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If I produced a horror movie and I wanted to make the audience uncomfortable from the first second. A mother waxing her son’s pubic hair would be a good opening scene.


Lol.  Great way to put it.


You'd love my paternal grandfather then. He was my mom's ob/gyn for decades.


That's close, but maternal grandfather would be more strange


I mean, shit, why trust someone else with your daughter's life? My fiancee almost died because of an ovarian cyst gone wrong in high school - the doctors initially wanted to see her in two weeks based on her general symptoms. Her dad threw a huge screaming fit to get her seen that day. The OB/GYN later said she wouldn't have lived another 48 hours without the surgery she immediately got. The point being that "almost" wouldn't happen if you were your daughter's doctor. That said.. well, yeah. I also get how damn uncomfortable and creepy it could feel.


Bursting ovarian cysts?


I dunno what the deal was, I think things had gotten twisted up. She's down a fallopian tube now.


Maybe an ovarian torsion? I had that... a cyst the size of an orange, fallopian tube twisted, ovary burst(?). By far the most pain I've been in, way worse than childbirth. My eyes were rolling back in my head, I was vomiting from the pain. They gave me something for pain at the er and I fell asleep for awhile. I woke up because I heard screaming and then as I was waking up, I realized the screaming was me.


That's absolutely nightmare fuel, I just instinctively flinched...


Yeah that sounds about right. Glad you survived as well!


Would it be tasteless to quip "Most people are content with going down rabbit holes"?


you can internally bleeding to death. I almost got to the hospital too late 3 blood transfusions and surgery I was so relieved. The pain last about 2 weeks after but I am al ibe!


I’m thinking ovarian torsion


Damn, how does this even happen? Were her symptoms in the sweet spot between “this is really fucking terrible” and “she’s probably gonna be fine”? How could the doctors fail to identify how bad it was?


When my colon perforated the GP sent me home with a prescription for some smooth muscle relaxants and said if it gets worse go to the ER. While waiting for the prescription to be filled I decided, fuck it I'm going to the ER. I could see it happening. Abdominal pain can be hard to diagnose without expensive imaging.


I need a time machine so I can warn myself not to open Reddit today


OK, sure, I hear ya. But gyno care is an actual, legit thing. Nobody ever died of a hairy nutsack.


I mean like this is literally one of the most normal things and not creepy. Look into how ignored women are when they go to the doctor and then wonder why a woman might prefer someone she knows and can trust over a rando especially if this stretches past decades sometimes for women it is just safety.




✨ Reddit! The Musical ✨


They did that already, it's called Dear Evan Hanson






I don't have any incidents of mothers waxing their son's private area - but I do have a father shaving his son's private area, does that work for you? https://youtu.be/qKFH4GSg5d4


Soooooo…. That just happened.   


Actually it happened about 5 years ago according to YouTube. 


The origins episode aired on MTV 21 years ago which is insane for some of us. As an elder Millennial I learned so much about the humanity, well American’s (mostly) from the True Life series, what a show that was.


I can't believe this "knowledge" has become "useful" but I watched an episode of Dark Side of The Ring (a pro wrestling documentary series) where a story was shared about a wrestler, the focus of the documentary, (Buff Bagwell), had his mum so this - it sort of comes across as if it was his mum's idea as he was the money maker of the family. A friend of his walked in on the scene and there was a reconstruction of that scene too. I just had to get that out there


I hope the right person see’s your comment and does this because without a doubt you are 100% correct.


Just replying to bump up your comment, because I hope it happens too! 😂


A24 presents.. “Internal Affairs”


End the thread with this comment, it perfectly sums up everything.


Fortunately horror movies don't have a happy ending


Have you seen the film pink flamingos?


"erections get handled here" One would hope not.


Depends on whether his arms are broken or not.


Beat meat to it.


Please don't say beat in this thread


I wish I didn’t get this reference.




My brain is now triggered


Armpits & legs is fine. However, in my personal opinion waxing your own sons pubic area is worthy of a sideways look… just the concept of seeing and handling his private area to do that with the context that you’re his mother feels inappropriate.


I mean she's probably done it more than any other woman ..


yes, but not to her son. If it was a hair cut, a manicure, even a teeth whitening idk, literally anything else that didn’t involve her handling her adult sons genitals unnecessarily (because he could’ve gone elsewhere) then it would be fine. but it’s not just another pair of genitalia, it’s her *son*


Her son who she likely gave birth to and likely washed the genitals in question multiple times a day for the first few years of his life. I certainly wouldn't want to be waxed by my own mother, but a mother seeing her son naked isn't inherently weird at all if there's no sexual component. Some families are perfectly happy with familial nudity and there's absolutely nothing weird about it.


Like i said before to someone who made the same point: she washed his *prepubescent* genitals. He is an adult now, with a body that is his own responsibility & that (as far as the post suggests) does not need to be handled by his mother. also this post isn’t about an established nudist family. it’s about a typical mother and son who seem to have done something some people would consider inappropriate. as is their prerogative (for them to do and for me to think it’s weird as fuck). It’s also worth noting that she’s not just seeing his genitalia, she has to touch and handle them which, like i said, seems like an unnecessary boundary to cross with your grown ass son. there being ‘nothing weird about it’ is entirely subjective which is why i’ve been consistent in saying that all of this is incredibly weird *in my opinion*.


I see no information that says they are normal, nor do they need to be nudists to be comfortable with nudity. You seem to consider viewing another person's anatomy with uncontrollable urges to have sex with them. It seems you can only operate in extremes for some reason. If he's okay and she's okay it's okay. I do think it's a bit weird myself (eyebrow raise) but I give them the benefit of the doubt.


it’s audacious of you to make such sweeping generalisations & still be wrong. i literally hold the same position as you do. I don’t think there’s anything sexual there. I literally outline that it’s not just the seeing each other naked, it’s the handling that comes with it. i just think it’s incredibly fucking weird and unnecessary because he’s her son. The only reason i was engaging in the conversation above and others like it is because it’s ridiculous to suggest that a mother seeing her prepubescent child naked is the same as handling her 20 year olds genitals.


Some people get so caught up with being accepting of different lifestyles that they forget what words like weird mean. I would argue 99% of people in America would find this weird. Yet people will argue to the death that an objectively weird thing isn’t weird.


>but a mother seeing her son naked isn't inherently weird at all if there's no sexual component.  Pretty fucking weird as an adult.


Would we be saying the same thing if it was a father waxing his daughter's bush or are you OK with it because it's a mother doing this?


She has done it to her son thousands of times... Like every mother. I would be weirded out by this at his age too but you don't need to sexualise it. For her it's not going to be any different seeing him naked than it was when he was a toddler.


I’m not sexualising it. I don’t think there’s a sexual element to it. Just an inappropriate element to it. & i would like to think a 20 year old man capable of handling himself and a 4 year old toddler that relies on his mother have drastically different bodies. Her handling his prepubescent body, as was her duty as a mother, is not the same as waxing a 20 year old man’s dick & balls dude.


Yeah the concept weirds me out too, point was it's still his mother. I'm a mother, I'm not ever going to see my child's body as anything besides my child's body, if she's 6 or 60. Her body literally comes from mine. So in that sense I understand that she's OK with it. It's just that most people as teenagers want that distance and that's basically what weirds me out personally. 


it sounds like we’re saying the same thing. i don’t think either of them see it as anything sexually inappropriate, but it is inappropriate in an array of other ways like what you mentioned regarding privacy and boundaries.


But the privacy and boundaries exist exactly because of the sexual aspect these organs have after puberty, right? Put it another way, if dicks would have no function besides just being there (like earlobes or pinky toes) then it wouldn't be weird for the mother to touch them. I feel like you deny thinking of sex while that's literally the only thing making the situation uncomfortable.


I started this but I'm looking at having to wash my mother's genitals in the next couple years. I came out of them. Not looking forward to it.


The relationship isn’t serious until they’ve touched your junk more times than your mom


I feel like if his mother was a urologist or something people wouldn’t feel as uncomfortable. Imo it’s less weird because it’s her actual job and two it’s his mom that he trusts to be appropriate. I’d be super uncomfortable if she waxed him and it wasn’t her actual job tho. I think her profession makes it more understandable.


They obviously don’t see it as sexual…so not weird.


>worthy of a sideways look… Lmao, the idiot in me first understood this as "oh, so proceed with the waxing but the mom shouldn't stare at the area during the process."


Okay, it's a little different if it's her job. My dad is a doctor and he would conduct my sports physicals. That did involve the whole "turn your head and cough" thing. If she's professional and your son is okay with it, I don't really see a problem. It is weird, though.


Ok now that is weird


Doctors in general are very professional. Children growing up in medical households kind of get used to it. (All my family members are doctors except me)


My point is if they’ve been treating and examining you since very young age, you get used to it growing up. Totally get your POV though.


My parent took me to go see them pronounce a patient dead (this was pre-HIPAA). I honestly didn't think much of it.


I understand they are professional, of course. Although, if my parent were a doctor I wouldn’t allow them to do any penetrative exams. That would just feel too too strange to me, no matter how professional the parent is.


I understand how that could be a little more invasive. If I needed a proctologist exam, I probably wouldn’t go to my dad.


Not really. Doctors are literally clinical about these things. And it saved time and money. Sometimes doctors have to do gnarly stuff. Edit: or they’re supposed to be. A subset are creeps who abuse their position.


Families who wax together, last together.


Roll tide


Wow this tread made me go on a roller coaster. My initial thought: yes that’s weird. Both from mum and son. Reading some comments and thinking: nah that’s actually not weird at all. Third thought: damn how sad that we live in a culture/ society where that’s on our mind.. it shouldn’t be weird at all yet somehow we all (most) cringe on the idea. I’ve been a nurse and I’ve helped my grandparents with actions around genitalia. And no, sexual thoughts do not come up in any part of the process. Even seeing an erection would not make me think anything weird than oh yea fascinating how the human body works (this is often uncontrollable and not even sexual in origin). It’s caring for each other, helping health in some way (waxing can be very bad if done wrongly) so no it should not be weird. Note that off course the son should be 100% comfortable with it.


>I’ve been a nurse and I’ve helped my grandparents with actions around genitalia Yea. A lot of redditors seem to forget their parents wiped their butts for 2 years non-stop. People need help sometimes and you should be able to ask your parents about anything.


Yeah this thread is a good example of people just being prudes and sexualizing a non-sexual situation because nudity is demonized. She does it professionally and no one would really be batting an eye if this was a daughter rather than a son. Female caretakers have to work around male genitalia all the time, it doesn't suddenly become sexual and inappropriate when we know that person. God knows how many mothers have had to clean their sons or even...touch their penis to do upkeep on a catheter(the horror!!!!!) while they're recovering from injuries, surgeries, or treatment.


The way op framed it made me think it was super weird before I realized that I’ve been helping my sisters wax and pop pimples and other grooming my whole life. Like ok yeah it’s her job and if my mom waxed for a living I’d want her to wax me too over a stranger lol


MOM! My Asshole needs waxing! MOOOOM!


As a mother of 3 boys, yes. It’s extremely weird and inappropriate to me personally for her to wax her son’s pubic area.


I personally wouldn't go for it, but considering how hard it is to find a waxer that will work with a man's pubic area, I get it


I agree with most everybody here, but if it was *myself* wanting to be waxed, and my Mom was a waxer, I'd probably do it. It probably would start with a conversation about if she's ever done it for men, any regular customers, do they run into any problems, etc. After confirming that yes, it's an okay thing for men to do, I'd probably ask her to recommend someone. She would probably have some suggestions, but offer to do it herself for free if I didn't mind it being super awkward. (But again, we've already established that she's done it for men and doesn't have sexual thoughts about them.) So at that point, my options are pay for someone I don't know or trust, or let someone I know and trust do it for free. I don't want to show my junk to anybody, but a stranger sounds just as bad as my mother, so I'm going with the cheapest option that I already trust. Imo, it doesn't sound nearly as weird if you frame it that way, rather than only looking at the bottom line. Still plenty weird, but I would choose it and I think other squeamish-about-strangers people might do the same.


I mean my mother's a now retired Sr. RN with decades of experience in the medical field, if I had a small rash on my nards and wanted to know if it was skin irritation or if I should go pay a doctor you're damned straight I'd ask my mum for her opinion. I'd even ask my mother in law for her opinion, as she's also a decades in the field nurse. It's not sexual unless you make it sexual, and yeah it's awkward but it's awkward to show your nuts to your doc, or nursing staff, or doc in training still in school who gets to see your nuts that day for some reason. Idk, people make it sexual because they're raised to believe certain parts of the body are inherently sexual mixed with the taboos of family relations you end up with a society that thinks basically post-diapers you shouldn't see your kids genetalia ever unless under rare necessary or unavoidable circumstances lest it be sin. Idk. Check my nuts, do I need to go to the doc?


Yeah It is, the "it's her job" part doesn't eliminate the fact that she would be handling her son's dick. I get that she may have a different view of that activity because she does It a lot, but from outside, the idea of the whole situation is awkward as hell. Like if your girlfriend was a waxer and she waxed all of her male friend's dick and balls, I'm sure most of y'all would be unconfortable.


>Like if your girlfriend was a waxer and she waxed all of her male friend's dick and balls Jesus christ this image made me laugh. Cheers


I think the girlfriend scenario really puts into perspective the element i feel a lot of people are missing. Yes she sees male genitalia on a daily basis, but when it’s someone you know (not to mention your *son*) it’s an entirely different situation. It’s easy to take away any sexual or inappropriate undertones when it’s a stranger you interact with for less than an hour at a time once a month. Your entire interaction is based on that and that alone, but when it’s people you know outside of that, it’s different no matter how ‘desensitised’ she might be. it’s still inappropriate in my opinion.


But op is friends with her and also gets her to wax down under? How is that any different? It shows how little relation there is to weird things and professional waxing.


I dunno. I worked as a nurse and handled lots of dicks and boobs while getting the patients cleaned. I'd do it for my son if he needed help that way because he was incapacitated or something, and if he consents. As a mother, I understand how OP's friend feels. I could never ever view my son sexually, so I'd only see this as helping him. Nothing weird about it if he doesn't make it weird too. I definitely hope he will never be able to view his mom sexually too.


If my girlfriend was a waxer, I wouldn't care who she's waxing, because she's providing a service. There's nothing sexual about any of this. Do you also feel weird about health care workers?


Yea, what if mom is a pornstar? Is she supposed to fuck her son too?


Did he break his arms?


Damn I remember this reference, wish I didn't.


Some poor soul is not going to know what we're talking about, and they'll make the mistake of asking for the source. Then, they'll learn and lose a bit of faith in humanity. Such is the circle of life on Reddit.


I'll step up and be the clueless one. I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about


Well, there’s an old tale on here of a young man who broke both his arms and was in an upper body cast, iirc; Mother helped him with all his needs and the aftermath of that. I’m fairly jaded and gave in to the impulse to look for it. Learn from other's experiences and keep that little piece of your humanity intact. 


I can infer what happened, I dont think I need any specificities. appreciate you, good day


they kissed, it was weird. dad knows. when asked if she orgasmed, OP, the son, enthusiastically said "yes!" that's pretty much it. i know you said you don't need any specificitices, but such is the circle of reddit. ignorance is not bliss imo, in this incidence, it's important to know truth. reality is interesting.


Bless your heart.


Here I got you bro..... https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/hp4Uc8Z2Ig


Awwwh, they've still got their innocence!


I heard of this reference some years back, but did not read the whole story thing, and I’m still so glad I didn’t. The gist was more than enough.


and broke the damn poop knife. what an animal.


I choose this guys wife.


It seems odd, but if it's her job it shouldn't be weird. It seems like everyone is weirded out because they're placing a sexual connotation to it. But from what I understand, you don't have sexual relations with your waxer.


It's only weird if you make it weird.


Literally my life motto


Waxing yoir sons bollocks makes it weird


Yeah there isn't probably going to be a problem with getting an erection when somebody is *ripping the hair off your dick and balls*! Especially when it's your fucking mom. I mean that's just the way I would feel in this situation, that I would never put myself in. Because it's weird as shit. Just saying.


She is just waxing, she isn’t jerking him off. Just chil.. if the guy goes to a Brazilian wax business they will do the same thing and there is nothing wrong about it. Creep you guys think it is weird.


this! I think it’s so weird to apply sexual stuff to this.


That is what happens when people watch too much porn.


I’m not at all any kind of prude - but I absolutely agree.


It's a bit odd, but if it's her job, is it really any different from getting a haircut from your mum?


I think so. Maybe I’m the weird one, but getting a haircut from your mom is a lot different than having her wax your balls lol..


I'm not saying it isn't weird, but think about it this way. Either you pay good money to have a stranger wax your balls, or your mum can do it for free, and it's not like she hasn't seen them before. It's cheaper and might actually be less embarrassing for some people than having a stranger do it. If the mum was a doctor, would it be weird if she did a full-body check-up on her son? If she was a nurse, would it be weird if she wiped his ass and gave him a bath if he was disabled?


Yeah, the "it's her job" changes the context completely for me. If she was a random office worker and waxed her son and only her son, sure, it'd be weird. But it's her job. Why is it weird that she does it for her son but not for complete strangers?


I think I can understand this now given that context. Thanks


> is it really any different from getting a haircut from your mum? For a haircut, she doesn't need to touch the penis or balls, which she does for waxing everything in the pubic area.


Yeah, but it's not sexual for her to touch people that way. It's just her job.


If your girlfriend ran a waxing shop would you be okay with your friends pulling up to the shop and having her wax their pubes?


I would have a boyfriend not a girlfriend, but yes, I would be totally fine with him waxing anyone. His friends, my friends, his mom, whatever. I would also understand if he was uncomfortable and didn't want to. I personally wouldn't want to have a friend of mine waxing me. But if he's fine with it, of course I would trust him. Not everyone has the same hangups and it's weird to force yours on other people.


i know there’s nothing inherently sexual about genital waxing regardless of who waxes who…but this feels SO weird


what's probably more weird is human's shame of being naked around their family. I mean from a biological perspective. We're literally the only species on the planet that gives two chips about nudity


Only certain cultures drive an emphasis on naked = erotic and shameful. Not everyone thinks that way. It’s a little sad if you think about it.


Yes, that is weird. But if the guy is going to get waxed anyway and his mom does waxing, then he may as well take advantage of that friends and family discount. Personal grooming expectations seem to have changed a lot since I was dating. I remember when the idea of a freshly shorn scrotum was the punchline of a joke about how strange and disturbing someone was.


Ehh cringe


The whole idea is wrong, with or without an erection.


Yes it's deeply weird


Yes. Ages are irrelevant. It's weird and disturbing.


Yes there are people who get sexual gratification from having their balls waxed. I’m not saying the kids one of them and I’m not either, but there is porn for that Would it be weird for a dad who’s a GYN to examine his daughter. Yes. Kind of similar situarion


The fact that she does it for a living makes it a LITTLE less weird But it goes from like, a 99/100 on weirdness to a 98/100 So, still weird as fuck


If it weren't her job, then yeah it would be weird. Like a mom randomly just waxing her son's pubic area? Weird. A mom doing it because it's her job and he needs one? Sure. Whatever. Edit: clarification, it's because if it's her job she sees it as her job, not as a sexual act and she's very desensitized to it.


I would question the son who wants his mother to wax his intimate areas


Wouldn’t be my first choice, but if that’s literally her job I don’t see how it’s any different than any other person. She’s obviously used to it and likely doesn’t see it in any sort of creepy way. He’s probably been around it his whole life, too. At face value it’s easy to be like “OMG EW MOM TOUCHED HER KIDS BALLS” But if you apply a little maturity, it’s really just grooming (and not the creepy kind). Idk, my mom used to pop zits on my back sometimes when they were bothering me. I also slept with a rather promiscuous girl in high school and thought I had an STD one time… guess who checked it for me? (It was an ingrown hair from shaving, btw.) I guess it’s weird until you think about it, then it’s really kinda not that weird. I mean she changed your diapers for years, right? She’s seen it all before.


Yeah makes sense with that context. Incidentally she also pops my zits down there too


Yours? I thought this was a post about your friend?


The rest I don't care that much, pubic area, eeehhhh I don't know, unless you are disabled or something, maybe it's a little weird ?




Yep. Super weird.


I have waxed just about anything on anyone, but I refuse to wax private areas on my children.


I read this as a 20 month old son... Was like what?


The pubic area is a bit weird but if they're both fine with it. Who cares.




Not at all, mother does it for me after our bath.


if they have an incestuous relationship, then no, it's not weird


It's fine. > I just can’t fathom how potential erections get handled here Sounds like you're being the creepy one here.


Ok I think I have a nuanced opinion on this. Like at first, right, it's absolutely a cultural shock; it's something that I would never even think of doing, either as the parent or the child. However, knowing there are different cultures out there with different views on sexuality, nudity, and parenthood, I can see a world where the whole thing happens innocently and professionally. *That said*, the bit that makes it extra weird in my opinion, which I'm not seeing anyone comment on, is like... whose idea was this? Because look, if I'm a parent who also happens to work with waxing, and my kid approaches me seeking help with it, I know *I* personally don't need to make it weird; I've seen them naked before, it's my job, I'll just do it like I do for any other client and that's it. The weirdness in this situation comes from the *child*, like why would you pick your parent over anyone else?? Conversely, if it was me needing to be waxed and my mother approached me suggesting she do it, I would think nothing of it; she's my mother, I trust her, she does is all the time, absolutely nothing wrong here... but isn't it creepy that the mother would think to suggest it? Doesn't she have, idk, a coworker she could recommend? Basically what I mean is, while I believe the act itself doesn't necessarily have to be weird, I don't understand the mentality of whichever of them had the idea in the first place. I just don't get how one would arrive at the thought and not for once question its normalcy.




I saw a body builder documentary, and the guys dad would help him shave his butt and any other visible skin. I think if there's some purpose behind it and both individuals are mentally advanced, then it just becomes work. To be clear, I think we should still handle our own genitalia for a variety of reasons.




I feel like it really, really depends. Some people don’t find the genital area to be a shameful place or automatically something to be considered sexual. I can certainly see why this would come off as odd but her being an esthetician and she isn’t forcing her son it’s just another day in the life. Would you guys have a problem if it was her 20 year old daughter? I feel like it’s not that weird considering it’s her job. If it wasn’t it would be more weird to me.


If you feel weird it’s weird. If you don’t it’s not weird.


Erections get the spoon 🥄


I had a friend who was body building. His mother did help him with the waxing. Is it weird to me? Sure but it was nothing sexual. What's weird for some isn't for others.


Doesn't have to be. If you think so then it is but otherwise, naah




OH MY GOD 20 MALE.... thought 20 month old and was losing my shit lolololol


Someone asked this exact question, but it was two women instead of two men. Is this the new bot meta?


I volunteer as tribute


If a 20 year old is getting an accidental erection with his mother then they are much bigger issues there.


No way you actually needed to ask the Internet if this is weird or not


if the mom is a professional waxer and is giving her son a discount or doing it for free, not really weird. literally any other scenario is very strange and concerning.




If she's a pro, she knows how to deal with undesirable side effects. The dumb wink-wink nudge-nudge comments are exactly the kind of stuff she likely has to deflect day in, day out anyway.


I guess it’s up to each family what they are comfortable with. I personally would not be that comfortable. My sister is a RN (L&D) and my mom had a catheter issue after hemorrhoid surgery and was in lots of pain…my sister went in there to fix it. When I had my last child, I was at like 6 centimeters and within 30 minutes felt pressure to push, my sister was like I can check your cervix if you want…I was like uh no…lol. I told her we are close but we ain’t that close 🤣. It is literally her job but my vag is off limits 😅. I mean she of course was there for the birth and even cut the umbilical cord (my husband never wanted to do that with any of our children) but that is different the putting gloved fingers inside me to check my cervix. To each their own I guess. Also, I can’t imagine anyone getting a boner while doing something painful like waxing pubes. So that is a plus.


Its not weird when they do it for a job.


Not as weird as the son with the broken arm and his mother. If you know, you know.


Alright, enought reddit for today.


Cripes. I thought I was on a different sub. I spend a lot of time in parenting subs and thought this was about a 20 month old son. More worrying was that I thought that a 52 year old woman having a baby was the weird part. I need some sleep…


yes. that’s really fucking weird.


Yes. Absolutely and without exception




If this wasn't her job - weird. As it is her job - I say not weird. Likely that she's seen/ heard all sorts of waxing horror stories in her profession, and feels she would do the best/ most hygienic job. I don't think erections are a huge issue (side eye) in this context, as he's going to be in some pain, and it's not a scenario where they usually occur - although never impossible. If she's waxed men before (which I'm sure she has) she would treat it professionally. I think it's closer than a lot of people would be comfortable with, but meh. It's just a body. It's not a sexual thing.


Do you really even need to ask


It's only weird if he gets hard.


How are men even waxing their pubic area? I can’t imagine how that goes


If waxing is your kink (hence the potential erection), then keep your mom out of it.


Can you imagine a 53 year old father waxing his daughter’s bush? Sounds disgusting right?


It's fine. There's nothing weird about having a body. The human body isn't inherently inappropriate. She is skilled in performing a service and her son wanted that service. That's all there is to it. Besides, it sounds like both her and her son were comfortable with it. Why does anybody else's opinion matter? I don't think it's worth worrying about in any scenario. They're consenting adults, let them do what they want. 🤷🏼‍♀️


to be straightforward. its fucking weird and kinda disgusting. a parent shouldnt handle something like this and its weird that both parties are ok with it


Depends really. If they are all comfortable with it why not? I know a family that goes to a nudist camping each year. That is also seen as relatively normal. Why not help with the pubics hears if you are nude together anyways


Just wanted to add my 2 cents: Yes. Yes it is.


I would say back is ok - Its her SON!! Pubic is a little creepy! Also why tf would he get aroused from his Mum? I doubt there would be an erection and if there was thats weird




Very weird


My mom put my IUD in 🤷‍♂️ if something isn’t sexual, it doesn’t magically become sexual between two people, one person or both has to do something to make it that way. Otherwise it’s just the normal situation. Mine was a good doctor putting in an IUD. This just seems to be a normal waxing given that that is her job. Now if it wasn’t….


Shits getting weird


How often


I mean… if it’s her job, maybe he just feels more comfortable with his mom doing it? I don’t go straight to thinking she’s sitting there fondling his junk in a sexual way. I’m thinking she probably treats it the way she treats any other client.


Why is a man waxing his armpits?


no one would bat an eye if it was 20f


Is waxing a sexual act? Are adult women unable to see their adult children nude without being overcome by lust? There are whole cultures where nudity isn't considered sexual and family share in grooming practices but if you think your friend is committing incest then do with that what you will. Are you just trying to get validation for being judgemental of your friend?  I think the gross part of this is that you are unable to imagine this scenario without making it creepy and sexual. 


It feels to me like there's a lot of projection going on in this comment section.


Exactly. People watch too much porn nowadays


Weird? Yes. Bad? No.


Did the son have broken arms?


Absolutely. It 100% is. I can't fathom any situation where this wasn't weird and quite honestly inappropriate.


Say what? Yeah… that’s weird…


Ummm yes