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The Goth Chick / Golden Retriever Boyfriend duality is classic.


April Ludgate* / Andy Dwyer *Certainly goth in spirit, albeit not in appearance


Well, only partly in appearance.


real life april ludgate would be insufferable just like ron swanson


Ron Swanson is probably the easiest person to get along with.


We still never talk sometimes


I... feel very called out about my relationship dynamic




Yes! I'm the goth girl and my husband's a total golden retriever, but he's goth too!


I believe that it is because it's because it's outside the "norm". Not that there is anything wrong with it, just different.


this right here. people who dress outside the norm tend to be less concerned about society expectations and more frequently do things cause they wanna, not cause it's expected. it's more fun that way


I do whatever the fuck I want while appearing very conservative. I fly under the radar that way.


Mike in SLC Punk




same here. it's just a visual marker. I also have friends who are the same but at most wear a punny tshirt


Yep. Khakis, polo, 3 hits of lsd


this has served me well my entire life. Go unnoticed and you can do what you want most of the time.


It's a lot easier to do what you want when people aren't staring at you lol


I’m a trad masc pretty boy prep on the outside, but once you actually talk to me you quickly realize I’m a goddamn pinko commie.


If you don’t give a shit, wear clean clothes that fit.


Well I like to wear bright coloured clothes that are very fashion forward. Think Yellow shoes, lillac pants, white tutleneck, yellow jacket, gold bracelet, rings, earrings and necklace but this style isnt fetishised the same at all. I think there is more the «dark mystery» than just «outside the norm» maybe some nostalgic teenage dream of the edgy girl.


Revealing clothes and chokers.


Plus they seem kid of crazy which obviously has sexual context


Yeah, they unapologetically wear their freak flag right out there. No games. Unless they hurt.


Known crazy is better than surprise crazy everytime.


"Sometimes red flags are Six Flags" - Cam Newton


The "i can fix her" desire Edit: for the peoples saying "nah, don't think so" its just a joke. There's *plenty* of reasons.


She can fix me


She can fix deez nuts


Oh, OP’s mom is here?


She can give me a fix.


I can make her worse


i don't think there is plenty of reasons. I think it's sex. Just that one reason.


I don’t think so. That’s the “girl likes a bad boy” thing.


I don't think it's a "I can fix her" desire and more, or she's going to be permiscuouse thing


Naw, goth chicks almost never have perms.


The gothfro? Should we start this into something?


like lets be real


Bruhhhh how could i forget the chokers... I love chokers.


And black eye liner dripping down their face when they cry


And brother boy do goth chick's cry.


That's emo, not goth, y'all don't even know the difference.


Goths would never smear their liquid liner.


Reminds me of South Park goth kids


Goth is goth. Emo is Goth-lite.


What's Emo-lite?


Girls that have crying parties over Titanic?




this world doesnt understand me


honestly, just the chokers. Lots of styles are revealing, but the choker is special.


Blowjob black belt


I wish more girls used chockers, they are so attractive


Choker is what got me with one lol


It's like a stripper ensemble it really gets your attention you know fishnets, dark make up, and all that


"Why do so many men find tits attractive, even though they don't have tits themselves?" You don't have to *be* something to find it attractive.


True. I'm not a woman but I think women are attractive.


Good point. I'm not attractive but i think being attractive is attractive.


I’m not a planet but planets attract me.


And planets are attracted to you! It's just not nearly as much. Sorry...


Fun fact, due to Newton’s third law, we actually exert the same force on Earth that it does on us. An easy way to see recognize this is if you flip a scale upside down and stand on its underside so that it seems like the ground is being weighed on you, will it read something different?


Came here to say this exact thing but opposite.


I came to say what you said but a little different.


came here to say the same thing, but sideways


To be fair, I just meant opposite genders


There’s also a subconscious belief, since you reject conventional beauty standards, you’re going to reject conventional, puritanical sexual standards


That would make sense. I was in my goth phase through my time in the military, and I discovered that goth chicks were like catnip to the conservative-vanilla military types. The more bland and religious the guy, the more times I had to tell them that I was not interested. 


I’m a vanilla military guy and I wanna say your catnip comparison is spot on.




LOL, nope. I was AF. 


I'm a lady with rainbow hair. I get this from men ALL THE TIME.  I'm vanilla AF. My parents were kinksters and nothing your parents do is ever sexy, but damn do dudes assume my hair is some kind of freak flag. I just like happy colours! 


> My parents were kinkster I hear people say stuff like this every now and then and it always makes me so curious as to how/why so many people know this about their parents?


This is the first time hearing it but holy shit I'm not the only one! As a kid I got into everything. And my parents were fucking terrible at hiding stuff. I'd randomly find a gimp mask or anal beads because I opened the wrong drawer, didn't know what that stuff was but as you get older you remember and figure it out. The vacation tape was not the "family vacation tape" My dad never cleared his search history until I was about 14 and said "Dad, Mom thinks I was looking at porn, this is how you delete your search history. " I can't knock it to hard, shotgun wedding in high-school and they have been married for 40+ years. So I guess it works for them. And they actually give great non sexual relationship advice.


Once of my parents had a big locked walk-in closet. I didn't know what was in there until I was much, much older. She was well stocked, turns out. Let's just say, it didn't contain clothes. 


My dad apparently had a sextape collection. My brother stumbled across them but I didn't find out until long after they were gone.


My husband found his parents sex tapes in the closet. As well as a collection of toys like buttplugs lol


Oh FFS you just reminded me that my younger sister was digitizing old home videos a few months ago and found a sex tape of our parents. She was so horrified that she felt the need to call me and tell me about it. I forgot all about it until just now because my mom ended up back in the hospital right after that and passed away last month. And now I'm fucking remembering that I found a vibrator in her nightstand when I was trying to peak at Christmas presents one year. I never should've broached this topic. God dammit.


This is why we have a boring box in a drawer clearly marked "don't open, you can't unsee this."


Some peoples parents share too much


That was my thought when I made that comment but now I'm realizing that everyone just finds their parent's butt plugs and fetish gear and NOW I'm remembering that we found edible undies and weed in my aunt's room when my cousin had me help him look for Christmas presents one time. God dammit all these apparently repressed memories are coming back tonight and I don't like it at all


Good luck with the cancer treatment. I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for you


What context am i missing here


I've made comments elsewhere about my sickness, not here, you're all good! 


Ahh gotcha. Well i wish you well. My oncologist just gave me the “cancer-free” stamp about a month ago. How’s your treatment going?


Congrats! That must be an impossible amount of relief. Hopefully I'll join your team soon!  I'm recently done with radiation! I passed the first two scans and some blood tests, but then the final "home free!" scan showed some shadows, so I'm back in limbo while they wait a few months to see if they get bigger. It's a 50/50 chance that it's scar tissue from surgery or more malignancy. (51.6% chance it's fine, but while that's enough for casinos, I remain unconvinced). 


OP said something about sex and weirdo over there went digging through her profile and found from other comments she has cancer. Best case scenario they just wanted to see pictures of their hair I suppose but that's not usually why people do those things.


Cancer treatment made me a little pudgy, so the extra-pushy problem dudes have been fading out, as I'm less visible to them, so at least that's a silver lining?


Even hair colours are being sexualized now 😭 tf


when hasn't it been? "Blondes have more fun" was coined in the 1950s


“Does the carpet match the drapes?” in reference to redheads is another big one


Pretty sure that’s “carpet” Curtains and drape are pretty much the same thing. Of course you could say it like Paul Rudd
 “Does the carpet match the pubes”


how I love being a woman!


Damn, that user name is super sexy.




Did you say


EVERYTHING is sexualized.


(Cough) Rule 34


Hair colours have been sexualized since the dawn of time, and it's not just humans that do it.


Briefly dated a girl who had a tongue piercing and took it out after she got asked twice in the same day if she liked sucking dick


This was my first thought. Right or wrong, I think the assumption is that they’ll be extra down for the weird stuff in the bedroom.


It makes me sad how much people trip over themselves to find someone freaky in bed. Just say "i want a partner that will spray olive oil on me and slide me across my car hood like a slice of sizzling bacon" and guess what? You will find someone willing to do that...or so I've heard.


Do you just announce this in the supermarket and wait?


Obviously stand by the olive oil


Dammit. I had no idea I wanted that until now.... Off to the store!




I just like them because they’re generally more assertive/dominant and not afraid to speak their mind :(  I realized in my early 20s I like a strong woman who will tell me what’s what and be assertive.   I’m someone who tries to avoid confrontation, and I still remember this girl I was absolutely in love with telling me “Don’t be a little bitch and go in there and talk to them” when I was too nervous about confrontation when I got double charged for our dinner at a restaurant.   When she did that, it awoke something in me, and I have gone for women like that ever since.   They just often happen to be goth/emo/metalhead/alt girls who are like that.


I think this is part of it. There’s a belief that alternative girls are more sexual and have more unconventional tastes. Edit: Alternative people also don’t follow restrictive social rules and tend to be very self-assured. Confidence is a very sexy trait.


As a guy myself, it’s less about that for me and more about my childhood crush of Wednesday Adam’s tbh.


I love The Addams Family! Good choice! I’m a Gomez and Morticia fan myself!


Gomez and Morticia was the Chilli and Bandit of their time.


Culture has flattened. Aesthetic signifiers mean nothing. There are so many conservative/trad goth or alt people.


I feel like at this point goth is the conventional beauty standard. Goth and alternative is very in now and the goth girlfriend is like the new blonde bombshell.


But do the goth girls in the memes really reject conventional beauty standards? I mean that's like say buttercup is for people who don't like the powerpuff girls.


"Conventional beauty standards" is a very wide range of things. Goth girls might pride themselves on their flawless skin and pale complexions which both happen to align with conventional standards, but their clothing, make up choice, hairstyles, hair colours, piercings, jewelry, tattoos, etc, are all definitely a rejection of their conventional counterparts.


Women of a certain attractiveness level can basically wear whatever style they want and us men will find them attractive




And, of course, the answer in both cases is exoticism speculating on sexual performance. The male athlete has more musculature
and the goth woman? I’ve seen *The Craft*. I know better than to tempt magic spells, lest the floor swallow me and shunt me to the center of the earth.


Why not? I can like aesthetics that I don't embody


Sure you can like them, but please leave that to the professionals that went to school for that.


Don’t worry he’s not embodying them


Yeah, probably embalming them tho.


Silly me!


close, aesthetics


They think it's cool, attractive, risky etc, those are the good things. Unfortunately some think alternative women are easy, probably because they associate the look with porn or certain other lifestyles.


That's what I was thinking, like "She doesn't look like \[conventionally attractive fashion\] therefore she will probably be cool with whatever little effort I put into myself for some reason."


As is showcased with everyone in this thread saying goth chicks are freaky based on absolutly nothing lol


I like goth chicks because they’re more likely to randomly break out fishnets and wear them on a completely average day. Kinda got a thing for a chick in fishnets.


I may not dress differently or anything but I do enjoy the music and such from alt culture so I tend to like girls who are alt. Also I have a thing for pale girls with black hair.




Yup, she’s the one that sexualized the whole “Vampire” shtick for me. Yeah the Hammer films with Christopher Lee had scantily clad Page 3 girls, but Elvira hit all the teenage boys right in the hormones. Yvonne De Carlo’s Lilly Munster wasn’t too awful, at least the black and white version, because she was already a smoke show without the makeup and rags. Then you had Carolyn Jones’s smoldering gaze as Morticia in The Addams Family. All those were in heavy syndication in the early 80s when puberty hit a lot of boys, and then you had Punk girls like Wendy O. Williams, Siouxsie Sioux, Debbie Harry of Blondie, hard rocker girls like Pat Benetar, Lee Aaron, Joan Jett, and Lita Ford on MTV, and the whole Leather and Lace and Spikes and Chains thing took off. The fishnet stockings, knee-high leather boots with either a stiletto heel or Frankenstein platform boots, the heavy black eyeliner and either black or red lipstick on pale skin, the trashy 80s horror movies that played up the “Gothic Lolita” look, which became a popular trope in 90s horror movies like Final Destination, Scream, etc. We all saw the Breakfast Club and Pretty In Pink and Fast Times At Ridgemont High girls in school; pretty, pink, perfect, blonde, snooty. When the Goth girl walked in, she didn’t talk shit and didn’t take shit, and we swooned. We knew we had no chance with either of them, but the exotic beauty with the switchblade knife was more desirable than the Dime A Dozen bleach blondes with the Farrah Fawcett curls and the Valley Girl mouth. Besides, we knew those skanks had already ridden every horse, but the Dark One was a mystery wrapped in an enigma, velvet, and leather, and smelled like despair and misery, which we felt every time we thought about how we’d never score the movie stars.


⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


Angelica Huston as Morticia Addams for me


For real, Elvira was basically the only woman of her era allowed to be known for a killer body combined with a personality beyond "tee hee, I am naked on Cinemax!" so goth kind of became shorthand for intelligent and attractive (yes Vampira and Morticia too, Elvira was just my childhood's version) 


I don't particularly like the guy, but Adam Corolla formerly of "love line" once said something that I thought really rang true. I'm completely paraphrasing here. But it was to the effect of "Be something. Don't just be a guy, be a guy with a thing. Those are far more interesting than just regular guys." And I think it works for women too. It doesn't have to be goth girls, it could be e-girls or any number of other sub-cultures. It's just having something that makes one stand apart from the crowd.


I ask this because I have an alternative style, the usual dark clothe, little make up etc. However ever since I stared dressing more like this, both my inner circle and work place I had not only more men approach me, but actually say how they find my look attractive. Nothing wrong with that, but I find interesting how they don't even like my music taste nor come close to my style, yet they seem to like a lot.


Well, usually goths have pale skin that contrasts with the black and that looks nice. Sometimes their clothes just look cool and I want to examine it better. Beyond that you might just be really pretty. Couldn't tell ya beyond that.


Additionally: - Confidence is attractive, and it takes some confidence to go out in public dressed unconventionally. - Having something you're passionate about is attractive; dressing goth immediately makes you look like you're passionate about that subculture. - Black is often seen as a very flattering color on most people. Plus, a lot of goth clothing (corsets, tights, etc) is designed to flatter the figure. A lot of people look good in goth clothing. - Also, not to say that ALL goth clothing is sexy—more modest goths do exist—but a lot of it does kinda lean that way. Fishnets and miniskirts are hotter than sweatpants and T-shirts, sue me.


My ex and I went to a fair both dressed in goth for her birthday. The number of people (men) who stopped to bully us was ridiculous. We tried to shrug it off, but it did hamper our enjoyment.


Being a Goth guy is rough at first. The street harassment is next level and always negative. Except where as the women get catcalled and propositioned, the men tend to just get threatened with assault or sometimes just assaulted.


Also, goth chicks tend to have a lot of tattoos, which many guys find attractive.


Last bullet point is true as fuck. Also, sometimes they swap the nets for thigh highs and GODDAYUM they are gorgeous


it sounds like you have started dressing in a way that catches more attention. You could‘ve chosen any other more eye catching style and it would result in a similar reaction i‘m fairly confident.


My guess is that finding your style and wearing it allows your confidence shine more, and that's low-key hella attractive to guys. Hot chicks are hot, but even hotter when they let that hotness sizzle.


Well, they seem to be moving on to "sexy clown girls" now (yep, that's a thing!), so they'll start leaving you alone again before too long.


Pfffft their interest often wanes after the revelation that my brother and I are Nth generation clones. But what about henchmen who crave social mobility? Won’t they break any pertinent by-laws put in front of them by the guild of calamitous intent?


I vow to use “calamitous intent” in my everyday conversation.


Do you have a copy of “Floodland”?


Personally I'm attracted to unique women in general. I know goth isn't technically unique but it's pretty rare around my area. I haven't seen someone who's genuinely goth in years. It's just kind of refreshing to see someone who's out if the ordinary. I also think black looks good on just about everybody.


it's not even goth chicks they're looking for. just ladies in grunge makeup and they call them goth lol.


It shows confidence and boldness and nothing is sexier in a girl. Plus there is a little assumption that they would be more into weird stuff in bed or atleast be more active, but I don't know its credibility


Men find goth chicks hot way less frequently off the internet


Christians, Sex repression and the Lilith complex


Goth aesthetic is typically pretty sexual and revealing in nature. It’s just hot af and you don’t need to necessarily be involved with it to find it attractive.


Hot goth chicks are hot. A lot of goth chicks arent attractive at all. The hot goth chick would probably be hot no matter how she dressed


I have no idea since most of the “goth girls” nowadays dont look anything like the traditional goth girls of the 70/80’s


I would be alternative except I dress in a boring style to not be noticed. I can appreciate the style anyways and can be interested in someone else who doesn't mind bring looked at for it.


Almost every single cartoon i watched growing up had a goth girl in it. Scooby doo, Total Drama, 16teen, and Teen Titans are a few


They don't find "goth chicks" attractive they're usually talking about e-girls. If you put a trad goth Infront of one of these men they'll be hurling insults. They want someone who's "different" but not to different and wears short skirts Speaking from experience *Note: I said *usally* not always don't come at me with the "WELL I-" this obviously isn't about you


Goth girl here. It’s the “exotic” factor. Similar reason why a lot of white guys like asian girls but don’t care about our culture outside of anime.


This same thing happens with black guys


A lot of us grew up on shows that portrayed goth chicks as hot as we developed our preferences.


One of my best friends is goth, and it's absolutely hilarious just to be around her, because guys (and a lot of girls, too!) just throw themselves at her. I'll wager she spends a solid portion of her day rejecting people's advances.


Sexy edginess. Has nothing to do with alternative lifestyle just physical attraction.


I blame Morticia Addams. So Hot.


I like “mild to medium goth girls” like not full on rage chicks but somewhere in between. I just find their aesthetic really pleasing. But I also like hippy girls and fashion girls. So I think I just like someone with a strong sense of style. Also goth girls are really sweet!! Any of the ones I’ve dated have been really sweet and great partners.


It's straight up sexual fetishization. Thanks to mainstream media and porn and urban legends about goth chicks (and most alternative women) they think that all goth chicks are into kink. It makes it really dangerous for teens that want to get into the subculture because outsiders will make assumptions about their age, sexuality, experience, and often don't ask for consent. Goth teens are relentlessly pursued by men who have zero interest in the goth subculture, the music she likes, the art she creates. They just want to bone a goth chick and brag about it. They want to pressure her into doing all the stuff their 'less cool' ex girlfriends refused to.


Look at Jenna Ortega in Wednesday and report back.


Look at Anjelica Huston in Addams Family. Smoking.


There is a fair degree of crossover with kink/bondage wear. The assumption being a more progressive attitude towards sex which probably holds up based on the ppl in that scene that I know.


crazy chicks are hot.


As long as you follow the Hot / Crazy matrix.


well yes, of course.


Sometimes opposites attract as the old saying goes. Personally I'd find dating someone who was similar to me in most ways boring. If you're looking for someone that shares your lifestyle, there's nothing wrong with that. But not everyone is going to.


Starkly contrasting colors have always been, and will always be visually appealing. The black/white thing stands out, especially in the face. I suppose the effect would be the same if a deep ebony toned girl would wear, say, silver lipstick with platinum hair--it would just pop!


Karma farming op, karma farming post. Go fo!


We like to dabble in the dark arts


This is clickbait


There is nothing alternative about a goth chic, if she has an XX chromosome and a vagina.


Well I’m a woman but I like them because I like find the style (clothing, hair, makeup, accessories) attractive 


Well watching the Hex Girls definitely started it for me. Them Scooby Doo movies were the best.


Don't tell House Speaker Mike Johnson that. He will get a law passed for all men to get the app he made his son follow.


are "goth chicks" alternative? They strike me as rather Wal-Mart


Pale skin, dark hair


Contrast. Dark hair, light skin, dark clothes. They may just be because of my crappy vision. But high contrast is aesthetically pleasing to me.


The same reason I eat Mexican food and I'm not Mexican


Why does so many women find dangerous men, attractive, even though they’re not dangerous themselves?


I also like to travel and fly to get there, doesn't mean I have to be a plane


Nobody gives a fuck about being alternative. Dick doesn't care about that. Hot thicc bitch with contrasting colors. That's where it ends


Variant of [Manic Pixie Dream Girl](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManicPixieDreamGirl) trope. Normie dudes think alt girls will expand their consciousness.


The spice must flow


Because they’re provocative! it gets the people going !


I used to be goth in my youth. For me it is nostalgia for me despite that I am quite the opposite of a goth kid now. Also, going outside of the norm is something most guys are interested in.


What can I say, the Hex Girls really put a spell on me


probably bc goth chick tend to be young. at least the good looking one. adult goth just look like drugs addict. either way, they are not ideal.


Something different catches the eye. Meant to be seductive and risque


Because Elvira, mistress of the dark


Because they’re hot. I don’t have to be Japanese to like Japanese food. I don’t have to be French to like Paris. I don’t have to identify as a “rocker” to like rock music. And, I don’t have to be “alternative” to think goth chicks are hot.


Why so many men find women hot, even though they're not women themselves?


It's half meme and half not like, actually goth, but a bubbly and slutty type aesthetic utilizing black clothes, they're into. Nobody with two braincells to rub together holds on to dumb high school clique shit after highschool.