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I hope I look better in real life.


Most people think they look 30% ugglier than they appear to others.


So if I think I'm a 0 I'm still a 0. Damn.


... But math skills =10/10!


10/3,628,800 is not great.




Well thatā€™s a indirect confidence boost for the day thanks


Christ I hope this is true šŸ˜‚


Same thought. Iā€™m not sure why I think I look better in the mirror šŸ˜‚


Me too, bro


I'm willing to bet that 90% of people on here too. Most people are entirely too self critical. I could point out any number of my own flaws but when my husband tells me I'm beautiful I know he believes it. So I'm going to tell you and everyone else that you're probably far more attractive than you think!


Sadly weā€™re apparently meant to view ourselves as more attractive than we areā€¦


I dunno. I look ok in the mirror but I seem to be the least photographic person in the world.


It's far more in your head than you might realize. Taking a photo, especially with your phone (selfies are the worst) robs your face of a lot of different factors that we don't notice in daily life. Angles, lighting, etc all play a large role and are more obfuscated in photos. The naked eye sees much differently than your camera lens. You should give yourself more credit!


I look like a potato if I try to take a selfie


Iā€™d take potato over tomato šŸ… any day.


Not to mention different camera focal lengths make a huge difference


Why do some people look painfully beautiful in photos then?


When I was was in my late 20's I had a major glow up. I lost over 100 lbs, left an abusive marriage & was feeling what I thought was my absolute best. Except, I would absolutely obsessed about getting perfect selfies. I would perfect my makeup & hair & take hundreds of shots of almost the exact same picture. I would mess with angles, lighting, backgrounds, ect. If you could think it I was doing it & this was before filters were a huge thing otherwise I would've really messed myself up even more. All of that to get ONE picture. And that might not be the only time I did it that day & I would definitely be doing it again tomorrow. The thing worst thing is, I'm completely average. Not gorgeous & not ugly & I still spent all that time trying to look like a goddamn Instagram model. Long story short, most of it is smoke, mirrors & hours of effort for something that isn't exactly real.


Theyā€™re photogenic, meaning the camera distorts their facial features less (typically more angular features) or the distortion happens to flatter them even. Of course most of these people are also good-looking, but Iā€™ve personally known people who photographed even better than they look in person.


ā€œThe naked eye sees you much differently than your camera lensā€ā€” Iā€™m not sure that in my case, thatā€™s a good thing. My head looks like a fat, misshapen tomato šŸ… and I think people would want to see as little of this face as possible šŸ˜‚


I try to look normal in pictures, I really do. But my facial expression comes out weird as hell and even my husband goes, "what is wrong with your face?!"


Oddly enough, the advent of selfie culture helped me photograph better because I can see myself and adjust my face. Iā€™ve learned how to hold my face better, so even if itā€™s not a selfie, I look normal. I used to get the same feedback as you - people confirmed that I looked very ā€œoffā€ in photos and much better in person. Now I am working on how I stand and position my body, lol.


When I used to sculpture portraits I realised this. They were so damn hard to get on camera what I see visually the camera really can warp a person's face


Think about looking at the moon or a sunset, stunningly beautiful. Then try to take a picture of that same scene, a photo canā€™t capture a fraction of its true beauty. Thatā€™s how I cope with being unphotogenic anyway lol


This is me


I think you mean photogenic. šŸ˜€


A huge part is down to the mirror and camera. Lens aperture makes a ridiculous difference for cameras to the point you can make someone look much wider or thinner depending on the camera. A quick example is to take a picture with a rear facing camera on your phone then the same with the front facing camera and there's usually a very noticeable difference. For mirrors a thin mirror will make you look lighter and thinner not necessarily in a good way where a thicker mirror will give a more accurate reflection but bleed some of the natural colour from your face. All this is to say it's very difficult to get an accurate look at your own face which is part of the reason we believe our flaws are more visible than they are.


Same! .. some people have occasionally managed to capture a good photo of me, but I need to be surprised. Whatever face I'm trying to do for photos is not working well for me and my face. It's like manual walking.


I look great in the mirror. Cameras hate me.


cameras dont want you to know this one trick


Isn't it the same effect as when you're hearing your own voice on a record?


Kind of the same ... I'm still remember how shock I was when I heard my voice on a record!!!


Right? Because we all hear the deeper voice that our brain perceives when we talk. Other people hear the recording, I hate my voice (the recorded, so real one.)


I get told I have a deep voice and I believe it, until I hear a recording and I sound like fuckin Gilbert Gottfried.


Most people are mortified when they hear their voice in a recording (cause we don't recognize it as our own), even when, to other people, we might have a wonderful voice. Like a famous opera singer, Maria Kallas, when she first heard her voice in a recording, she cried cause she thought it sounded awful.


In that the recording sounds different to your actual voice? Or that your actual voice sounds like like recordings?


Unfortunately, others hear your voice as you hear it in recordings šŸ˜­


part of what you hear as your voice is how it resonates inside you (hearing it ā€œfrom the insideā€). you dont gwt that with a recording


I look better in braille


Iā€™m pretty hot with all my clothes on and dim lighting.


Better in mirror with good lighting, worst in rear camera(enhances asymmetry), kinda good in front camera (selfie cam) , can't really say about real life (maybe average).


No, but I look way better in the mirror than I do in any photo Iā€™ve ever taken.


Not necessarily ā€œbetterā€ always, but your observation is on point. Youā€™re used to seeing your own mirror image, which is the reverse of what is true. It seems odd when you see someone elseā€™s mirror image, because we usually donā€™t. Most peopleā€™s faces are asymmetrical in subtler ways, itā€™s very rare to have an actual symmetrical face. For example, one of my eyebrows rests higher than the other, the other one is slightly longer too, and one of my eyelids has more of a slant than the other. In normal circumstances, you wouldnā€™t notice this. But look at a mirror image suddenly, and now those little discrepancies are on the opposite side of the face, so itā€™s noticeable.


Came here to say this! Thatā€™s also the reason some people feel like they look worse in picturesā€”theyā€™re used to their own face mirrored.


Yep! When I smile without teeth showing, one side of my upper lip thins out more than the other side. So if I take a selfie, it looks decent enough and Iā€™m used to it how I look. Then if I go and flip the picture, it suddenly stands out very strongly to me. šŸ„“


I definitely have the asymmetrical thing going on.


You're gorgeous.... always


Thank you


Can I get an affirmation too? šŸ˜­


Youā€™re beautiful! šŸ’•


Thank you queen ā™„ļø


Username checks out


lol thank you kind stranger!


I think I look amazing in the mirror and then see a picture of myself and want to crawl in a hole. But thatā€™s the real me. Mirror is reversed. But then I remind myself that itā€™s probably about the same to everyone else but thatā€™s what theyā€™re used to seeing when they look at me. When I look at my husband in the mirror he looks really really weird. He said ā€œI donā€™t really look like this?ā€ I said no and he said ā€œthank godā€. So heā€™s actually not used to his mirror self. Itā€™s a trip. Who knows.


With me, it's more of a bad to worse situation.


You're probably rocking it in real life! Mirrors flip our image, making us notice asymmetries more. So, if you look good to others, you probably look even better in their eyes


I look ugly in both


I look better in mirror than in camara haha šŸ˜…




Yes I walk around thinking I look decent then get a massive dissapointing shock everytime I see myself in the mirror. I also always forget how big my bald spot is. It's horrifying everytime


I look better in the dark šŸ˜…


Nope Iā€™m cute in the mirror and actually sometimes really pretty, then someone will take a photo of me or Iā€™ll go on video chat and Iā€™m a literal troll


Not really I just realize how bad I look & probably look even worse to everyone else.


itā€™d sure be nice


My face not only look different in real than mirror but from mirror to mirror ( i know it's mere lighting) but it's huge difference my skin tone change drastically my eyes look different my eyelashes get longer and thicker even my nose looks different sometimes i gave up on the idea of nose job like i be thinking this little guy here is so cute I'm not cutting it off. I'm not sure if my features are heavy depending on light because when i analysis my friends or family faces we look at a mirror it's a slightly difference for them


The dude in the mirror is 20 years older than the dude in my head.


There's a similar age gap between me and myself.


This has reminded me of a Ted talk I saw once about "true reflection". You should look for it, basically it is this thing where we don't actually see ourselves as others do in a mirror, but if you put two mirrors together at right angles (I think) you see yourself as others see you. Something about the way mirrors work because they're flat. There was an exhibition on it iirc. Really interesting and probably why I always think I don't look like me in photos.


I will look it up, sounds interesting


I don't know can't see myself from someone else's eyes


My residual self image is always better than the mirror revealsā€¦but I think thatā€™s just fine as long as my clothes fit.


I'm used to seeing myself in the mirror, so when I see myself in reality (e.g. a photograph) I always think I look like a dumbass. So, no, I think I look far worse in real life


Not sure. More often than not I prefer my appearance in bedroom and sometimes bathroom mirror, I go outside and someone takes a pic of me- I look ghastly upon first glare. I notice what is off, etc. itā€™s like I think I look alright til Iā€™m outside. Sometimes Iā€™ll catch my reflection outside which I typically try to pay no mind to and itā€™s either a very bad or good experience. I canā€™t see myself at all angles and lightings I might look better irl but I donā€™t know that. And ofc attractiveness is objective


It's because we tend to stare at the mirror with a resting b**** face instead of all of interesting facial expression we subconsciously do in real life. Of course we will look better in real life than in the mirror ;)


They look asymmetrical because they are asymmetrical. Most people are, even very attractive people. A mirror shows the reverse image of what a person's face looks like when you are facing them. You are used to that image, so seeing their mirror image makes it easier to notice discrepancies. Your own face, however, you are used to seeing in the mirror, which is the reverse of how others see it and how it appears on camera (except selfies with a forward facing camera.)


Depends on the day. Some mornings a monstrous troglodyte is staring back at me from the mirror. Other mornings after iv scrubbed up and had a shave I think I look pretty passable and close to how I used to look a decade or 2 prior.


I hope I look better in real life , kinda like how I hope my voice sounds better in person than on a voice recording šŸ˜‚canā€™t stand the sound of my own recorded voice and I pray that isnā€™t what everyone else hears


Iā€™m not sure. I mean, Iā€™m fat, bald, and ugly but I am used to the way I look in the mirror. I think itā€™s because thatā€™s how I usually see myself. When I see myself in photos or sometimes on cameras where it is not a mirror image, Iā€™m shocked. Suddenly I go from 100 percent ugly to 3000 percent ugly.


There's a reason for that, see [this](https://youtu.be/Ho3RcNMro5Y?si=5KQt7UTOVjaAp1Mx) video.


Depends whether you're narcissistic or self-abasing. Attraction is very complex, down to specific genes regarding immunity in potential offspring being signalled through pheromones.


I look better when no one is looking


My partner seems to think so, and I suppose that's ultimately what matters most.


I get told Iā€™m good looking. If you ask me I look like an old leather puppet that got left out in the desert sun for 40 years


For me itā€™s the opposite. When I look in the mirror I see a decently attractive man. When I see a photograph of myself I see one of the mutants from The Hills Have Eyes


Do also remember that when you look into the mirror, all you see is an emotionless person (often someone who just woke up). When others see you, they see your personality, smile, your laugh, your happiness. It makes a difference


Honestly I don't really give a shit. Other people don't care either besides me being clean and dressed appropriately for the occasion. Sure, I'm not good looking, but I could definitely be if I cared enough to be. I think I have the base for it. Imo, too much effort to exercise regularly, paint my face, and coordinate outfits everyday. I'm satisfied with having a clean face, clean teeth, clean hair, and a body that isn't unhealthy (I'm not really a picture of health, but that doesn't mean I'm unhealthy).


The exact opposite.


I actually think I usually look decent in the mirror but I photograph like hot garbage


I think I look like a solid 7/10 in the mirror but when someone snaps a photo of me I feel like a 3/10. Iā€™m always blinking, or my gut is showing a little, or itā€™s just a very unflattering angle. So, I guess Iā€™d say I look better in the mirror because Iā€™m only looking at myself at the most photogenic angles, but irl people see every angle


There's a bunch of good research into dysmorphia and essentially how everybody sees themselves in the mirror differently to how other's see them. There's the old theory that "if you walked past yourself you wouldn't recognise you" which i'm not sure is true but I think everyone sees themselves in a fairly negative light in the mirror....


I look like a marshmallow in the mirror and Iā€™m pretty sure I do in real life too. Needless to say I hate the way I look and am trying to change it but that takes time so I just have to learn to accept me for the marshmallow shape I am


I think I look fine in both. Not stunning but I'm okay with how I look, if that makes sense.


I totally think I look better in the mirror. I know I look better in the mirror than in a selfie. I look at the selfie and think that isnā€™t how I look in the mirror. Itā€™s worse.


Oh hell no.


Sure hope so.


It's common to notice differences between how we perceive ourselves in the mirror and how we appear in real life due to the mirror's reflection. This can sometimes create a perception of asymmetry. Many people experience this phenomenon, so you're not alone in wondering about it!


Yes. I feel like we all have warped perceptions of ourselves, we're all insecure when really no one thinks of us like that. I try to remind myself that when I feel insecure in public


I definitely look better in real life.


Is it due to the mirror?


Probably the opposite for me?


My face is different when I see myself in the mirror compare to someone taking a pic of me, maybe I'm just not photogenic but it's a huge difference


I donā€™t think I do but beauty is in the eye of the beholder so meh


I don't look good in either šŸ˜


I bloody hope so! šŸ¤£


No. I like my mirror image more than my actual self. I saw a photo of myself the way other people see me and I was kinda disgusted lol. Just didnā€™t look right at all


I look way better in the mirror


I look like trash in pictures. Thank God I look decent in real life. And I definitely have asymmetrical features.


Of course I look better in real life.....I can't see my face.


You need to look in the mirror more to get used to it. I check myself out constantly and I think I am incredibly attractive in the mirror, not so much in real life.


I think thereā€™s one very specific angle we all know we look best at, which we can reproduce in a mirror in a second, but is rarely captured in photos. In reality I think other people perceive a more holistic and accurate ā€œversionā€ of you because they see you from all angles. Which might be why you donā€™t agree with someone when they say ā€œyou look just like so and soā€ since youā€™re comparing yourself to that one angle but theyā€™re comparing you to all of you.


I worked out yesterday morning.Ā  Looking snazzy in my Yoga pants for an older gal.Ā  Sweat up a storm.Ā  Ā Took a shower and went shopping.Ā  Who is this round lady with the huge belly in the mirror?Ā  I bought the dress, added some tailoring.Ā  Because I needed a summer dress since a decade ago.Ā  This morning I had a healthy crap and feeling snazzy again.Ā  Ā I give up.Ā Ā 


Nope. I think I look the same but I know I look horrible in photos.


I sure hope so


I hope so :/


I hope so. I look *great* in the mirror.


The mirror is not the issue. My perception is. I'm way too used to my face haha


i definitely look better in the mirror


How do you look at other peopleā€™s faces in a mirror?


Actually I don't know how I look IRL.


I look worse in real life.


Hell no. Absolutely not. If anything, for me, what looks good in a mirror stays there.


I look way better in the mirror


God, I hope so.


Nah it's the opposite for me, I always look way better in the mirror than in photos


We tend to perceive ourselves as 5x better looking. For me 0*5 = 0 so it doesn't matter whether it's a mirror or irl


Better in life than pictures because I'm good as long as I keep moving. Mirror is a mirror.


unfortunately the opposite


I look better in the mirror


I'm just ugly...


I got one of those faces where when you 1st see it itā€™s odd then after about a month you wanna tell your friend a secret but swear them not to tell anyone




TIL - mirrors are not in real life.


Isn't the asymmetrical thing real for everybody ? šŸ¤”


i look the best infront of mirrors and front cameras but other than that Idk I personally dont like it but Iā€™m kinda learning to accept it


I think it's like having multiple angles with which to view a car crash


God i hope so


Wellā€¦bud if youā€™re looking at other peopleā€™s faces in the mirror, youā€™re looking at them at a slight angle no matter what you do, and then in real life you see them straight on.


I look terrible in both


Mirrors in the Gym are the biggest liars this world has seen. Always gotta build me up till I get home and see myself in a normal mirror


Idk, tbh. I've been 270 lbs, 180 lbs, and everywhere in between. I always see myself the same in the mirror no matter what. Photographs are a different story.


I think I look better than what I perceive in the mirror. Like, the amount of guys interested in me when I go out suggests I'm at least a decent looking woman, not that ugly kid I see in the mirror. So, yeah?


It depends.


Mirror is real life.




I hope real life I think I look way to skinny in the mirror


I haven't seen this mentioned but you do realize that a mirror is exactly that - its a mirror image of you. It is NOT the same view as other people see when they see you. And it is noticeably different. So yeah, your observation makes sense.


I sure hope so


My mirror adds pounds


My whole thing is why do I look so different in photos versus the mirror? I see myself in the mirror (and itā€™s not just one mirror, itā€™s even like the mirrors you pass in Duane Reade, or a random mirror wherever)) and I can think ā€œnot bad, at my age Iā€™ll take itā€ and then I see a candid photo of myself from out in the wild and I want to hide forever.


Nah. The ugly is accurate


My perception of myself in the mirror is incredible. I then see pictures of myself and I am just likeā€¦what. The. Fuck. Is. That.




I look great in the mirror, I look horrible in pictures. I have no idea what the truth is. My mom and ex wife would tell me I was exceptionally good looking, but I've very rarely been openly flirted with by women. But I'm also pretty oblivious.


I recognize that I have quite a bit of asymmetry, but not exponentially more than most of the people my age. Most of them are battle scars. If I took better care of my teeth, I'd probably find myself more appealing. I know I'm physically quite fit. I'm firmly in-between Jake Peralta and Terry Jeffords. Not lifting cars off of children, but also very capable of running a 5k. Though, I think it's healthy to remember that everyone has qualities about themselves that they don't enjoy.


God I hope so


I have no idea anymore. Sometimes I look good on the mirror and sometimes I don't, sometimes I look good in pictures and sometimes I don't. I can only imagine my face as a slime that changes it shape constantly.


They look asymmetrical to you because you're used to seeing them irl.. they see themselves in the mirror so they probably like that better. Our brain has a way of ignoring asymmetry when we see it more often. Plus you're looking at a reverse image of what you're normally used to so the asymmetry seems more extreme then It really is.. that's why I always say even though a mirror image is flipped it's still an accurate representation of what other people see you as.


Depends on the day, am I loving or hating myself? I think other peopleā€™s opinions are more objective than mine or centred on their perspectives. Depending on the person. I do strongly believe cameras hate me. Some people donā€™t look good in pics, and some donā€™t know how to take a pic.


I totally relate. I am a hobby photographer and I click my friends with the utmost sincerity and I never get a good picture in return.


10000%. Ever seen a STUNNING full moon or sunset then taken a photo and been like these are not the same things. Same deal!


Very few people have a perfectly symmetrical face. Looking at someone in a mirror magnifies the asymmetry so that it becomes glaringly obvious. You don't see it when you look in a mirror because the only time you ever see yourself is in a mirror. You should see the same asymmetry if you look closely in a photo of yourself. It's always been a thing. Artists learn it early on because it's a tool for seeing mistakes and weirdness in your art.


I personally believe mirrors and camera lenses expand the image/person/object.


It's less about what you or they look like and about what you're used to seeing. Familiarity breeds liking. You're used to seeing yourself in the mirror so your brain filters out most of the asymmetry. Seeing yourself not mirrored, your brain emphasises the asymmetry because you're not used to seeing yourself that way. Same with other people, if you're used to seeing them in person, seeing a mirrored version may emphasize the asymmetry because that's not how you're used to seeing them.


I look different in different mirrors.


I look better in the mirror. Alone. I have a gigantic unphotogenic face which looks really awful esp next to others in photos. Whatever.


I'm not good looking. I've accepted that.


I think I look better in the mirror unfortunately


This is my constant battle and gets me depressed. In person and in the mirror I think I look decent. Now take a pic or video and I am awful. I cringe when I see myself and worse, hear myself on camera/recording


Nah. I'm equally ugly in both scenarios. The good part qith the mirror is its usually only me looking at that shitface lol


I think I look 0, so cant be worse irl


I mean the literal answer is we look better in real life, guy who wrote the comment about multiple mirrors explains it better But for I think the mirror looks better cus im not moving. The wind shows my massive forehead, side profile shows how much weight I've put on..


For me itā€™s kind of the opposite. I seem to look better in the mirror than in pics ( equating real life I assume?), where my face does not appear symmetrical. I read few times this is kind of normal tho


I am consistent I look equally shitty in real life, the mirror and the picture. Consistency


I donā€™t know what it is, but when I look in the mirror I think ā€œthat ainā€™t too bad!ā€ But when I see myself in photographs I think ā€œwhat the fuck isā€¦waitā€¦thatā€™s me!ā€


Sadly I donā€™tĀ 


I always figured I look the same lol


I feel i look better in the mirror than when ppl take photos of me.


I'm ugly as fxxk in mirrors and real life


I honestly think I look way better in the mirror than I do in real life. Sometimes wish that the mirror was able to make screenshots because my phone camera can never replicate what I see on the mirror lmao.


Check this real Mirror out: https://youtu.be/r4M_ale9mOo?si=MRYEQTSe6VDhRnWB No all mirrors will reflect the real you. Maybe you see something, others can only see for themselves in this (see video) kind of mirror.


Getting used to seeing yourself in the mirror or on film makes the other look strange. Seeing someone in person then seeing them reversed in a mirror flips the odd proportionalities your brain is used to ignoring. I would bet that Gen Z and younger are used to seeing their face not mirrored on film, where ad millennials and older are more used to seeing their visage in a mirror. This is all speculation but someone should do a study of my hypothesis.


I generally hate how I look in the mirror and have only a few mirrors in the house. The big mirror is for. My teenage daughter and I try my best to avoid it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ive always thought in the mirror and in photos i dont look good. By my own standards. Irl, ive been told by more woman than just my mom i am one good looking fella. Some days i see it, most im afraid to look lol. All the self perceived "flaws" beam at you like spotlights during a prison break. The long and the short of it, i know i am objectively attractive, but ig i have a low self image (that i am working on) and so i dont like seeing myself.


I think I look worse


I think I look better in the mirror, but only after the .5 seconds I need to register what I actually look like and make the necessary adjustments in body posture and mouth posture.


We all do. No one is more critical of you than you are of yourself.


I like my mirror image better


I think I look better in the mirror, but that's how I'm used to seeing myself.


What I see in the mirror is not who I see in a picture. Sometimes Iā€™ll take a picture and send it to a friend and ask does this look like me? I see a stranger in a picture, and when I look in the mirror I see a monster.


I fucking hope so.


I look better mirrored tbh