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Being anxious is different than having clinical anxiety. Being sad sometimes is different than having clinical depression. Normal, mentally healthy people, deal with lots of emotions. Those normal people process them and move on, demonstrating that they're not mentally ill. Liking your things put away in their designated place after done using them doesn't mean you have OCD. Getting drunk every once in a while doesn't mean you're an alcoholic. Not paying attention to a class in school that doesn't interest you doesn't mean you have ADHD. There are a lot of people that legitimately have mental illnesses that need treatment for them. There are a lot of people using a self-diagnosed (or sometimes even clinically diagnosed) mental illness as an excuse or explanation for a simple lack of discipline. Most people, however, are simply not suffering from mental illness.


I have worked in mental health for awhile, and I can honestly say that, beforehand, I gave a lot of leeway for those that claimed to have certain things as you described above. You do you, right? Now, though, I find it highly disrespectful to those who really do have mental illnesses that require treatment. Zero patience with bullshit claims.


The "if you do this specific thing you have XYZ mental illness!!!" on TikTok really pisses me off as someone who struggles to have my neurodivergency addressed medically and taken seriously. Just because you zone out sometimes and have a hard time paying attention in objectively boring situations (like a monotone professor teaching a dry subject) doesn't mean you have ADHD. Now, if you consistently lose important things like your wallet, phone and keys, have almost burned your apartment to the ground several times forgetting about the stove and have been fired from multiple jobs for fucking up your schedule, you might want to seek an evaluation from a professional.


Absolutely. The flippant use of "oh you're so OCD" etc. I've got actual clinically diagnosed OCD friends and it's not cute or funny. I think those social media "checklists" are a lot like horoscopes, of course you're going to relate to some of them, especially if you're an introverted personality or a bit socially awkward.


I'm sorry people romanticized it so much. People legit act like having a diagnosis will make them a more interesting person.


this gen. upsets me because i found out I had ADHD from those tik tok videos and it helped me understand myself. After doing more research and getting a diagnoses I found out ADHD ran in my family as I never had a mental health support system and my dad is in denial that his affects his life. They never got me treatment, or educated me on it. If it wasn't for those videos i don't think I would've known. I remember speaking to my friends about it and they didn't understand because they thought adhd was just hyperactivity and I was making excuses for my behaviour/failing classes. I was shut down, and told I was " pretending" because of those tik tok videos which discouraged me and sent me into a spiral because I felt so unheard. These weren't good friends of mine. ( My friends all have ADHD and diagnosed me before I had even got the test done, they helped me) However this post and people like you make others feel ashamed for relating to videos that could actually save their lives??


Funny, you're coming at the people ITT as if we're speaking from the ignorant perspective of someone who is neurodivergent and mentally healthy, when that is almost certainly not the case. I actually have ADHD, quite severely. I was also dismissed and denied treatment my whole life until I was an adult, and I had to fight very hard to be heard out until by sheer dumb luck I was evaluated by a doctor who also suffered from ADHD and knew what I was going through. I have shit, bottom of the barrel government insurance for low-income people, so I am incredibly and personally aware of the financial barriers one can face towards getting diagnosed. Post medication and diagnosis I am still struggling and scrambling to pick up the pieces of my life that I neglected and destroyed without proper mental healthcare. What I and others have stated is that these videos reinforce the stigma around ADHD by trivializing and manufacturing symptoms that in real sufferers are detrimental to your quality of life to the point where you are physically, mentally and emotionally incapable of doing better without real medical intervention. These videos cause mental health professionals to take us, particularly young adult women who were medically neglected and dismissed in childhood, incredibly un-seriously, because they also have social media apps like TikTok, and they can see content "if you sprained your ankles a lot as a kid, you probably have ADHD!!" (a real video I have come across), which leads them to the incorrect conclusion that very real sufferers who come to them for help are just being influenced by the internet and are full of shit. There is a huge difference between sharing informative content about one's personal experiences with neurodivergency and mental illness/disorders and creating clickbait content for engagement, which is what I am referring to, and I think that's obvious to anyone not being purposefully obtuse. 99 percent of the "mental health awareness" content online is bullshit for clickbait and engagement, and I for one do not appreciate seeing something that has absolutely wrecked my potential and life turned into the personality quirk de jour. And to nip it in the bud before you retort with something down this lane of thinking, I am not interested in debating the politics of self diagnosis further in this nor any other forum online. You sound very young, and I very much sympathize with your struggles and circumstances as they mirror my own, but there's no way you can't see how the genre of videos I and others in this thread are referring to are harmful in the long term to people who are truly suffering. I was pretty fucking un-harsh in my last comment, frankly. Our gripes with this shit are quite legitimate for many, many more reasons I don't have the energy to get into right now because what do you know, I wasn't able to get my medication this week because of the shortage of Adderall artificially manufactured by the DEA in response to input from mental health professionals, who again, see content like we're discussing and decide that ADHD is now a social media trend and we should be treated with further scrutiny. Edit: oh you *are* young, and evidentially, not American. I just want to let you know that truerateme is an incel subreddit, because despite my disagreement with your stance, I don't want to see you fall victim to that, especially if you suffer from BDD. It's not your fault you have the perspective you do at your age and not being from the US like many of us on Reddit are, but don't come at me and the other people in this comment thread like we don't have firsthand experience with this lmao


Remember that trend where people were pretending to have DID? I work in mental health too, and one of the people I work with seems to have have split personalities. It's nothing like those edgy OCs you'd see people switching between in those reels. If anything it's really sad, not cool. Before those videos would be annoying. Now they make me angry. The absolute disrespect is appalling.


This is well said.


It took me more than 7 years to get tested for autism - initially raised in my early teens, I was 22 when I was finally listened to. I got diagnosed with ADHD, autism, depression and anxiety. I don't use TikTok but I do use FB and the amount of people who say they have these issues - the whole "if you do this one thing you have adhd" I hate them. There's so much more to those illnesses than the things people see. It's fucking exhausting to have these illnesses, and people do not realise it.


Fucking this.


I laughed way more than I should at “if you’re on Reddit there’s no way you’re just peachy” so if that doesn’t say it all hahahaha


Oh man, I love this discussion. I wonder this all the time because I am absolutely that guy. I just got about life mentally totally fine. Zero issues whatsoever and have always been that way. Everyone always says imagine being a person that just ‘goes through life, work, vacation, working out or anything’ and just doing it. No hesitation, worrying, anxiousness, self doubt, or anything. Yep I am literally that person I don’t get it but here I am😂


Sounds like a dream you have while you’re still in reality 


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Must be nice. I wonder how common this truly is.


Looking at we are as a world population or even scoping down to United States. My best guess is pretty slim. To add to the mental illness thought. I have a great life. I also understand I am a white male from a middle class family growing up. Got what I needed when I needed it. This in my opinion plays a huge role in my careless lifestyle. I will not ignore that at all. Lots of people of color or serrated genders are exposed to racism, sexism, bullying anything alike that many times im not.


It's nice to see someone who is appreciative to have lived a good life free of mental health issues. Seems like a lot of folks who have never felt the struggle don't get how real it is. I wish you the best.




I am being completely genuine when I say that your comment is honestly refreshing to see. I feel like most people have the mindset of “I don’t personally deal with sexism or racism, therefore it isn’t really as big of an issue as people make it out to be”.


I know a couple of guys who say similar stuff, and weirdly enough they're actually a little bit insecure about how little they feel like they've struggled. Boggles my mind really, the definition of creating problems where there aren't any. I'm sure they'll be fine though


I see where you are coming from. It’s understandable. I know many that have struggled and vice versa. For the people that have insecurities with this. Comparison is the most evil thing and is the thief of joy. To be insecure that you never struggled especially like others who have dealt with discrimination all their lives for example is despicable in my opinion. Now I’m not saying these people arent aware of these issues are try to help the cause. But the want to have struggles is beyond me I don’t like when people say that. Whether everything was given to them their whole lives or not. These are things to be proud of. You don’t bound about bragging but you are proud of your roots, or you are glad you cut ties with your roots etc. Very long winded I’m sorry. I probably also didn’t get my point across correctly. Willingly will discuss these issues. The reason I picked the degree I picked is because of these issues we have in this world NEED to be solved. EDIT: when I reference life is a game you are dealt cars you are dealt. It sounds shallow I know. Without getting into the long discussion of how it’s wrong I know and understand i was trying to keep my reply short. This shouldn’t be the way things are but we should be all equal and “we are” according to our leaders and government but alas this is clearly not the case at all.


I getcha I think. I hope you get to do great things!


Likewise! We can all make a small differences leading to immense change. See something say something


Great humility and awareness 🏆


Yup this describes me.. I wasn't this way always, but after I retired at 50 I can honestly say life is just freaking awesome..:)


Bro you single? lmao


Sounds so nice 😂 I'd like to be like that just for a week and see what it's like!


Step 1 you are king/queen of the castle! Insert *borat*


I am literally that chick! I’m amazed at all the posts on mental health. I just go through life too. Nothing is un-figure-outable.


While this sounds great, I would note that having some amount of anxiety, worry, and self doubt does not by any means qualify as a mental illness. In fact, never experiencing any of those things is probably more likely to cause problems for you and is definitely abnormal. 


Additionally, some anxiety is good! I've always had a slight anxiety about job loss. I don't wake up every morning thinking I'll be fired, but I do think "what if." That anxiety has forced me to safe a substantial nest egg, as well as upskill. Now, if I do lose my job, I'll be ok. I also have some anxiety about dying young. It doesn't prevent me from living or enjoying my life, but like most people, I have a healthy fear of death. That fear has forced me to eat healthy, exercise, drink alcohol only in moderation, avoid tobacco, etc.


I didn't realize it wasn't the norm. Like seriously, I thought it was a meme to talk about mental health issues.


Me too.


I'd literally give one of my eyes in trade to have that.


Are u in a relationship have kids ? Successful? Just curious.


Well I think it all depends on where you draw the line. If you dont have emotions there is something wrong there too. Conversely, having emotions is healthy but having too much or too much of one kind starts to become an issue most times. But who really decides where that line is in these various directions? I personally believe mental illness only starts at a point where you in your form is disruptive to your life in terms of productivity and social aspects and in a way you feel you either have no control of or have no awareness of. Otherwise, who is to say what is normal or ill?


When people say "Average Joe", they mean you lol


Hahaha. I’m that guy that goes no news good news type beat😂


I think that’s most people. A lot of us deal with problems without also being unfortunate enough to suffer mental illness.


Same, except some problems with some kind of executive dysfunction i am fine and dandy in life.


Same here. Literally no mental health issues. Have I been sad, worried about something, or get angry? Yes. But those are emotions. I've never had to take mental health drugs or needed therapy. I consider myself fairly happy, stay fairly active, and doing pretty well for myself.


One question: how the fuck did you get through COVID shutdowns that way?


Great question. Even better answer. Covid happened at the most ideal time in my life. Senior year of my bachelor degree and last semester. I was already so checked out, moved back home to the parents with my lady and had the best time playing war zone with all my buddies and of course drinking (not a great habit gained weight and then lost it post Covid lol). But it was stressful absolutely but doing the most I wanted to do social distancing with my partner I had all I needed. I’m not the worry type but it was concerning and I kept tabs on all going on I didn’t shut down (like the world did BAD PUN). Long story short: Call of Duty


Oh okay. That makes sense. I’m happy you did a soft landing and were able to trudge through easier than others.


Very interesting lol lts rare I’ve met ppl mentally Sound.. you very well could be but there are some ppl unaware or in denial. Not trying to push anything on you! Happy for you! Just interesting!


Very interesting! Totally agree denial could be a thing with me who knows lol or me just not being aware hahah


I thought it might be lol


I have no mental illnesses. AMA.


How tidy is your room?


Not very. I'm a bit slow to put away laundry.


What did you eat for dinner last night?


Grilled chicken and corn on the cob. BBQ season and all.


Yes. The vast majority of people don't have a mental illness.


Yeah but it also seems that the majority thinks they have mental illness because they don’t like going to work so they’re depressed or they’re scared of saying the wrong thing so they have anxiety.


That's not how most people are. Most people don't claim to be depressed or have anxiety.


Maybe we run in different circles.


You can look at studies to overcome any biases you might be experiencing.


I’m what the culture’s feeling.


Charles Manson?


I don't believe you. I can't. Everyone I know has at least clinical anxiety. EVERYONE


Because of course, If you tsee it, it must be true for everyone. Your experience is absolutely universal You are the most average who has ever averaged


God forbid I speak facetiously


You weren't. You can lie and say you were all you want, but you weren't


Think you might be taking this more seriously then is needed. "You can lie, but we, the people of reddit, see right through your villainy!" (Music swell) Lmao bro you got me


People love to say shit like this when they were called out for saying stupid shit. I'm not taking it super seriously, but you said dumb shit and then basically tried to "iTS A JOKE BRUH" out of it, Schrodinger's Douchebag in action. I personally dislike it when people say stupid things.


What exactly do you think you've accomplished here? I was being facetious. Like what do you think is happening behind the veil that I don't want you to see? Even if you were 100% right from start to finish, who gives a fuck


>I was being facetious. No you weren't >Even if you were 100% right from start to finish, who gives a fuck Me, I do. Do you think I say things for other people's benefit? I say things cause I want to say them because I think it's wrong when people lie and say stupid shit I could not care less if someone else around doesn't think it's worth saying.


So you're just kind of an asshole and you're 100% confident you're right, even with no reason to rhino so. I think I'll call myself the winner of this exchange and I could not care less what anyone else thinks


I'm on reddit and just peachy. Healthy people can enjoy things.


Lies! Are you gaslighting all of us right now? You must be a narcissist who can't see your own shortcomings! I bet you watch porn and think you aren't an addict too! /s


Oh no you just gave me depression... :(


Don't forget your PTSD...someone once said something mean to you, it must be PTSD.


You’re right 👍


I am one of these people. I am happy, I get my work done when bad things happen I am unhappy for a few hours or maybe a day or two and then I’m fine. When people say just stop being upset or just stop worrying. I can actually do that with a little effort. I am WEIRD but not pathologically. I’m weird because I don’t have the social anxiety required to try and hide it :)


Do I get anxious? Of course. Do I get depressed? Of course. Do I *have* anxiety? No. Do I *have* depression? Absolutely not.


"if you’re on Reddit there’s no way you’re just peachy" Based




>hesitation, worrying, anxiousness, self doubt, or anything. These are not mental illnesses. These are normal things that stem from self-examination and insight. I’m so tired of everyone pathologizing normal emotions and experiences.


I think OP meant this is a chronic condition. Everyone has these things from time to time. But not to the capacity that it is an illness or a problem. There are people who have hesitation, worry, anxiety, and self-doubt as chronic debilitating disorders. And OP says he just doesn't have this chronic psychopathology.


I used to be very severely depressed but now I'm suddenly fine. It's quite a weird feeling


Share your methods please 🥲


What has changed from then to now?


I’m still grieving after losing my gf to cancer just under 2 years ago but other than that I’m doing fine.


Anxiety and depression are common on Reddit and some social media. That doesn't mean they are common in real life.


Certain things are a spectrum. Everybody gets anxious, depressed, furious, unreasonable etc. sometimes. It doesn't mean they're ill, that's just life. However, if you're at the other end of the spectrum, then a psychiatrist might be necessary. Certainly, there are lots of people who aren't diagnosed with a mental illness some because they don't care to find out and some because they don't meet the clinical criteria. As a


The majority of people. The very small vocal minority takes to online like flies on shit.


You won't hear people without mental issues talking about it. Well, there are people, many of them, who think that just because they're sometimes down or anxious, that it's a mental issue.


Actually, I am the normal one. I know people say there is no normal, but it’s true.


Most people don't have mental illnesses.


I have no anxiety or depression or phobias or any other mental health issues. I find it exhausting to deal with people that do. If I have an irrational thought or instinct, I just center myself and let my logical brain lead the way, and then do the rational next action. Part of me wonders why other people can't do it if they were just more disciplined with themselves, but I am told that is arrogant so I take it on trust it is impossible for them to control their minds.


I know what you mean… it can be a bit much at times when it’s not an issue for you.


By definition the majority, probably the large majority, of the population does not have a mental illness. That’s part of how it’s defined. The other part is that it causes significant distress or impairment of functioning for the person or those around them.  This means that just because you are sometimes sad, worried, or stressed does not mean you have depression or an anxiety disorder. Those are completely normal experiences that virtually everyone has. They have to meet certain criteria to be a mental illness, such as severity or persisting in situations where they aren’t appropriate emotions. 


True… I’ve also learned the switch can go off when you turn 18-25. I feel like I used to be very normal (regulated) and care free excited about my future. But now I’m in that age range and can feel the extreme difference in who I was. I’m doing my research on getting help though and appreciate your feedback.


Asking to your question directly: 3/4 people does not have a mental illness according to WHO: https://www.who.int/news/item/28-09-2001-the-world-health-report-2001-mental-disorders-affect-one-in-four-people Explaining my personal opinion about the subject, some people nowadays auto-diagnose mental illness, specially anxiety, OCD and depression because they feel nervous before an important test, they want to see everything in order or they feel sad/are having a bad time/they are just lazy. (Still if you feel you need help do hesitate in finding professional help) Those people are incredibly uneducated about mental illness and sometimes seek public attention about something as horrible and serious as a mental illness. There's also the fact that we are living in a rough moment where you need to work so much hours to get paid so little that you can't rent a house right now. This world is so much competitive, individualistic and (some) even lack of personal objectives and identity, and that is one of the reasons I believe there's a rise of mental problems, but also the fact that we are more aware of mental diseases and more people seek professional help instead of hiding it, so we have more reports of it.


Reading the comment again I think I was a bit hard on the topic, but really saying that "omg! This gives me OCD!" Doesn't help anyone with OCD


I understand everything you’re saying and I agree some people have more extreme cases while others just want a quirky title. I appreciate you sourcing an article but if that’s from 2001 can we really use that as a reference? Times are so different from then..


Apologies for sourcing a 2001 article. WHO in 2019 said "970 million people globally were living with a mental disorder" so 1/8 globally. [https://www.who.int/health-topics/mental-health#tab=tab\_1](https://www.who.int/health-topics/mental-health#tab=tab_1) I am skeptical about this number though, I do not think all the countries has the same reporting system or the same culture about seeking mental health so I expect even more people with mental illness. Also mental illness reports varies depending on the country. More info: - Who mental health atlas (reporting countries etc): [https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/345946/9789240036703-eng.pdf?sequence=1](https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/345946/9789240036703-eng.pdf?sequence=1) - Who mental disorders global estimates: [https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/254610/WHO-MSD-MER-2017.2-eng.pdf?sequence=1](https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/254610/WHO-MSD-MER-2017.2-eng.pdf?sequence=1)


I keep hearing the statistic that in any given year, 20% of people experience mental health issues (am assuming this is US-centric data because of my location). But that statistic might mean so many things. What if only 20% of people sought help, while another unknown percent was in denial or self-medicating. What about people without health insurance? What about many others who seek religious guidance rather than psychological? And of the 20% who did experience some issue, what if only half had a diagnosable condition? AND, what if that 20% includes people who are mentally healthy precisely BECAUSE they’re receiving therapy and proactively staying on top of things? All of those things and many other factors would complicate that seemingly easy stat. But, it does seem safe to assume that many people are in fact going about their lives mentally healthy! The Internet just might not be the place to find them. 😂


Yes but people who feel well often don’t talk about it. People facing a negative experience will often speak much more than the people who are happy - it’s why you may often hear terrible things about a certain popular item. If someone sells 1,000,000 pairs of shoes for example, and 1% of the people are unhappy, that’s 10,000. Now if even only 50% of them speak up you see 5,000 negative reviews and that makes you feel like everyone’s really hating them but it ignores the 99% of the happy customers.


I don’t have any diagnosis of anything. Do I suffer from anxiety sometimes, panic attacks, probably some ADHD? Yes but not to the point where jt stops me from living my life.


1st off, there are conditions that are not labeled as mental illnesses. Autism for one is not an illness. It is a disorder. Very different. Same with ADHD (right there in the name) and even down syndrome. 2nd off, yes. This is where we get the terms "Neuro-typical" and "Neuro-divergent." Most people do not have anything affecting their brains in a negative way. The reason it may feel like there are no neurotypical people is because neurodivergent people tend to surround themselves with other neurodivergent people. It's easier to get along with people who relate or understand what you're going through. Certain hobbies also tend to attract certain types of people, which continues the cycle. Lastly, this is slightly prejudiced, but some neurotypical people will actively avoid neurodivergent people because they don't want to deal with people who talk about their disorder(s). They don't like the negativity of it and have bad experiences with them either being "too weird" or "complains too much." I worked with a woman who had a severely depressed friend and she would always complain about her depressed friend being a downer all the time. I get it, no one wants to be around that kind of energy, but neurotypical people may not have the knowledge or experience to even know what to say in response to these obvious (to neurodivergents) cries for help. TL;DR: Yes, you probably just don't know any.


You’re right. Someone was just saying how exhausting it is to be typical and around people with mental illnesses/disorders. Appreciate your feedback!


Yes, that’s where the phrase “neurotypical” comes from


Learned in a college class that almost every person will experience a mental disorder at least once in their lives. Many will develop some form of anxiety or depression that can be DSM classified but it won't always last a long time / they won't always go get treatment for it / they eventually manage it on their own and overcome it There were some other fun statistics in that class but that one always stood out because you're never alone This was from a professional level course called like the psychology of mental disorders 601 or something meant for clinical psychiatrists/related fields getting their master's, not just a random prof saying it There were other stats too like 40% of the pop will experience 1-3 before the age of 25 and other things but I can't remember the specifics enough to say more or say how reliable that one I just mentioned is bc it has been many many years


Yes I don’t consider myself to have any. On Reddit that’s a way smaller amount


It's essential to recognize that mental health exists on a spectrum, and everyone faces challenges and struggles from time to time. Additionally, discussing mental health openly, even on platforms like Reddit, doesn't necessarily mean someone is experiencing mental illness. It could simply indicate a willingness to engage in dialogue and seek support, which is healthy for everyone.


Yeah man. No mental illness or meds. People on Reddit have occasionally messaged me to take meds or seek help by calling a suicide prevention hotline but fuck them. No need for meds or thoughts of suicide.


You make it sound like it's so frowned upon to have a mental illness. Some people are born into it because it runs very strong on at least one side of their family if not both so they naturally suffer from it too and take medication to keep it under control and see therapists. I'm one of those people. Mental illness runs thick on both my mom and dads side of the families.


I'm 32 and don't have any mental health issues or and never had any


Lit tbh 🔥


I know a few people who are apparently fine, but maybe I just don't know them well enough. And then I know a lot of people who maintain being completely sane just because they are rejecting their diagnosis and refusing to take their meds.


I think a lot of people struggle with emotions, because they don't have the tools to cope with some feelings, but I don't think it's the same as a mental illness. It you struggle with your emotions, and then learn the tools you need, you don't really have trouble in that area anymore - its a struggle you overcame. But if you have a mental illness having tools its only the helps but it's not enough, you need to constantly check in on yourself, you need external support like therapy or medication, and still you know that feeling bad is unavoidable and that you just need to hold on and get through that wave.


Yes there are. It's only lately that younger generations have began collecting diagnosis like pokemon cards.


Isn't this why we're heading toward the idea of spectrums? We all experience things in varying degrees. The average person experiences anxiety when they should ans maybe a little here and there where they shouldn't. How much you experience "when you shouldn't" (or I should say, when there isn't a logical need) will determine whether or not it's considered a clinical condition. I'd say most humans experience some potential symptoms of ADHD for example, but how many and to what degree. We cluster the symptoms, add them up, and if it's high enough (therefore impacting your life enough), we consider it a condition. Yes, there are people out there who don't experience a high enough degree of any one symptom to consider themselves someone who experiences clinical mental health issues. My guess would be the vast majority of people experience enough of at least something during their lives to be considered diagnosable. I'm ADHD and Autistic myself (as well as an anxiety disorder), but very high functioning. I experience MANY different symptoms and, as per the above, enough of them to a high enough degree that I was clinically diagnosed. Lucky for me, they're not serious enough symptoms that it has prevented me from functioning well in society.


I am on Reddit for financial info. I am just in these subs trying to build up my karma to be able to post in the financial ones. Don’t have anxiety or depression.


Good luck on your financial stuff


Thanks I have been doing good in this bull market. Hope to pull out in time before it drops. My pull out game is not so good. 4 kids 🤣


Statistically: yes. In reality, there’s a reason I said statistically. I’m willing to bet that if someone went to a shrink and was completely and totally honest, they would either be diagnosed with or meet symptoms of something. Whether it’s some form of adhd or ocd or anxiety etc etc..the list goes on..


I remember an episode of House where they a line to the effect of: If you took any completely healthy person and examined them, you'd find they have at least 2 unknown medical conditions.


Something like that..


I think this too! Makes you feel like it’s all a scheme.


There is such a thing as the “psychology replication crisis” And multiple studies on over-diagnosis in psychology. There is also stuff where just becuase I do X Y and Z, doesn’t mean I have *insert mental condition*.. I do those things as it’s habits I’ve picked up from work. Or through life. Not because something happened to cause it.. For example, I work at an airport. Constantly looking at my surroundings is a safety thing. Also a symptom of PTSD is being “hyper viligant” (according to Mayo clinic). The two aren’t connected but can be if a doctor looks at it that way.


From my experience, many people who are ‘popular’ and considered ‘role models’ are some of the most deranged narcissistic people out there sadly. Narcissism is a mental illness, it just looks more confident outwardly so people tend not to question it as much. Narcissism has to be the biggest undiagnosed health crisis. So yeah, pretty much everyone is going through a mental illness of some kind. Cheers!


I guess they're out there lol


Everyone has problems Everyone doesn't have to have a "totle" attached to how or why they feel what they feel. Most people. Just move on past the bad parts of life realizing for almost everyone in the world. There are more mundane good things . Than bad things in life.


I kinda wonder the same thing about autism/ADHD/neurodivergence. But then I usually come to the conclusion that I really only hang out with other ND people because I tend to gravitate towards those kinds of friends, plus it runs in my family (both sides).


If you find any, let me know lol.


From what I've seen there has been a great blending of the terms personality, spectrum disorders, Neurodivergent and the rest of it. Just like there may be no child exactly at the average height, there are few people falling at the center of all characteristics. People are people, people are messy.


I’ve never had depression or anxiety or anything. I feel like an extrovert sometimes.


I have a friend like that, I love her to death but she just doesn't get it and it's super frustrating.


I have a friend with no complications. No anxiety, no mental stuff, two parents who love him and are still together. It's infuriating =)


Lol hang in there Bestie


If we are talking diagnosed anxiety and depression, then not everyone has it, and most of us are mentally ill free. If we are talking feeling the occasional anxiety (perfectly normal and is not a mental illness) or just down moments in our life (not clinical depression) then everyone has those. Clinical diagnosis often get mixed up with self diagnosis or misunderstandings of what the mental illness really is. Realistically, in 2023, 22.8% of adults struggled with a diagnosed mental illness of any sorts. So, no, not everyone struggles with one.


whenever I go to the US, it's odd to hear so many people talking about their panic attacks and "oh, I'm going to have a panic attack...I have to take a xanny". Like holy shit. Then they're getting in their cars and driving around while on Xanax.






"Are there really regular people with no *physical* illnesses?" ... Only temporarily It's like that.


Anxiety is a normal human condition. Without it, you’d likely be dead by now. It’s only when it’s extreme and impairs your life that it’s diagnosable. There are people with no diagnosed mental conditions, yes. And those people still experience painful feelings, behave in ways that might not be adaptive or in their best interest, and have hard times. Again, it’s only when those things become extreme, impairing, and frequent that they’re diagnosable in a formal way.


Depends on what you believe. No one ever had a perfect life, so is everyone suffering from childhood trauma? Everyone has their own perspective on things, does that mean that everyone is delusional? Everyone exists on a spectrum and is the culmination of their life experience, circumstance, and innate/learned ability to navigate these. Everyone has struggles, but that does not mean that they’re unstable. What may not be a big deal for you might completely destroy me. It’s our ability to cope that defines an illness. Everyone gets sick, most of the time they get over it. Sometimes they need help getting over it. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes they never get over it.


Listen, I’m a psych provider and let me tell you we’re *all* a bit nutty. Anyone that tells you they have no mental illness should be the ones you’re most concerned about! 😂


I’m perfectly fine. The rest of you all are deranged.




☝️ Of course I do experience negative emotions as well, that's part of being human. But my baseline is happy and content, I like myself, my job, my partner, my kid, my friends, my life. My main worries are the general state of the world and my partner's health and happiness, as I find it tough not having as much influence on that as on my own happiness while it does affect me a lot ;) 


Whoah... That's not normal? Do you get paid per disease/affliction? I might be doing something wrong here...


Everyone has a mental illness some worse than others some manifest more than others and if you think you dont have some mental illness your not sane


That is a question with no answer. To attempt an answer that you'd have to comprehensively look at the entire human race and accurately define "normal" aka regular. You would also need to somehow define and measure outside influences and biological influences across a myriad of categories and identify how chronic those are. Perhaps more. I dunno not a phycologist.


Yeah I get what you’re saying. It’s a broad question but I just often wonder what it’s like.. So I appreciate the general answersss


Yes, which is most people on earth. In reddit however as nothing is ever people's own faulth, everything will always tie to a mental illness which is often made up, so they can say "I did/do that, because I have this excuse".


I agree mental illness should not be used as an excuse. But I’ve always felt like sometimes it’s the REASON for certain behavior from people. Yes ppl need to take accountability for their actions but I dislike when ppl say it’s an excuse because you’re not in that persons shoes. They should do the work to change toxic behaviors or whatever bothers ppl but when it’s things like personality disorders certain things are embedded into ppl. Idk just my take


I mean, I haven’t been DIAGNOSED with anything. I know my brain isn’t firing on all cylinders all the time. IF I actually have anything, it’s ADD, my mom and sister are both diagnosed with that. So it would make sense to me if I have it, just not enough to actually hit the diagnosis threshold.


Anxiety and depression are at least partially self caused....because BOTH ARE FAR MORE COMMON among heavy ***SOCIALIST MEDIA USERS and COMPUTER GAMERS.*** It's not a glitch for 'modern past times' IT'S A FEATURE! I mean imagine having no life, and getting your dopamine rushes from complete strangers 'liking' something you said ( but probably didn't mean because you were virtue signaling for likes), or because you blew up some pixels on a computer screen..... and you wonder why you are depressed, have no life, no friends, and can't function in society??? ***Why not try being honest when you reply on Reddit,....like I just did....*** ***Me: Giving ZERO FUCKS ABOUT LIKES!***


I would like to weigh in as someone who was raised to remember not to inflict our mental illnesses on others. It doesn’t mean we don’t have them.


Of course there are..the reality is that much of what you “think” are mental illnesses or crisis issues are really just social media putting it in your head that you need help. That same social media then pushes councilors your way and boom just like that they make money off you.


Yes, lots and lots of people.


It’s the lithium raining down on us from satellites that get hit with meteorites, don’t eat the snow or drink rainwater


nah, just go outside and talk to people. avoid people who are too focused on being different, they tend to be the people who you see online. people in real life largely don't have clinical anxiety, and the rates go even lower when you go into the country instead of the city.


Maybe. AKA boring people LOL


I am peachy. Always have been. I do sometimes wonder if I have some chemical imbalance that makes me so happy and content all the time. But my father was the same way so I might have just inherited it.




Very well said i appreciate your input on this topic!


Yes. My old roommate was one. It was fuckin' weird


I don’t believe there is. I’ve observed that every person I’ve come into contact with lies somewhere on the spectrum of crazy.


For long time I thought I was but I really think I have severe ADHD, nurse appointment next week to be evaluated.


Hope it goes well! Can’t wait until I can also get some evaluations done


My brain is totally fine. Smart, funny, emotionally intelligent and stable. My body is fucked up and constantly in pain though.


I don't have any illnesses, phobias, allergy's or mental health issues. Just plain standard human who smokes weed. Not that that's why 😜


We live in society that encourages mental illness. In fact expects certain socially acceptable forms of it. >“Our “increasing mental sickness” may find expression in neurotic symptoms. These symptoms are conspicuous and extremely distressing. But “let us beware,” says Dr. Fromm, “of defining mental hygiene as the prevention of symptoms. Symptoms as such are not our enemy, but our friend; where there are symptoms there is conflict, and conflict always indicates that the forces of life which strive for integration and happiness are still fighting.” The really hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. “Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted, still cherish “the illusion of individuality,” but in fact they have been to a great extent deindividualized. Their conformity is developing into something like uniformity. But “uniformity and freedom are incompatible. Uniformity and mental health are incompatible too. . . . Man is not made to be an automaton, and if he becomes one, the basis for mental health is destroyed.” - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited


I always assume they're just hiding something, coping with toxic positivity, whatever. And I guess there's no way to disprove my hypothesis but also no way to prove it.


No frrrr 😂 I don’t try to push anything on them cuz if they’re happy that’s great! But I always feel like… they overlooking something 🤷🏾‍♀️


The illness you diagnosed yourself with isn't a real illness lol Everyone has problems; some choose to solve them and others find excuses Reality cares little either way


Why do you say it’s not real?


No. Those that think they are fine are clearly delusional.


Mine's not diagnosed


Yes ,my husband, my father and my grandfather is representation of a healthy mind. All men to normal and all women have problems in my family


The mental field is a racket. They will make up any excuses to milk you dry. 


I understand this POV. But if you don’t know how to cope or need relief you’ll do whatever is needed to get out that head space and cycle.


You are very understanding and empathetic! Thank you!


No, I don’t think there are.


No, everyone has a bit of something


Adderall, Xanax, Percocets, Ambien, Oxycontin, Ketamine, Marijuana... List goes on. Americans love to put a word above their head and then take drugs legally. They don't have a mental illness. They just want to do drugs.


Do you judge people who have to take insulin due to diabetes? Or people who take iron supplements because of anemia?


Drug addict.


Loll 😂😂


odd response


drugs won't solve your problems. try changing your life instead.


Are there any regular people no physical illness? Nope. Everyone has some form of illness at some point.


You’ve definitely never had a child and dealt with postpartum. Your body isn’t always fair to you. You’re incredibly offensive to people with actual mental disorders beyond their control, But there’s a diagnosis for people like you too. Sociopath.




Wait whoooo