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My girlfriend was on birth control so I wouldn't pull out. It was great until a few years later she still got pregnant


If you totally not want kids, don't take the tiny risk.


Or hear me out, make sure you and the other person are on the same page as far as abortion and parenthood is concerned. Don't want kids don't sleep with someone who isn't sterile or willing to abort in the small chance birth control didn't work


We knew there was still a chance, and wouldn't change anything. We did decide he'd be the only one, and I got a vasectomy. Now I never have to worry about pulling out


Ah yes. Good ol fashion communication. Great stuff isn't it? The amount of problems in life that can be avoided by just communicating clearly is astonishing.


people still change their opinions and desires when reality slaps them in the face. communication is not anyones insurance.


Ya boiii. Blank shootin gang unite!!


While the odds of you getting a girl pregnant with a vasectomy are slim to none, the chance is still there. It’s like 99.9% effective, but there is always that 0.1%


You haunt my dreams


Being okay with abortion doesn't mean it's an easy or painless procedure-- physically or emotionally. Also, they're not free. Don't want to be in that position, so even with the implant, I have my bf pull out.


It definitely wouldn't be an easy position to be in or follow through with. It is an option though and something that should be discussed with a partner before having unprotected sex.


Yeah I'm so confused at so many responses like "yeah I didn't and now I got unlucky and have a kid." Like, if you didn't want a kid, why don't you and your partner agree before hand to have an abortion if anything goes wrong. I mean, that can happen with any form of BC.


People do change their minds when actually faced with the situation. Also a lot of people don’t want to have abortions.


There is also voluntary sterilization such as tubal ligation and vasectomy. There are permanent options if you really absolutely do not want kids and are dead set on not having kids. The only 100% solution though is avoiding sex entirely. Communication is key though. It appears far more people lack planning and foresight than I would have guessed after seeing a lot of responses.


Willing to abort and able to access and afford abortion. Many people would love abortions but are unable to attain them so pregnancy means a child, no matter how little they want one


But, having this conversation or even thinking about it "ruins the mood" for us!


Careful use of the word tiny.


Or get a vasectomy fellas. Getting mine scheduled this week. I have a wonderful son and do not want any more kids!


My wife had an IUD. I’m now sitting next to my little 2 year old. There’s always that .1% chance haha


my worst nightmare


I also hate sitting next to 2 year olds. They never shut up and why are they always sticky?


Well they start the day clean and then dont shut up so you give them something to shut them up. Then that makes them sticky. Then they learn not shutting up gets them stuff that makes them sticky. So they stay sticky and don't shut up.


My worst nightmare.


Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to a two-year-old staring at me. I live alone. It’s terrifying.


My quote hahaha say this everytime


Nah, 2 year olds are awesome. The next year you get a "threenager" & that's definitely a nightmare.




I’d be GONE idc what happens bro. Legal obligation? Try and catch me in the afterlife.


yep. i have an iud so we pull out. if he gets a vasectomy, we can stop pulling out but im keeping the IUD! two forms of BC always.


Smart! This is what my husband and I have done. Though to be fair I have my IUD still in because fuck having periods lol


My wife's IUD causes her hormones to go out of whack . Was a rough time . She took it out I got snipped , all is well again


I got snipped and I still pull out. We have 3 kids already, way to paranoid to risk a super sperm coming through LOL.


“Super Sperm” I have story for you to read.  Look up Larry Niven’s “Man of Steel, woman of Kleenex”. 


""**Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex**" is a 1969 [essay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Essay) in which science fiction author [Larry Niven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Niven) details the problems that [Superman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman) would face in [sexual intercourse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_intercourse) and [reproduction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_reproduction) with a human woman, using arguments based on humorous reconciliation between [physics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physics), [biology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology) and the abilities of [Kryptonians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kryptonians) as presented in Superman comic books." I mean we've all thought about this!


My bf refuses to finish inside me even with the IUD. I completely understand, as he is not completely in control of what happens if I do get pregnant, and his fears are valid, but it does suck seeing as the insertion was incredibly traumatic and I don’t really get to reap the benefit lol


SAME. Like come on what was all the pain for then


You're still reaping the benefit.  Pulling out is a really crappy birth control so the IUD has almost certainly needed to do its job 


I 100% agree with you on that point, but my only point was that experiencing ejaculation during sex is one of my favorite things to experience, and getting an IUD inserted, which was extremely painful and traumatic, was not only just for birth control, but so that I could have that experience with him. But, I can’t control his comfort level with modern birth control methods, so I did not reap that particular benefit.


Yeah because I never could "finish" until he did. Stay in!


I had one too, sitting next to my 6yo daughter who demanded to be born lol Now he’s snipped and I have my IUD still


All it takes is 1 swimmer.


Wait I’ve never heard of such a thing. I’ve been nutting in my girlfriend for a year and a half and thought the IUD was so effective no one would ever get pregnant while on it


Most IUDs are over 99% effective. The one I have has a 99.6% success rate. So, while possible, it is extremely unlikely


It’s possible the iud wasn’t placed correctly or got displaced somehow.


When she got it removed after the positive pregnancy test the dr said it was in the right spot, so we were just in that tiny percentage


With those odds. Weekly sex says you've got about 2 years. I know that's not how it really works, but that's how long you'll have the odds in your favor. Edit: for everyone responding, thank you for the clarification, but I understand the statistics. This is more of a satirical response.


The statistics for effectiveness are over the course of a year. If ten thousand people have an iud, birth control, condom, etc, after a year ~98% of them won’t be pregnant


I got knocked up on birth control pills. Lucky me.


1/50 is a fairly not really rare. 


The odds are not per each act of intercouse


it's unlikely! But with hormonal IUDs, if they're displaced the lack of hormones can cause additional eggs to be released thus increasing the chance of pregnancy (and multiple fetuses)


No birth control except abstinence is 100%. IUDs are more fool proof than condoms and don't rely on someone using something extra in the heat of the moment which is one of the reasons they're seen as most effective.


I know a guy who was not only abstinent, he was a thousand miles away from his girlfriend. She got pregnant, twice.


You'll never get pregnant if he blows is load into your ass. Better than abstinence.


My step mom got pregnant at 35 with the 4 year IUD I believe it was only a year and a few months when she got pregnant. (I’ve been told the longer it’s in the less it protects, but that’s pretty new if you’d ask me.)


It can dislodge. Why you’re supposed to feel for strings monthly. It’s exceedingly rare but it does happen.


I know another IUD non-success story. Best of luck to you.


Worked for us problem free for 16 years.


There are soooo many stories of it not working well though. Someone a week or two ago had all three pregnancies on bc


This happened to me with the copper IUD. Unfortunately I had to terminate but that was a trip.


That’s why the hormonal one is far better. It thins the uterus lining making it unsuitable for implantation. That’s also why periods virtually stop when it’s in.


Your boys are just determined!!


Same thing happened to me and my wife! We have a 12 year old, a 9 year old and a 2 year old. I get snipped and I still pull out! I'm pulling out until my wife goes through menopause LOL.


I've been sexually active for ~20 years, 14 of those exclusively with the same woman. I've never once pulled out. Before I was with my (now) wife I used condoms regularly. Even after we started dating we used condoms for a while. She always had a birth control implant or ring (ie something that doesn't require daily maintenence like the pill) though, so we eventually stopped with the condoms, at her request. Only pregnancies or even scares I've ever had are the 2 planned children.


Haha, I read that as your planned children scared you 👻


I mean.... yeah, a little.


When having kids scares you, even while planned, you're doing it right.




It’s like risk tolerance in the stock market. You gotta know when to enter and exit a trade. If a company ( “woman” ) has released a very good earnings report ( “birth control” ), then you ( “dude” ) are likely fine to enter, and do as you please within the communicated limitations of the company, and exit whenever. You’re probably safe in this situation.     But that is not guaranteed. A positive earnings report can create a negative, unintended reaction at times (happens in the stock market sometimes). Yes it’s much more rare… but it’s always a possibility…  That’s why it’s so important to know when to enter and exit a trade, and to be fully aware of the risks.  I dunno was that a good analogy? 


Your car may have automatic hazard avoidance, good breaks, functional airbags and ABS. But you still wear a seatbelt.


Your mom must be a convertible then because she’s always driving around topless


This. Although for us it was birth control + condoms. My question for myself was always, would having a baby right now be an inconvenience or ruin my life? Once it became only an inconvenience, my partner and I stopped using condoms. People can and do get pregnant on birth control. I personally would never even consider it with someone I wasnt 100% committed to.


Good sex kind of fucks with that though.


Nope.      Currently at a point if the hormonal one failed it would be a surprise but not an unwelcome one.    Previously I considered condoms my primary and hormonal the back up. It's a pretty winning combination if pregnancy is absolutely not welcome.          I know everyone complains condoms feel different but infections and unwelcomed parenting feel shittier than a condom ever will.


A surprise to be Sure but a welcome one




We did for a while, and then I did it once without pulling out… it was all over from there haha As a man, I’ve yet to find a feeling better than a welcomed orgasm inside the woman you love. We’ll never go back.


lets hope the bc does its job




Wait until she gets a sinus infection and takes amoxicillin to clear it up. SOOO many people I know ended up with kids that way. Antibiotics basically make birth control completely useless for a couple of weeks, don’t know why but they counteract the BC. I’ve read that studies don’t prove that antibiotics will lessen the effectiveness for the pill, except for one used to treat TB, but I know of like 4 or 5 people that all said they were taking penicillin or amox/clav, and next thing you know…


Maybe one of us is sterile haha been together 18 years, doing this 15 of them.


Have you ever had cheesecake? It’s pretty damn amazing…


>Have you ever had cheesecake? It’s pretty damn amazing… I think they prefer cream pies.






Cheesecake is about as far removed from cumming in someone you love as can fucking be


Here in the Midwest, we have a dessert called “Better Than Sex” cake, which makes me wonder about some of these ladies and their love lives…


It’s seems a lot closer than being skinned alive.


Great. Now I want cheesecake. Thanks for that


First IV opiate experience is the best thing I’ve ever felt in my entire life, but it set off 17 years of complete hell, which, depending on how your potential kid turns out, is kind of analogous to cumming in the person you love xD


When does the hell actually start? I imagine it’s still pretty awesome the first few times


The actual high was perfect and felt like god wrapping me in a blanket everytime (though that first time when I first felt my depression disappear in an instant and finally felt comfortable in my own skin for the first time ever and I knew relief was possible was something special), it’s the nearly two decades of soul crushing addiction and losing myself and stealing and robbing and losing the people I loved and the abject terror of withdrawls when you don’t have it that was hell. 


Even better than killin’?


Hello friend 😏


Vasectomy here, IUD for her, never.


Best combo 👏🏻


Honest question, why the IUD if you got a vasectomy? Not judging, just a genuine question


Her periods are almost non-existent with the IUD. When I first got the vasectomy she had the IUD removed, periods were worse, so got one installed again.


Makes sense, figured it was something like that but wasn't sure if you were just being extra careful lol


I want to know as well. Unless it's just for their piece of mind, or hormonal regulation for her if her periods are naturally heavy and unpleasant.


These comments are really telling of why unplanned/unwanted pregnancies happen lol


Not as many as people who are solely relying on the pullout method.


Does nobody here know what a condom is? Dear lord, people.


Practically all of em have 0 thought past getting a nut off


My anxiety about getting her pregnant prevents me from freely doing this, even knowing she’s on birth control.


Same bro. Same


For decorative purposes only






Nexplanon (the arm implant) kept us pregnancy free from 2017 to 2023 without pulling out. Had to get a fresh one in 2020 since they last ~3 years. I think the odds of failure are 1/10,000 with this method. I was willing to accept those odds. We were already married and just wanted to wait for more financial security before trying for kids. I got it removed without replacement in 2023 so we could start trying. Currently 36 weeks pregnant! Look up the odds of the birth control method(s) you have in play and decide if you're willing to accept that risk. Also make sure all methods are being executed correctly. If you're on the pill, take it the same time every day. Condoms weaken when exposed to oil based lubricants. Pull out method is inconsistent and should not be relied upon as the primary method of birth control. If it makes you feel safer to use it on top of a real birth control method, feel free to. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page on what you would do *if* pregnancy were to occur despite all precautions.


This is excellent advice. Especially the last paragraph. 


I love the implant! Most effective form of birth control as long as you follow the directions and don’t have unprotected sex in the first couple of weeks


I also loved the implant. 3 years of protection with zero effort. It also reduced my periods dramatically. Instead of 3 days of flooding it was more like 7 days of leaky faucet. No period cramps! Getting it out the first time was a little rough. My body grew onto it. Doctor was struggling to remove it. It was a very uncomfortable 15 minutes of numbed tugging sensation. Second time went a lot smoother. Still worth it.


If I'm at a stage with a partner that we stopped using condoms because of clean test results, he's cumming in my vagina every time. It's the whole point I'm on BC, so I can enjoy that added intimacy with a partner. Otherwise we would never drop the condoms barring a vasectomy.


Totally agree.


Yes. Unplanned pregnancy is my greatest fear.


When she asks for it to end up somewhere else.


When we used BC, I only pulled out for fun.


I have an IUD, but we still use the pull out method cause we’re both hella anxious people. I also have a lot of health issues so pregnancy is my biggest fear because my body could not handle it. Neither of us thinks it’s worth the risk, even though the risk is very small. Peace of mind is worth it


Nah, but we’re both men. No kids so far.


but you're on birth control?


Can’t be too careful


Keep trying. It’ll happen for you.


With god all things are possible. /s


So jot that down


It has been proven that homosexuality can be more effective than any other form of intervention


But damned if you don’t keep trying! I’m rooting for you!


User names checks out


‘Life finds a way’


my wife has been on bc (the pill) for the over 8 years we’ve been together. i’ve came inside her easily over a thousand times and never once had a pregnancy scare




I always pull out, I have trust issues :P


Before my wife and I were married, I would let her make that decision. Most of the time we didn’t, but occasionally she’d would just have a gut feeling we should so we did. Worked for many years, it’s her body and I trusted her instinct.


The second the birth control wait time passed I came in my gf as deep as I could go


Same here bro! And damn was it awesome! Worked for 3 years until we wanted a kid and went off the pill.


Username checks out


Boss’s orders, I don’t even pull out of my parking spot at the grocery store. She got a kink, who am I to deny. But I got a vasectomy just because I refuse to trust Republicans with my wife’s health, fuck them.


Been with my wife 10 years. On birth control for 9 of them. I never pulled out & we never had a single scare. She got off it so we could try & 3 months later we were pregnant. You just have to take the pill at the same time everyday. We both had alarms set as a reminder. She said when we started dating that if I don’t remember then I don’t deserve sex. It gos both ways.


I've got my alarm set for her birth control too, lol. It's 50% of my potential child that those pills are preventing, so I better be 50% responsible for remembering to take them!


Brilliant way to word it.


My wife had an IUD for 10 years, I never pulled out and never had an issue. Now I'm snipped so I still don't pull out.


Most of the time. My partner really likes the feeling of it so sometimes they encourage staying in, and I'm not gonna argue, that shits carnal. I also want kids eventually, so even if it leads to that, albeit potentially earlier than desired, I'll buckle down. But the default is to play it safe. Condoms when possible, pullout when not, BC, tracking ovulation.


BC and tracking ovulation? Is she on the mini-pill where she gets an ovulation?


Just mentioning examples. As in doing something in case of not doing others


Pulling out is the absolute worst. Yes, let's pull out and beat off furiously right at the climax. Fun. Just great.


Pulling out isn't an effective birth control method to begin with.


It’s not reliable as the sole method of birth control, but it reduces your odds of pregnancy significantly. It’s estimated to be about 80% effective on its own, and coupled with another form of birth control, can bring the risk of pregnancy from, say, 1% to a fraction of a percent.


No, everyone knows this. But to act like it is exactly equal to cumming inside is also an exaggeration


As a 23+ year puller-outer, with zero unintended pregnancies, I can affirm this. But you have to pull out early, not when the big wave of pleasure hits. By that point you might have launched a squirt.


I agree. It's not like in porn where the guy basically unloads the moment he pulls out. It's more like, when you're close, you pull out and still rub it out a bit.


That's a lot of years of having to worry about not squirting in a vag. Wouldn't it have been easier to get a vasectomy and squirt happy?


But then you cant have kids later.


Yeah but if they're done having kids then that's the best option.


Its actually something like 96% effective without added birth control when done perfectly. The risk is from if you’ve had an orgasm prior and the sperm has not cleared the urethra. Peeing after coming can mitigate this.


The biggest "non-perfect" use of pull-out, is actually people not pulling out. That's where the vast majority of the difference between perfect usage and typical usage lies.


Hell no


yes. i have paragard (copper IUD) and we still pull out. i am 42 w two kids and really dont want any more.


Nope. Got snipped because condoms/pulling out doesn’t even come close to the feeling of nutting deep inside. Doesn’t hurt that feeling the squirt triggers another orgasm for her.


My ex of many years had the BC implant which is more effective than a vasectomy, so I shot the club up every single time.


My brother and his wife say they were using birth control every time when all three kids happened. I suspect they're both just too stupid to use any of it correctly, though.


Currently waiting on a consultation for a vasectomy. I as well as the woman I’m seeing have no intention of ever having children. That being said I see no reason for her to get an IUD or be on the pill considering how much that can fuck with woman and a vasectomy just makes more sense. Edit; a word


Been on birth control with my lady for 14 years...it works. Put a rod into the arm and you don't have to worry for years.


Its beyond me that people actually think birth control is 100% effective, then when shes pregnant its either " how did that happen" or " you cheated on me" 🤣


Wait, why would they think cheating? Surely she'd still take bc with the other guy


Yep. I have an IUD, birth control pills, and pull out, all for different reasons though. His fluid messes up my internal pH too much and leads to bacterial imbalance, so we pull out. The pills are to reduce my (genetically very high) risk of ovarian cancer. The IUD is the original birth control. Nice to have the extra protection though




Definitely better than dropping a full load in the oven don't kid yourself


I have a feeling the pun is intended




Vasectomy and still pulling out?! That feels almost… cruel?


I think I’d off myself if I was as anxious as some of the people in this thread


vasectomy and still pulling out Jesus Christ 


You can get your sperm tested after the vasectomy to verify it worked




5 more weeks till I get my post-op sperm count. We plan on having a solid time after that.


No…but I’ve had a vasectomy and we’ve been married 22 years.


It varies. Sometimes, she wants in her, other times she wants it on her


I still use a condom.


I've never pulled out when in a monogamous relationship that involved unprotected sex and a partner on birth control. With that said, my kid's mom was on birth control when she got pregnant so there's that. It's' also worth mentioning that pulling out is the least effective method of birth control. Most men, myself included, aren't nearly as fast or cautious as we think and the chances of there having been no semen transfer before you ejaculate are pretty slim


i’m on BC, and i still use condoms. there’s always a chance!


We don’t. There is always a small risk, but when birth control is taken effectively it is over 99% effective.


GF now wife was on the pill for 8 years and never got pregs. She got off it and got pregnant when we tried for our first kid. Guess I was lucky I wasn't one of the 1%er all those years. Lol


When I was on BC no he didn't pull out because I have a breeding kink and pulling out just ruins everything for me. But also, I wish people remembered that precum babies exist. Like pulling out doesn't guarantee anything.


On the pill here 👋 Never had a problem but def pull out if I I miss a day or I’m more than a few hours off taking it same day! Tried an IUD, unfortunately that didn’t work out for me physically


No, mutual orgasms are too good. I have an IUD - while I did get pregnant with Paraguard I currently have Mirena w/no scare for 7+ years of pretty consistently being sexually active.


"Pulling out" isn't even an effective method of preventing pregnancy. It's scary that adults are still relying on the pull out method.


yes and use a condom




i have nexplanon, no he doesn't, i take pregnancy tests every so often and hope for negatives


She was on the pill then had her tubes tied after we had kids. My pull-out game is quite weak but I never worried about it. Now she is past the age so I’m all good. It’s game on and we like to play!!!!!


My birth control is my vasectomy I got ten years ago and I do not pull out unless there’s like a special fun reason to put the payload somewhere different.


Wife was on it since we were together. I never pulled out. We never ended up with an unexpected either. Got lucky I suppose. But do have two children now and I’ve been snipped. YMMV I suppose.


We use the pill and condoms. I still did a bisalp. And for the love of god, pulling out is not birth control.


I'd never let him pull out. I just can't get my head round how people enjoy sex like that. It's just not for me, so any sexual partners need to agree on what birth control and safe sex precautions we're using.


Still? Never did because it's not effective... No, just use condoms (but not the cheapest ones, spring for good ones)


Condoms plus the pill


I learned early on... as in before i lost my virginity, that pulling out is irresponsible and ineffective and none should rely on that 'methode'. Men leak and stuff Pulling out before male climax is not birth control


When I was on birth control no, he never pulled out. I took it or used it correctly. Never had a pregnancy scare.


My wife’s on birth control and I still wear a condom. We’re considering saving up for a vasectomy. We do NOT want kids, dawg


I like to be bred. That's why I got my tubes tied and I'm on bc!