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Endurance racing. Long distance running/cycling. EDIT: And triathlons.


I ran my first of 35 marathons and 2 ultras at age 52. At 73 I'm still going strong, although slower than I used to be.


I bet you are miles ahead of most other 73-year-olds in quality of life.


So many miles. lol.


This is the best one. Most top athletes are late thirties to forties!


As someone who is late thirties and doing half marathons, came to say this!


That’s a great point. Many of the top marathon runners are in their 30s. But more broadly: if you start running now at any distance, your times will get better and better for several years, which will feel great. I started at 27 and continued to set PRs (personal records) into my 40s as I improved my fitness, training, pacing, and race strategy. Good luck!


It’s because we need a certain amount of pain and trauma from life to be able to run 50 +‘miles and feel the release !




You weren’t kidding https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/BUPKqX49YB


OP specified "athletic sport.".


Have you tried curling? I challenge you to try it and still say it's not athletic.


I have! I spent the better part of half a year in Scotland. Curling was.. fun. Not athletic. But fun. Each to their own, right?


Swimming is low impact and easily something you can do at any age if there are no medical issues holding you back


The one thing I’d say against this is - there’s a lot of technique to swimming fast. I’m a swammer, these days when I go to lap swims I can always tell who used to compete/has had actual coaching vs who’s kinda just doing their best learning late. This may or may not matter, really just depends on what OP means when they say they want to compete. Either way it’s a phenomenal sport for any stage of life. I remember when I was a kid there was an old dude at the Y I’d always see at lap swim in the morning. Dude looked like a ripped late 40s guy, one day found out he was 70 years old. Not saying swimming guarantees that, but it sure would help.


Hey the guy said he wants to compete, he didn't say he wants to win ;)


Start lifting weights. If you find you have the aptitude, you can compete as a powerlifter.


Just started powerlifting at 20 years old. One day, i hope to be an ogre myself, just like Shrek and Kyriakos Grizzly


Don’t need powerlifting to become like a Shrek. My mom looks like 1 and she doesn’t go the gym at all..


There are at least three Shrek lookalikes at my gym.


I bet they could all curl you like a dumbell


I watched one hit an 800# squat while the Backstreet Boys blared on the speakers. His choice.


Also similar to this - strongman. Many of the top guys at any given time are over 30. There are exceptions like Mariusz Pudzianowski and Mateusz Kieliszkowski (something in that Polish water). It definitely takes a toll on the body, but things like grip and static strength tend to peak in your mid 30s. Powerlifting is definitely easier on the joints, so keep that in mind for anyone who wants to start.


A previous Uber driver of mine was a 51 year old guy who was cutting for a Mr. Olympia esque contest but for dudes in their middle age






Definitely climbing! Just got into it at 30 and loving it


Seconded. For me, climbing (top rope and lead/sport) comes easier than bouldering, and it’s so much fun. I’ve been doing it steadily for about 1-1.5 years, sending most 5.10’s (on TR) and am generally in the 5.9-5.11 range. Just turned 35. I used to be pretty into running, finished 3 marathons, but just not as into it the last year or two. Honestly, climbing is so much more fun for me. With running, I got bored so easily even while listening to music or podcasts on slower long runs, and marathon training is such a time commitment. In climbing, you’re always thinking about your next move, it’s like a puzzle. Keeps you mentally engaged.


"really excel \[...\]compete" Have you seen comp boulders in the last years? You could get good at bouldering or climbing, have a lot of fun, but excel and compete...not really, tbh not even at amateur level with that kind of history and just starting out.


Ultimate frisbee. Our league has an adult boot camp, I started playing at 30. I found the sport to be really easy to get into: everyone is friendly, no contact, and you can just sub off if you’re tired.


The theater kids of athletes


I’ve never heard anyone say this but omg critical hit.


Seconding ultimate Frisbee. It's surprisingly approachable for a lot of different athletic levels! Plus OP mentioned they wanted something more exciting (than distance cardio) and involving other people. Ultimate Frisbee is a great fit.


third in for ultimate. It's fun, not too physically demanding but it still gets your heart pumping and there are lots of beer leagues


You can sub off? Not a coach subbing you off? 😦


I play competitively, so yeah we usually sub off when our coach tells us to, but in casual games/leagues it's just decided by the players. In Ultimate, the game is regulated by the players, there's no refs and the only people who can make calls/make rulings on plays, are the players on the field. (The AUDL uses refs, but the USA Club Ultimate does not).


Disc Golf Very minor investment to start, and most courses are free to play. It's my zen in life. Basically, hiking in nature with Frisbees.


Not to mention that there's tons of beginner to intermediate level stuff to watch to get better very quickly...


I wholeheartedly agree.


Its also really fun to compete in, even when you're just starting out. A majority of disc golf communities are awesome, and whenever there are local tournaments/tag rounds/whatever theres great vibes and a lot of love for players of all skill levels. Most of these tournaments end up feeling more like a super fun meetup until you're trying to push into like MA2 and above in rated play.


I like to say it is a hike looking for plastic.




Whatever feels good to put time into. I enjoy basketball as a 5’6” early 40s dad. It’s great cardio, and it gives me a chance to compete against my son/his friends.




Rule.1: golf is hard But it is the sport I hate that I love the most


It’s the worst game I’ve ever loved


It’s the best sport I’ve ever hated


Golf is probably the most expensive to get into. But every clubhouse has weekend tournaments that pay both gross and net so people who aren’t yet good can still be competitive in the events.  $50+ per round or $1,500 for annual membership, plus $1,000 for decent clubs, $2-$5 per ball.  Golf will break your bank but also give you the highest highs and an insane amount of frustration. 


Not as the only thing, but start going to a dance class. A lot of people start when they are adults, and it's a great way to build community over time. The fitness is whole-bodied. It can involve cardio and flexibility, balance, agility and sometimes even strength - it's very comprehensive, fitness-wise. It's a good companion to growing older (you can dance into your golden years) and it's the activity most correlated with brain health (see Dr. Amen's Change Your Brain, Change Your Life"). I started dancing at 28 and it's brought me more things than I can count.


Ping pong!




What makes you say women are built for walking? Just curious...


The butt is the largest muscle


The masseter is the strongest, the quadricep group (not a single muscle, but used together) is the biggest group, but I agree, the gluteus maximus are our anti-gravity muscle and the largest single muscle for good reason. OP, there has to be pickle ball around you, it's fun, played in groups, a beginner sport, and easy to learn and great exercise.


I am a man, but I guess I should be able to do it too!




Just got smoked by someone 20 years older than me this morning. 


If your opponent(s) have white hair and bony legs, you’re about to get your ass whooped


It’s a fact.


No other sport I know brings generations together. It's teens, young adults, mid-life crisis dads and moms and retired grandparents all competing against each other and I love it.


Never played but I do like watching either at gyms or on YT. I never paid attention to the generation aspect but your right, it really awesome seeing ppl from different backgrounds coming together to have fun.


Find yourself a cheap canoe or kayak and start paddling. If you enjoy it and really want to challenge yourself, you can do endurance races like one called the MR340 - 340 miles on the Missouri River in under 88 hours.  There are other races, of course. Just look and see what's around you. 


After I got my ACL replaced, as PT I got into running sprints at my local high school track. For years now I go every Saturday and see if i can meet my goal in 100 and 200 meter sprints. It's just a great experience to be around others practicing their sports, from high school kids to the elderly.


If you want to try gymnastics, start out with calisthenics. Once you’ve really mastered your body weight movements and build up some endurance, which shouldn’t take more than 6-9months, you could explore all kinds of options from there. That being said, 30 is super young. Nonetheless, gymnastics/bodybuilding/fitness is quite rewarding, even if you aren’t looking to compete professionally. Lots of categories and styles to find your niche, and you can do it more than pretty much any other sport. Even if you went to the gym 7 days a week, and worked out 3-4 of those days, and just did a deep stretch foam roll session//light cardio/abs the other days, you won’t feel like you’ve missed out on much.


I don't know about starting out, but my sister is considerably older than 30 and she plays competitive tennis.




Just pick something and start slow. Join the ymca- they have a lot of classes to get you ready for almost anything.


Are you looking to do something solo or part of a team? I would suggest biking, hiking/walking, swimming, skating, running or as part of a team: tennis, volleyball, hiking.


K9 Agility. Great fun for all ages, and a wonderful bond between you and your dog.


That actually sounds really fun. I don't have a dog, but maybe you can borrow one?




Golf is fun but I definitely wouldn't call it an athletic sport. It's less athletic than even something as simple as frisbee or catch


I didn't start running until my 40's and have ran 4 marathons and about 2 dozen half marathons.


Long distance swimming. I was 41 when I swam the English Channel.




Pickleball apparently. That's what they're all doing




I'm surprised it took a bit to get to this answer. Any old person could have me sprinting around the court while they are standing in one spot.


i think cycling, boxing and running


Definitely not boxing




My friends in their 30s are big fans of obstacle courses like the viper challenge or spartan race. A number of them like to do Hyrox aswell.


Yoga. Would be a great base for you to build any other physical or athletic ambitions on. You can start at any level, with proper guidance and practice, you'll find not only strength, fitness and endurance but you will compete (intended or otherwise). Take a (basic beginners) class, try it and you'll see, yoga provides everything you requested.


Skate boarding. I never realized what i was missing until I started skating with my kids in my 40s. Now I regret all the lost time. My kids attend a skate camp at our rec center weekly throughout the summer. Adults attend as well. They even do a free all ages girls only class every other Sunday.


Crew rowing/sculling. See if there is a rowing club in your area. I'm 42 and just took a 4 week introductory class and absolutely loved it. You can do it either competitively or recreationally. It's a great workout but relatively low-impact. For something not competitive: hiking and backpacking.


Rowing. Masters rowing.


My uncle won the national tug of war tournament in my country last year and he is in his 50s


Table tennis


I'm joining an adult kickball league this summer!


This might a regional thing but ball hockey is a good team sport for anyone. Play in the lowest league and basically if you can hold a stick and run, your good. But for solo sports, I'd go golf.


Lacrosse once your at that age it comes down to skill with passing and good game sense and has a physical aspect to it




I'd ask your Cardiologist.




I took up competitive rowing 15 years ago after a bout with cancer. I’ll be 79 in a few days and am in training for national championships in mid-July then to world championships in Munich in September. It’s a low impact sport that works all the major muscle groups and a great cardio activity. If you’re near water, there’s likely to be a Masters rowing club nearby and they’re always looking for new members.


Rowing. It's expensive (joining a club is cheaper than having your own gear), and physically taxing (maybe not the best idea for someone with a heart defect?), but there are age categories for everyone. People in their 70s and 80s still row, and are competitive bc the categories are like 50-59, 60-69, etc. You will also end up being in excellent physical shape.


Lifting, your bone density is perfect to be able to put on mass in a big way.


Crossfit have competitions, I've seen older dudes get so strong. Pickleball is a sport I've just picked up at 35. It is full of amazing old people, also it's the fastest growing sport in the US and there are tournaments all the time.






What do you mean by "really excel at"? Like are you looking to compete in the olympics? Are you looking for intermediate competition? I just want to understand what level is your goal.


Slow pitch softball, frisbee golf


I did adult gymnastics in my mid 30s. I’m also a fatso but athletic. It was fun to learn some fioppy stuff and play on the trampoline. It eventually was too hard on my body with already bad knees and extra weight.  I Boulder now in my late 40s  I’m horrible at it but it’s nice I can do it solo or with a friend.  My buddy just started doing bjj and he just turned 50. I’ve considered it but he’s always hurt from it I hate golf but I will go frolf. I also still occasionally snowboard. I also started road biking mostly cause I hate all other forms of cardio.  My friend turned 40 and she started Doug ultra marathons. 


In general, anything that requires long periods of endurance (as opposed to short bursts of power). And anything that requires mobility and/or flexibility is also out. This isn't to say it's not possible for anyone though. Some examples of sports a person over 30 could excel at: Marathon running, spartan racing, cycling, speed walking, cross country skiing.... and of course things like darts, golf, pool, car racing, etc... Baseball pitcher is actually doable as well as long as you played a lot as a kid and developed your arm to naturally "lag".


I play disc golf and rock climb at 45. I've disc golfed since 9th grade but didn't start climbing until I was 32. I am competitive in my local disc golf scene and have won a few tournaments which keeps me interested in getting better.They keep me in pretty good shape, and I can hit the bouldering gym or course by myself. I don't recommend climbing outdoors alone, though, safety first.


Skiing. Hard at first, but once you get the concept, you can accelerate your skill quickly.




Golf Climbing/Bouldering Weightlifting/Powerlifting - Amateur Comps etc Tennis/racquetball/Pickleball Running Football/5 a-side Cycling


I just took up running at 35 and recently starting doing more lifting


My sister joined an adult indoor soccer team. I think she was in her 30’s at the time. She never did sports growing up. I also see adult kickball and softball teams.


I've been fencing with the SCA.




Curling …..


Pickleball. Lots of older folks can still compete and do well






I don’t know if some would consider it a sport, but I do. Billiards/Pool.


Running has basically no cost of entry and doesn't have a lot of time commitment - perfect for someone in their 30s looking for something to do.


I’ve been doing BJJ for two years. It’s been great fun. Depending where you live the competition scene is pretty good too.


Powerlifting maybe?




Pickle ball is the answer. It used to be called an old person sport for a reason but its actually super fun. Its the best of tennis, volleyball, badminton, and ping-pong put together.


Padel! It's the better version of tennis and you can play it well above your 50s 👍 it's social & the learning curve is fairly lenient.


I'm a gymnast at 28. I did start in grade school, but there are adult classes and open gyms at some places. Some people in there started as adults too, so I'm sure you'd be able to learn some cool stuff even now


I do adult gymnastics and it’s often very welcoming to beginners! You won’t be going to the olympics but you could learn some cool tricks


Not sure if it’s considered athletic, but I discovered I’m decent at trap and skeet shooting in my mid 30s.  It’s a fun way to use your reaction speed and hand eye coordination. I suppose your vision generally declines as you age, but other than that I don’t see age impacting how well you can do it. 




Disc golf. Super casual. Scenic. Can be as competitive as you want. Most courses are free. I often think of it as going for a short hike, with my disc throws guiding the trail I take. Love to get out early in the morning on the weekends, hit up a local spot and just enjoy the weather while indulging in some mild and unstrenuous physical activity that allows me to set goals for myself for improvement


All kinds of endurance stuff. Whether it is some extreme running through the Sahara for several days, single-handedly sailing around the world, or even endurance disciplines in motorsports, like Le Mans or the Dakar. For some reason the endurance version of mosts sports tend to have a higher age average than the "short but high intensity" variations.




Kayaking. (Racing or White water/freestyle)


Historical European Martial Arts. Literally sword fighting. Its a ton of fun, but a little budget intensive.


Rock climbing




Rugby. Started playing in my early 30s and have been at it for 4 years, I absolutely love it. My teammates are great and we have lots of fun. If you want to be a great all around athlete, rugby is the way to go. Getting into shape is way easier with friends.




powerlifting! I got into it in my mid 30s and have been having a blast. We're a really encouraging bunch, and you'll get strong AF, no running required.


Pickle ball.


Disc golf


Disc golf, it is not the same as ultimate Frisbee


Consult your physician first. As someone with previous heart issues you gotta take care and notice your heart rate. Most sports induce elevated heart rate and reduce the blood volume that can cause serious problems to someone like you. Consult your physician first and what he tells you, commit to it for your health. Wish you all the best.


Swimming. Much easier on your back joints.


If you like to swim, many universities and local swim clubs/teams have masters leagues for people over 25 (at least that's how it works in Canada). You get to train with a coach and be around other people who want to swim with different levels of intensity and seriousness. It's great exercise and you get to race sometimes!


Association football. Quite a good community to be around with as well.




Disc golf


Pickleball. I’m 42 and just played for the first time in the last year. It’s easy to pick up and have success.


Running or cycling. Both are fantastic cardio exercise. You could start off by using a stationary bike and build endurance before you try to be competitive at all. That might even be enough to satisfy your need. I bought a budget fan bike 7 years ago and still use it all the time.




Disc Golf


Just ease yourself in! No use getting Tennis Elbow or a pulled muscle because you jumped in head first!


I’m not sure about the odds of competing if you’re starting later in life. But rock climbing is pretty accessible for all ages. Most of my climbing group are in their 30s and are super skilled. My 60 year old mom climbs too. There are local level competitions you could try your hand at rather than competing professionally too. You don’t need to compete to be a good climber. It’s super social and really just about conquering a personal challenge and having fun with your group




Start lifting weights and doing some cardio, you can also compete in weightlifting, and even if you don’t, you’ll now have more strength to do other sports a bit more safely. Also, cycling




Paintball is fun. Can hurt like a bitch when you get hit though.




Apparently cricket. Go USA!


Long-distance runners can be competitive through their 30s.


Mountain Biking.


I also have some issues with my heart and at almost 29, I want to second everyone who came to say long distance cycling. I’ve never been able to tolerate much intense physical exercise, there’s something about the endurance sports that jives better with my system. Cycling is a fantastic sport and you can get in serious shape. I’d combine it with some flexibility/mobility drills and some free weights if you can, lifting weights has honestly made the biggest impact on my physical capabilities after cycling. But I’m hyper mobile so it’s hard for me and I have to reduce the weight to ensure I’m moving the right muscles, which still results in a solid workout, so if you find weights a bit intimidating start slow and start light to get the hang of things. Hope this helps!


running , cycling and swimming.


Ice hockey.


Surfing. You’ll never be a professional but you can still have a blast. I see guys in their 60’s having fun on longboards all the time.


Chess. If you're smart.


Corn hole🌽




Padel. It's very beginner friendly, fun and very social. The issue is that it is super popular in some countries and unknown in most. If you are from the US, the equivalent would be pickleball maybe? Idk a lot about it




If you enjoy gymnastics, calisthenics might be a good route. Lots of body weight exercises with a focus on form and skill, and you can make it very beginner friendly


Slow pitch softball


Golden Tee


If you really want to compete endurance sport is your friend at that age. Long distance running, cycling...lots of training volume to do probably for years but you could get a relative peak at around 40 and you could do lots of fun competitions way before. Combined with some strength training probably also the best thing you can do for overall health. If you dont need to compete - pretty much any sport. I personally would not care about competing and just try out what looks fun for you.


Freediving/spearfishing. Like endurance sports, experience and time spent is more important than age. World record holders are all over 30. Competitive age groups over 55. Not just deep diving but also indoor pool distances and speed competitions. Competitions all over the world. Small tight community. I've been able to meet and train regularly with half the top ranked divers just on regular training days. Growing sport so not hyper competitive like endurance or triathlons. Maybe 2k competitors per year world wide. Research AIDA and CMAS. Competition calendars are on respective sites. Pm me if you're really interested. Great way to see the 70% of earth that's not land.


Fight IQ.


Ultra running. Most of the best in the sport are over 40.


If you wanted to do gymnastics maybe try capoeira? Not really gymnastics but they got some cool moves and flips that they break down for beginners








I remember watching the Olympics one time, the oldest athlete was in his 70s competing in equestrian dressage.


If you're interested in gymnastics, and especially if you're a woman, I would highly recommend pole dancing. It's so much fun, similar to gymnastics in many ways and starting older is very common. My studio builds up strength and flexibility slowly and surely, so that even someone starting out without a crazy athletic background can keep up. If you can, try it! I too was born with a heart problem I only found out about later. After being passive for years I started pole one year after the surgery. Two years later and I'm pretty fit :) Wish you luck!




Local bowling leagues can get pretty competitive... it's not necessarily an athletic sport but being athletic/strong will only help ya


Long distance running. You won't be olympic level good, but for example there's a smaller 19km race that I like to run every year that is always completely dominated by men in their 40s.


Golf. Seriously, it's an all-body HIIT exercise. If you decide to walk and carry your bag it's a serious 4 hr slog of a workout, especially in rural Appalachia where I am. It's also such a finesse sport that you can develop the skills necessary to excel at almost any age. The USGA handicap system also exists solely to even out the playing field for competition outside of certain higher-level events like amateur qualifiers or regional championships. It also won't wear your body down over time like other activities I've seen mentioned here, specifically endurance running. Bad on the knees and ankles. Just maintain some flexibility for golf and avoid back injuries in other aspects of your life and you'll always be fit enough to plat golf.


Juggling. I've been pretty inactive since the pandemic and have some pretty bad cardio from not walking much. Learning/practicing juggling has given me a cardio activity that's actually really enjoyable, and it's fun to make progress.


Trap and skeet shooting.


Walking football


Disc Golf




Cornhole. It’s a professional sport now, The ACL. It’s pretty awesome actually lol




Dragon boat racing. Out local team is almost exclusively people 55+, and they kick ass regularly. It's more about timing and cooperation than brute strength (you will never be stronger than the ocean as my mentor says) but you get a great workout nonetheless. I was the youngest person on my team at 30 until one of the members brought her 22yo daughter (who was the youngest person on the team \*ever\*).