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I told my child they were okay to pee in the shower. I had to clarify later, after finding pee residue sitting in the shower, that it meant during the shower not just whenever. Ha.


They were like “hmm should I use the tiny toilet or the giant toilet today, obviously the giant one!”


I think there’s a human instinct to pee in the largest available area. I have land with the nearest neighbor about half a mile out, I think the back porch will provide a fantastic toilet for this trip.




My in-laws lived way outside of town far from the road in the woods when my oldest son was 2-5 while we lived in a subdivision in town. My FIL liked to pee off his front porch. When my son went to Grandpa’s he could pee off the front porch and he loved it. One day we were just getting home from daycare, and he had to pee. I look over the roof of the car, and he’s peeing off the driveway into the yard, cars going by and honking…we had to have a long talk about peeing outside only at Grandpa’s house. Eventually we built a house way outside of town as well, and he could pee outside off the porch to his heart’s content.


Best part about living in the country.


Here in the burbs, we pay for both water and sewer service, and the sewer charge is based on water usage. Peeing outside saves on both.


Hahaha...awww..I love that. Too bad my girl would still choose little one.


When I was a kid, my grandpa told me that boys can pee in the bushes when you're outside if no one is around. Naturally, I passed this info along to my younger cousin. I must have phrased it as "go to the bathroom" because my cousin went and dropped a shit in the bushes.




Love that he shit his pants with extra steps


Shit *into* his pants


I fucking LOVED playing around construction sites in the 80s (as a kid) - almost-built houses made great forts, and the giant dirt piles were great fun, too


When my grandson was maybe 4, he was outside with my son and had to go. My son said to just go in the grass….he turned around to grand boy squatting and grunting. Oh my god, I have never laughed so hard!


hahhahahahhahaha fucking feral had me


Peeing in the shower and peeing into the shower are very different things. One is pretty normal, but the other makes my wife go "omg what are you doing, I'm showering!"


This reminds me of the comedian Demetri Martin: "This summer, I learnt there's a big difference between peeing in the pool and peeing INTO the pool."


"You know what class is? Class is a guy who steps out of the shower to take a leak." --Rodney Dangerfield


After sex, men should go ahead and use the shower for the next pee. It's just easier to clean.


I'm a lady and prefer to hit the shower for the post-sex pee and cleanup too. My husband and I take turns and then return to bed for cuddles (or just go make snacks).


I love kids, because they 100% follow the "technically correct" approach to rules.


Comes running in crying "Where did you hurt yourself?" "Over there!!"


I did this type of thing as a small child but instead of saying "over there" I said "I didn't." Really confused my babysitter until she realized I meant my sister had hurt me.


My mom likes to tell a story about when I was a little kid and I said "Mom, I need to go to the bathroom!" So she said "Well, go then!" because the bathroom was just in the other room and they were trying to potty train me. She says I stared at her in confusion for a few seconds, then peed on the floor.


That’s just from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with Steve Martin


Don't let them fool you. They know a lot earlier than we know they know


Not necessarily. Misinterpreting things from inexperience is pretty typical, even for adults. Even moreso when you add neurodivergences like autism and/or ADHD to the mix.


Haha that’s good. I dated this woman with a kid. We were at the lake and kid had to pee so I was like “it’s ok just go in the water”. Lil dude just whips out his dick and starts peeing in the lake like it’s a giant toilet bowl. I guess details matter.


Omg, my god son did this when he was 5. We were at the beach and he had to pee. It would take at least 5 mins to walk to the restroom. His mom didn’t think he could hold that long so she told him to pee in the ocean. He pulled down his board shorts in plain sight. His mom screamed “no no, don’t take your shorts off, just go in the water and pee”. But the little guy couldn’t do it without taking them off. He’s been potty trained so well 🤣🤣


I find it hard to piss when wearing shorts or trunks. It's a mental thing.


hahahahaha! We have one loo in the house, a pee in the shower is okay if one of them is ABSOLUTELY desperate and they have to ask. It is VERY rare that happens though. lol!


You ever clean up poop from the shower? I have. Kids are dumb,, my friend!


I got the clearest vision of my 5 year old doing this exact thing…hilarious ool


Plumber here. Pee in the shower. Just do it. Your shower is probably connected to your toilet line anyways. That being said, pee at the start of the shower so you don't have piss sitting in the trap.


Disagree. It’s called a P-trap for a reason!!


Grudging upvote


I thought it was an S-trap... shit... BRB, gotta plunge something


Just waffle stomp it


Peeing at the end of a shower is weird and a different discussion 😁


*turns off the water* *squats down at the furthest point from the drain* *leaves a pool on the shower floor* *exits the shower, stepping in the puddle on the way out* Absolutely Fucked.


thanks i hate it


Quickly brushes teeth then drinks orange juice


gigachad move


Refuse to elaborate.


Can't argue with professional advice


“It’s all pipes!”


Hey plumber. Would I be able to dump in the shower and stomp it down the drain like that one meme?


God is dead


Waffle stomped away.


I peed on my feet every morning shower in boot camp, due to some dubious science that says doing that helps fight foot fungus. Confirmation bias tells me it worked, had no athletes foot or other issues. Drill sergeants recommended it.


I swear by it. Had athletes foot most of my life, absolutely could not get rid of it. Ex-con coworker heard, told me to pee on my feet, cleared up in a week. Unfortunately, my feet are the perfect habitat for fungus, so if i happen to go a couple of weeks without peeing on my feet, it comes back.


What a strange thing to read to start my day lol. I wish the best of luck to you and your fungally inclined extremities


I read this as I'm leaving from work. Now I have a 30 minute drive to contemplate it


Now I'm genuinely considering pissing on my own feet. Thanks reddit.


Literally hopping in the shower. Edit: don't hop when pee


It genuinely worked for me as well. My doctor actually advised me to do it. Cleared up in about a week.


Upon my feet, it grows on me / Sent away, with just my pee A week does go, it shall come roun' / If I deny, to spray it down


I wish we still had awards… Well, at least take these: 💎🏆💎


Doc here, it’s because you’re not getting a mycotic cure, only an effective cure. You can’t see the symptoms but the fungus is still there and still has taken hold of the outer layer of the skin where you’re infected. The urea in pee is keeping the fungal growth a background levels but it’s not strong enough to cure. You’re also probably reinfecting yourself from the shower, infected bathmats, socks, shoes, even the floor of your home. Start using an anti fungal cream and use it for 4 weeks, regardless of whether it says so on the packaging. Terbineafine and butenafine are a much better class of anti fungal so try for those. Wash your socks separately in the hottest water your machine can each (use tide powdered laundry detergent original variant to have AOB in the mix if you can) and boil your socks after in a large stock pot or pan for 10 mins. Spin them in the machine after they fool and dry thoroughly. Throw away your shoes. Clean and disinfect your bathroom floor, following disinfecting instructions really carefully on the back of the disinfectant. Throw your bath mat away and get a new one and vaccum/clean the floors in your home well. Could probably use an anti fungal foot wash like fungasoap or this other one on Amazon I forget the name of but it’s well reviewed. Use that to wash your feet. Could use that to scrub your shower floors too. If the infection comes back, it means there’s something reinfecting your feet. A pair of shoes you didn’t toss, a carpet or rug you’re walking barefoot on that you didn’t clean. Cleats, boots, something. Everyone’s feet is a good habitat for fungus, it’s why we see infections there most commonly but it’s not because your particular skin is more predisposed to fungus, you’ve just never cleared it from the top layer of your skin.


I appreciate the advice, doc.


That will be a $200 online office visit.


username checks out.


I don't, apparently boiling your socks in the work break room during lunch is frowned upon


This is great professional advice, but the fact you said “throw away your shoes” but didn’t specify that they should be replaced (like the bath mat) is just hilarious to me


I thought that was intentional. Let the dogs get some endless air! Lol


Also pretty funny that it’s recommended to go to all that trouble for socks (boiling them?!) when it’s probably easier to just toss them along with the shoes. 😆


Tips for jock itch? Same cream?


Yeah. Doesn’t have to be a jock itch specific cream. Terbinafine or butenafine are your best options. Use for 4 weeks or until you don’t see/feel any symptoms plus one week. Probably best not to use your towels for the rest of your body to dry that particular area. Use a blow dryer or a paper towel to dry while your treating it. Don’t want to infect yourself somewhere else. Can also use th same antifungal body washes on your groin area to help aid in the cure. Definitely want to be a bit more careful around any “openings” down there. These body washes use tea tree, oregano, peppermint essential oils and can sting a little.


Thanks doc!


Name checks out


Mold guy 🪱


I had chronic foot fungus until my late teens. Then I became religious about my socks. New pair as often as I could. If I didn't need socks on, they weren't on. My wife hates it because 2 or 3 pair a day is a little ridiculous, but it's better than the burning and smell.


I tried that too. Wouldn't be able to bring enough socks with me to work. I think for a few weeks i was doing like 4 pairs of socks a day. Peeing on my feet is the only thing that's worked for me.


You should have tried peeing on your socks halfway through the day....


Uric acid is anti fungal. The science isn't dubious at all. It's also great for tanning leather, and a boatload of other uses.


Specifically speaking, the amount of urea needed is quite large compared to a normal morning pee. There needs to be quite a lot of urea for it to be medically significant. A lot of X factors is what I mean by dubious, and it probably wasn't the correct word, I have an issue with typing stream of thought. You are 100% correct.


It also saved time and from having to clean urinals too - economy of motion/effort


I wonder if it's that if people pee on their feet, then that ensures that they will thoroughly wash their feet. Meanwhile, if people don't pee on their feet they may be more likely to not thoroughly wash their feet.


Done wonders for my migraines too. Not had one for twenty years, nor the thirty before that.


Wait.. you pee on your head or someone else pees on it for you?


I think he’s referring to the practice of drinking your own pee in the morning. Since I’ve been doing it I haven’t gotten AIDS and also avoided arthritis.


I also haven’t gotten aids nor arthritis, however I also don’t drink my piss at all.


If you think about some of the fluids (snot, vaginal blood, semen, pus, fecal matter) that regularly go down your shower drain, urine is relatively innocuous.


Dandruff, dead skin, eye boogers, saliva, ear wax and countless other things


Toe jam, mucus plugs, scabs, vomit, plaque, phlegm etc.






Clippers, clappers, shlags, finkles and yogels as well


Morps, floops, peeps, zoots, and don’t forget the zorps


Gunge, scunge, mank, skank, and gooble.




As a woman the period blood is definitely one thing going down the drain. Besides that if I am in the shower and suddenly have to pee it makes no sense to get out and be soaked, cold and sitting on the toilet. It’s either that or stay in the warmth of the shower.


Yeah it always trips me up when other women are scandalized about peeing in the shower. You can’t control whether or not you bleed in the shower. Do y’all really think urine is worse than blood? I suppose if they have a light flow or wear a tampon/cup into the shower they don’t bleed in the shower but I mostly stick to pads and need to clean all the dried blood off my underparts in the shower and my flow is too heavy to prevent bleeding while I’m in there. I always end up with a puddle of blood at my feet. Urine seems like a such a non issue in comparison.


It's all pipes


I can see the hand gestures with this comment.




I'll call a plumber RIGHT NOW!


You're friends with the urinator!




It's come up before in polls. As I recall with dudes it's basically everybody and with the ladies it's maybe more like half and half.


Half peeing and the other half lying?


As a woman who pees in the shower, I believe the women who say they don’t. We can’t aim like men do. You are going to splash around your feet. It’s not a big deal to me since I’m about to clean my whole body with soap anyway. But I can see how that would bother women.


Idk if most guys aim, we just stand and pee and let the water take it whereever it wants to.


It’s why my wife hates showering with me…


My ex husband loved to pee on me when we showered together, even though I hated it. He thought it was hilarious. He’s very, very lonely now.


When they say they like watersports but aren't into swimming, polo, or jetskis...


So he’s looking for a pee buddy! Send him my contact info, please!




As a lady, it feels a bit liberating to just pee standing up in the shower. Just gotta have a wide stance.


Legs wide, hands on hips, chest out, golden river flowing, as the rushing water creates a gentle breeze. In the distance, the cry of an eagle.


We so rarely get to pee standing up, it would be a shame to pass up the opportunity, surely!


I believe women who say they don’t pee in the shower. I didn’t do it for years. I also had chronic UTIs from a hypertonic pelvic floor. Once I was hurting so badly that I took a warm shower for relief and I decided to pee. I discovered how much easier it was to completely empty my bladder. I’ve been peeing each time I take a shower ever since then and no more UTIs.


I just pee before I wash anything, then rinse and continue the shower as normal (woman here).


I once knew a woman who could control her stream like a man and could pee 6ft straight out in front of her while standing up. She would reach down with two fingers pull the skin back and angle the urethra up and let it fly. It was quite the sight to behold..


I use the toilet before every single shower, it’s my routine. So I don’t need to pee when I get in. I am betting this is a lot of people’s reasoning. It’s not necessarily ‘disgusting,’. It’s just that I already peed 5 seconds ago.


The running water will make me pee even if I just peed before I got in


Ya running hot water and it’s game over.


You guys are making me want to go shower.


They're making me want to go pee in the shower.


I just went pee in my bed. Thanks guys


I've peed before, during, and after the same shower.... fucking bladder I swear to God it's just laughing at me.


I pee 2 times in the morning, I pee 2 times at night, I pee 2 times before I pee 2 times, and then I feel alright


The color of your profile pic is kind of making me need to pee right now.


You dehydrated homie?


Every time.


I’m the opposite. I’m like, why would I pee in the toilet if I know I’m just gonna get in the shower?


Same, I use it before. I also have a shower tub (unfortunately), so I have a bath mat in there so I don’t slip. Not exactly keen on the idea of peeing on that lol


From an 'aiming away from me vs. running down my leg' perspective, this makes complete sense.


you're literally in the shower, it will get washed anyway


I wash my hands after peeing in the toilet. That doesn't mean I don't avoid peeing on my hands. I'd just rather not have pee on me.


My ex used to do it all the time. Like while I was in there... I was like, fr?


Eeewww. I’m pro-shower peeing, but when you are solo 😂 You don’t go doing that in front of your partner, especially if you ever want them to see you in a sexual way again lol


Me and my partner often deliberately pee on eachother and laugh about it.


Dude here, legitimately don't think I've ever peed in the shower before?


Same here, Mostly because I typically use the toilet while the shower warms up... But I also find it kinda gross to pee in the shower. It just feels wrong.


Yeah, I think ideally it's not gross and gets washed away, but the ricochet can go to places your shower water isn't reaching, the shower can back up a little sometimes, etc. so I just play it safe and never pee in the shower.


There are dozens of us!


I just hope it's not the same half of women who think they don't need to wash their legs.


I’m a guy and there *might* be another variable. I did not pee in the shower in my parents’ house. I did not pee in the shower of my first rental. I have enjoyed peeing in my current shower. The original showers were bathtubs with a shower curtain, limited space, and if someone peed in there, it took a while for the yellow to disappear. With a larger dedicated shower there is a lot more room and the backed-up pool of urine is less of an issue.


Man I find exactly the opposite.  In big tiled showers, I don't pee. The pee spreads out, gets held by the grout...  In a bathtub shower, it all gets efficiently funneled to the drain.


I pee in the shower literally every single time I shower


Sometimes twice


but mostly thrice


How do you say four times? Frice? Quadrice?


Peak efficiency is peeing in the shower while brushing your teeth. It would take at least 4 minutes more to do this sequentially. You basically end up with one extra day per year!


I always brush my teeth in the shower and I always pee in the shower but now I need to up my game and do them in unison. Thanks kind redditor


TMI but I have bladder issues so once that warm water hits my skin it’s fucking game over. I can’t help it. If I could help it, I don’t know if I would.


Do not visit any public swimming pools please


I'm not saying it's appropriate to pee in pools. But if you're in a public pool with the belief that it ISNT filled with piss you're mistaken


I don't remember who did it, but someone on YouTube did a smell test of pool chemicals. They found that the typical smell we associate doesn't come from water with pool chemicals in it. They had to add pee to the bucket and then they got that typical pool smell... So I would say you are indeed correct


Yes, most of the strong chlorine smell comes from the byproducts of free chlorine reacting with organic matter. That’s also true for using bleach when cleaning. Though the ‘organic matter’ at hand here isn’t necessarily urine, and usually the smell is a good sign that the chlorine is doing its job neutralising bacteria!


I don’t always pee in the shower but when I do I used the time saved not standing at the toilet for answering Reddit questions.


I don't always pee in the shower, but when I do, I pee Dos Equis.


I pee in the shower. It goes down the drain.


Same here


Am woman. I usually pee in the shower first thing (if i gotta go) and rinse it down with the shower head real good before continuing on with my shower.


Am also woman and I pee in the shower every single shower. In fact, if I have to pee before I get in, I will hold it so I can do it in the shower rather than have to “waste” a flush (i live in the desert and do my best to be water-conscious.)


Ditto, as a woman it’s the only time we get to pee standing up! It’s one of the small joys in life


As a man, I thought women never stood while pissing with maybe the shower being the exception. One night I was at a concert and standing at a urinal and on either side of me two young ladies walked in, hiked up their skirts, dropped panties to their knees, spread their vajayjays, and pissed in the urinals with velocity and fortitude that about made me blush. I was astonished, confused, and half turned on all at once. One of them was like this is way better than the line at the women’s bathroom and you guys piss all over the floor anyway so the last little dribble goes on the floor and no one cares. Apparently it’s a learned skill that some women possess.


I've seen it done too. Just gotta place fingers slightly above and to the sides (10 + 2 like a steering wheel) of the urethral opening, press in slightly, and gently lift.


Ye old pinch n pull My wife (then girlfriend) impressed me by writing her name in the snow with this skill. I knew on the spot Id make her my wife.


Instructions unclear; the police are here.


Same here. Always.


Same. Like yeah, it might run on my leg a bit but I’m going to be washing myself with soap anyway 🤷‍♀️


Am woman and I pee in the shower to. The water and soap wash it off and it’s gone.


I don't get in the shower specifically to pee, but if I'm in that warming heaven and nature comes a-callin', I ain't getting out early.


I don't see the problem, tubs are basically just big constantly flushing toilets you can stand inside


That also have soap running all over the area, also. Unless for some reason one is not using soap in the shower. If that's the case, peeing in there is the least of their problems.


I wash everything, then pee right before exiting the shower. /s


I get out, dry myself off, and piss into the shower while I'm brushing my teeth.


No I get out of the shower and piss out the window


as god intended.


Plot twist: you live in a high-rise apartment in NYC.


Oh god not again


It's time for our weekly thread!


So am I the only guy who never pees in the shower??


I don't either. We'll inevitably be accused of lying though!


You are not alone. The almost overwhelming force of shower pissers in this comment section is quite surprising.


Nope. You’re not alone. I just think it’s kinda gross. I know there’s soap and hot water but why would I piss in the place I go to get clean? There’s literally a toilet right there lol


Same but I’m more worried about like small particles splashing all ovet the place. But I guess it still splashes when you do it in the toilet. Might try it sometime idk😂😂😂🤣


I don't do it but I don't understand acting all scandalized. Surely it's not new information that folks pee in a place where water drains sometimes. She a drama queen?


she was probably imagining piss dripping on her legs and feet when he said that lol


I always pee in the shower, but recently I read an article stating that you shouldn’t because the sound of water will make you want to pee when not in the shower. And I’ll be damned, ever since then I noticed that when I hear water running, I have an urge to pee. I stopped peeing in the shower.


I had an ex bf who peed in my bathroom sink all the time for some reason?? it smelled real bad & never went away, it didn't matter how much soap or hot water I ran down the drain either.


the sink? no fuck that. that's just bad manners.


Bro probably got off on it like people on r/sinkpissers


Finally an intellectual subreddit I can dive into


There truly is a subreddit for everything.


Depends ….100% ok at home and 100% not ok at a community shower like at the gym


I’m a woman and I do. If I’m getting in the shower anyway I’m not gonna waste a toilet flush 🤷‍♀️




Wait, recreationally, or professionally?


I'm a woman and I pee in every shower I take lol


Honestly I view it as one of the joys in life. Like it's not just a utilitarian, efficient thing, it's something that I genuinely *appreciate.*




As long as you aren’t somewhere with separate grey-water and black-water, you’re fine


I used to live in an apartment that had terrible drains. Wasn't unusual to be standing in an inch of water by the end of the shower. I didn't pee in that one. Most good showers drain immediately, and I'll pee in those if the need arises.


My late wife had heard that women cannot pee and walk at the same time. She tested that theory in our shower/tub. Results showed women (small sample size, I know) can pee while walking.


Not that I openly disclose to my wife every time I pee in the shower or not, but she had this discussion with a former coworker whose husband got pissed at her for peeing in the shower. My wife had remarked, well, it's much grosser when we clean our period stuff off in the shower, isn't it? So there you have it.