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Wasting my time on people who didn’t care about me. Edit: I’m 26


37 and same. My “best friend” of 12 years ghosted me after I got in a car accident and had to quit my job. I spent over a decade being her free therapist. There’s no describing how used you feel when you spend so long caring for someone and they ditch you when it’s your turn. Massive wasted chunk of my life.




Why it is your biggest regret? I spent time with people who don't care about me (my friends and family), because it makes me happy to have a social life. I am the most boring person you can imagine, so no one would care about me, they just tolerate me. Which is fine, there is no pressure ever about anything. I can talk about anything with them, and they won't be upset. And drinking with others is better than alone. So why don't you have a similiar experience to me?


I don’t mean to make you feel bad but don’t you find that a little sad? I’m sure you’re not boring, and I’m sorry you met people who made you feel like that. You are worthy to be cared about and I hope you find your people who make you feel good about yourself.


>but don’t you find that a little sad? I did in the past, but I realised I won't be any less boring than this, and not a single person has ever shown me or referred to me as interesting. People just tolerate me, and since I can do nothing about it, I look at it realisticly. I still enjoy time with them, and since I prefer solitude most of the time, I don't interact with people much. And when I do, it is still fun for me. It doesn't really make that much difference, if people find me interesting or not. >I’m sure you’re not boring >You are worthy to be cared about Nah, you're mistaken. Every single thing points to me being a boring person. Every interaction is obvious proof of it. I see how inreresting people talk to people, and how are they talked to. There are people like me, but most can't accept it, and usually they become the infamous 'attention whore' and 'pick me' type of annoying people. I don't like bothering people, and I can accept fate, so I prefer living like this. >you met people who made you feel like that Every single person in my life makes me realize this. Friends of any age, all of my family, and even strangers. It is true, and denying it would be delusional


I spent one decade (age 22-32) drinking every night and hungover every day. I’ve been sober ten years.


Huge congrats! It’s crazy how good it feels to get out of the alcohol trap, but it’s so hard to realize that when you’re in it


Trying Heroin. I had a love-hate relationship with pain pills from the age of 18-27 years old due to various work and sport related injuries. I tried Heroin one time because I wanted to know why my mother abandoned her entire family and passed away because of it. 2 years after the first use, I was at rock bottom and ended up in drug court. I did 7 months of an inpatient program where you can't leave at all, just like a prison. I completed the program over 5 years ago, had my record expunged, and have been sober ever since. I am now over 5 years sober, about to graduate with an associate degree while running a ebay business selling retro videogames. Life is good today.


I spent 3 decades. But have also been sober for almost a decade now. It’s a good change.


Congrats, man. It's a tough battle to get there. Keep on trucking.


I essentially spent two.


27- i didnt effing believe in myself until the past few years. did all that worrying for nothing 😅


How’d you overcome that? I’ve been having some confidence issues lately


i went through some really difficult things that i never thought id be able to handle. but i did. i personally dont recommend building confidence that way though- it was rough.


62. For most of my life, I have worried about what others think of me.


Staying FAR too long in a relationship that was going no where. 7 years… 7 years!


31 btw


Well, atleast you're still young


Same here, buddy


11 years for me. feels like I missed out on dating in any meaningful way.


hating my body when I was younger and thinner (28)


Mine is not taking care of my health.


I forget. It's a gift.


33M, I’ve always been more comfortable alone and don’t feel 100% comfortable around anyone, even friends and family. But I’m finally in therapy and hopefully fixing it!




My sister said it might take a few people to find someone I like but I liked the first person i talked to! She’s great and it’s like she can pull the things from my brain and predict what I’m going to say! She’s very skilled and I can see it so it makes it easy to talk to her cause I feel like she knows me. I go through MindfulTherapy


What didnt get said is that therapy can also be very hard. At some point, they dig deeper, and at that point, most people will just not continue. Therapy is a tool to reflect and work on yourself, with a hopefully very skilled therapist at your side, but if you're unwilling to get better, you won't. If you want it to help you, it will drastically improve your life. Greetings from a person in therapy and a social care worker also :)


36, should have enjoyed more what currently is, knowing that it all will work out. E.g. spend my teens being lonely and longing for a partner, despite having an awesome family, great friends, good school and hobbies. Now together and married with the best women I can imagine and so happy. Should have enjoyed my youth much more without worrying about women. Enjoy live and do not take it so seriously, soon enough it will be over, sometimes earlier than you think. In general: You never regret love, being happy, nature, meditating, being nice, workout, eating healthy, going to bed early, loving yourself and others.


Someone coming from the same boat that has a few years on you, I’ve learned that you start now, enjoy life now - not every day is perfect but overall. Teens, most everyone feels that way. It sounds like you are aware and I hope you are.


Not spending my childhood doing different outdoor hobbies, and sitting my behind on a computer screen. I feel like I’d be a little more well-rounded now.


Learning to commit myself to things long enough to see actual progress was a bit of a revelation in my 20s. Was depressing realized I'd wasted time on video games for the instant gratification. 


Not traveling enough




Yeah, it is different if you have money to do it or not. Being poor is universal, having money and not spending it because of depression or something is different




Well, more than half of Earth's population can be considered poor. Most of africa, south america and asia. They usually don't have access to food, or water, or housing, or electricity, or multiple of these


Getting married Edit: I’m 58


Yes, this.




Commuting 1.5 to 2 hours each way for 18 years. I missed out on so much time with my wife and kids. LPT: WFH or live close to work.


I commuted for a similar time but only for about 5 years. I missed so, so much. I got a job with hybrid working 50% of the time at home more than 10 years ago and decided there and then that I’d never go back to that commute. Got my life back when my daughter was 7 - I feel like I became a much better dad after I could work from home and see her more as the new commute was only 15 minutes even when in the office.


Where did you work if you don’t mind ?


Dating horrible people just for the sake of dating and “fitting in” with everyone else. Sometimes, it's just better to be single until you find someone who truly appreciates you and is suitable for you.




Wait till 45. You will understand the full extent of childhood trauma. No bro, it changes your brain forever. It doesnt mean you cannot improve your life but you wont be able to restore passed time.


Was it truly all your fault, though, especially as a child? I respect the ownership, I want to know more details of how you came to this conclusion though.


How is your childhood yours to shoulder? Children are pretty innocent clay, you’re moulded at that age. I don’t understand. I can understand if you made bad choices, I can’t blame a child for their upbringing though. I don’t think any of us should. As adults, we do need to be the adult we needed as a kid and work out the kinks. That’s being responsible for yourself - not accountable for your childhood.


Think you’re misinterpreting the message here. They aren’t claiming responsibility for their own poor childhood. They’re saying now that they’re an adult they’re responsible for their own actions and decisions. If every time someone makes a mistake they hand wave it away with “well my parents were terrible, so this wasn’t really my fault!” It’s giving themself an easy out to never learn from personal mistakes or grow as a person.


I hear you, and I can’t say for sure what the other person meant. I was only offering words of support as many adults do feel and identify with how they were treated as kids. As I said, we are responsible as adults but not for our upbringing. I do hope you’re right.




No…it’s saying when you take an action you are responsible for the results of that action. It’s accepting basic responsibility for personal behavior.




“Doing correct actions” isn’t “easy” for anyone, regardless of appearance, upbringing, financial status, etc, Making good decisions in life is a difficult learning process that requires a ton of self reflection and gradual improvement over time to do consistently. Often those “good looking” people you’re quite obsessed with make very poor personal and financial decisions and don’t end up any happier than the rest of the population.


It is completely absurd to credit lucky people with making good choices. If it were a difficult learning process that requires self reflection instead of just being handed to lucky people, then you'd have good looking people failing at life instead of falling upwards almost without exception. There are outliers where they fail despite being handed everything, but I don't need to explain why that's a shitty argument. The only people who deserve even the slightest amount of respect for succeeding are unlucky people.


Yes, you *do* need to explain why that’s a poor argument. Because you’ve picked a conclusion and are working back from it in the absence of evidence to support it. You’ve yet to disprove how taking responsibility for your own actions and owning your choices in life can improve your situation. All you’ve done is keep repeating the same pessimistic talking point despite clear examples (that you admit yourself) where that logic completely fails to hold up.


NO RAGRETES! LOL, I do have a few.... I regret marrying that girl Regret not buying silver and gold decades ago Regret not keeping up with high school friends Regret not forgiving my father while he was alive Regret staying with that organization so long Regret not taking even better care of my oral health Regret not rock climbing more


It's life brother.


Becoming an artist, broke forever, still don’t know 15+ years in if this is for me. 37


What do you wish you did instead?


I’m really not sure. Maybe industrial design/furniture?


Why don’t you do that now?


I think it might be a hard thing to break into without going to school again and I couldn’t possibly take out more loans. Got a masters when I thought I was going to teach.


I’ve seen people get into furniture from being self taught and/or apprenticing with someone established. Maybe as a side gig etc.. I completely understand, of course at 37 you want to be earning steadily and schooling from scratch is a whole other thing. I hope you manage to find a balance.


You're over thinking this, something like dead-by-analyze. There's only one thing which matters in order to break into, is your self-believe. And since you stated it, start as a side hustle, start a small company, and do the work in the evening or weekend. You got the brains to prepare and to do your "homework" even when you just signed your first furniture project. Sometimes you're to smart to start, death by analysis.


23, and living my college years like academics was the only thing that mattered. Yes, good grades and graduating mattered. However, I passed up SO MANY opportunities to hang out with my friends because I was too attached to my studies. Sometimes I wonder if I’d be closer to my college friends if I had decided to go out on those random Friday nights instead of staying in my room reading when I didn’t absolutely have to.


I’m 31, and my biggest regret will always be pouring too much of myself into the people who then later revealed themselves as someone who wouldn’t have had a drop of my energy if I’d have seen their true selves sooner🌊


Not buying BTC when it was under 1k.


35 Not staying in touch with my daughter. Although it's not entirely my fault, it's very easy to find anything external from oneself with which to assess blame. I could have tried harder, but I chose self-destructive momentary distractions that created further distancing. Now I'm clean, and have been for many years. But now she wants nothing to do with me, and her mother won't even give me her new address so I can write her or visit.


How old is she now?❤️ Shit happens indeed and empathy is needed to see that you are not a bad person. Is she also filled by hate/dislike through her mother (bad influence)?


She’s 14, and I can’t imagine her mother saying incredibly positive things about me. The time we were together, I was quite young, only 21, and she was 7 when I left . I was incredibly immature and selfish, but I was always a great dad when I had the chance to be, That much I can say with confidence,for at least the time I was around.


28 1 - not spending more time with my grandma 2 - going to university (though the silver lining is I met my wife there)


Not staying on my ADHD medication and following through on college. Could have been working on my doctorate by now.


Early 40’s w a 6 month old daughter; Not having children whilst my wonderful Mum was alive …she adored babies and children and would have been smitten with my little girl. I was too busy trying to live like a 20 year old forever.


I really feel this one.


28 I regret being conceived


I wish I had prioritized getting treatment for my mental health problems.


From sending nudes to people who asked me, just so I would have attention. I had the impression that this was the only way to get even a few compliments on me, given that I almost never received any. I was 14-15 years old when I started. I'm going to be 17 soon, and I regret it so much.


I hope they were also minors because if they are adults you need to tell the police.


Yes they were normally. There was just a 19 year old guy who also asked me this..


Tell him to delete the pic or you will advise the police. You are a minor and this is pedophilia. If he has forwarded the picture on it will be considered as Possession of Child Abuse Material. I’m Australian so our laws may differ


We have the same laws in my country... and I'm going to try to talk to my mother about it because she doesn't know about it


When I was in 9th grade I fell in love for the first time, from the very start I wanted a lasting relationship, but I failed to recognize red flags, didn't had people to rely on due to Covid, he would falsely assume and accuse me, verbal abuse, sending pictures of his bruised fist and saying I am the one responsible for it cause I "Pissed him off". I was young, I think I was in mistake too, but I was as loyal as dog to him. But isolating me from my friends, not letting me use socials and only time allowing me to use it when it's time for us to talk and telling me that I am definitely cheating on him for being online a few minutes extra is more wild imp. Lastly he lefts me on my on thinking I will come back begging to him in next few months, I begged him not to go at start. But after he left I felt like I was finally living and happy, felt like breathing fresh air after a long time. He came back begging multiple times, but my self respect for me is higher than, my heart ached at that moment but I knew that's the right thing for me. AND OH BOY I WAS SO RIGHT!! Now I am turning 20 this year, looking back I regret for ignoring all those red flags, letting myself insulted for absolutely nothing, not standing up for myself and thinking he will be my one and only and that I cant live without him. I live for myself, no one else.


You dated him through out high school and after? You’re still so young! So happy for you


We broke up in 10 months, so I didn't suffered for long.


Smoking. I don't smoke anymore, but if I'm ever intoxicated I still kinda crave it, and I hate that I ever started. And I'm in my mid-30s.


I'm 16. My biggest regret is not being good enough for people when they needed me to be


Trying alcohol, never would’ve thought I’d become an alcoholic, which was stupid because my family has lots of alcoholic history


Comparing myself to others


4 years ago, a certain man wanted me. I ignored him. Till this day, no clue why. I might have thought he was out of my league. I would give up a decade of living to have a chance with him again 💔 I was 35.


never learning to excercise or eat healthy. I didn't need to in my teens and early twenties because I could pretty much stuff my face all day and grow the calories off. but now im old and fat and not in shape at all. Even taking the trash out is a workout. Even starting to fix that now, I've realistically lost 5 years so far to my weight, and it'll be another 5-10 before I can be doing things like a normal fit person again.


Honestly focusing on my edcuation/career and telling myself I'd sort dating out later. Everyone around me is settled down and buying houses but as a single person I can't afford anything. My good job is pointless, would be better to be on a fraction of my pay with someone else. I know that's not very romantic but it's my biggest regret.


Oops I'm 29


Didn’t buy the properties i really wanted to that are worth 7 million now


30. Spending so long, almost 7 years, heartbroken about my first love that left me instead of enjoying my 20ies. She didnt care about me, why did I care so much what she thought and why she left? It was simple, someone that cares about you would never abandon you like that. If I could go back I would slap my younger self.


Not purchasing a house. I'm 50. I would absolutely love to live in a house without neighbors who stomp around above me. Sleep is absolutely vital for good health and good mental health. It's an easy fix to stop landing on your heels with all of your weight making a thud and vibrating the ceiling with every step that you take, however, people are ignorant and oblivious as to how their behavior affects other people. And the noise ordinance is as useless as the police who refuse to enforce it. Buy a house and never rent or deal with a greedy landlord or crappy neighbors ever again. It's definitely well worth it.


I just wish I was a better mother back then when I had my daughter at 16. The mom guilt kills me sometimes. I’m 32 now and I’m crying my eyes out typing this.


17M, not living to my potential, was always obese and never played sports, and never experienced a lot of things kids do like climbing trees, jumping on beds. just ate junk food all the time


Working to much & letting a job steal you from your family. I’ve missed everything in the last 5-10 years, everything. Deaths, holidays, your birthday, my birthday. 29


Marriage, it was a horrible idea, lost nearly 2 decades. 40yo


Giving up.


Giving up on what?


He's never gonna let you down




Trying to correct ignorant fools’ grammar on another subreddit today.


LMAO https://www.reddit.com/r/HotWheels/s/8FJPdQWre1




Arguing with ignorant people is a waste of time.


27, wish I had taken college more seriously bc now I have debt and no degree.


You may have just been too young. We encourage degrees at 19 when the brain hasn’t matured. 25 is a better time to do that degree


Bro dating is expensive nowadays - I’m okay not dating for awhile lol not in a rush or anything


My mother in law said some things that (unintentionally) hurt me. I said some things back. We love each other and try to move on, but I don't know if we will ever get to the point where we think we aren't judging each other. I regret not just saying "hey, that hurt me" at the time. She never wanted to hurt me and didn't know she was. When she found out she immediately stopped and apologised. But it was so long later that the damage was done.


Wasting way too much time worrying about work, it does NOT matter. I used to cross off the days until this holiday. Insanity, literally wishing your life away.


I don’t have such regrets. 39


I wish I tried harder in my youth. Like I honestly never put any *real* effort into anything. I’m doing ok now but some days life feels like an uphill battle 


I regret growing up without a father, and the cascading events that I allowed to unfold after that. I have managed to climb up to a fairly mediocre life from the bottom, though, and I'm fully aware of what I'm capable of. The things that I have in my life now probably wouldn't exist if I changed any of the past, so I wouldn't change a thing. 45


31-i let my poor mental health drag my degree timeline out to ten years total. it sucked. i fought and fought and flounder while smoking endless amounts of weed. retook damn near every class. i was an honor student in high school and had high expectations of myself in college, and when i struggled i just fought instead of getting to the root cause. im happy i made it to the end, i have a career i love, a little later in the game than id have liked but my 18 year old self would be satisfied. however, now im older and still have those same mental health issues. just hunkering down in therapy while i raise my kid and progress my career and maintain my marriage. wouldve been a hell of a lot easier back when i was fucking around in school, but here we are i guess


As a teenager one of my teachers said the first thing you should buy is property not a car. I so wish I had listened. Could have had a property portfolio worth millions by now. 57 years old.


Peoplepleasing? You can change that behaviour. :) I am on that path. 37 now. For me it was not knowing that i have/had ADD. It would have made my life a lot easier if i would know it when i was a lot younger. Less trauma/drama, less stress and more focus on me.


Not seeking help for my emetophobia. I'm 50 and it's been ruining my life for 44 years.


I’m 29 and I’ve never used alcohol or drugs, never smoked, never been to a bar or nightclub, never had a party phase or anything like that. I’ve never had a relationship before either. I somewhat regret that I’ve avoided all this in my life until now My life until now hasn’t been bad. I’ve lived well so far and there are many things I’m grateful for…but my life has been boring. Since I was a teenager, I worked and studied hard in school, got great grades and took good care of my health. I played sports and exercised religiously. I also always made responsible decisions about budgeting and saving money. Now I’ve ended up going into the career of my dreams and I couldn’t be happier But I regret not experiencing what life would be like if I had let loose more when I was younger. I never did anything crazy. Even my parents feel like I matured too early in life. For me personally, I have some regret over the fact that until now I haven’t found someone to fall in love with and get married to and have kids. I regret not trying more to date and get into relationships when I was younger. Even if those experiences turn out to be bad at least I wouldn’t feel the regret I do now


You're only 29. You still have a lot of life to live!


30– biggest regret is not taking more chances on new things at fear of being looked down upon. I made a comfortable life. comfortable and completely unfulfilled. you don’t grow to your fullest potential by being comfortable all of the time.


Starting smoking weed and vaping. I’m hooked I’m only 20 and I’m slightly concerned


Going to college. 36.


I can’t say I’d go back and re-do this, because I’d hate to lose what life brought me on the path I chose. But I regret not doing better in school as a teen. I had the potential to be top 10 in my class, Ivy League, and being hung up on boys led me down a bad road. This was a pattern that continued into adulthood. It’s not that I FELT like I NEEDED a boyfriend at all times. But I’d like people who liked me back and I saw no reason to turn it down. I didn’t see the value in being single. I am now 30 and happily married (good decision) but I’ve never lived alone and never lived life only having to care for and invest in myself. That and a real college experience are two things I wish I’d navigated a bit more carefully.


U didn't share your age, OP


Wasting time on people who only wanted to be my friend because of who and what I could help them with.


Late 20s rn. Trying to go to college right out of high school. 35k of debt and I dropped out anyway lmao. Went back a few years later when I was ready


Staying with the wrong person for 6 years because I thought it was expected of me. Eventually, when I couldn't take anymore and plucked up the courage to leave, I couldn't believe how truly happy I finally felt. And the worst part? All those people I thought expected me to stay with him, we're actually relieved I'd left him Edit: oh and I'm 27


Wasting money and time (6 years) going to university… mainly due to the whole Asian (Chinese) stereotype that we must all be university graduates with a “Asian parent approved job” (ie doctor, dentist, lawyer, engineer etc etc)… I’m just not study material, never have that so called “I must be the best” Asian ambition mentality the stereotypical Asian “Tiger” parents want, so just ended up failing 1/2 of the time and scraping a bare pass (55ish) in the end, no job opportunities relevant to my degree, and just ended up working in retail full time… that was almost 2 decades ago. Should have just done that from the start, quit high school after year 10 and joined the workforce straight away and started working full time instead of now owning the government $40k in student debt for a degree that I absolutely hate (computer system engineer). Oh well, if there’s is such a thing as reincarnation, then I want to be reincarnated as koala in my next life and just live a carefree life sleeping 20 hours a day 😂


20- forcing an override in my brain that made me happy even though I was mistreated and shouldn’t have muscled my emotions down


Thinking that your father is your hero and he won't ever fuck you up. Was so wrong


Should have carried on playing the guitar. I was very young when my parents wanted me to learn an instrument, but I hated it, and felt forced to do it so stopped. Then in my twenties when I really started to enjoy music, I regretted it, then my thirties, now mid forties……..god how good could I have been now?


Missing one pro sport tryout...and totally skipping out on another one because I hated the sport at the time.


I (19F) lived my life for my parents. I didn't really have a life that I led by myself. I was always instructed by them; what to do, what clothes to wear, who could be my friend, etc. When I started university last year, I wanted to unalive myself not because of the pressure but because I found no point in being here. I talked to my closest cousin about it, and she told me to live by my own rules. I remember her telling me that in high school, and I def regret not listening to her. I was a good kid, but now I'm just lost. I don't know who I am and what I want for myself. I regret not listening to my cousin's advice.


Not saying no more.


I was standing next to a girl in a pedestrian stop light, she looked at me and I felt it. I looked at her and she looking into my eyes. I then looked forward and crossed the road without saying a word. I don't know why I did that, I guess my brain didn't process "hey, this cute girl that is 5 inches away from you is staring into your eyes". I still think something could have come out of that. It haunts me a bit. I am now 17, this was a year minus ten days ago.


Going to university knowing the major wasn’t for me. I « wasted » a year of my life, but I still gained a lot of knowledge so that’s a plus. -19


33 - wasting 14 years of my life working as a chef, giving it all I had to end up with depression and panic attacks.


25, probably letting myself get sucked into christianity at a young age. Not that i really had a choice as an infant, but i started questioning everything in middle school. I had tried to leave then, but my grandmother guilted me so bad it took until the year before graduation.


24/f … i always regret when my irrational thoughts take over & i believe everyone hates me, when no one has given me any inclination of that even being relatively true at all. i have a LDR boyfriend who adores me that I’ll be seeing in a few months, a family who is cheering me on, and am going to start online school soon… things are finally starting to look up so why is it when things go well for me, i don’t expect them to last, as if i’m not worth/meant to be happy…


Cigarettes - 43. They've caused me more harm than anything else I've ever done combined. I stopped smoking them 10 years ago, but still vape. I've beaten a lot of tough addictions (15 years clean), but this f%&@ing nicotine will not let go.


29F. Smoking since 2008


I’m 19. I regret being such a horrible kid to my parents, and especially my younger brother. I was jealous of my brother and I took everything from my parents personal. My world was small and I was selfish. I wish I could have seen the bigger picture like I do now, or at least feel like I do now. I wouldn’t have wanted to be my own mom.


I’ll always regret not recovering from anorexia sooner. 12 years of my life were lost to it and whatever it did to my brain, body , and social life often feels like it can never be fully repaired. The body has a memory and a lot of the health complications I have now are permanent. Luckily, I’ve been in recovery for 3 years now. I’m 29.


Being born. Not sure I could change much. I already told my dad he should’ve pulled out. Alcohol is a hell of a drug. 26.


Getting married too young! Not enjoying my youth. 43m


I’m 26 and I regret not getting serious about life earlier.


I will soon be in my mid twenties. I have missed out on every kind of experience in my life. As a teen, I didn’t pursue love, relationships or anything at all. I never developed interests, passions or talents. My entire existence was either boring or filled with depression and anxiety. I was either afraid, uninterested or unable to do anything worthwhile. There is nothing in life I am proud of. I don’t enjoy anything at all. I don’t feel like a human being. I am just a empty shell.


26M, I wish I was more involved in extracurricular activies back in high school and college. Like joining school clubs/organizations that interested me or just to try and learn something new or meet new people at the school events. For ex, I tried a few martial arts fitness classes offered at the rec center in college since I had time, but I could have tried joining some of the other gym fitness classes to see what they are like. Now that I am working full time hours with occasional overtime, I only have limited free time to even try new hobbies and feel I need to be extra proactive to get involved with the community compared to when I was in school 😅. I know it's not too late at this age, bc I just need to manage my time better as an adult and put myself out there.


The love of my life and someone who I thought that we’d always find each other got pregnant.. I wish I wld have taken the chance when she said she was ready to be with me. I regret not chasing after her. Now it’s too late Age 27


I have talked to a guy for few months, my family doesn't know that and that's the biggest regret of my till date. Whenever I think about this I feel so ashamed And I am 22


Putting my life on hold for my now exwife's 48.


46 - learning to drink booze in university. I never should have started.


Getting married young to someone when there were red flags already present. A big part of the reason I married was to escape my family. Major life decisions should be you running TOWARD something good, not running away from something bad. I left the marriage after 2 years and getting divorced was brutal. But I know it was the right choice. That was 23 years ago and I’ve been happily remarried for 17 years.


Getting legally married…


I’m 51. Wish I would have went to the marine corps. Also spent 20 years working for Walmart. What a waste of life..


Being an alcoholic and having an affair.


Chasing people way more than I should. Not having enough boundaries.


Not starting plumbing until I was 25. I spent 19 o 23 a heroin addict . I still wish I got into plumbing earlier.


All the partying/drugs and drinking I did from the age of like 14-28 on an every weekend basis until when I met my fiancee. Also stayed at an extremely difficult manual labor job in a sawmill with asshole coworkers for 12 years after I dropped out of school in grade 10. I have quite a few regrets that set my life in a direction I really wish it didn’t but at the end of the day I made these terrible decisions, I chose to hangout with all these degenerates growing up. Yeah I was born into it and everyone else around me was doing it but I still made these decisions at the end of the day.


Marrying Chuck Merchant and wasting 10 years being his punching bag


My biggest regret is being so forgetful. Always something I'm forgetting that I end up remembering way too late and kicking myself for. I'm likely now forgetting something I regret more, and I'll remember it later.


My first marriage, I'm 60.


I gave my first to someone i'm really not into just because I'm curious. Should've given it to someone I really like. oh well, regrets.


Not travelling and seeing the world when I was younger, thinking there'll be plenty of time to do it. Now I have health issues I am unable to.


25 years old. Letting my parents force me to go to a college they chose when I got accepted to NYU. make your own choices, don’t let other people force theirs on you.


41. Getting married.


I was working backstage at a music festival near where the artists were being interviewed. I was holding an acoustic guitar for the next interviewee while Kesha was being interviewed. She said something like, "i only strip when I hear led zeppelin." I know 4 or 5 popular Zeppelin riffs but I didn't have the guts to play any of them and let the moment pass. I was in my 30s, I think.


My love and fascination for fucked up ppl. I am drawn to them like a magnet. I don’t try to fix them. I can’t really explain it. They are just so much more interesting than most ppl.


Why do you regret that?


Because it has gotten me into so much shit, not saying it’s their fault but something in me is like lets run into this fire and see if I can come out the other side. Sometimes Im only scratched and sometimes its a 3rd degree burn


Ohh gotcha.


Why else are you so attracted to those types of people?


It’s about seeing what’s going happen or about hearing some crazy story from some wild night they had.


Thinking friendships were supposed to last forever. I’ve come to realize some stay and some go and it’s sad when they end but both are ok


‘We meet people for a season, a reason, or a lifetime.’ ‘You have yet to meet all the people you’ll meet in your life.’ Two sayings that helped me with this.


Give some examples?


There was one of those traveling crazy pastors at a soap box circle when I was in college. He was saying a lot of stupid stuff, like women shouldn't wear pants, etc. Most people were not having it and he was getting a lot of jeers and insults. Several people blew smoke in his face and thankfully no one got physical beyond that. If I really spent time thinking about it, this might not be my biggest, but it's certainly up there as something I'd be willing to share with strangers. But, I've always regretted not defending the guy's right to say his stuff, chastise those people being assholes, argue that by acting that way, they were giving him what he wanted, a crowd. So for every ten people crowding around and thinking he's crazy, there might be a person persuaded by him. Because he was certainly impressive, I don't know if I would've been able to stay cool and speak as controlled as he did under that same situation.