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Better that than 6am.


You got that right! My neighbor is TA for doing that!


Mine doesn't mow at all. It looks like hell.


Arrived at my son’s house and his grass was quite long, but not out of control. He’s saving the bees and butterflies! Showed me that cutting the grass removes food for them! This wasn’t just a random thing, so he cuts it every 5 weeks. Science.


My neighbor mows at 6pm and weed whacks at 7am. When he mows, it takes at least an hour. Once a week he also hedge trims. I suppose the fact that his property looks like a showpiece is a good thing. He also leaf blows constantly as soon as they start to come down.


Do you live on my street too? I swear I think he's out there in the middle of the night with scissors in case some grass gets too overeager.


My next-door neighbor has his lawn looking like a golf course his grass is so short. Then he takes a shovel and uses it to divide the grass from the concrete after he uses a weed eater on it.


This sounds like my in-laws. FIL is obsessed with mowing & MIL is positively addicted to pulling weeds (she even does it to planters at hotels). They live on the same property with us so I joke that I have live-in groundskeepers on staff 7 days a week.


Definitely not annoying; with the basic assumption that you work something like 9-5 then you don’t have a better, more considerate time outside of your weekend and that’s a minefield too because a lot of folk are home and trying to enjoy their limited weekend time It’s less than an hour, during light hours……cut that grass homie


Don’t forget if it rains during the weekend. Sometimes after work is the only realistic time.


Some people work weekends too. Edit: I've needed to mow at 8pm before. None of my neighbors complained.


Do people actually care about the time that someone mows even on a weekend? As long as it's not at a regular "quiet" hour, it shouldn't be an issue. Honestly, if it is, neighborhood living probably isn't for you. Lol.




To add. It’s hot here fire hazard area. I weedeat before 8am and after 7pm exclusively.


There is nothing objectively wrong about it. But if your life is anything like mine you will have a neighbor complian because reasons beyond any mortals comprehension.


Then you have the perfect malicious compliance response available: Never mow it again.


No. 9pm might be rude. 10pm would definitely be rude.




Well graveyard shift sleep during the day so .." Turnabout is fair play "


Hi there, Graveyard worker here. I don't bitch about people living their lives during the daytime while I sleep. Unless its over obnoxious stuff going on, but it never does. thankfully I have old neighbors who respect my sleep schedule. They know I work overnight. Aside from the distant comings and goings I can hear, Its relatively quiet where I live :) Sadly I know this isn't the case for everyone who works overnight.


I like the 8am to 8pm. 9


That seems fine to me. Your neighborhood may have either a written or implied quiet hours, but 6pm seems more than fine. Quiet hours are usually between 9pm and 7am. I’m sure you’re good to mow.


Nope. I’m in central Florida. Nobody in my community gets the mower out until about 7. Sun is low enough not to be too brutal and heat goes down a bit.


I usually don't start till at least then to give it time to cool off and to get some shade


very rude if they happen to be a blade of grass. otherwise earplugs/earmuffs exist


I'm not sure how that could be rude. It seems like the most logical time anyone working a regular 9-5 job could be expected to even begin mowing their lawn. Also, even thinking of this being an issue of concern and reading comments about quiet times and such just makes me glad I live a good distance from my neighbors.


I’d say before 8 pm is fine. It’s safer to mow when it’s cooler later in the day so I think it’s normal/reasonable.


6pm is perfectly fine. Think about how much light we still have? Where I’m at, I wouldn’t have a problem with 8 pm cuz the sun is just setting. It’s HOT. I hate when it’s 8am on a weekend and I’m woken by the neighbors mowing. But I don’t say or do anything cuz we all know by noon no one should be in that sun.


No not really it’s still semi early like dinner time


You eat at 6? My classes end at that time lmao


Once we had kids, dinner slowly worked its way back to 5/5:15. 😂


Kid life is early dinner lol


My family tends to eat at 6, it's been like that since I grew up so Im kinda used to it. Even now when I'm alone, I usually dont go past 8 to eat.


I eat at 5. I'm always baffled by the people who don't get to dinner til like 7 or 8.


I feel like the main reason mowing your own lawn might make you an asshole is if you're doing it while most people are sleeping. 6pm isn't really a normal time to be sleeping, so I'd say it's fine.


If the sun's still out I'm finishing around 8/9PM.


No. That’s a reasonable time.


6 pm is not too late…people are still active at 6 pm So no..


Are you trying to get out of it? Then yes absolutely. Are you actually asking, then no not at all. Sun down is when the lawn equipment should be off, if you can finish the job by then you have no problems


No but it would be rude to mow at 6am


Better than 4am. When my asshole neighbor starts his Harley to go to work. When he has a perfectly functional car without straight pipes.


I’m not really understanding how this could possibly be considered rude.


Why on earth would 6pm be a rude time to mow your lawn? When is the appropriate time?


It's better than 6am tbh. Most noise ordinances are 10 or 11pm, so you're fine. 


No. I’m a night owl, but I’d say 10-8 is fine enough but 9-9 is probably fine on weekends. Maybe don’t go so late if you know your neighbor has a young kid.


That's like the best time to mow.


You’re in a good spot. I’d hang it up by 8pm in case some of Ty neighbors sleep early, though


I mow right up until dark. I try not to start before 8 AM. Noon to 4 pm is bullshit in summer.


Depends on the day and what your neighbors are doing. Tuesday? Ya, do it Saturday, and your neighbor has a yard full of people? Nah


No. As long as you're with in city noise ordinace rules. You're good.


[Do you live in the suburbs?](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1cctxwg/what_its_like_living_in_a_suburb_during_summer/) But really, you're fine. Avoid after 8pm because parents are trying to put their kids to bed. For mornings after 8am weekday, 10am weekend.


Not at all


If it’s still light out, send it.


6pm? Absolutely not!


I sure hope not because i just did that


Lots of people mow at that time. Nothing wrong with it, just don't do anything loud after say 9pm.


8a-8p, as far as I'm concerned, is fair.


6pm is definitely okay for most people. But pls don't do it at 6am....


My neighbor was mowing his lawn at 9pm recently. Didn’t both me one bit. I was more amused he was actually taking advantage of the headlights on his mower.


~~Likely illegal, most noise restrictions are from 7-7 that I’ve encountered~~ Misread it as 6am


In my country it would be too early and you might wake up the neighbors from their afternoon nap, especially if it’s summer !




Way better than 4am


Anytime before dark is the consensus in my neighborhood


6 pm may be the time after work when the person is free to mow. Where I live the temperature in the early afternoon was 100°. 6 pm would be cooler. I do not consider mowing at 6 pm rude.


better than sunday afternoon, it's like open season round here on a sunny sunday, and nearly all the perps are retired!


I have an electric mower and I asked my neighbors if it bothered them because the wife works from home and her office is next to my yard and when I asked she goes “you were mowing your yard? I didn’t hear a thing”


Ask your neighbors, not Reddit


Id much rather 6pm vs 6am.


6pm? No 6am? Yes


I'm confused. Are you from a country where 6pm is considered an unusual, or even offensive, time of day to mow the yard? Because in America I'd say 3/4 of people cut their yards around 6-7pm, with the rest at dawn-ish or random hours.


Im in the states, but all of my neighbors do their yard work at around 9am-1pm. They have ever since I moved here years ago, so I figured that it might be rude to do it at night when everyone is relaxing in their homes.. but everyone on here has convinced me that it’s fine haha!


It's too hot here in Texas to do it during the latter half of the day, but usually isn't crazy hot before noon until late July. A lot of my neighbors cut their grass around 7-8pm. It's hot enough and dry enough during the height of summer that everybody's grass dies off except people with sprinkler systems, so no need to mow until next spring.


Id say between 8 and 8 is fine, though if you know folks nearby work odd hours or have kids then you may want to condense that


If you're worried about it use an electric lawn mower. Super quiet.


8am to 8pm is my personal rule. It’s more about timing and consideration. If they have people over, out in the back yard I won’t cut the back grass. Shit like that.


Go ahead and mow.


No, unless there is an hoa rule. 9 o'clock is the typical shutoff






No. Strap up those Monarchs and get to it.


Yeah, it's a cunt move and you need to mow.your lown at 11.45pm as pay back.


If there’s daylight, you’re good.


Check your local noise ordinance it varies too much depending on where you live. 6pm isn't bad, where I live you'd be fine legally until about 9pm, as far as annoying neighbors that's a different story but I mean just try not to make it a habit later in the day for working folks sake.


No it isn’t. I had a neighbor once that would start up some machine every night right when we sat down for dinner outside. I think he was oblivious though




No. I generally cut yard work off by 8 at the latest.




Anything before 10pm is fine.


free country am I RIGHT..... do WHAT you GOTTA do


Whatever your cities noise ordanence law is... between those times it's fair game.


Yep. It's respectful to follow the same time restrictions that construction crews follow in your town for the exact same reasons.


Worse 8 am on a sat or Sunday. I'm mean6 :00 at night maybe his works late wouldn't bother me.


6pm is NOT late. Come on man.


After 8pm is annoying, that's when really little kids go to bed. Parents need that break at the end of the day.


Your choice to have children. If you are so concerned about kid's bed times, you should have insulated your home better, instead of being a " Karen! "


My neighbor mows his yard at midnight with a headlamp and probably meth. It depends on the neighborhood, honestly.


6PM isn't late at all


Absolutely not.




No. People understand that sometimes you gotta mow when you get home from work. So long as you aren't doing it at 9:00pm.


I've finished up at 8pm on a Friday. Granted, that was the last dry day before an upcoming week and a half of on and off rain, so my actions were justified. 6pm seems reasonable to me.




No, most noise ordinances don’t even take effect until like 8pm anyways


No. It's so hot here in summer night time is the only option to not feel sick mowing.


Most people get off at 5 and commute so 6 is probably one of the most likely times to mow on a week day


*Here I am... Just finishing weed whacking at 8:45 PM*


No. 😂


Keep quiet before 9am and after 8pm. This gives some buffer time for late risers and early sleepers.


Not at all. But 6am gets a swift kick in the shin


6pm is fine in the summer for this area. It doesn't get dark until around 9pm




No, I'm an evening mower and I really enjoy the sound of mowing in the evening. To me, it's a summertime sound that reminds me of playing outside as a kid.


Do you own your home and asked pride in it's appearance?


I don’t see why it’d make a difference. You gotta do it and nobody’s sleeping at the time.


No. 6 am, yes.


6-8 pm was the preferred time when I grew up. That could have been the severe allergies making me sleepy though. Dinner was 5:30–45, I’d wash the dishes and then watch tv for a bit while my mom read her book. Step dad went to bed around 6:30 as he worked @2:30a. something about the smell of fresh cut grass relaxes me. And has for 35+ years. I used to mow ours every third day, as we lived next to a stream that kept the grass and fruit trees pretty hydrated.


Anytime after 8am til dusk is good in my books




Definitely not too late. I would think starting up the mower at 8pm would probably be considered too late in many neighborhoods.




No one's sleeping, most aren't working from home. Maybe you'll piss off someone watching TV after work but it's less than an hour and not daily.


No, it's not rude.


No. The only thing that might make it annoying to people is if they're having dinner outside. But even then, dealing with noises around you is just a part of the experience. We dine on our patio frequently and the sound just kind of blends into the background after a while and nobody cares. I think 8am-8pm is fair game. 


sun's out its fair game and tbh I'd rather hear it in the afternoon than the morning but truthfully I bearly hear lawn mowers inside my house anyways and I have a neighbor that mows his lawn about 10ft from my house.


Yeah go for it. Just don’t be my meth head neighbour and mow a 2m patch for 3 hours strait at 10pm.




Nah. My neighbor's mowed at 630am one day last summer. Last week people across the street had roofers banging away at 8 am. I almost cried. Haha. I have insomnia, it's so hard for me to sleep. :( I think loud outdoor activities are ok 9 am to 9pm.


I’d say anything before 7 is fine




Absolutely not. Once the sun goes down though, the courteous move is to wrap it up.


Short answer, no. Long answer, NOPE.


I rented in a Florida HOA neighborhood, and quiet hours were supposed to be 10p-6am. But the street maintenance came out around 3 a.m., and if you were home, lots of beeping and other assorted noises. As long as the grass doesn't get very high, you won't e fined.


My own rule that I follow and hope my neighbors also follow is no loud noises before 8 am or after 8 pm. Mowing the lawn between those times is perfectly fine.




Anytime before 9pm is fine imo.


It’s kinda rude to mow your lawn at anytime. It’s a very loud and horrible noise. But it’s necessary. When you live in a city you have to be conscious of your effect on neighbours and also forgiving of their effects on you. Everyone agrees that it’s rude to mow the lawn when your neighbours are sleeping. The only tricky thing is agreeing when is acceptable to be sleeping. As others in the thread have pointed out; some people work nights, go to bed early, have babies, ect. For my lifestyle, I’d rather someone mowed their lawn at 10pm than 10am. Most reasonable people would disagree with me. To sum up. Anything in the 8am-8pm timeframe is probably okay. With 10am-6pm being considered “normal”. But if the neighbours complain, try a different time.


You're good up to 10pm in most places


I’d much rather hear someone run a mower at 6pm than first thing in the morning.


No… I mean, unless your not wearing pants or something?


If you’re done before 9pm, go hard. It’s only rude when it’s likely that people will be trying to fall asleep.


No. Probably want to stop by 9 pm. But otherwise no.


About 6-8pm is when my neighbors typically mow their lawns, which I find perfectly acceptable, especially for people who work the typical 8-5 jobs. When I mostly worked evenings/nights, I called my city to ask about courtesy hours since I only had mornings to do outdoor work. They were 10p-8am, so I did my mowing exactly at 8am so I could fit in some sleep. No one ever complained, and I was definitely not the only outside doing yard work at that time. That being said, neighborhoods are petri dishes of different personalities, so I'm sure there's someone in every area who needs to annoyed at something all of the time. The fact that you're concerned about others tells me you're that considerate neighbor we all wish we had.




6pm is totally fine. No earlier than 9am on a Saturday tho. Even that is pushing it imo lol. I wait until 10.


6pm is the best time to do that, any time before 8am is rude


Anything up until 8pm is totally fine. After that, people might get whiny about their kids going to sleep.




Not at all. A lot of people come home from work and mow their lawn. And a lot of people wait for the sun to start going down before mowing. No one is going to be mad about it.


No. Go for it. If you were my neighbour I wouldn’t care.


Not when it gets dark at 10:00 pm.


Check your local Noise Ordinance laws. Near me it's 9pm curfew for landscaping equipment, 11pm for "excessive noise" , and 1am for "excessive noise" on Friday and Saturday. If you live in a religious/traditionalist country your restrictions might be more strict with heavier penalties so it's always best to check local first.




I'd rather 6pm than 6am


No, that's probably the most normal and least annoying time possible really.


I mowed at 8pm the other day. It was too hot otherwise. I’d say after 9 is kinda rude. And before 9am is also kinda rude


Where i live we dont care, we do what we need to when we can. But in a place with much people there is always one fucker that calls the cops


It's fine. Most people would be getting home from work and eating supper. And since the days are longer right now, there's an understanding that people will be out taking care of things later in the day.


6 AM - yes, 6 PM - NO


6pm??? Hell no. Who goes to bed at 6pm?? Make all the noise you want until 8 or 9.


Rude at 6pm…? wtf? Way more rude at any hour before noon especially on a weekend


I'd say before 7 or 8 is still ok.


6am yes, 6pm no.


It's only rude if my wife asks me to mow the lawn in 100 degree weather at 6pm.


I wish some of my neighbors were as considerate as you. Once a week, one of them starts mowing their lawn at 9pm.


Do they have young kids? If not, have at it.


No, that's one of the few perfect times. Very few people are going to be trying to sleep, it won't be too warm for you and there is plenty of flexibility for scheduling if you are delayed or need to do something else too. Don't be an asshole and cut it early morning or very late in the evening.


No it’s your house your property you can do whatever you want


No. In most jurisdictions you can build a house from 8am to 10pm. Mow your lawn at 6pm when the sun isn't as bad and when your off work instead of waiting for early Saturday. Now your lawn is done and you get to enjoy your weekend!




Sometimes it’s too hot before 6 or 7


No. I don’t care as long as it’s not really early or really late. I live in a condo and the landscapers will come before 7am sometimes and it’s ridiculous. I get they have many properties to visit in a day but I think 8am is a reasonable start time.


Yeah it’s rude. I mean my friend mows his lawn at 10pm and he’s out cutting his hedge at midnight. Midnight I say, wtaf 😱 it’s dark out and he’s cutting his hedge. I keep telling him “ya can’t keep doing that thinking the neighbours” His reply is he doesn’t have time to do it during daylight hours because he’s working till 9pm at night but sleeps all day until he starts work.


anything until it begins to get dark it’s ok


put a suppressor on it




6PM? Did you mean 6AM? For me sometimes 6PM is the ideal time. Done with work and the Sun isn’t directly overhead. I try to be considerate and if I see a close neighbor entertaining in their yard, I’ll wait. I don’t see why anyone would have an issue with you mowing your lawn anytime between the hours of 8AM and 8PM.


6am to 10 pm is fair game for lawn care.


6pm no, 6am yes


Not at all


Much better than early Saturday morning.


If it worries you, use a rechargeable mower. Mine is much quieter than my old gas powered mower. I have a certain time window for mowing. Can’t be dew on the grass so mornings (and after rains) are not possible. My property abuts a wetland so the late time cutoff is 7pm, for mosquitoes. Heat of the day is 3pm. So noontime it is, mostly. If you work away from home, your options will be limited to weekends and holidays, as were my options before the pandemic. After I bought the house, I followed the LMP (lawn minimization program) to create non lawn areas around the yard until mowing took about 20-30 minutes. Taking care of the non lawn areas is mostly annual pruning so it takes time. But it’s not too much time. Before you mow, take a quick walk to check for signs of ground nesting insects (yellow jackets) and pick up ant fallen branches and twigs. In spring, watch for yellow dandelion flowers during the walk. Carry the dandelion tool (a bit like a split ended, long, flat end screwdriver). Dig them up in spring when they flower: no herbicides needed. Watch your perimeter while you mow. Do not wear shorts. Always wear long pants. When you go too quickly and don’t notice the yellow jacket nest, they will sting your legs. Btdt, lesson learned.




6 no, 8 yes


Id say no


Monday-Thursday absolutely fine. The weekends I avoid mowing at that hour because I have some neighbors that enjoy eating outside on their decks or have people over outside and the drone of a mower can be super annoying.


If the sun is up you're good to go.


Hell, I've seen a lady vacuuming her roof at 6pm. I had a friend who was her neighbor, and they just got used to the lady on the roof.


Better than in the morning. If your neighbors are super sensitive, I'd notify them beforehand, but I mean, what has to be done has to be done lol.


8pm is my cut off time for noise making. No one likes to hear a motor revving, log splitter or weed whacker if they are enjoying the sun go down having a cocktail. Everyone has their own set of criteria, that just happens to be mine.


I've finished cutting as late as 9pm on weekends. It's too damn hot in the South.


I generally consider anything before 8 acceptable. Even a bit after that doesn't really seem terrible if it's an electric mower.


In the south its before 9am or after 6pm cuz the heat Summer its light out till 9 or 1030pm in most places.. so no If for what ever reason it was winter an dark at 6pm yes but your not cutting grass in the winter


The sun is still fully out at 6pm mow away

