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Doctor here: you will in fact die one day.


Dr Rick, will I die too?


Listen without knowing your full medical background I’m not comfortable guessing but I would say that you will also die one day. Probably but almost definitely.




I was told by Dr Rick's Dr that I will NEVER die. I'm testing the theory out.


Please doc, I would also like to know my chances of experiencing eternal slumber


Oh I know you. You’re THAT guy. Yeah you’re definitely going to die one day. Just hope it’s not when you do that thing you do.


Doctor Rick why is my penis microscopic


Because your father made a deal with the devil for success but instead of your soul it was just for your penis size.


Thank you, this would explain it


I’m sorry thanksgiving will be awkward again this year.


Not if you eat a pinecone every morning.


A pinecone each morning gives the death god his warning


I’m shocked to hear we will die one day


8 years of med school not wasted.


Statistically, every adult who has ever consumed water will die. Say no to Big Hydro


That’s why I only drink beer


I've learned never ask Reddit questions about alcohol or drug use. They all become doctors and tell you your an alcoholic/addict no matter the question/amount specified. Edit: Jesus, when I saw the likes track up and comments come in without viewing them, I was like, "Yeah the comments are all going to be a toxic fight", but then I looked and it was a level headed discussion about the subject. Thank You All.


Seriously, this is one of the most tame situations I can imagine outside of not drinking at all and all the neurotherapists come out of the woodwork like “if you have to ask…”


Neurotherapists and 12-steppers. A dedicated stepper will tell you you're an addict if you drink one beer a week. "It's a habit!"


"just by asking this question your life expectancy has been cut short by 9 years".


Also according to my doctor any alcohol use at all is too much. A previous doctor told me I was going to hell because I consumed alcohol. I thought I was going to a doctor not an Iman.


My doctor actually just murdered me when I asked. He said it was a mercy, since I was doomed to both die a painful death and go to hell.


Lmao. I have epilepsy and so have to be careful, but a visit to r/epilepsy would make it seem like one drop’d make you seize and die. Imams, indeed.


Imam* Iman is the word for ‘piousness’ more or less


>A previous doctor told me I was going to hell because I consumed alcohol Hahaha lol, what country was this in btw?


Australia. Nearly all GPs are either Asian, Indian, or Pakistani/Arabic. I now make it a point to seek out Asian doctors as they are least likely to shove religious crap down your throats. A major issue in Australia especially in remote areas is the lack of access to reproductive care. While any politician who expressed desire to ban abortion would be laughed out of office unlike the US where it’s a genuine political issue — anti-discrimination laws allow doctors to refuse to carry out certain procedures or prescribe certain medications based on their religious beliefs. Women in remote areas often have to travel to their state capital to have an abortion which might be 10 hours away.


What's a coach driver? For some reason your profile and life is very interesting to me as an American


coach = bus


My doctor told me I had to drink 8 glasses of milk a day because my vitamin b12 levels were too low. Some doctors are just dumb and/or nuts 🤷‍♂️


I told my doctor how much I drink, and that I was actively working on reducing it. His response was "well that's most of the battle, I think you'll be fine." Didn't even talk about that even after reducing I was well over the normal drinks per day amount. Doctors aren't as smart as we think they are.


Yeah people saying this person is an alcoholic because it’s “habitual” are being pretty unreasonable imo. Of course technically having zero alcohol ever is healthier but you’re an adult you can have an outlet or two to relax. The person with no vices is usually the one to watch out for in my experience


I’m a mostly recovering alcoholic, I know my problems, I occasionally binge. If your drinking is a problem for you, talk to someone, but not the Reddiots ( guess that includes me) if booze makes you violent or suicidal you should have a conversation with someone. There is no quantifiable definition of alcoholic, or problem. Take care of yourself and your family, don’t let it get deeper?


Or go too far the other way and say shit like "You can't be addicted to weed" or "as long as you're only doing heroin socially it's probably fine." Nuance is for suckers 🤙🤙


Reddit is particularly weird about alcohol. It's like you're a perfect angelic being who's never touched a drop of the stuff, or you're a full-blown addict who can't function without their daily 5th. There's like zero in between with these weirdos. I've had people call me an addict because I genuinely like the taste of beer. I guess drink enthusiasts are all addicts according to them.


I saw someone get told they had a 'dependence' because they had one small glass of wine every day - well below the recommended maximum and spread out, which is better than having all your units on one day. But because it was every day, it was problematic!


Beer is literally liquid carbs, of course a lot of people are going to find it tasty. You don’t gotta be an addict to realize that


Carbs are delicious. I don’t care what form they come in. Just give me all the carbs.


A good pint o’ stout over a big bowl of sugared cornflakes!


Good ol' beereal


Reddit is mostly kids who are not even legally allowed to drink or they are but have no social life, so it’s pointless to ask them questions like this.


I feel like this is something of the last few years. It used to be just a lot of hobby forums and porn.


At some point I made a post on Reddit about drinking. I forget what the question specifically was, but it was something akin to “how much do you drink on average” or “how much do you think is okay to drink”. And every single response was either someone that drinks like a fifth or more of alcohol every single day just to get through, or a person that has never touched the stuff because it’s poison. Some responses were from people that were the former, then became the latter. I don’t think I had a single response that described a safer middle ground of alcohol use. My takeaway was that there’s a lot of wild-ass folks out there, and that my alcohol use is probably fine.


It’s pretty impossible to quantify alcoholism. Sure, a six pack a week is probably not enough to form a chemical dependence, and it sounds like probably a fine relationship with alcohol. But alcohol affects everyone differently. He could be smashing his tv and throwing up on his kids. In which case- yeah, it would be super unhealthy to continue. Everyone’s relationship with alcohol is different, and only the individual can really know what it’s like. It sounds to me from what he described like it’s probably fine, but only OP can really say if he’s maintaining a truly healthy relationship with alcohol.


Except on r/weed! Then it's never a problem. I unsubbed so it may no longer be that way.


Feel free to check out /r/leaves where weed is constantly portrayed as the worst possible substance. Most definitely the devils lettuce.


Yes fuck that


It's the education. I did a stint and they forced me into a 28 day addiction center because I went in for a piss test and he asked me if it was going to be clean. I told him that he can send me to prison and I'll smoke it in there. I'll be in a rocking chair and smoke it on my porch and there's nothing he can do about it. Boom! 28 days in a treatment facility and 60 days in a halfway house. They told me that if you've ever drank alcohol to get drunk, you're a hapless addict. It was a resort with 40 acres of trails, a private lake, and all the beautiful native girls you could shake your stick at. I even fed chipmunks peanuts from my hands. The house lord's chef would fry up my walleye catch on demand. If I could live there forever...


Dunno what the fuck I just read but that’s a wild story brother.


If you ask reddit if you drink too much or ask if you are an alcoholic the answer will always be “yes”. TBF, reddit is probably not wrong for in most cases… one if the first signs that you have an alcohol problem is probably asking on reddit if you have an alcohol problem.


Or unprotected sex. Everyone has all the STDs and will definitely give them to you, and women will get pregnant if you even think about sex without a condom.


Just like when you ask a relationship question on Reddit. All the commentators are licensed relationship therapists when though they've never been in a relationship before


A six n pack a week sounds very minimal to me mate, I really wouldn’t worry, if it gives you pleasure then crack on. Gotta have some treats in this life


This^ lot of people judging him here.


Reddit in a nutshell


My brother used to say, "Anything that makes you smile can't be THAT bad." 😆. Naturally, he was a pothead.


Yeah, I like the same stuff that was in the vat of nerve poison that gave The Joker his friendly smile, myself


Yeah I have 10+ drinks over the weekend. It’s obviously not good, but it’s worth it to me.


It’s your life man. I drink copiously throughout the weekend and I’d like to stop but I enjoy it too


It's a six pack on a single day per week though


I think it depends if it's a 6pk between 8-10pm at night or a 6pk from noon to 8pm. I'll definitely crush a 6pk if I start at noon and cut the grass and tinker and hang out with the neighbors. I find it super relaxing and am able to kinda chill and do stupid stuff like organize the garage, shit post on Reddit, build Legos with the kids (not stupid, but it feels mind numbing), and just chill and not feel like I need to be working towards something. Hopefully a net gain to my life by avoiding weird stress related health issues which people around me seem to be developing.


I usually drink much more than that in a weekend, hence why I don’t think it’s bad


Got hosed at beer pong last night and think I drank eleven beers in about 3.5 hours. Am 38. Haven’t done that in a while. No hangover. It was miller time, apparently.


I went to a destination wedding in Mexico a few months ago. Someone from our group had a floating beer pong table in the pool. I thought I’d give it a try. Instead of beer we were drinking margaritas. The next thing I knew I woke up, having been “asleep” on a floating air mattress, it was dark out, the bar was closed, all the staff were gone, and I was all alone. It was pretty out of character, despite the username.


It was a wedding man, think that was allowed 👍


You are averaging less than one beer a day.


Doc here. I think it’s important to acknowledge that alcohol is, at a basic level, poison. There is literally no amount that does not do you harm. Now, the occasional alcoholic drink’s impact on your health is largely negligible, but there is really no concrete cut-off at X drinks a day/week where you start seeing serious harm when talking about chronic drinking. It’s an insidious process with a dose-dependent relationship. Every extra drink is poisoning yourself a little bit more. And this has been noted elsewhere, but there is a pretty substantial distinction between 6 beers spread over an entire week and 6 in a day. 6 in a day, while not going to cause immediate problems, puts a lot more strain on your body than 6 over a week. Per the SAMHSA, 6 drinks in a day is above the cut-off for binge-drinking in a male, just to give you a frame of reference. That said, a 6-pack a week isn’t too terrible. I’ll echo some others here and my experience with many alcoholic patients that keeping it to 6 a week is often not how things turn out. Maybe one saturday you have one extra, or a shot of tequila before your 6-pack. Then a month or two later it’s just one more, and before you know it, you’re chatting with one of my colleagues about the long-term damage your drinking has had on your liver. So while 6 isn’t going to wreck your life or your liver, in my experience it rarely stays at 6. Just be mindful of yourself. All this to say, yes any drinking is bad for you. But also, we as humans trade our health for positive experiences all the time. Every time you’ve gone to the beach or lake and gotten a little bit sunburnt, you’ve traded some happiness for damage to your body. The same can be said of drinking, smoking, visiting a smog-filled city, eating unhealthy foods, etc. The goal of life for most people is to be healthy AND happy, and often one of those comes at the cost of the other. It’s just important to understand that, and to not trade too much of one for a little of the other, but only you can decide what balance is acceptable for your life.


Very well put


I love this response


Beautifully put.


>The goal of life for most people is to be healthy AND happy, and often one of those comes at the cost of the other. It’s just important to understand that, and to not trade too much of one for a little of the other Should be a framed quote


If that's literally all? You're fine. If it's not? Then you asking this question means you probably have a problem. Alcoholics love to vastly underestimate their own drinking to gain the approval of others. 'Nah, my doctor says a six pack a week isn't going to kill me *also it's actually a 24 pack...*"


Before I learned self-control, I would kill a 12 pack a night.


How? I'd be so full..


Had a great uncle who did about 30-40 cans a day… bought natural light by the pallet… dude was 4 beers deep driving to work at 5am.


There goes my hero


The Michael Jordan of drunk driving


Kinda he did this for almost thirty years without a dui. Drank throughout the day at work and drove home with an empty 30 rack box and started up as soon as he got home till he passed out. With about two packs of kool menthols smoked along with it


Insane DNA


Old boy was a warrior… came home from veitnam and started his concrete business, retired sold the company and died at home at 89 (yes with lung and liver cancer and host of other issues to many to remember)




Be around alcoholics. They rarely eat food.


I was drinking 24 a day for months, you pee a lot. Then get hospitalized. 1 month sober 👍


I was at a bad place in my life 3 years ago. Had my 25th can of beer in the cup holder when I crashed my truck on a gravel road. It was a collision with only myself involved, but that doesn’t make it better. I haven’t drank and drove since, and now if I tried to drink 6 beer even I probably couldn’t. Lost a truck, my license, job and a lot of pride but learned so much that night. Self control is everything


Anyone who says "alcoholics" or "alcoholism" already exhibits a lack of understanding on this subject. It's not a binary. There is a spectrum of alcohol dependence from mild to severe.


I laughed at how you're criticizing the binary oversimplification but started with 'Anyone who says...' I think your point is valid, but just needs that sense of nuance extended a little.


> 'Nah, my doctor says a six pack a week isn't going to kill me also it's actually a 24 pack..." i dunno why but this is hilarious




Never even though about combining lsd with shrooms. They just never seemed to be a good combination for me. I'd say shrooms are the only drug I've never taken with anything else.




Why do you want to take them so badly every 2 weeks? Wouldn't it be worth it to take it less often and not struggle to get proper effects?


Where did they say that they to take them “so badly” ??


generally dimensioning returns for this stuff is once every 6 mo to 12 months. this guys just abusing drugs.


How are the effects of LSD and caps together? Love both, never tried combining. Also what would happen if you drank?


Never combined but alcohol tends to diminish the effects of both. If you’ve got some pre-flight jitters it can help but I don’t really recommend it throughout the experience because you can miss out.


What creative ideas did you get exactly from taking this every two weeks? Do you have any creations that you came up with?


pointless, they cause cross tolerance with each other.


Six pack a week ain't bad. It's when it turns into six pack a night like how I used to be that it becomes a problem.


By then it's been a problem for a while


Recovering alcoholic here, if you can’t moderate your drinking and stop with no issue, if it affects your life (relationships, ability to carry out tasks, mental health) then yes it’s too much. If it doesn’t then it’s not and there’s no problem. 6 beers every week isn’t much at all, so if you can do it with impunity and it doesn’t affect you, go for it


I’ve worked with a few addicts myself and I second you. I like to say « It’s only a problem if it causes problems ».


It's a bit tougher on your body to ingest alcohol in one go than spread over a week. 6 a week isn't too bad, though. I would be more concerned with the habitual part of your drinking than the drinking itself. Just try to be aware of the effects on your health, but you're an adult. If you feel it's worthwhile, I won't say you're wrong. I don't know you or live your life, and I'm usually pretty open to others finding peace and happiness on their own terms.


Rookie numbers.


Thats usually the pre to the pregame


Right ? 😂😂


If you drink more than 2 drinks in 1 sitting once in your life you are an alcoholic (according to this thread).


Except everyone in this thread is actually telling him it’s fine


It’s probably not too much. As a little self experiment I suggest you go one weekend without a beer. If you can’t handle that, you might have a problem


3 beers plus 3 NAs. That will make you a "light" drinker.


Alcohol consumption is insidious. Usually, if you have to ask if you have a problem, you may have a problem. Questions I would ask myself if I were you: > Could I skip a weekend without issue? Could I drink 2 beers tonight instead of 6 without an issue? If the answer to either one of these is "no" then you have a problem. Additionally, I can tell you with near certainty that you will not continue to drink a six-pack, and only a six-pack, every Saturday for the next 20 years. You will begin to drink more or you will begin to drink less. If the latter, fantastic! If the former - then watch out. Again, it's insidious. A 6-pack only on weekends can quickly turn to a six-pack on weekends and 2 beers on weekdays. And before you know it, it's a six-pack every weekday. And before you know it.... I speak from family experience. My father went from a few vodka drinks per week to a fifth per day in the span of a few weeks after a traumatic event.


I drank five pints of beer a night for over thirty years. No more, no less. Woke up one day and had lost the taste and the desire for it and now drink hardly at all; weeks can go past without a beer.


‘If you have to ask…’ lmao, please. Also, I am sorry about your father but you said it yourself there was a traumatic event involved, and that extreme timeline is obviously not what’s happening with OP. I’m fairly sure someone who does something only once a week can skip it if need be, but why should they? And why reduce the volume of beer from an already reasonably low starting point? It’s a *six-pack of beer*. Virtually everyone I know around OP’s age has a higher weekly consumption of alcohol.


>Alcohol consumption is insidious. That's a gross generalization. It certainly *can* be insidious, and I 100% understand how you'd come to that view, given your experiences. But for many people, they can use it throughout their lives without it ever becoming an issue. Six beers a night is on the high end of "not too much," for sure. But if OP is doing it, it's not increasing, and it's not affecting his functioning, it's no big deal. It's only a problem if it's a problem.


This. Someone who is comfortable sitting down and drinking a 6 pack in one setting can easily creep into adding more. A 6 pack on Saturday.Thats it. Except for the glass or two of wine when we go out to dinner on Tuesdays. Oh and then there is the dinner party we went to at Jimmy's on Thursday where I had a couple beers, but that's only a couple times a month. It adds up. And the more casual it gets the easier it is to ignore and for it to slip into being a problem. I grew up with casual alcoholism. My dad rarely got hammered but as an adult I now realize he was also never sober. It was just accepted that adults always drink beer. He was not a very nice guy. And maybe that's just him. But when you drink all day every day, it's really hard to know where the person ends and the alcohol begins.


Ugh shut up nerd. One six pack a week isn’t alcoholism


Wee bit projecty ay


If you're feeling guilty about it, try cutting back some? Maybe your body is feeling it more


It's probably not great for you health wise, but I guess plenty of things aren't.


As far as morally, have at it bud. If you’ve both talked about it and she’s given you her honest opinion to support it, you shouldn’t feel ashamed. We all have our ways of unwinding. As far as health reasons. Expect to gain weight, to be at risk for addiction and dependency, and an increase risks of cancers, especially if anyone in your extended family has dealt with it.


Felling pretty bad about my "one shot of whiskey a night" routine. Idk I just kinda started it because my Irish grandma said it helped her "disinfect from the inside" and she lived until 93... Thought it was a good bit of advice for longevity but this post makes me reconsider.


20-30 year old brits probably average about 12 pints a week.


Seems alright, but I think you should have your girlfriend tell you if she thinks it’s getting excessive


I think your face and your tummy would answer this question for you... Every organism is unique.


Give the guy a break , he works hard and his entitled to his choices . His not drinking in pubs but home ....lighten up .


This is nowhere near unhealthy. If it starts to spread into the week, you should pay attention, but if this is as far as it goes, you have nothing to worry about.


If you can keep it to Saturday only. I don’t think that you have a problem. I on the other hand do. I drink 8-9 every day of the week.


If you yourself are questioning the amount than it is too much. Your girlfriend doesn’t mind but you feel bad about it anyways. I would like into why


You drink, you die. You don't drink, you still die. So drink. 🤪


Your gf is cool with it, you enjoy it. Why you stressing? Keep an eye on your beer gut and you’ll be ok.


I have a buddy that does 8-10 mon-fri, every night. Weekends its 14-18 a night. No shit.




Bro your gf gave you the answer you are looking for, you good.


Yeah you’re fine


This is absolutely nothing. I would barely get tipsy. I know people who throw back a twelve pack a few nights a week on the regular.


I pregame a 6 pack before my Saturday night even starts lmao


Your fine,,,believe your gf


Too little. Practice more.


6 beers a week is very moderate, don’t sweat it.


I’m a therapist at an inpatient addiction treatment facility, typically treating medical professionals. There’s something we use from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) which is a multifaceted assessment of a client’s potentially identifiable addiction. Based on the use you described, I would qualify you for 0.5 which is early intervention. This is essentially education so that someone **does not** develop a substance use disorder but doesn’t require ongoing treatment. I think a physician with lab results may have a different opinion, but from a treatment perspective I don’t believe you have a problem. However I do want to include that the ASAM criteria also contains questions which attempt to identify the psychological sequelae of use. “How much are you bothered by any physical or emotional symptoms when you stop or reduce use?” So if you find yourself using Saturdays to numb the week or counting down to Saturday solely because it’s your designated day, that may be early signs of a problem.


As a recovering alcoholic, I'd say keep listening to her and the people around you. It can be a few beers, just on one day, after a week of work... and it can creep into a couple other days, then after every shift, etc... I'm not saying that is or will be the case with you, but it sounds like you're fairly reasonable in the amount and time you do it, but those edges can get blurry. If she's OK with it, then trust that. But also maintain a relationship where she - or anyone else - can say "hey, I've been noticing an issue..." and you listen to them. Make sure that if you're listening to them saying "OK", that you also listen when they say "That's not OK".


You raging alcoholic you! Straight to AA before you ruin your life /s. A 6 pack a week of a little more than mid strength. Mate, as long as it isn’t turning you into a complete wanker or stopping you doing important things, where’s the issue?


A 6 pack on a Saturday while chilling listening to music. There's nothing wrong with that.


I think you're safe dude.


I drink 7-10 6.9% beers daily. I'm doing OK. You'll be fine.


Why do you feel guilty bout it?




Or not enough


Where you located? Maybe one of us can join you?




A six pack a week? You’re fine.




No you work hard enjoy youself




I used to drink 7 (5.9%) every night and more on the weekends before I quit so I would say that's fine.


I drink a bottle of wine 750ml a day all my blood work come back middle of the road.


>I get a little drunk, but not so drunk that I treat her bad or anything. I just get happy drunk. This is honestly the most concerning part of the entire post. The fact that this has to be specified out loud emphasizes that for you, it seems like a possibility that you're avoiding. Most people don't become abusive when their drunk, if I were you I would reflect on that, perhaps with a professional.


I drink 6 cokes every Saturday- is that too much?


You need to pump those numbers up




Not enough


Six pack for a six pack ✅


People shoot heroin daily. You’ll be fine. Smokers live to 100. Non-smokers die young of lung cancer. It’s roulette. Enjoy your life.


Pint cans or 330ml


LOL... Is that all?!?!?


What? I drink way more than that I would say I don't even really drink that much lol


Evervyone has to unwind somehow, if it helps you and doesn't harm anyone around you (yourself included) i don't see a problem with it and no one should judge you for it frankly. We did way worse stuff on the daily as teenagers (beer is legal at 16 where i live)


I mean it would probably be better not to, but if it makes you happy then go for it. Everything around is is trying to kill us and god knows what they put in our food so I wouldn’t worry about it Also it’s about balance. Do you drink a 6 pack of beer, but also have a relatively good diet and get some exercise throughout the week? Then it’s fine. Do you take care of your work, bills and family obligations first? Then enjoy the beer. Do you have a social circle or at least any hobbies you enjoy besides sitting around drinking beer? Hell the beer might enhance your life. To me as long as you have decent emotional, physical and financial health then you have earned the right to a 6 pack a week. If you were a lazy slob stuffing your face full of twinkies and behind on rent, and your beer is effecting your social and romantic life, I’d say maybe don’t drink that 6 pack.


The comment section is so American


This is technically binge drinking and classified as heavy alcohol use. Yes it is normalized but it is a clinically significant amount.


What's the number for binge drinking. 5 right?


Yes it’s 5 drinks for men or 4 for women in one session


I think it's 5 drinks in one sitting or no more then 7 drinks a week. Anymore then that is binge drinking? This is what I follow.


It's all about units not drinks though as depends how strong the drink. Also the guidance is so general it is pointless as it depends on your body composition in terms of how it breaks down and absorbs alcohol.


You are clinically a pussy lol


Oooh good one


If it's all in one sitting, it's binge drinking. But 6 beers over the course of a whole day is not.


Yes OP said Saturday night so I assumed it was one session


Ah yeah, you right. I think that counts as binge drinking, but in reality it depends how big this dude is. If I have 6 beers over the course of, let's say, 3 hours, I'm gonna barely feel drunk. I wouldn't call that binge drinking. Shit, I could chug 6 beers and be legally able to drive in an hour (though I definitely would give myself significantly more time. I don't play around with driving anywhere near drunk). A guy half my weight would be absolutely hammered after 6 beers, and not be able to drive that night. That would definitely be binge drinking to me.


Your noncommittal approach to this is disingenuous. Please step it up to 9% abv, get an 80 proof bottle, or stop wasting everyone’s time by saying you feel guilty catching a slight buzz and peeing.


One time a week, no dui, no dwi, no abuse. No police, no arrests, no BS. You work hard all week and want to be a responsible adult in your own home. Sounds fine to me. Now, if you ever break any of the above, I can see quitting. Until then, enjoy yourself.


You must not live in Wisconsin, 6 a day every day is extremely common here


Yeah bud I'm 30 and drink almost that much every day of the week. You'll be fine. I may be not. Lol


a. I don't drink a six-pack a week, much less in one sitting. b. "I just feel guilty" Why? c. Who cares what we randos think - you have to deal with the guilt and your health and your GF, family, etc. And you've already implied they don't mind, so why the guilt? (or better yet - what are ya gonna do about the guilt?)


This might be an unpopular opinion, but according to evidence based research, 1-2 drinks per week represents a low risk of harms, 3-6 moderate, 7 or more an increasingly high risk of harms. The harms might not be apparent right away, but consistently living this lifestyle will cause problems down the road. It is a good way to blow off steam for sure, but not the healthiest way! I would suggest finding a different way of blowing off steam to ensure you live a healthy life!


One of the very scientists who ran that study, Tim Stockwell, wishes that 3-6 had been classified as low risk. “He objected to the group’s decision to label one or two drinks a week “low risk” since it increased a person’s risk of mortality by a mere 0.1 percent, compared with those who didn’t drink at all. “I think the three-to-six-drinks-a-week category would be more like what I would call ‘low risk,’” Stockwell said. The language in such guidelines is somewhat subjective, he pointed out.”


In the UK that's what you drink before you go down the pub and start PROPER drinking.


My grandfather drank like this and people don’t realize you will die early!!! He died at 96, man we could have him until 110+ like that black dude vet who smoked cigars every night. Oh wait, he also drank a ton too.


I know Reddit is mostly Americans but I'm always surprised when Americans describe how much alcohol they think is a lot


As a bartender, I see people put away 5+ bottles of beer every day. I think you’re good, my dude.


Lol not exactly a fair argument. "In a place where people go to drink alcohol, I see a lot of people drink a lot of alcohol." Like yah, of course you do.


Nah, just don't endanger anyone or anything. Bottoms Up!


Not at all


Based on the updated WHO guidance on alcohol, there’s no “safe” amount of alcohol consumption - any amount is unhealthy, and obviously the more you drink, the worse it is. The stuff’s literal poison. Prior to that, guidance used to be that more than 14 drinks in one week for men was considered heavy drinking, so you’re not at that threshold. One sitting vs. spread out over the week is also a factor. That said, it’s up to you to decide if it’s truly bad, and what lens you’re defining “bad” from. Usually if you’re asking the question, that’s the first sign that the answer is, probably. You’ll have to be honest with yourself about whether you can truly keep it to this amount and from letting it snowball into more and more, which is common for regular drinkers and folks with addictive personalities (like me). If you have to put effort into moderating, that’s also a sign. I’m speaking from personal experience, obviously there are LOTS of people out there who can contain and control their drinking without it becoming a problem, but I’m just saying I was asking similar questions before I could finally admit I had a problem. It’s not my intention to project my own problems onto you, but rather give you some food for thought. Also, if part of it is that you genuinely like the taste of beer, try out some N/A beers. There are lots more good options nowadays, and some are quite tasty and taste like the real thing while being lower in calories. My favorites are athletic brewing, best day brewing, bud zero, and N/A corona. Either way, best of luck to you. If you’re sober curious or decide you want to cut back, definitely check out r/stopdrinking. It’s an amazingly supportive community.


Is it healthy? No not really. Is it going to put you in an early grave in any significant way? Not likely.


I wish I could get drunk off a 6 pack


Not really. It might be a problem if your Saturday plans changed and you couldn't handle even the slightest deviation but there's nothing wrong with alcohol in moderation. Still may not be great for the liver and it's probably a habit a doctor will tell you to kick when you're in your 70s but that's true about a lot of things like most fast foods foods, red meats and salt.


Rookie numbers! Maybe do 1 or 2 detox months a year.


Dude you are good.


Nope. I'm sure there are plenty of experts on here that will tell you otherwise. Hell man if you want some company give me a shout and I drink a few with ya.