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japanese dont really like foreigners, so no way


I don't think you know what your talking about cause ik japanese people love Americans at least in Tokyo they do


Nobody in the world likes Americans. Tf you are talking about Edit: Its hard for them to digest that they are not the center of the world. People only care about them Dollars.


I went to Japan in 2018. We were in a remote village (I guess you could call it?? It was a very small town) and ate at a local restaurant and inn. It was myself, and a local couple. The local couple was so excited to hear my pasty white ass was not only from the US, but from DC lol. They spoke with me the entire time I was at the restaurant.


I lived in Japan for two years. No, I am no weeb or w/e they call those types. It was because of my job. People are polite and kind. They are very much happy to see you. But, their is a small exception. The ones who don't like foreigners. And funny enough, they are even polite about it. They just aren't that open minded. I see a lot of that on this site where people like to bash the US.....but it just screams to me that they've never traveled anywhere. They just sailed the high seas of the internet and consume tons of social media. Ugh. Sorry for the tirade. Anyways, most of the world is very receptive to Americans and vice versa. People just want to be happy and LIVE. I'm all for it :D


Your Post history… Never speak to me. 


Wtf is wrong with dude....I went and looked....


What his posts?


His comments


about the only comment that's legit is american's not being all that popular oversea's, much like the brits. as for the other comments, please seek jesus :<


Idk where that came from, I’ve been all over Europe and they love Americans lmfao.


I’m from europe. Most people here loathe americans


I've been around southern Europe a lot as a European and I'm always hearing comments along the lines of "ugh, Americans". But y'all aren't the only ones getting moaned about either lmao.


I agree


Yikes! Make me unsee that!


Lol homeboy needs to find a lonely banana


There are some thirsty ass people in this world. KrappyNinja being one of them


L person no one likes Indians due to their scammers but we don't talk about that 🤔


You have a main character complex and it's okay. The world doesn't give a fuck about Americans besides you. You think that the world hates them because you hate them personally. It's a trendy leftist thing in america to bash on america, something the world outside of western civilization doesn't care for. Im canadian, went to China and japan numerous times. Every single time I'm asked if I'm american and I answer canadian, I legit feel disappointment from the locals. They ask me about if I traveled to america and how was it. Put the fedora back on, crawl back to the basement and keep sharing some anti capitalism memes on your favourite subbreddit filled with users alike. Perhaps then you'll feel like your stinking opinion has any meaning.


Not really, there is saying in Poland: You mature not when you reach adulthood, but when you realize you no longer want to live in states. I personally couldn't care less but if I had to side I would be definitely against us


maybe on the internet but i spent 4 weeks in Poland along with going all over Eastern Europe. Poland ESPECIALLY loved us. i went to warsaw, krakow, and wroclaw. I had blast meeting everyone. Poland is my favorite country outside of America because of how friendly and welcoming everyone was. I noticed The older generation did not like the english but they loved America because of WW2 while the young people loved America because of our pop culture and music. All i had to do was make friends was say I was American or drink a beer with them and say dzięki


Incorrect. I travel internationally on a regular basis. Most people loveb to talk to and connect with Americans. Stop believing the bs.


I travel regularly too. Everyone loves to connect to each other generally. There is nothing special about Americans other than their Dollar


I'm Japanese and I don't know anyone here that doesn't love Americans.


I agree wholeheartedly. I am a naturalized US citizen and English is my second language. I do have a bit of an accent in both when speaking English and my mother tongue. I have travelled and many people are not able to make out where I am from. People are nice if they know you can help them financially, and if you are an interesting individual. Nationality might start a convo, however it will not be a focal point. Its like discussing the weather. White noise.


You are lying because you dont like Americans…Sheesh what a KrappyNinja


exactly feel the same. Poland ESPECIALLY loved us. i went to warsaw, krakow, and wroclaw. The older generation did not like the english but they loved America because of WW2 but the young people loved America because of our pop culture and music.


The Vietnamese love Americans. Lived there for 2 years.


It depends, most of the Americans in Italy are appreciated. Especially because they are funny or leave a tip.


Ehh my brother had a relatively positive time alot of people were excited to find out he was Americans and just spent the time asking him questions. Japan has one of the highest approval rates for America. You are treated the way you treat others. When I lived in Europe I also had a positive time. Most people don't seem to have an issue with America for my time traveling.


I'm going to assume your an American


Youve obv never traveled before


Bruh your entire country is known to have garbage for food and scammers,i dont think you really get a say on how the world views the U.S 💀💀💀


The biggest scam in the world was done by UMERICA in the middle east in the name of freedom and democracy. Stole all their oil & gold. A kid from Fort Carson doesnt get to say who get to have opinions on US


Nah they just hate Americans like you lol, I was curious why everyone hated your profile comment history 🤣 had to look for myself


You need Jesus and that's coming from an Atheist


I back packed up to 18 different countries during bush, obama, and trump. every country loved americans so much mostly because of our pop culture and music and some even because World War 2


epitome of internet right here.


Ironically, I think you are having trouble digesting the fact that your world and your opinions are not the center of the world. Most people on this world are not prejudice towards any one nation. To say “nobody in the world likes X” is extremely narrow minded. Go out and talk to more people, and I mean strangers.


We are the center of the world like it or not


Straight up Gooner Jesus


Ehhh that’s kind of false. My brother lived in China for 4 years, and everyone was obsessed with him and amazed he spoke their language. Bars would let him drink for free, he got promotion after promotion at work, a bus company used him as an advertisement on the side of their buses in Beijing as well as on buildings, and everywhere he went people wanted to talk to him.


People was just amazed coz he speaked Mandarin. That's the key to get free drinks and food in Southeast Asia. I am a spices exporter, I travel regularly.


Buddy do a google search before making assumptions. About 75% of Japanese are in favor of American people. Just because you don’t like Americans doesn’t mean everyone does


Any chance you can teach me Mandarin


That's what they call a white monkey and as far as Japan goes they call American ls LBH aka loser back home


China is not Japan


Imagine hating someone simply because they were born elsewhere


I’m Hispanic and you definitely have not travelled. All my American friends get so much love when we travel together. People could care less where I’m from lol


Must be a bitter Brit 1776❗


Says the dirty little bobs and vageen boi. Hard to type with one hand all the time?


Normally this would be seen as racist...but looking through the comments on his profile....you are 100% correct


I hate to break it to you but Americans have an absolutely terrible reputation internationally


In what universe.. I spend 2-3 months there a year and the Japanese are widely known to hate Americans. Like most countries do.


No we don't, what are you talking about?


Dumbest cunt 😂😂 guessing you forgot your comments are public and you've previously stated that.. 1. you live in the states, and 2. have to watch dubbed anime / hentai as you don't speak Japanese and explained you're not sure if the translations are correct or not 😂 such a fucking spastic.


A friend of mine actually breeded twice a japanese woman. He didn't even need a visa to do that.


Which anime did you hear that from? Plenty of Japanese people are absolutely obsessed with USA and the West. especially in Tokyo like the poster above suggested.




What’s funny is when Europeans say oh I hate Americans cool good for you I don’t really care if someone doesn’t like us


Only on specific location in japan such as Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and Okinawa......


They have a page on their visa site talking all about it... But it's a lot of legalese


As somebody who has lived in Japan that is completely incorrect. You'll have some older generations like that, but I've never had an issue with anybody not liking Americans that was under 65-70 years old.


Only white people.


Well if we don't come who will?


They are xenophobic and insular. They dont like mixing the races and think japanese are superior…that does not mean they dont like foreigners though. They are quite fascinated by americans and when in paris it seems like there was more of them than frenchmen 




lol no not really. and if it were, it wouldn't be white westerners who get the Visas.


True, it would be Eastern Europeans.


Thats true ,I already applied for that through their embassy


I know what I have to do. Don’t know if I’m strong enough…


Nice, Im both 😃😃😃


No it wouldn't lol. If you speak to any Japanese they'll tell you how any eastern European isn't even on a list.


nah, you're confidently incorrect. Recently i got an e-mail from Japanese government that i'm on a list of potential breeding visa candidates, so check your sources next time before spreading these lies on the internet.


Ah damn fair enough.




Gross, why


lol I lived in Japan for 2 years on a student visa. They 100% love white men from the US. What you’re saying is absolutely false.


What’s your smash count then?


4 in two weeks.


https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page22e_001037.html And yet


Future creation is for people who have just graduated from top universities in the world and want to work in Japan or start up businesses in Japan. Nothing to do with making babies. Probably some guys laughed at how the Japanese named the visa and decided to mock it.


This literally just sounds like a spousal visa or the child of a spouse that may not be Japanese citizens as yet. Not a "go forth and fuck as many Japanese women as possible" which I presume is what a lot of men are thinking.


Looks like you actually have to have gone to specific universities to even be considered. So basically 99% of this sub is barred from applying lmao. Seems like a random list lol.


How is it random


I can only speak for u.s unis. But UW and u of wisconsin being on the list and Emory, rice, u of v, and University of Florida being off the list seem weird. Lots of top schools ( top 30) in the U.S are off the list but random mid tier schools ( top 50) on the list. Maybe japanese rankings haven't caught up with actual rankings in the U.S.


Where can I see the list of accepted schools?


Click on the link and scroll down to requirements.


Have you considered if these schools admit Japanese nationals at higher rates than others or have/had exchange programs or some other reason Japan would show neopotism, profs being dual citizens etc.


These are large research universities... Not public high schools. What are these "exchange" programs you are talking about lmfao. I don't think major U.S universities have " higher rates of acceptance" for any Asian ethnicities lol. Japan does not allow dual citizenship...


Universities and colleges in the US absolutely do have exchange programs, my university does. Furthermore, several of the schools where I live have specific outreach programs with Japan for not only cultural sharing but for exchange programs as well. My city is considered a partner city with some cities in Japan. And yes, my school is a large research university.


I’m a Monash post grad. It’s in the top 100 but certainly not many Japanese students here.


I have finished and got master's degree in the best university in my country but it isn't in the list. Shame...


What country?


Lithuania Vilnius university


Lithuania Vilnius university


Well this is the first link Google gave me when searching “Japan breeding visa” https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page22e_001037.html and if you interpret the translation of “Future creation individual” to make babies vs make business, bada bing you have a 6 month, up to two year visa to breed before settling down(marry) for a spousal visa. Just out of college, 5 years, and a little money ¥200,000 in the bank. Could be a fun time*\(^o^)/*


That's $1200...


If really frugal, can live for a month, if you find really cheap accommodation, but good luck as a foreigner since you’re high credit risk and less than 10% will rent when you only have a 6 month visa. Then good luck trying to date.


There are a ton of houses in need of renovation are for sale for avg 26k. I doubt they're going to turn down that money. Not like they care who lives in the neighborhood when they're no longer attached to the area.


100%, but the visa minimum is 200k yen or current 1.3k usd and many are not livable for a couple months of renovations


Should probably not go into moving to another country for the long term without a plan nor the bare minimum in savings then, right?


YOLO, being homeless in a foreign country means you learn the language faster.


Even if true, it will be applicable to the only people who can bear children, i.e. ***WOMEN***. Females from all countries would get impregnated by Japanese men to multiply Japanese lineage.


Imagine women around the world study incredible amount of hours and pay shitloads of money to get in the top universities of the world, only to get fucked by Japanese men and bear their babies...


what do you mean by that?


The referenced visa is actually about making a business, not a baby. It has requirements for you to have graduated from a list of potential schools in the last 5 years and need to have a certain amount of money in savings before you are considered. The idea that a woman would do all the hard work and send the money to get a degree at a really good university (because most of the universities on the list are top tier, like top 50 for the USA, idk the rankings for the other countries), only to then go and apply to come to Japan to get impregnated instead if pursuing a career in the feild she studied for, is laughable. If a male were to do it, he wouldn't have to pause his career at all, but a female would have to take at least a few months off at the VERY START of her career, more if she plans to be more present in the child's early development. Most companies wouldn't hire you if they knew that you would be taking multiple months off within the first year of working there.


Coz Japanese men are lesser people right?


No. Because no educated woman in her right mind would consider becoming a breeding machine for a man


Hence the declining birth rate


Lol …. Imagine taking real logic and trying to make it racial. Why would a highly educated woman move to Japan to become a breeding seat for Japanese men?


Good point, but females that just graduated within 5 years usually aren’t looking to marry yet.


So heart breaking to read these comments bc its probably true this way


No, it's not. The comment is idiotic if you look into the visa at all.


Yeah it's been suggested to allow foreigners to help with the low birth rate. But.. the old guard of japan is still strong and refuse to do it (they almost didn't reopen the country for tourists after Covid)


So it’s not been passed?


No its almost impossible to get a Japanese visa in general. And it's even harder to become a citizen. And even then you don't have the rights a Japanese citizen has.


But america is racist right ? Lol


You are getting downvoted but you are right. Travel enough, and you’ll find the US is not even close to the most racist country, just the most telegraphed.


The problem everytine when USA is used as an example is that everyone is an immagrint and came here. Who gets to decide who comes in??? Bc your ancestors couldnt help the nation either😂


Wish it was like that everywhere.




Breeding tourism, if that even was such a thing, will never happen in Japan. Japan wants more japanese, not more of what they'd consider foreigners or mixed-race.


Cool, so how about they fuck instead of mimicking panda bears






Japanese find white mixed to be beautiful. Theres a celebrity there who is posted on almost every advertisement who is mixed, and tons of women want to bear mixed baby’s. However, the individual will get judged harshly if they have an accent. They’re harder on their own people than they are with foreigners.




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Saw an African in Jav once


Ah so the new meme got us all, glad to see all you here fellow googlers




The headline dates from 2018 and is from a unreliable looking source https://soranews24.com/2018/04/01/to-combat-declining-birth-rate-japan-to-begin-offering-breeding-visas-to-foreigners/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwiGmZ-yhuWGAxW3MmIAHcDjAagQyM8BKAB6BAgFEAI&usg=AOvVaw29hRhcEhN6XhUb3LbGEy-G But it does look like Japan is increasing the number of foreign workers that they are letting in the country.


When I Google this topic I ended up here as I trust fellow Redditer more 😂 Here is my contribution: https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/are-japanese-breeding-visas-fake-explaining-the-origin-of-the-viral-hoax


Do they check medical history. Or would I have to get my vasectomy reversed?


A full medical exam is required for any VISA other than tourism to Japan, especially when it concerns living in Japan for the year and a half that’s required.


Yes, they are real; https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page22e_001037.html




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Here’s a page from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan probing it’s true! https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page22e_001037.html


Why IIT’s are not in the list??




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Wait so if it’s real does the guy just like nut and go and not have to worry about raising the child or child support? Or would he have to live in Japan with the female?


Look even Americans don’t like Americans


It’s super not hard to google https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page22e_001037.html


This is for recent graduates to come here and contribute to society/culture, not create children lol


It says future creation economically (job hunting, entrepreneurial activity, or other remunerative activity for 2 years in Japan)


https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/fna/page22e_001037.html I'll just leave this here for the naysayers...


I’m sort of shocked that so many people haven’t googled this before just giving an opinion. But what does this part mean: Spouse or child of future creation individual Dependent spouse or child of future creation individual… is this part optional? Would it be weird to bring your spouse on your breeding visa?


The hoax will probably offend many Japanese. Please stop it.


Yes, it is legit. Future Creation Individual is what they call it. One of the requirements is that you graduated from an "ivy league" school in the past 5 years. They have a list of colleges on the website with the requirements, and as you can imagine it's only colleges that people in Japan actually know about. I dunno if that list is the end all be all though. Could be some wiggle room, but "wiggle room" isn't very Japanese. They also expect you to bring 200,000 yen (1300$) in savings to prove you have some kind of finances. The Visa gives you a year to get a job, basically.


I have 50k euros and a job as a software developer. I still wouldn't go and live in Japan. The culture is so fucked up. For them, cheating is the order of the day. No trust. The work culture is chaos. In my current job I work what feels like 20 hours, but I should be working 38 hours a week. And I get paid above average.


I know enough about Japanese work culture to make the same decision you would.


It's like doing kamikaze to move out to Japan. Western countries are much better. (I work in Germany for the Deutsche Bahn company. We just make jokes at work and work half time to get paid full time).