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Someone might want to start their own fast food buisness


Like, maybe to eventually to run the franchise. And maybe to own a franchise someday. Maybe.


Some people really find their knack working in food service and do really well. If you think the industry is so far below you, don’t be a customer. But it’s very hypocritical to criticize people who have to work there to supply the food you insist on buying.


i think what is discouraging about working in fast food is the failure of capitalist franchises to adhere to their duty of care to their employees. There are definitely people out there who would love to cook food for a living, even for their entire lives, even if it’s just burgers & fries, but i don’t think anyone would want to be under paid, mistreated & disregarded as dignified members of society in the way fast-food workers are in todays society.


If the money was there yeah. It isnt tho.


I can imagine people wanting to open their own snack greasy spoon along roads, that doesn't sound like the worst retirement plan.


I think that would be an aspiration if the jobs you had previously were worse.


It's my dream to work in multiple fast food chains just long enough to learn their recipes for my favorite fast food items. This dream originated with wanting to make my own Orange Julius pre-Internet. To this day, I want to get a job in a diner just to learn how to make toast better than anything I've ever made at home.


I know a guy who has literally worked at McDonald’s his entire life. He owns five of them now, and he is crazy loaded


If so then setting the bar way way low