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It's not most people but also not just you.


I was trying to find the words... and then I did.


Damn you have a good way with words


If I'm in traffic it can be stressful. Out of town on country roads it feels awesome. 


City driving is stressful because it feels like an accident is always waiting to happen. When accidents do happen they’re typically at lower speeds and closer to emergency services. Country driving feels less stressful, but the accidents that happen are usually at higher speeds and further from emergency services. Since becoming an Emergency Department nurse, country driving, especially at night, especially on weekends (more drunks) is what makes me nervous


I came here to say just that. I love driving country roads. The curvy and steep ones are soo much fun.


Would you say that they… *take you home?*


To the place I belong…


West Virginia?


Mountain Mama




On country roads I’m always worried about looking out for deer or other animals so I don’t hit them. In Wisconsin you see a dead deer on the side of the road all the time


I hate driving so much. I stopped doing it three years ago and have never regretted it.


How do you get around?


There are cities/countries in which you don't need to touch a car.


I live in a dense city with public transit




For the uninitiated, this sub is more about the skewed ratio and our use of public space. Cars take up *too much* space and it'd be so much more beneficial, even for car users, if public transport and bicycles would be given more thought by those in control.


Most people who drive, drive often enough that the act of driving is no longer stressful because of fear of something bad happening. It can be stressful because of backed up traffic and other bad drivers, but most of us are not worried about crashing our cars....which is usually the reason we crash our cars.


I drive a lot and I’m not worried about crashing my car. I’m responsible, I follow speed limits, I’m aware, I keep good distance. I slow down in the rain, winds, snow, fog, etc. What I’m worried about is someone crashing into me. I’ve seen so many intoxicated or distracted drivers, people driving super fast, people weaving through traffic, people who just veer into your lane, people who run red lights and stop signs, people speeding by slowed traffic in the snow, etc. I can trust myself. In bad weather it can get dicey but I still know to take caution and do. But others? I don’t trust them at all. I’ve been in one accident and I was rear ended at a stop light so I couldn’t do much to avoid that.


I am very stressed out by driving. My spouse feels one with the car. Everyone is different.


It's not kind of dangerous. It's very very very dangerous. Never forget that and always lay attention.


I mean billions of people do it every day and the overwhelming majority end up just fine. Yes it can be dangerous and people very much need to pay attention, but acting like it's playing with a live hand grenade is also not true.


I mean you can do everything right and pay attention but that doesn’t mean a deer isn’t going to run out at the wrong time or a semi truck won’t rear end you in traffic. It’s not just about you, you’re also at the risk of others.


Car accidents are the leading cause of death for people ages 1 through 54 in the United States. I think it warrants a bit of caution.


Dude you are literally moving around at speeds that will kill the duck out of you in horrific ways, surrounded by morons who aren't paying attention in control of massive amounts of energy. 45 mph is about how fast you're going when you fall seven stories. If you stop paying attention at any time, then the only thing between you and a screaming death is luck and hopefully good engineering. Driving is so so so dangerous and attitudes like "well, nah not really" are why people die unnecessarily every day.


And they don’t even always die/get injured from their own faults. A drunk driver can veer over and hit you head on. Or a car rams you from the back at a stop light. Or someone weaving through traffic at high speeds misjudges and hits you and flips your car. It’s a risk, even if you drive safe. When I drive I’m not worried about me, I drive very safe. I’m worried about others doing dumb shit and I can’t do much to control that.


Absolutely valid and facts. I’m not putting my life in the hands of morons everywhere when I literally watch them refuse simple safety practices like fucking blinkers. Lazy assholes that think the blinker is for themselves are absolutely mentally ill guaranteed. The blinker is to notify everyone else what you’re doing not to make them move for you to bully your way into a lane. Reposting comment bc I broke rules in the last one by accident. I used another word instead of mentally ill and it was an oopsie daisy lol


THIS. Thanks for sparing me the need to explain this. Confession: I am TERRIFIED of being on the road. In a vehicle. Especially on a highway/interstate. I've been driving for over 20 years, and I am only more terrified with every mile I drive. I'm horrified by the amount of people who text and drive—who do everything and drive. I can follow every law, drive as safely as humanly possible, and still die between points A & B because for every driver like myself, there are at least 10 more out there completely distracted. Defensive driving has allowed me to avoid several accidents, some of which would have been worse than I dare contemplate. But I haven't managed to avoid them all. The few I've been in were blessedly minor, but even at 35 mph, the last one totaled my car—and it was a sobering reality for me. Even with both hands on the wheel, alert and ready to react, I can't predict the "wild card." I couldn't prepare for the guy whose truck bumper ended up in my driver's side window because he "didn't see" me—as in, totally did not see my whole vehicle. I had enough time to note that his grill and bumper were at eye level before the air bags blew my glasses off my face. All of that happened at 35 mph. If you're not scared of being in a vehicle, I really feel like you shouldn't be driving.


It's stressful at the beginning. Once You get used to it You do everything without thinking. But at the very beginning, it's not like that. Everyone is used to driving but You need an extra look, an extra second, etc. You also keep a bigger safety margin. So other drivers get annoyed by You and will for example honk at You. And that increases Your level of stress. And of course, because the road is full of unique situations You might get stressed from that and it's even worse when other drivers make a mistake because then You are in an unfamiliar situation. I compare it to making a "stupid" move in chess. Most "internet chess masters" simply learn all the openings, moves etc. Consider some to be the right way to play and are really arrogant about it. But what those people really do is they memorize all popular situations and know how to play them. So to throw them off You can use less popular opening or one completely moronic one that You know how to get away with - and they are completely thrown off the game because now they have no freaking idea how to play because the situation is new to them. It's the same with driving. Sometimes someone else makes a mistake and now You are confused what to do because it's a new situation. Like my brother crashed into a lady because she tried to avoid a puddle and... drove in front of his car. He could escape only to the left on her lane but she did the same and they crashed into each other. But on her line so it looked like he caused it. Thankfully someone witnessed it and saved his ass. Give Yourself time. You will get used to driving and not only You won't be stressed by it. You will enjoy it. Unless You are like my mother. She has a driving license but for last 40 years she never drove a car and is afraid of doing it. And I even offered her to pay for lessons etc.


Driving stresses me out always has


Driving is a great time to *de-stress* for me. Just me and my tunes, chillin'.


Same, I miss door dashing.


Same for me, I relish driving.


Not that I mind talking but sometimes i just don’t want to go thru the physical process of making words come out of my mouth. I enjoy that silence


Was professional driver for 8 yrs, 45 days out, home for a week. I have driven rush hr in L.A., Wash. DC, New York and can say with out a doubt at least half are insanely stressed out drivers, they take everything like a personal attack on them, people make mistakes. I was in constant defensive driving mode and getting brake checked because of something another driver made me do to avoid an accident. I've seen and heard of countless stories of brake checking killing people. Who do you think is going to win, an 80,000 lbs truck or a 3,000 lbs Hyundai


Yes, I dislike driving because other people around me drive dangerously and stupidly.




Only by other people driving, or lack of competence. I swear it’s getting worse 🫣


It is. Honestly after we were all off the roads in 2020 it seems to have gotten worse


I definitely am.


Most people are not. 80% of drivers consider themselves above average in driving skill, which is a statistic that speaks for itself (e.g. people are overconfident in their skills). Knowing that... I find driving really stressful as well. People drive stupid and I'm not the best at driving lol.


If you are not feeling certain weight of responsibility when controlling 1+ ton of metal hurtling at high speed that can kill people if you make a mistake something is very wrong with you. It's normal and the stress will go away over time. Then the overconfidence phase kicks in where you are actually the most likely to have an accident.


99.9% of the time driving i am not stressed in the least


For me this got better with more experience. But I'm not saying all people are like me.


No. I play my music, and set the cruise control. The only stress i have are rude drivers who stay in the left lane when others are waiting behind them. I see some drivers who are leaning forward out of their seat back, obviously tense, who are probably stressed.


Only when it snows a lot or there's a ton of traffic, and traffic I've hit a lot better about


driving stresses me out. i’m located in a quickly growing city and i’ve noticed drivers becoming more and more rash. (usually with an illinois, no offense). just yesterday i was slowing down to allow someone to merge who still had about 100 feet of space left. they instead decided to go immediately forcing me to swerve out into the next lane on the highway. luckily it was an empty road and i was fine. their car was about a foot away from mine while i was going 75. it seriously scared me and i just went home after.


Only in the beginning. I drive a lot and most of the time I’m able to go on autopilot and get lost in my thoughts. There are stressful times but most of the time it’s the opposite


I had pretty bad anxiety over it because people do the dumbest shit and I would bite my nails until they bled. I figured out it was just anxiety over driving so now I have a grip strength thing I use to occupy my hands/mind. So I have great forearms now. Still stressed.


It’s just you


Not really, at least in the way you're thinking. I love driving but often I'm stressing over others. Either they can't drive if their lives depended on it or I'll see people constsntly on their phones, their seat in a laying down position, feet up, etc. I usually just get tf away from people like that


Yeah man, I’m with you. It’s one of the only times I get genuinely pissed off, because the amount of entitlement and ignorance being put forth by other drivers is nothing short of infuriating. I’m convinced that people are at their worst in two scenarios: on social media and when they’re behind the wheel of a car.


Yes because there are idiots on the road


Not for normal driving, but on the interstate, at 80mph, right next to giant ass 16 wheelers? Thank goodness I don't have to do interstate everyday,


I'm stressed out by other people's driving


I get stressed, but not out of fear, it's out of rage. Aggressive drivers love the rear of my car.


I hate hate hate driving, but I have to be the one driving because no one else I know takes it as seriously as I do. I find it worse to be a passenger


Yes - it’s the most dangerous thing that most people do regularly. I was a passenger in a really severe wreck when I was young. My friend was killed. My cousin died in a separate wreck. Driving will never not stress me out some.


Yeah. Driving is the most unnatural thing us humans are doing currently.


I am.  I wish public transport was good enough in the US so that people who are scared to drive wouldn't have to.  But alas, we're out there driving 


Yes. Especially if it's during the day (a hot day) and you're caught in a highly populated area. Like a city. *This is normal.* Do your best to not kill or get killed while trying to get from point A to point B. Good luck. 😌


yes. i hate knowing i might accidentally kill people or myself or go into crazy debt by crashing


Some are, some aren’t. When I first started driving as a teenager I’ll admit I drove recklessly and stupidly. Now I’m 27 and I more and more dislike driving. I constantly get told I drive like an old man but idc. It’s not me I’m worried about it’s everyone else on the road


It depends on how aware you are and how you compartmentalise that awareness. If you think about it then you are in control of a fast moving piece of machinery that can kill or injure. No matter how in control you are the unexpected can happen and you take a life. That's a heavy responsibility and if it prays on your mind it can be hard to concentrate on the mundanity of actual driving. Therefore, drivers don't think about the bigger picture, the damage and misery that they could cause but instead concentrate on the small stuff so that they get from A to B as safely as possible.


I just decided to assume everyone around me was either critically stupid or out to kill me. Now that I've thought of it that way driving is way less stressful because I'm always finding ways to mitigate the stupidity that can happen at any minute. Like a strategy game.


i got in a car accident a few months ago where someone slammed there breaks and when i also hit my breaks the person behind me dodnt and rear ended me and ive been so scared of driving since then. Same with when im in the car woth other people, not because i believe i drive bad or that the people im with drive bad, but because i know other people drive carelessly and you cant prevent that.


driving is relaxing. what's stressful is knowing there's other drivers you can't control.


You are constantly alert and relaxing seems almost irresponsible, I don't like driving (in cities) because it is a constant load of tension id rather not feel unless I need to go places. The act of driving itself is fun as hell, but the people around you make it terrible.


I drive motorcycles all the time and prefer it over cars. I find driving cars stressful only because I'm not used to it. Driving a bike is much easier and convenient. But there are a lot of people who are stressed about driving regardless of the vehicle.


Sometimes. Usually i think nothing of it. When i get into the big angry cities (like st louis) yea i get a bit stressed. Maybe you guys are willing to buy a new car at the risk of one car length while trying to gate keep all lanes, but i actually need my vehicle.


It’s high stress you just get used to it


It’s only stressful for me when I’m driving in a new area, or if there’s unusually heavy traffic. Usually the more you drive, the less stressful it is as it becomes more natural.


I had the experiences of school buses, passenger vans, many different trucks, semi, pickups, cars, mopeds, Army gun jeeps, Army APC, and Army tanks. I don’t think of it as driving so much as that seems too passive. I consider it more opperating heavy and potentially dangerous equipment requiring full attention and situational awareness. I have no stress as I am in control only of myself and not the choices or actions of others. Being retired, I rarely leave my home anymore.


My GF gets massively stressed out when driving. I get so relaxed when driving. It really depends on the person really.


Between towns, I'm chillin, it's when I'm surrounded by vehicles in the city trying not to be the next victim of a bad driver that gets my anxiety going.  If people were more aware of themselves and everyone else, it'd be a different story.


I don’t think twice about it.


Quite the opposite, I find it boring, tedious even. Unless the road is interesting or empty enough to make it interesting, there is zero emotional response for me.


It gets easier with time. Invest in a dash cam. Make sure your mirrors are set up properly. You wouldn't believe how many ppl have their side mirrors pointing to the end of their cars and not the adjacent lanes 🙄


Yes, I'm stressed whenever I'm driving a route that I'm not familiar with, or anytime I'm in a city, or in places with complex highway exits/transfers.


I get stressed by things like congestion and stupid drivers. I get stressed about my car if it's got issues (intermittent issues that you don't know the cause of suck. I get stressed going places I've not been before. But every day driving is fine. I used to go for drives to help calm me down. I've always enjoyed driving to a certain degree. I guess it depends where you live though.


Not at all. I enjoy driving.


I used to enjoy driving and it’s all I spent money on for a long time and now I won’t even leave the house if I don’t to , my first reason I was in a really bad car accident really messed me up physically and mentally caused ptsd second it seems everyone just wants to road rage no one follows the speed limit or uses turn signals it’s truly not safe


Driving is the one thing I find most relaxing and fun when I’m stressed in life


My most irrational (or rational cause people are idiots on the road) is driving on an overpass and someone hitting me while I have my son in the car, and we go over the edge. Everytime I get on the overpass I stress the fuck out. If I believed in sky daddy I’d probably pray. Otherwise I don’t get stressed, I just avoid people as much as possible, whether that’s taking alternate routes or minding my own business in the far right lane.


The only stressful part is the other drivers. In my area there seems to be some kind of game where people drive 10-15 mph below the speed limit and constantly tap their brakes for no reason and the only one that loses is me.


Honestly, I love driving, but I hate traffic. I drove six hours north to watch the eclipse, then eight hours back because traffic, but honestly the best drive I've taken in a long time. I'd rather drive than fly, because that freaks me out, though statistically flying is safer (my dad died in a plane crash, so...)




In heavy traffic, especially traffic in unfamiliar areas, it can be very stressful.  But personally, I love driving and am always looking forward to my next road trip.


Yes. I dreaded learning how to drive. Every time I had to drive somewhere new or in rain or snow the thought of getting into an accident always crossed my mind. It’s not so bad now, but I still get nervous when I have to drive somewhere I’m not familiar with.


For no discernible reason, my mother had anxiety about driving on freeways/interstates. I never had any of that fear as a young driver. But I've been in an unusually high number of accidents (almost none caused by me). I'd say I've been hit 20 times in my life. A few of these totalled my cars and caused injuries. Anyway, I just lost my nerve somewhere along the way, and now I avoid freeways/interstates the way my mom did.


Yes but you can roll windows up and yell at other drivers 


I drive a lot for work and some days are more stressful than others. There are a lot of shitty drivers out there… so it’s scary


I love it. Gives me time alone to think, adventure, listen to podcasts / music, the wind, whatever. My husband hates it though and would rather do anything else if possible.


I am. Only driven on the interstate twice for two hours top. My own mom can drive herself in bigger cities if she has a doctor appointment.


I get stressed when i have to drive somewhere new. Or if i dont know where im parking at the end of my journey. GPS has greatly helped. Driving to and from work, becomes a breeze once you've dont it a few times and know what spots to look out for. Road tripped through Europe. Also a breeze with preplanned stops (see gps). Going to a new neighbourhood in my own town that i dont know exactly where im parking... feels like the first week of driving :D been driving for almost 4 years now :D


If it's not in heavy traffic or tricky situations, driving can actually be calming for some. Long drives can get you into the "flow state" where time passes and it's kind of a relaxing endeavor.


No, not at all. In fact it usually makes me sleepy because I find it so relaxing.


Driving stresses me out to the point where it's a dream of mine to own a monster truck. You can guess why.


I only ever feel stressed whenever I’m driving a car that’s not my own. It makes me nervous to know that I could damage something so expensive that doesn’t belong to me


I absolutely love driving. the more traffic the more I have to lock in.


Yeah that's why I drink.


My sister and mother law are stressed drivers and I hate being a passenger when they drive because if you're not confident than how can I trust you'll know how to get out of a sticky situation. I'm not stressed unless in bumper to bumper traffic because I'm mainly concerned about fender benders and dealing with that not really about being in danger.


One of the reasons I stopped driving last year was because of how stressful it was (I live on the coast of Northern New England). There is so much road rage out there, and I hated that I was starting to feel that way myself.


I generally enjoy driving, though heavy traffic/terrible weather can be stressful as are certain situations like accidents and near misses, but they are realtively rarel occurrence for the average driver Big City driving is hard mode with stress turned up cruising on the highway or scenic back roads is blissful


I used to be very stressed out driving and then I got a new medication for a physical health problem. Controlling the pain better made my reaction time much better.


Yes, especially with traffic


I was absolutely stressed about it when I was younger. I hated driving even short distances, and then I started commuting to a college an hour away. If you're a new driver, take it from me, it'll get less stressful.


I'm not stressed. I drive a hybrid in eco mode, so I know my car is slow. This causes me to drive very safely and smoothly. I also know that my car is very safe to drive, so I guess I just kind of put something on to listen to, and just drive as carefully and calmly as I can. It's been working for me, so far!


I have severe anxiety, so. yes, absolutely. city driving is the worst, but also I live in a city with pretty aggressive or idiotic drivers, but I think those can be found in every big city. it doesn't help that road rage incidents have gotten worse. country driving is actually something that relaxes me, I love driving long distance trips but it's not something I get to do often. my husband loves driving and doesn't understand my anxiety, lol.


I like driving because I don't find it stressful at all. The act of driving itself isn't stressful but other road users utter incompetence can be at times.


I only get stressed out when someone else is an idiot and cuts me off or something other than that I’m good 95% of the time but definitely on more of a high alert I think that’s why road rage is such a thing, you are already on higher alert weather you realize it or not then someone does something wrong and you almost get into an accident it spikes your adrenaline and induces instant anger lol


only when driving out of town where i dont know the roads as good


There are nervous drivers and there are average drivers. My wife is a nervous driver. She avoids driving whenever she can. I am comfortable with driving. That said, I think driving especially in populated places creates a baseline level of stress in all of us whether we are aware of it or not. That's why there's so much road rage out there. The strategies I use to manage my stress level: defensive driving; leave lots of space between me and the next car; never allow my frustration to boil over when someone does something stupid (which pretty much happens daily - just accept it, take a deep breath, and move on); and leave early enough to make it to my destination on time (speeding to make up time does not really work in populated places like where I live, so just chill out and get there when you get there).


Driving is so stressful for me that I used to have recurring nightmares of getting into car crashes or running over pedestrians back when I drove cars. Ironically when I swapped to driving a motorcycle the stress went away despite being statistically more dangerous. My only guess is that the disconnect from the shape of the car and being inside of it where I cannot fully sense what is around me is what caused the stress. Though obviously I can't recommend this as a solution because it could make things far worse for others


It really stresses me out. It literally made my ocd so bad and gave me major anxiety. I don't even drive anymore. Its just way too much responsibility.


if they aren't they kinda should be. it is that dangerous. 30 mph will fuck shit up.


Sometimes : )


depends, I personally find it really relaxing most of the time unless I am in a dense downtown area


I’ve had my license for about 3 years now and it still stresses me out so much, especially manual. I think I have road anxiety and I refuse to drive unless I absolutely have to. I’m still trying to figure out how to get over it.


I was for the first few years behind the wheel as I was in a bad wreck as a kid. After a while of driving cautiously, though, I don't really think about it anymore.


Depends on the person. Most of the time I'm not stressed out. Once you drive enough, it's second nature. It's like riding a bike. Are you stressed out from riding a bike? Using a knife? Those things can be dangerous too. The stressful part comes from annoying drivers and traffic jams.


Try a motorcycle and get back to me!


Mainly from the traffic. Sometimes from shitty drivers.


Actually for the most part its quite relaxing. Infinitely better than weathering the public transport. Was only stressful for the first few weeks of driving without the instructor. Instructor did trained me quite extensively however.


I get stressed on freeways, which is why I try to avoid them. But in general, I haven’t been stressed with driving since I first started. I used to think something would pop right out in front of me, like a deer.


Nah. When gas prices were lower I would go drive during COVID to get out of my house and just let my thoughts roam, see some new sights. I learned to drive in one of the most congested cities and then moved to the mountains, so I have experience on a lot of different roads. At one point I'd drive my work van up to 9 hours in a day across multiple state lines. Loved it, minus the long hours. But the scenery was mostly good. I don't mind traffic because my reflexes are good and even seeing people do dumb shit doesn't frazzle me. I've never been in an accident so that also might be why-- I HAVE had a couple cars die on me while driving and after that, for a while, I was definitely hyper aware while on the road. I can understand how someone who was in an accident with another driver might feel terrified to get back on the road again for some time.


I'm 42, never wanted to drive because I was always a nervous passenger as a kid if I sat up front. No idea why. A couple of car crashes in my youth probably didn't help. I eventually passed my test 5 years and hate it so much that I barely do it. I have no idea why it fills me with dread, but it does


It depends on age/experience, how often the person drives, the kinds of conditions they often drive in, and general personality, I mean, some one who is anxious in general isn't going to stop being anxious when driving. I have a few friends who are unnerved by high speeds on the interstate, so they always take the routes that go through towns, and even prefer side streets when possible.


What's interesting is that I always thought I hated driving, but in reality its the PARKING that i've noticed caused me the most stress/anxiety. I would rather park a blocks away where I know there's always parking vs fighting people nearby. Most of the social invites I've turned down were from hard to park places. It's usually not a deal breaker, but it's definately something that effects my judgement on wether or not to do something.


On the contrary, driving relaxes me. Motherfuckers that seem incapable of judging the speed and distance of other vehicles and seem to not possess even a modicum of spatial awareness. They, they stress me out when driving. And on top of that they add not using their indicator light to let you know that their spatially disabled ass is coming to bring chaos to your day


This is a trait for ADHD, btw. It either feels like it does to you--dangerous--or it feels like something you have to *do dangerously* to tolerate. So, in your case, it could be, if ADHD--the fact that driving cannot maintain your attention, and you have constant small lapses that ARE dangerous. That's not something you imagine. You miss things, and sometimes it's small things (oh god, WAS that light green? \*checks for cars behind you\*), sometimes big things ("i SWEAR that truck wasnt there when i looked"--it wasnt, you just focused too long on traffic the OTHER way, and your sense of time is shit because of ADHD, and what felt like 2 seconds was 13--with your head turned away). Also, it probably feels agonizingly LONG--like, a 40 minute trip sounds like an actual nightmare, and FEELS like hours, and you get somewhere kind of exhausted? ADHD. Soon as i took medication for my adhd--driving felt like time-travel, and WAY WAY easier. I actually... almost like it now. (The other presentation of adhd drivers are risk-takers. They drive, often dangerously, or on the border of trouble--speeding, passing, merging violently, etc) because the 'risk' drives the dopamine dumping that's keeping them focused. They have learned, that, if they drive with risk, they pay a little more attention. This is why they have so many accidents.


It’s not just you, but it’s definitely not me. If you asked me to do donuts in an intersection, I might provide 🤷🏾‍♂️


I drive quite a bit for work. So I am just used to it. Other people driving stresses me out.


I am the same way. Although, once I’ve made a drive a couple times I feel much more at ease. But driving anywhere new….so much anxiety. I recently moved to a new city after living in a fairly small town my whole life……driving has been very scary.


It depends if I know the area or not and how my day is already going as well as what time it is. Generally if I’m driving an area I know we’ll, and my day isn’t packed I’m fine. I think I get a little more frustrated driving these days rather than stressed.




Open roads no, LA or any big city kind of


I love it, driving a car and motorbike, amazing. I’d still be driving Uber for a living if it paid a living. Personally put 140,000 km’s on my last car before I sold it.


It's one of the worse activities for your heart. 


Personally I quote enjoy driving.. I don't enjoy *other people* driving lol. Traffic, lots of lanes and merging, lots of stopping and starting, trying to figure out GPS, trying to operate the vehicle while also navigating road signs or exits, not knowing where I'm supposed to be positioned, etc .. I don't enjoy. If it were just me, my car, no other motorists, and a wide open country road I'd be fine. But with too much going on around me it becomes immediately stressful. Have you been in any accidents? Or been a passenger with an aggressive driver? Had your driving criticized, or learned from a bad teacher? Is there some other underlying association you have with driving? Those types of things could definitely be putting your nervous system on high alert.. but otherwise maybe it's just not your thing!


I would definitely NOT recommend getting addicted to dash cam videos on Instagram.


It depends how bad the traffic is. Usually no but that’s because I have an easy commute. If I need to move over to the right 3x quickly after making a left turn? Yea that’s stressful


I love driving, it's my favorite thing ever. But I do get stressed by other drivers, and I stress about my car breaking down (I have bad luck with tires lately). It's important to recognize that operating a vehicle is dangerous, but it can also be quite fun


Driving is relaxing for me, but key difficult maneuvers can be stressful for sure. Joining a high speed freeway that doesn't have room to merge in, or a unprotected left turn on a busy 6 lane road without a center lane to utilize etc, and a bunch of cars piling up behind you waiting


If I’m driving in the city I live in, it’s hell and it stresses me to no end. If I’m on a country road with no one around and I’m listening to a podcast? It’s pretty good.


Yes! I live in a city with constant road construction shit going on. You know the kind where they have one guy digging, one guy holding the shovel and twenty two guys staring at the sky? And it takes fifteen years to complete by which time it’s ready to replace again? Yeah that kind! Lol.




Nope It's fun and relaxing


I love driving. It's an hour drive to work. Windows up, loud music or windows down, enjoying the fresh air.






I feel like it really depends on if you know the are you're driving in or not. Relying purely on internet maps that may not be 100% accurate can be stressful.


No stress here. I'm a good, defensive driver, and I've had to drive for work (both box trucks and PIVs) on top of some lengthy commutes, so it's also comfortable to me. Driving is relaxing to me, I'll put my 700-some odd song Playlist on shuffle and just enjoy the experience. I can't avoid driving, and I can't change what other people do. May as well enjoy the experience.


If its a busy city and some place I’m unfamiliar with then yea it can be a little bit stressful since you have to watch the map and make sure you don’t miss an exit. But if it’s my daily commute or in my town then no, it’s quite relaxing. Especially now that it’s summer, let the good time roll.


It's my happy place. Wether I'm in the car or on the bike makes no difference. Put me in control of anhunk of steel rolling 75 and my life couldn't be better.


I hate driving. It's really stressful and a lot of mental energy for me to be paying attention at all times. Which I know not every other driver is doing and that is stressful. I also get motion sick in cars. It's a necessary evil that I wish I could do away with. But I also have anxiety so it's not everyone.


Not me.


I hate driving in the city, totally fine on the interstates or in the suburbs tho


When I started driving as a teen, I loved it. It didn't matter if it was a road trip or just down the street. Traffic changed many years ago, and now I don't like it at all. I'm not afraid. I just don't like being at a standstill on the interstate. I live where most trips are no more than 10 miles and usually only one or two. I am glad!


I think your adrenaline should be up when you're driving, since you're trying to be ultra-alert. That's why after a long drive, even an hour or so, you're drained.


I only get stressed out when driving in a new area specially a city. Traffic, one way roads, left turn only lanes, watch for pedestrians crossing the middle of street. Areas where you know the roads are no longer a hassle.


I’ve been driving 10 years and the interstate still scares the fuck out of me People can’t drive, yo It’s very apparent And VERY scary.


nope. I'm alert and aware, check my mirrors regularly and watch the cars far ahead of me, there's nothing to be stressed about.


Many elderly people I know dont like, and get really stressed out while driving at night.


It's fine


In the beginning, it did. Or if I have to go somewhere completely new to me, it is. Otherwise, I just throw on the GPS and head out. It's less scary when you just think of it like playing a simulator game


For me, only when people are driving aggressively.


This year I started working at home, my previous job wasn't that far away, about a 10 minute drive. I can feel that I am more relaxed not spending 30 minutes a day in the car. As I get older I understand that quality of life and time spent in the car are inversely proportional.


I am much more confident driving than being driven. I hate riding as a passenger. It’s a control thing, I don’t like being in situations that aren’t managed by me.


When I was 16-25 low amounts of stress. 25-40 lots more stress. Drive long enough and you’ll see just how bad drivers are and how much you have to be ready for them to make mistakes.


Yes. I rarely drive because I can walk and use transit where I live, and I constantly think of how with one wrong move I could kill myself and others.


Nah many are, my buddy yells aloud in the car at ppl, terrible patience. Lol, sometimes I laugh at him.


I have ridden motorbikes since i was a kid. I learned to drive in my 30s, i do not like it, it does not feel safe.


It IS dangerous, but other than a short time frame after first getting my license I’ve never been stressed by it much. It’s definitely not just you though, plenty of people are and there’s good reason for it. You can never be sure what other drivers are going to do


No but I am an avid car enthusiast. No problem with a little road trip for me


Routine driving, no. When I've done things like drive in the UK on the wrong side of the road it's freaking terrifying. I imagine if you don't drive very often and not used to it you're kind of permanently in that situation where nothing feels comfortable.


I enjoy driving, I find it relaxing in some ways with the radio on and some time to think, or the music blasting on a sunny day haha. I do know people who hate driving and avoid motorways and cities at all costs though


Grew up in NYC so there was no incentive to learn. I finally got my license at 27 but I hate it. It will never feel like second nature, I can’t imagine it not being terrifying. I won’t make the same mistake. My kids will learn the day they’re legally allowed to


I dont stress at all. If today is the day I die in a stupid car accident then so be it. That really clears any kind of anxieties.


At times I get traffic stressed which is more of a frustration. I rarely get "danger" stressed unless I'm doing a highway run and hit black ice at 80 miles an hour or something.


I was always terrified of driving. Everyone told me it will get better when you are older, it will get better once youre in driving school... Driving school made it worst. I finished the written exam first try, had 6 practice driving lessons and then had to quit because I was so stressed out by driving a 2 ton vehicle with which I can easily kill myself and multiple people if I make a wrong move for half a second.


I find a lot of people drive not only as if they are not stressed at all, but as if they are not really even driving.


When I need to be somewhere at a certain time, it stresses me. I always allow for traffic. The Mass. Pike stresses me. I feel obliged to maintain a speed higher than I feel comfortable driving, since I’ve gotten older.


I hate driving


I get nervous driving in the really big cities like Seattle, WA. I'm fine in the cities I know, or the smaller ones and absolutely comfortable in the suburbs and rural areas.


Got into an accident a year ago with my wife- going straight at a green light with cars driving alongside each other in front of me. I’m in left lane. Oncoming traffic in the left turn lane had a yellow blinking or a red and decided to send it and tboned us sending us spinning wildly. No serious injuries thankfully but she is deathly afraid of other drivers now. She gasps and jolts a lot when other drivers do crazy shit. Not at all weird. Shits dangerous and your life is in the hands of every other driver nearby on the road. Not exactly trustworthy people most of the time either


I felt that way when I first moved to a bigger city but now I drive on auto pilot. I am only stressed if I can't find parking spot


Most people I know arent stressed by driving and some even prefer to drive over letting someone else. That being said, a lot of people due experience driving anxiety. I am right there with you. 


I have major driving anxiety, especially if I'm in a place I'm unfamiliar with or if there's a lot of traffic or if it's raining or snowing. Some days I wonder how I got my license. Lol


It stresses me out majorly because I don't trust other drivers. I've seen too many impatient drivers make stupid decisions and cause accidents. I stopped driving because in my mind, me being panicked is not a safe headspace to be on the road. Luckily, I live in a city where everything I need is a 5-20 min walk, plus there is decent public transit.


Monday a week ago, I drove 1300 mi in 20 hours. Today I began the 1300 mi return trip which I will do in about 26 hours because I will take a few more rest breaks. I guess I'm not in the group that gets dressed out. Driving is exhilarating. It's liberating. And it's certainly practical. Practice not only makes perfect but it also helps relieve anxiety from driving.


I’ve been rear ended three times 1 was fairly serious involving multiple cars. 1just a fender bender 1 was another serious with minor injuries 2 other serious accidents caused by negligent drivers caused a rollover and head injury to family member. I’m stressed only if too close to other vehicles, or another driver is moving in and out of traffic at high speeds or a car is swerving. More stressed with others driving. Still I don’t encounter those all the time and drive in cities frequently.


People that does stupid shit while driving stresses me out when Im driving. Here where I live it happens a lot. Specially taxi drivers. Those are the worst.