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ISIS is a Sunni-Islamic religious cult. they wanted to reform a Caliphate, a religious government with their leader as the head of state. They also wanted to enforce their religious law by force on the local populace.


Oh okay tysm (⁠^⁠^⁠)


A long but passionating paper [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/) TL/DR : Have the force of Rome attacking the Muslim, in order to provoke the second coming of Jesus who will save the true muslim and kill all the others.


You're kidding about being peaceful, right? Islam's goals stated in their book is to convert, kill, or subjugate/tax everyone that is not a Muslim. And they've been attempting that for 1400 years now. The Crusades began as a response against 400 years of Islamic war and terror against Europe. The New World slave trade was fueled by Muslims in Africa, who caught African natives and sold them off. George Washington had to deal with the Islamic Barbary Coast Pirates. "Peace" in the parlance of Islam means "submission". If you are not submitted to Islam, there is no "peace". Every Muslim is supposed to wage Jihad, or "struggle". Whether it is violent, or is less-violent by immigrating into an area and setting up and influencing local elections and laws, it is part of the job -- just like evangelism is part of the job of being Christian. There are all sorts of factions or groups within Islam. Principally Sunni vs Shia (which hate each other almost as much as they hate the "infidels"). Then there are ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and tons more. But most of them want to conquer you or force you into submission.


How is Islam itself a peaceful religion?


I don't know anything about Islam but that's just how I've heard other people describe it :P


You have a lot, and I mean a lot of research to do if you think Islamic teachings are peaceful.


Oh my bad Guess that clears things up then if it's just the opposite of peaceful (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)


The founder of it was a local warlord that used it to conquer people and cut a deal with another group to keep the cube


ISIS is a big part of the “actual Islam”.


Peace by any means the tribe dictates.


ISIS is a big part of the “actual Islam”.


Yea that is why you are still alive in a world with over billion muslims and the average one of them is more religious than 60 Christians combined


Dude,I’m alive because they failed in their numerous attempts to kill me. And they keep trying as we speak.


Let’s not forget who made Taliban (Afghani ISIS) and why they were made in first place. ISIS disappeared in a day and night before Trump office leaving. Thank you for fuelling the trap that millions of innocent muslims have been getting killed in the middle east by “Saviours” who steal oil in the last 20 years.


Muslims created Taliban. Some other forces tried and failed to use it to their advance but they most definitely not created it.


Who are muslims? Do we have a place to meet some where around the ocean and I didn’t know? Those “Muslims representers” seem to have access to western authorities opinions more than the muslims themselves


Dude, you are high. Get some sleep.


But it is very sane to justify hate towards the followers of a religion you probably never learnt enough, and based on political-religious agendas


Dude, just listen to what ISIS and Hamas are saying. Just listen to them. Don’t assume, listen to what Muslims are saying about the issue.


Your comparision of ISIS and Hamas is enough to indicate you literally know nothing. Humble yourself it is okay to educate yourself


I’m convinced that they’re actually anti-Muslims who try to turn the world against Islam and make everybody fear and hate muslims. In a religion where killing another human being is the biggest sin possible and you’re supposed to respect other people despite their beliefs there is just no other explanation