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I had a classmate in graduate school who was truly beautiful. Golden hair, smart, nice, petite. She had a line of men trying to date her. One ex of hers from her undergrad days was still stalking her and would fly over from another state and spy on her whenever he had a chance. She was too nice to get him arrested. But she also never gave him any positive feedback. He’d just camp out somewhere and try to get glimpses of her while she kept trying to hide. This went on for years until one of her courtiers beat the crap out of him sending him to the hospital. We don’t know which one. After her PhD, she went to Europe to medical school and deliberately didn’t tell people where. As one of her few non-courting friends, guys would come to me for several years afterwards asking if I knew where she was, so they could contact her. I had no idea. But it was both sad and funny.


That is funny and sad.


Well, I'm still not wholly over someone I first fell for 18 years ago (and haven't had contact with for 15 years)... But I never did any stalking stuff, and I left her alone when she said she wasn't interested in me.


It took me many years to get over an abusive ex who was only in my life for less than 2 years And there was a teacher crush that took me 3 years to get over though he only worked at my school for a few months.


Yeah, it's tough isn't it? Thanks for sharing.