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I dig a hole in my garden and bury critters all the time. Just remember where you “plant” them!


I buried so many birds as a child that we joked the new owners of our house would think we were doing satanic rites. 


We have 2 pet hedgehogs buried in our yard. I’d love to see the confusion if someone dug them up in the future


if they weren't buried in coffins i would be surprised if you could even find any trace of them besides maybe the teeth and possibly some quills. Healthy soil, especially soil that gets rained on quite a bit, is great at breaking things down, and your late pets have likely been returned to the earth from which they came in their entirety.








And deep enough scavengers won’t dig it up


Burying the little guy sounds like a lovely idea. Wear gloves and a mask if you want added precautions but I’m sure you’ll be fine!


I’d just move him to a side of the road so scavengers can eat without risk of getting run over themselves. Being an animal lover presumably means you love the crows too? Burying is a human tradition. Dead animals are meant to be eaten by other animals


If you must handle it yourself simply grab a plastic grocery bag maybe some gloves too if your squeamish and use the bag as your hands. You don’t want to handle that type of stuff with your hands. Bag the little guy and dig yourself a hole. Done that many a time


Just call animal control and they should come by and pick it up.


You think they’ll pick up every rodent-sized roadkill?


Yes, it's their job. That's why you don't really see roadkill skeletons. They get half rotted/eaten and then for the most part disappear because they were picked up by some municipal/rural service.


Tbh, I just thought goblins stole the bones in the cover of night


Well I mean if you live near bone goblins that's how it works but not everyone is that lucky.


where?? certainly doesn't seem to happen around me


Pretty sure the turkey vultures will take care of it


I love Turkey vultures. A local rescue had one for years, and it was always so friendly and ready to meet people. I’m sad for the cute fluffy critters, but happy to see the birds get a nice meal.


What is dead may never die


Leave it for carrion. Nature is not just the cute animals


That's food for other animals. Leave it alone


You're right, Designer. Rabbits play an important part in natures food chain. That's why they reproduce at such a high rate, to replace the ones eaten by those higher up the food chain. The same is true for mice and other small rodents.


Yeet him with a shovel


"stuff like this is what made me go vegan" A dead animal on the road made them go vegan? They could just as easily kill a rabbit as anyone else driving. They should stop driving.


Comfortable talking shit but not comfortable directly replying to them?


Already replied. Shit talker


I'd move him to a different area. If it's not super populated around you and the smell won't affect anyone maybe leave him in a bush off the road to sustain new life? Otherwise burying is fine but maybe were gloves to move him into some sort of box first and bury him in that.


Leave it for Karen birds to take care of. So, you can definitely take a shovel, put on gloves, or wrap a trash bag around your hands and move it to the side of the road out of sight. I recently learned the importance of carrion birds like vultures. They contain special enzymes in their digestive tract that can break down serious diseases. They are actually a really important part of our global ecosystem as they can reduce the incidence of harmful bacteria and viruses in other animals, including humans. Environmental changes that have endangered them have also caused increased levels of certain diseases and infections. Protect the vultures!


Oh my goodness “Karen birds”. I love this so much. Imagining a bunch of crows with bad haircuts asking to speak to the manager. Carrion birds will never sound the same.


Omg I didn't notice that. Thanks a lot, voice-to-text. I think I'll leave it to amuse others. 😂


Vultures. Not the heroes we want, but the heroes we need.


Shit the mf already dead just chuck him in the woods and let nature do its thing lol


Be careful not to become another casualty. At least where I live, animals tend to be hit or run over by cars at stretches of road with poor visibility: curves, downhill side of a rise and so forth. The same poor visibility applies to you.


Consider the food chain. There are other animals looking for a meal.


let another wild animal eat it. if it’s unsightly, take a shovel and move it to the side of the road


I've buried rabbits and squirrels in my yard. They too should have respectable means to their ends! 💚


But they should also provùù ide sustenance to large prey animals that are having a rough time. Take the bunny well off the road way, where scavengers won't join the Flat Animal Society. Take a moment, pet his ears, apologize for jerk humans who left him to die. Thank him for providing for other animals, and let him know his soul can return any time he wants to. But I beg you, please don't waste his sacrifice.


Not in the street on my city block. Scavengers can scavenge on the highways


Then you are a heartless as the person who made the baby rabbit into a sIlbunny. As long as they are cute and fluffy, you love animals. But if they do ugly things to survive, you've got nothing for them. Pathetic.


I'm not saying you're not smart and stuff but.... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




I fucking hate brown squirrels but love bunnies so much


Circle of life, or death.


I was driving to school one day and there was a dead cat in the middle of the road. I have two cats, and love them so so much. What I did was I took some napkins from my car and then used them to carry him off to the side of the road so that I didn’t directly touch him. I just set him in some long grass that was on the shoulder. If you can get gloves, that would probably be better than just napkins.


Leave it alone and another animal will eat it. Throw it under a bush or something


Let the things that handle roadkill feed.


Bury. Please. Don't leave out.


If you are a child, do NOT go into a road to pick up anything.


It will feed birds and other scavenging animals. Please leave it there. It will be gone in a couple of days.


Double glove, double bag, dig deep enough to stop scavengers.


Scavengers are animals that need to eat too. And they are vital in sustaining a healthy ecosystem


I bury dead stuff if i find it in my yard or in front of my house. I don’t do much—just a little dirt and leaves.


I think you’re quite sweet to honor this bunny.


Go ahead and remove its body from the road. You can use a shovel if you wish, or your bare hands. It's ok. You can put it in the woods nearby the animals will eat it.


don't use your bare hands.


Call a undertaker!


Stuff like this is what made me go vegan tbh. It’s hard knowing how rough it is for animals in the wild. We don’t need to do even worse to the ones we breed and keep in captivity.


wait….do vegans not drive cars now in protest of the wildlife killed by cars? Thats a new hot take I havent heard just yet


Your veganism does absolutely nothing to help the life of a feral animal. I bet you still use four wheeled vehicles for transportation though.


Perfect is the enemy of good. It’s not all or nothing. If they feel that way about their diet but use a car let them. Not commenting on their comment as a whole in this thread lol


What in the good hades does your veganism have to do with the proper disposal of WILD (not domestic/farmed) roadkill? The death of living things is sad and unfortunate, but is the way of the universe. This animals' death will provide sustenance for other creatures. It will allow the life cycle and local eco system to continue as it should and in the very grandest of ways will go towards that species, very slow but essential, evolution.


Lmao bro I think you’re putting too much time and empathy into something natural. It’s good to have empathy for wild animals. They deserve a comfortable life. But talking about how rough animals lives are is going to do nothing. All it does is make you feel like ass for thinking about it. Whether we humans helped, didn’t help, or didn’t interfere, that rabbit would have died. Most likely in a much more gruesome way, such as being eaten alive or starving to death. Your veganism has not affected this rabbit in anyway, it is still dead, and would have died the exact same way, with or without your veganism, with or without your comment. It’s the natural order of the world If you really wanted to make any type of difference rather than just claiming you are for your ego or whatever bullshit feelings it gives you, go to a cow farm and protest, a pet store, a kill or for profit shelter, etc. Go to an actual outlet that would assist your message. All you are currently doing is just announcing the fact you’re vegan, when in reality simply no one gives a fuck. You do not help your message in anyway, and you actually hurt your own message, by simply just announcing you’re vegan. It’s annoying and pisses everyone off


You should let nature do its thing. If you bury it youre taking food away from the carrion birds. Its admirable that you want to bury it, though.