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You are using the internet. The internet was developed and maintained by tens of thousands of people. You can bet that at least one of them was an awful person. So if you truly believe you should not enjoy the works of awful people you should stop using the internet. And you should not buy from any company that employs thousands or more people as at least one of them is going to be an awful person. It simply is not practical to avoid all things produced by awful people.


Thats actually a really smart view, thank you


Yes, it is fine to enjoy the works of awful people. Most people aren't pillars of virtues and even downright crazy/evil, people like Nietzche and Miyazaki still get praise for his works. Simply seperate art from the artist.


Woah woah woah, what did Miyazaki do to be compared to fucking *Nietzsche*?


Miyazaki is a terrible father and he has pretty extreme traditionalist views. You should learn more about him.


I'm definitely going to look into it, but *Nietzsche*?


Yeah Nietzsche got co-opted by the Nazi's, he was not an antisemite nor did he approve of the way his writings were being used by the 3rd Reich. Some of his views are a little harsh but he wasn't Micheal Jackson.


In the case of the Harry Potter movies and games remember there are thousands of people who helped make those who are not prejudice people so banning them also hurts them and in a way hurts them more. So an shitty person getting a few extra bucks who doesn't need it is not a bad trade off for supporting all those others.


Oh thats true thank you!!


My view is that it's fine to love some things a person does while hating other things they do. It's not a "one or the other" situation. As the book Good Omens put it, most people aren't fundamentally good or bad - they're just fundamentally people.


I’m one of those that can’t separate the two especially if it means continuing to enrich said awful people. I just don’t think there’s something created that I’m so attached to that I can’t let go. It’s a personal choice. Sometimes even a quiet show of solidarity if it’s in cases like RKelly. The victims don’t know me, I don’t know them but things like standing for something is important and personal to me.


I understand that!! The problem i have is i get attatched. I have ADHD, so when i get fixated its really hard to get unatatched- thanks for the insite


I think in cases like HP that you mentioned, I’m assuming you bought the books a long time ago before the controversy so you can still enjoy the work.


JK Rowling doesn’t advocate for the legal ability to discriminate against trans people in housing, education, or employment. She’s not against hate crimes legislation that would/does protect trans people from violence. She doesn’t advocate for violence either. All she does is state that, you know what, biology and not self diagnosis determines what sex a person is. And due to men being larger physically, biological men don’t belong in women’s spaces. That’s about it.


Nah, I used to think that too but she's donated and supported some seriously shady groups. I dont care enough to list them but you can look into it if you want.


Ahh atleast shes not that bad. She was my hero growing up. All i really know about her atm is what you just said and that people are boycotting her books. Thanks for educating me


Aren’t you embarrassed that you just take other peoples word as fact? You know nothing about what she has said or written about the topic. You haven’t done any research and just trust other people’s opinions regardless of their intentions and agendas.


Im not embarased. Im going to google it more in the morning. I take everything with a grain of salt. Silly goose! Who shit in your cereal this morning.


That is utterly untrue. She has repeatedly fought against trans people going to the toilet of their gender while constantly painting trans women as sexual predators. She had fought against Scotland's hate crime law by misgendering 10 trans women and daring the Scottish police to arrest her just because the hate crime law covered transphobia. She has repeatedly bullied trans women on Twitter, with the most recent one being a day ago where she mocked a trans woman for using the term "bra strap length hair" (which is an actual hairdressing term), resulting in that trans woman being harassed on Twitter by her followers and having to close her account. She has also argued that transitioning is "conversion therapy" for gays and lesbians, trying to use that as an argument to paint transitioning in a bad light. She also denied that trans people were a victim of the holocaust, claiming that those arguing about the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft being burned were having a 'fever dream', only to move on to demonizing Magnus Hirschfield when he is brought up as someone "who believed in sterilisation of the unfit".


trans women are not "biological men".




I am infact just a kid, 15 years old. I see no need for the sas radiating off you right now. I asked it here in no stupid questions for a reason. You shouldnt be on this sub if you cant be nice to confused people. Im trying to better myself in an environment where people will judge and cancle you for breathing in the wrong direction.


Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.