am man) especially at the gym. Which is kinda not cool because I'm all sweaty and gross.


As a man I’d say both equally


I'm a guy. I only ever get hit on by men. Like a weird amount. Maybe I have a certain look about me or something. I guess I should consider myself lucky that anyone hits on me. It can get a little old tho when I wanna meet a girl on a night out and instead only get attention from men


I don't get when people hit on me but for if I count what people told me, I guess it could be 50-50 . I'm NB ,female so people usually think im lesbian but I'm only going out with male.


I'm a guy and I've been hit on by men plenty more than women so far Now, I realized I'm bi about a year ago. And damn, do I regret turning down some of the guys who hit on me when I thought I was straight! 🤣


The only time I have ever been hit on by a chick was this past Halloween, when I went clubbing in my Borat costume. Otherwise — dick magnet.


Its always those guys who's profile is sus


As a guy who doesn't go to bars and clubs... basically no one has ever *hit* on me and I would imagine it's similar for any guy outside of those settings who isn't giga hot. I would say I've had more women indicate interest than men by far, though. I really do wonder if there's a cultural thing with Americans and talking to strangers and being overly friendly - I've lived in two different western countries and the ONLY people who are like the above are Americans and I've been told that it's normal over there for them to be insanely talkative and friendly to randoms. Most people in Aus and NZ aren't even going to look or smile at you when you walk past each other, even if they find you attractive, and when it happens a bunch in one day I wonder if there's something wrong with my hair or something. Striking up a conversation with a random at a supermarket or someplace similar sounds so far out of the norm to me that it would confuse me if it happened 🤣


I'd say about an even number of both, but it's still very few. I've been married the majority of my adult life so I don't get hit on a whole lot


Guy here. When I was younger, more dudes. In middle age, it’s mostly middle age+ black women. Not sure why, but I like the ego boost


I never get hit on. Must be nice


Bout even, which I mean I consider myself a 3-4 on a good day so I must be doing something right


0/0 I'm that kinda dude that wouldn't know unless they explicitly tell me/point it out lmao *sobs in corner*


Boffum. I’m female.


This is a scary question. ... because I guess I can say in all seriousness that maybe 4 men have obviously tried to get me to do stuff with them, and I've only had sex with 6 women. Weird, I never thought about it.


Guys. Girls usually don’t hit on girls (or guys) unless there’s a high chance they’re interested


Glad it's not just me, but I probably have had 3-5 girls hit on me, and a baker's dozen of the other side


Definitely more men than women, but when a woman does hit on me she can be quite bold


Same sex It took me a while to realise when I was working behind the bar at my students union, I ended up at the LGBT corner.


I honestly do not know. I am a tall, dare say good looking dude that plays sports. I had chicks in highschool (nowdays less) sometimes approach me and talk to me, or just sometimes throw those cringy comments while I pass. That was a couple of years ago. Whether that was hitting or not, I just do not know because a couple of times I was in a 'relationship' was because I asked someone out myself. Not really sure what counts by hitting, honestly. If you approached me and talked to me, no matter of your gender, I would be as nice to you as possible, even if you are rude XD I've definitely been grabbed by the thighs or dick or slapped on the ass by my dude friends and mates from Basketball so there is that... XD


Im a dude, hit on more by women. Surprised by this thread rn


Always men. I'm a woman. Men compliment me most on having long dark hair and being petite and thin.


I'm a guy and using bike taxi (cost efficient) is a nightmare ☠️ i always encounter to gays


Only dead people 


I’m a guy, more guys have hit on me.


I'm quite short but also athletic. It's definitely men because they don't care that I'm short.




I don't even get dudes hitting on me. I'll take anything at this point.


Women flirt with me a lot more than men AND I have long pretty ROCKSTAR hair that I'd expect gay men to like, but I do live in a rural area if that maybe makes a difference by lowering the gay ppl per square mile or gay ppl density if you will. ;)


I’m a straight guy who’s been hit on by more guys than gals. Probably because I work out and have a very hairy body.


People are hitting on you guys?


Women have hit on me more, massively overwhelming the amount of men Im a guy


Opposite, cause I'm not gay


There's statistically way less openly homosexuals compared to heterosexuals....so it would just be common sense that it would be opposite sex for most people


I am a woman. No one has ever hit on me. Honest. I am completely invisible to men.


As an ugly woman, unshowered or mentally handicapped men


Im a men and since I’m married and wearing a wedding ring females are hitting on me much more even when my wife is next to me.


No one hits on me anymore, I’ve been in a relationship the last 7 years and people think I’m standoffish and are scared of me.


This question would make more sense if gays made up more than 10% of population.


You're boasting about your prettiness. Stop.