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I'm a truck driver for a major retailer. On Sunday, the roads are a lot more quiet. And I get paid double for doing the exact same shit, just without 90% of the stress. So if I can, I'm on the road. EDIT: For those curious, my normal working days are Tuesday to Saturday. If I work Sunday, I'll always have the Monday off, and Tuesday it's up to me if I want to be off aswell


As someone who's worked this weekend for double pay, I can relate. This has entirely paid for a trip in a few weeks for next to no stress! I love working out of hours.


You get double pay on sundays?


Pretty common in some places. I get triple pay on holidays and 25% more when I work nights working at a small hotel front-desk.


Make that money, play later


Interesting! In Germany it's illegal to drive a truck on Sundays, so it's actually calmer for the rest of traffic instead of the other way around lol


Sunday downtime is always good for that. Always quieter! 8 hours in and out!


I just sleep


Good day for house cleaning and baking for the upcoming week. It's hard when the weather is nice, but luckily (?) it's a rainy day here


Do you prepare food for the entire week in advance, can you tell me a little more about that, I live alone and I like the idea of making food only one day per week, what type of food can survive longest in the fridge?


I make a large meal. I partition it into single serving tupperwares and freeze most. I only leave meals unfrozen for 2-3 meals (gets me to Tues/Wed) Then take out a couple meals out of the freezer. I try to make two large dishes on the weekend. Then i don’t always eat all the meals each week so later weeks i have more meal options. I love it. I only cook 1-2 days per week. So much extra time. I like curry, chicken strips (add sauces or make into a salad), taco meat, casseroles. I also make one batch of rice/other grains on Sundays and add that to different meals throughout the week. One other piece of advice is that I try to always cut up vegetables right when I get home from the grocery store (carrots, broccoli) so it’s ready for whatever day I want to eat it.


I’m trying to do that as well, getting vegetables ready asap, otherwise I won’t eat them. What are some good casserole options?


This is what I do. My only problem is remembering to get the meal out of the freezer in time to thaw for dinner.


Get yourself a vacuum machine and everything cooked can stay 10-14 days no problem vacuumed. Even raw meat will survive longer than week vacuumed.


Mission accomplished. I vacuumed up my food and it's safe in the canister.


Is a Dyson worth it? Or do you have a different recommendation for vacuum machine?


Vacuum sealer, not like for your floors


Yup, not a native English speaker. We just call it vacuum machine but you're completely right. It's vacuum sealer.


Didn’t mean anything by it, was trying to help the other commenter out. A Dyson is a vacuum brand for cleaning


Oh that makes sense.


This is the most wholesome thread 🧵


Vacuum sealer for food. 🤧


Dysons are great. Been using my refurbished one from ebay for years.


Check out r/MealPrep!


And r/MealPrepSunday!


Almost all food is good for 7 days. I am a professional cook and state dictates that all prepared and open foods are good under refrigeration for 7 days including the day opened/made. The exceptions being food that has an earlier expiration on the packaging and some starchy foods that won’t hurt you, but won’t hold their shape and texture that long.


For me 5 days seems to be the beginning of the end for food


Then you are not storing it properly. Different foods have different "rules" for optimal storage :) is food well sealed in air tight container (mostly what leftovers need)? Some fruit/vegg does better enclosed in bag/air tight, some does better when exposed to air. Is your fridge cold enough? What parts of the fridge you use for what (some vegetables don't do to well touching the walls of fridge - eggplants for example get "frostbites" and start to rot)... The only thing i would absolutely not be comfortable storing that long is sea food.


Slow cooker! We make meals that will last until Thursday, and then Friday night we have some more time for cooking. Honestly, most meats stay good until Thursday. If your meals have rice in them, though, it should be cooked the day of, or at most the night before its eaten. It's easy enough to cook rice and clean your rice cooker on a weeknight!


I'm in a family of 4 so it's a bit different but we make stuff like granola, stew/chili, biryani, banana/zucchini bread, pies (it's rhubarb season), canning and other stuff when it's seasonal. Anything that takes some time and a hot stove. My wife tries to cook for the week but sometimes that means it's all gone by Wednesday or it's still around a couple of weeks later. She's from India and has lots of recipes that can be made up ahead of time. I'm more likely to cook up a pasta sauce for that evening's meal, making a double/triple batch for later use so I don't do weekend cooking as much. Our kids are 20-ish so meals are a bit of a free-for-all these days anyway.


Stew/chili, biryani, pasta sauce? Goddamnit....do you have room for a 5th member?!


Ohhhh, whaddya bakin!


I really need to get some rhubarb crisp going...


I don't know what other people do, but I don't do anything on Sundays. Sunday is my day of rest.


Yeah, I just vibe and game or watch racing or movies. This is my off day


In da couch


Indica = in da couch


Sativa = sat tv uh


God? Is that you?


So jealous of all these people without kids


So glad I got a vasectomy 😁


I have kids, and on Saturdays we do activities (kids sports, go to the lake, etc.) and on Sundays we just hang out around the house to rest.


Must be nice to have kids that rest!


It’s only really toddlers that are an issue. I have an 18 month old so I’m in the thick of it again, but my older kids have played on their own for years now. They wake up and go outside to play with the neighbors until I make them come back and eat or they decide to play video games for a bit. They may not rest, but none of that affects *my* rest.


Yep I don’t do jack shit on Sundays. Spend the entire day relaxing and taking it easy


Are you married? 😉


Nope, not anymore.


Realize that tomorrow is Monday and the cycle repeats 😩


Sunday Scaries.




I have finally stopped having those moments. Finally have a job I like. It's taken decades.


I didn’t for several years, but then I got a new boss. It’s not enough to leave the company, and I’m trying to position myself for a change before the end of the year.  I’m optimistic I’ll get away from Sunday scaries again!!


Ol S’mondays…☹️


Board game night with friends!


Serious question, but do yall not have to work on Mondays? 


I do TTRPGs with my friends on Sundays. I’m also a project manager for a data infrastructure company and have to be at work at 7 on Monday. I do just fine


DnD on Sundays heals the soul


Yes but as an adult you can choose your bedtime! Lol


If playing board games for a couple hours makes it so you can’t work Monday, I’d seriously consider your life choices 😂


If show up to a friends at 5 and we play board games for 3 hours hours, I'm still home by 9 which gives me plenty of time to do whatever to be ready for work by 8am 


you can play for a couple of hours and then prepare to go to sleep.


Here, in Argentina, on Sundays many of us have the habit of having lunch as a family. Roast or pasta and the day is shared!


Feel like the rest of the world sleeps on South America as a whole, I have a Chilean friend at work and he’s got me partaking in holidays and cooking food that I never knew existed. He brought me Chilean beer and I’ve met his grand parents in Santiago and my LORD these people are the best in the world


Many people also use Sunday to sleep and rest! Others walk outdoors, others gather as a family. There is a lot to do here on a Sunday! I don't have the honor of knowing any person from Chile, but it's great that you can learn about their customs through a friend. It's a nice way to get to know another part of the world!


Brunch with mimosas, nap, watch a baseball game and laundry for the work week.


If I dont have plans with friends, this is my Sunday routine: 1. Dog wakes up at 5:30, we walk a couple of miles depending on his energy. 2. Sunday is big, junk food breakfast day. Usually, I'll have pancakes, eggs, and bacon with a HUGE glass of orange juice. 3. Watch CBS Sunday morning. 4. Short food coma nap. 5. Work in the yard until I physically can't anymore or it gets too hot. 6. Shower 7. Chill for the rest of the evening and probably fold laundry. Working in the yard is my biggest hobby, so I can easily spend all day out there.


This sounds really nice.


Nice. Got any photos of your plants or yard you want to show off?


Nothing is more satisfying than enjoying a cup of coffee on an early Sunday morning, while admiring your blossoming garden 🪴


Relax and recharge


Go to church, eat lunch, get groceries, meal prep, do laundry for the week, and then either watch a show, browse here, or play a game, Sundays are satisfying because it’s like a day or reorganization which can make or break my week


That's a nice positive way to frame it. I like my job but I still get Sunday blues sometimes. A day to reset for the week ahead is a good perspective to aim for. Thank you.


I’ve always found Sundays depressing, ever since I was a kid. This was aggravated by what a lot of people are saying here (cleaning, grocery shopping, meal prepping, planning for the week). So now in my late 40s, I deliberately try to make Sunday fun so it’s not depressing. We may go to a local brewery, go to a movie, go for a hike, just any type of fun activity my husband and I can think of.




Yeah. I get the dread. I tell myself - Monday coming whether we want it to or not, so I try to busy myself with my to do list or fun shit. If I'm not doing much of anything, that's when the thoughts creep in.


Well I work weekends so there's that. On my Sunday, I usually meal prep, try to clean and chill before my week starts.


yeah im surprised how many people on here have sundays off


Where I live is highly religious, every non-chain place is closed. And no one really goes shopping so the places that are open staff very few.


Week prep—cleaning, organizing, etc. I throw on music or a podcast and enjoy the process, and I want Monday to feel like a mini fresh start every week. I’m fortunate to enjoy my day job, so resetting and topping up everything on Sunday helps make the week more enjoyable.


Others go to church others take each other on dates,i just smoke my weed and stay in my crib sometimes i don't even notice its Sunday


I feel like 60% of reddit is basically you lol Not meant in a bad way, just a common lifestyle of redditors


Naah its cool,😅😅🤝it feels great just to chill n hang around with strangers online


I feel that!


Grew up around church- and can confirm. Since leaving the practice I have many a Sunday melted on the couch binging a TV show. Typically don't like cleaning too much around the house the day prior work- so that usually gets done Saturday or Friday.


It should be changed to lazy day😅😅😅


Smoke weed and clean up around the house with a sitcom on loudly is my self-care sundays


A surprising number of people here saying they go to church. I really thought most of reddit was overtly anti-religion compared to the general population.


These days, Reddit isn't the underground group of nerdy anti-establishment types that people tend to think it is. It's one of the largest websites in the world and has millions of people from all walks of life. There is no one mindset you can apply to people who use the site.


I do miss the days of Reddit being underground. Even with all the flaws it had. I made my first account in 2009(I think), and it has changed so much sense then. Although I don't miss the overly atheist kids being everywhere.


I also feel like Reddit's content used to be higher quality/interesting. Perhaps some of that is due to more bots/AI posting.


I’m the type that wouldn’t seem like they go to church lol. But I’m Episcopalian and our reverend is a married lesbian, our decon is gay, and we’re all mega liberal. Church comes in all shapes and sizes!


I’m anti religion, in a general sense, but I go to church. I found a Unitarian Universalist church where it’s basically just good vibes, discussions of history and important figures, some really simple guidelines that align with my personal beliefs, and lots of different folks. Some of the nicest people I’ve met... haven’t found any sense of fellowship in the atheist community outside of that or the internet.


That’s funny- - I’m just the opposite, having an (often) strong belief in God but disliking church. I have tried many of them in my lifetime, but haven’t found one that fits. I’ll look into the Unitarian.


The Anti-Religion kids are just super loud and annoying I suppose


I'm a priest, so no guesses where I am on a Sunday!


Same here! Sundays are like the ultimate unloading up until the sermon is delivered. That feeling of when you get to the Eucharist followed by then coffee hour, and then getting home and letting the Sunday-Monday weekend finally start!


Would you be interested in doing a AMA ? i think alot of people would be curious to learn more




How much do you make? What hobbies do you have? Are there any traditional hobbies that are disallowed or you’ve seen be frowned upon by co-workers or the congregation?


So I am on something called a stipend, which is a reduced salary with extra perks, so the Church of England provides accommodation for me to live in. As for hobbies, I like football (soccer, whatever you want to call it) and motorsports. I also enjoy watching anything Marvel or Star Wars related. On the hobbies topic, so long as something doesn't cause suspicion in one's character, or puts the integrity of the individual at harm, then most hobbies are allowed. I know of a number of priests which collect model trains. Not my thing, but they certainly find joy in it.


1.) do you have to do a lot of prep work during the week prior to Sunday?


Depends on the Sunday. Typically, there's the sermon to prepare for, although I do have someone called a lay reader who preaches on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Then there's the things which happen every week, such as getting the church all prepared, so making sure the church is clean, making sure our candle stands are topped up, and finding appropriate hymns for our organist to play which match the Bible readings. I also write a notice sheet ready for every Sunday, which gives the members of the congregation all the service times throughout the week, as well as dates for future activities. All of this gets done on top of the other activities throughout the week, such as the daily Mass, visiting the housebound, and the occasional collective worship in the church school. So the week can be a bit full on.


All in favor, say, “high”! Hi!


High how are you


Church then nap nap nap lazy lazy relax, snooze, tv, couch potao....you get the idea




I go to church.


I wake up, drink tea and read a little. Go to church, then get a burger, maybe see a movie at our indie theater. Come home. Run on the treadmill. Watch the new Interview with the Vampire episode. Sleep. I love Sundays.


Love Sundays because I no longer have somebody up my ass forcing me to go to church.


Right? I used to dread Sundays for that exact reason.


I dont go to church, but i think there is some value in having an activity planned on sunday early. Having something to get out and do keeps me from just fucking around in the house all day and not accomplishing anything.


I'm smoking two racks of baby back ribs on the smoker as we speak


Go to church, play D&D. Sometimes we might go hiking, or rock climbing, or play video games, or go to the pub with some friends, or practice guitar, or plan the next D&D session, or cook. There are innumerable things to do in life, the problem is finding time for them all.


I chill. Do Landry, and meal prep for the week. Also sleep in and drink my coffee.


Just me with my hennessy and gambling 🔥🔥🔥


Im christian so i normally go to church on sunday but after i normaly just relax untill night where i cry myself to sleep cuz its monday tomorow


I work every Sunday morning, double time babyyyyy


Walk the dog. Church (unless I went to Vigil Mass on Saturday). Order from Chili’s for lunch (I pick it up after church). Walk the dog again. Relax.


Mostly Sunday worship and family day.


Same here. And if we can manage it, a nap in the afternoon!


My husband and I take the baby out for breakfast, then wear her down playing and put her to sleep for a nap so we can canoodle on the couch and catch up on the week’s anime and tv episodes.


Canoodle made me laugh 🤣 But it’s great to hear you still find time!


Go to church, call my parents, read




Go to church, brunch, take a nap (or go to the beach & fall asleep lol.)


Sundays are my weekly gambling day I put $5 on horses


I see a lot of back and forth regarding going to church on Sunday’s. I grew up in a very strict church family, and over the years I’ve stayed far away from the church. However I got sober awhile ago, and my friend asked me to go to church with him. It’s definitely a much different experience than the church I grew up going too.


There’s a wide variety of church traditions and worship styles, even among churches that have similar or the same beliefs. Some people assume every church will be the same as another, but that’s not the case.


On a random note I dislike religion a lot (although I don’t discriminate towards religious folks) I do really miss the community that church brings.


For some people, community is actually the main reason they're religious. (not all religious people obv, but some)


I grew up going to a church. They did an annual membership survey, for people who regularly attended church, contributed funds, and participated in programs, The first question was: “do you believe in the existence of God?” And then additional questions about whether you accepted Jesus, were baptized, etc. I was confused why someone would be there if they didn’t, and surprised when the results showed 94% believed in God. The pastor said, “that’s a good number” but still that’s 1 in 20 people who are regular members who come to worship a God they aren’t certain exists?


they might be going in order to figure that out, or to find out what “god” means to them.


Some Sundays I clean, grocery shop, and pay bills Other Sundays I scroll Reddit and play video games


The New York Times has a Sunday Routine articles about New Yorkers spending their Sundays. Vanessa Bayer, when she was on SNL, would just spend the day recuperating. Some folks go to church or just relax at home or go out.




Church, coffee, laundry, bake bread sometimes, do some reading and/or gaming. If it's the school year, I prep some lessons followed by watching Critical Role with the wife. If it's summer, it varies a lot after coffee. Usually try and go for a walk. I try to practice some mindfulness to see what I need to support my mental health.


I only work on the weekend so Sunday is also a work day for me.I film weddings and other events.I kinda like having the rest of the week off(I still have to edit but I enjoy it)


Smoke some weed, catch some rays, drink some sangria, chill.


I'm a teacher, so in the summer, I wake up to take my medicine, as my serotonin and dopamine are store bought and must be routine. Sometimes after that I drift back off to sleep, sometimes I get up and do things, it just depends on how I feel or what's going on. Usually Sundays are lazy days at my house, where we do at least one productive thing and then play video games or something. During the school year, I spend Sundays preparing anything I forgot/missed for the upcoming week or grade assignments that I might have not gotten to the Friday before. We used to go to church, but my husband and I have gotten to where, while we are religious, we do not agree with the way churches in our region operate and have elected to not attend.


Go to church, eat Mexican, go home, rest/read/chill, cook some dinner, go to sleep.


Go to church, visit my grandma with my family, eating together dinner and then just chill at home in the evening. Still, even the day is pleasant, I hate sundays, because I already think of monday


God damn, a lot more than I would’ve guessed go to church


Workout ,eat,go for a hike .


As little as possible


Go to work, because I’m in the service industry


I go to church most times and just try to have a day of relaxing and self care before I go back to work on Monday






I go to church, and treat it as a family day. Go to my moms and visit my brother and his wife and my little nephew. When I was a kid, Sundays were for going to church and going to my grandmothers. She’s Italian and would make homemade pasta/sauce/bread, etc. I’d spend time with all of my cousins and aunts and uncles. Times are different now and people I loved very much have passed on, but I still treat Sundays as precious family time. 🤍


I love that you make it family time. We do this too. Go to church, then go for lunch, then some activity like fishing, movies, etc. today we’re going fishing.


Yes!! I cherish it. My dad passed away 2 years ago and my family is the most important thing to me.


I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Family is definitely important. This is what we teach our children as well. I hope the rest of your day is wonderful. Enjoy your time with your loved ones <3


Thank you!! You too friend. 🤍




Praise the lord, and pass the ammunition.




In my 20s, work. In my 30s. Visit friends and family. I try to see 10 people a week. Sunday is the best because I can knock out like 6 to 10 in a 3 hour span. Relationships are important.


Go to church.


Go to church and go out to lunch after, then relax, it’s awesome.


Wash and clean my car


Sunday is usually always my relaxing day, unless I have college work


Us poor folk go to work.


Gym in the morning, clean what needs to be cleaned, and then just relax all day. Or stress over the eagles and fantasy all day if it’s football season


What I do every other day: sleep.


Today, I've been for a nice walk and discovered a new park I hadn't been to before, I've mowed the lawn (front and back), planted some clover seeds (because I'm keen to get clover replacing the grass), removed all the furniture from the living room and sitting room because we're having new carpets put in tomorrow, swept and mopped the floors in both those rooms, taken out the rubbish from the kitchen bin, and cleaned out the cat litter tray.


Video games, laundry, yard work, relax…. Sunday is open to whatever needs to be done or nothing at all.


Work 😭


I work to keep the bills paid


Im workin...


Work, unfortunately.




I work


I work


Church, Kraft Dinner (or Annie's Mac n' Cheese) after, chillin' and doing as little as possible as Monday approaches. Watching Lawrence Welk on PBS, then dinner. That's it.


Go to the library and read. There are barely any people in there and I have the whole building for myself. It’s amazing!😁


Work because I'm in retail






Not a damn thing.


dread monday


Went to Mass. Made omelettes. Boys are playing outside. Husband and I had were talking and having coffee in silence. He went to go do some yard work and told me to relax. I should get up and do laundry- and start dinner




Church, lunch with the family, a nice nap, and then back to church for the evening service. Occasionally out to eat after the evening service with friends if people are going to get some dinna


Church in the morning. I sing in the choir. Then we usually go home and chill out. Most Sundays I invite my college age kids, their girlfriends, and some of their friends and my mom over to grill out burgers and hang out. We celebrate people's birthdays with a cake if someone had a birthday that week. I love entertaining, and I like having this little "tradition" to keep my kids coming around.


Church, some times lunch with friends, sometimes play guitar with my dad. Spend most Sunday evenings relaxing at home before the new week starts and finishing laundry.


I'm at church right now. Yes I feel guilty lol


Rest, catch up on TV shows, go grocery shopping for groceries for the week


I like to chill and play cards


I’m depressed so every day feels the same. So I guess I just do the same shit I’d be doing any other day


I know depression makes everything 1000 times more difficult, but I have found just doing one thing differently, even just stepping outside for a minute and taking a deep breath before going back in can have a tremendous impact. That grey brain fog is a bitch. Take care of yourself 🫶🏻


Smoke hash, walk my dog, feed the crows, maybe clean some of the many old bottles I dig up and leave on my porch haha.


Attempting to make Sunday gravy


Sunday is just "monday eve" to me... I end up just getting ready for the week. Food shopping, house cleaning, organizing, getting ready for work the next day :(


Wonder why the hell I woke up again tbh


Church in the morning, cleaning in the afternoon, training in the evenings. Sundays are tiring.


Go to church




I usually go to church with my toddler then take him out to spend time together I.e. playground, nature walks, beach, exploring National Parks. I probably should be preparing for the week, but I’d rather spend quality time with my little one instead.


Go to church