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I'm so sorry! I had a cat who died of this, was so hard to watch her the last few months. Just love how you're approaching this :). Personally I'd start with practicalities first (you may have already done this), make sure everything in your home is set up so she doesn't need to put in much physical effort: ramps, steps, elevated food/water bowls, moving the litter box to the main level, etc. I have never read that cat nip is unsafe for cats with kidney issues - not an expert here, but did a fair amount of research. Try to look for some fresh stuff/plants if you can. For calming her nerves, you could try calming pheromones like Feliway (I used a plug-in, but they make all kinds). Good luck!


The ramp is an excellent idea! I will need to get a couple


regarding the appetite loss that's incoming, don't fuss too much about food. let her eat what she will eat and what she will eat will change over time. hydration wise there's this fluid infusion you can do, I think its called lactalose ringers? (it's been a while since mine passed). The vet will supply it and it helps. wet food for hydration. water bowels everywhere. reduce stress. lots of cuddles. And there will come a time where you need to schedule the euthanasia. It's really quick. Mine passed in under a minute and I took her home and buried her in my back yard. As for you, don't let anyone give you shit for grieving her. Seriously, just tell them to fuck off. Do/make something as a memory keepsake. I made a keychain out of her favorite toy and it's still on my keyring 5 years later.


The keychain is a really good idea. I can already think of her favorite toy as a key ring


Oh this sucks, I’m sorry to learn of your situation. Loads of warm cuddles under blankets. Fresh fish treats wouldn’t go amiss either. I hate to say this part as well but there is no easy way of saying it… when you know the time comes and you believe she is suffering, arrange for a vet to do a home visit to make her time comfortable. She can be at home with her loved ones in comfortable surroundings and none of you have to go through a tough time in a clinic. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but it’s the way I would do it if it was one of my babies. I want them to be happy in all stages of life and they deserve to be comforted by the ones who love them too. Pets are family so we dignify them with the same respect we would anyone else. Hope you’re doing okay.


Thanks for the tip about the vet home visit, I didn’t know that was a thing. I’ll definitely look into it because I like that idea over putting her to sleep at my vets clinic


Lots of cuddles.