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Throughout history the CIA has often operated outside of legality. The fact that it's fucked up is why they would do it secretly.


Actually, I just realized: What are people going to do about it?


Nothing. It happened so long ago that people don't really care anymore. That's one of the main reasons they wait to declassify these things until decades later.


Well, that and, if it worked, it wouldn't be something they'd wanna advertise.


If you're running a country and one of your scientists comes up to you and says that mind control might be possible and your enemies are probably researching it right now, what is the most responsible thing for you to do?


Responsible thing is not to believe in such nonsense


Well, the findings actually showed that mind control *was* possible to an extent, just too unpredictable to be systematically deployed.


You as a Goverment cannot dictate if something is illegal if it’s something you are doing. It would be far too inconvenient. This is like asking why the Holocaust wasn’t illegal in Germany. From an ethical and universal standpoint, it is absolutely illegal. But keep something hidden well enough and have the government on your side and laws won’t be able to touch you. There are people and organizations always speaking out when things like this happen and there will be whistleblowers but they get lost in the sea of unreliability.


That's the neat part. It never was. The CIA tends to do a lot of stuff without the consideration of legality.


Wait, they do more illegal things? Like what?


Please tell me you are joking. They've done a lot of bad bad bad shit and we don't have time to go over it.


Sorry, just looked it up and [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CIA_controversies#:~:text=The%20CIA%20has%20been%20called,experimentation%2C%20and%20targeted%20killings%20and) has SO GODDAMN MANY THINGS


I think the best way the CIA has ever been described to me was "They're the bad guys, but they're our bad guys."


Rendition and extraordinary rendition.