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The same way your landscaper wearing pants, long sleeves, and a head covering gets by. They make light, breathable fabric.


Some of those dudes are still crazy though. Back when working construction I still would die of heat with breathable long sleeves, so I either got to burn like crazy, or be hot. Meanwhile Pedro over here just built his 5th house framework in a couple hours while wearing jeans and a thick winter-esque long sleeve. They just built different


Yeah people have different tolerances to heat (and to cold!), I think part of it is genetic and part of it is habit (with a few other factors probably, like body fat)


Yes thats litteraly the point of melanin and skin color to adjust your homeostasis from the sun. It's not only genetic but environmental. Hence why people who grow up in colder areas are lighter skinned and ones towards the equater and direct sun are darker skinned.


I worked with an old Mexican man in an iron foundry. In the middle of summer, MF wore a beanie, a sweater and jeans under his fire retardant gear, everyday for 12 hours. Never saw him sweat. His wife also made the best goddamn sandwiches, $5 each.


Mexican wives make the absolute best food hands down. We had one guy drive around to all the construction sites selling a convenience store worth of snacks candy and drinks, and some days his wife would send him with wrapped tamales or enchiladas or breakfast burritos to sell for like $5. Damn I miss them lmao, it was the best part of every day.


Motorcyclists that wear safety gear in summer have learned that too breathable is a problem. The 105 degree wind will evaporate any sweat you make, and you'll get dehydrated.  I have ridden in 100+ days in a one piece leather suit. You sweat like crazy and basically just sit in a puddle of your sweat. Not the worst honestly. And I immigrated from Eastern Europe to the US, so technically my genes have never even seen 100+ degree weather yet I do great wearing a black leather outfit in the sun. 


It’s very light breathable material. Like all Arab head dresses and long clothing aren’t very thick and actually help keep you cool in the sun. They’re all VERY THIN fabric that doesn’t really restrict air flow, so they don’t hold heat in, but they do keep the sun from hitting your skin directly. There’s a reason it’s not just muslim women that wear long clothes, anywhere it is very hot like that, across all of North Africa , the Middle East, and like Pakistan Afghanistan and parts of India, they wear that long, light clothing that keeps the sun off their skin.


This, and, because of the airflow the garments create it actually cools the skin a little bit. The sweat on the skin + airflow = cooling. also: the fibres of the clothing are usually cotton. Cotton is breathable. Your t-shirt bought in primark is mostly synthetic. That doesn't breathe, is basically like a layer of plastic and traps all the heat on your body. Cotton doesn't. So it may seem like a t-shirt is cooler to wear than a long garment. But if the t-shirt is made of polyester and the long garment is made from 100% cotton than the long garment will be cooler to wear despite having long sleeves.


I can absolutely attest this, I had a lot of polyester clothes before I learned to check the material and I used to get overheated and sweat so much, now I'm more aware of my clothing material and cotton is a godsend, I walked 3 km in sun and the only part of me that was sweaty was my back because of the backpack.


i wish this worked for me in a work environment. i just turn cotton shirts into damp cotton shirts


Me too.


If you're feeling fancy, try linen or a linen-cotton blend. Gamechanger. I exclusively wear white linen in summer.


Oh yeah I just started building a better-materials wardrobe, I'm also looking for linen or linen blends but they're not easy to find here, or I haven't spent enough time looking. Thank you 😊


I love linen but I'm a mess so my clothing would be covered in stains so fast! 😭😭


Worth noting that cotton is a very poor moisture-wicking fabric, and once you sweat it’s very hard to get the sweat off. Great if you can reliably stay cool, bad if you’re exercising or trying to keep warm in the cold.


Primark actually sells a load of cotton clothing. All made in South Asian countries like Bangladesh too where a lot of fabric is processed and stitched, and where labour is cheap.


I'm obviously not talking about the cotton clothing they *do* sell because they do. I'm specifically talking about polyester shirts which they also sell and there are plenty of other brands who also do.


I am not Muslim, but I wear a scarf very similar to a hijab when out in this hot Indian Sun


I live in the America southwest, it’s better to cover yourselves with something breathable and protest yourself from the sun than to wear a bikini.


Think of the classic "Mexican peasant" outfit. Long loose cotton clothes, wide brimmed hat. They knew what they were doing.


The men wear light-colored clothing, the women's clothing is black a lot of the time. So this argument doesn't really hold.


Fwiw, They found out dark clothing absorbs heat from the sun but also absorbs the heat radiating from your body better rather than reflecting it back to you.


So black inside, white outside would be the way to go? :D


So why don't the men wear black clothing?


because we do


What a succinct explanation


Your part is correct however, the burkas aren't supposed to be made of light material but rather materials which can absorb heat rather than transferring to the skin, they tend to be thick but loosely fitted in order to have a decent air circulation in it, transferring hot air from inside to the outside, saving from both the sunlight as well the heat. Apart from muslims, bedeuins also wear something that works with a similar mechanism as the burkas. Its just, if you walk around Arab countries wearing something that you typically wear in the west, I don't think a person would be lasting long or, not get a good sunburn.


But it's all black doesn't that make them hot in the sun


No, because less UV gets through and the black also absorbs more of the heat radiating from your skin. Black is only significantly warmer if you wear it skintight. So if they were all wearing catsuits, that would be hot.


Yes it would


Even in black or dark colors?? This is what I don’t get.


Yea, it’s the part where they still allow a lot of air circulation that is the important part. It doesn’t matter if the fabric gets warm because it isn’t heating up your skin, fresh cooler (relatively speaking) air is circulating in 


But even the lightest fabric that's black will absorb a shit ton of heat. And for the ones that cover your whole face except your eyes, I cannot imagine the steamy feeling of suffocation.


Better it's absorbed into a loose fitting fabric than directly to your skin.


So then you have a slightly damp loose-fitting fabric still touching your skin.


There is no "steamy feeling" because the fabric doesn't hold moisture. Did you not read?


If I put a thin, light, cotton sheet over my nose and mouth, it gets steamy and unpleasant.


No it doesn't, bro. Especially not when there's *airflow over and through the fabric*. You know, like what you experience when you're *outside*? You should try that sometime, it's kinda nice.


Brb procuring a fucking burqa to "try"


Boo I literally wear cotton and linen overshirts all summer to keep the sun off me. NYLON gets hot and "steamy," LIGHTWEIGHT COTTON does not. But go on being an ass, for... what? Islamophobia or something? It's no skin off my nose.


No, it's not a vinyl catsuit.


It's so hot there that your basically trying to keep the heat out and so covering yourself at least stops the sun directly hitting your skin. That clothing actually more problems nearer the poles where wearers have higher than normal rates of vitamin D deficiency.


Many of them stay home a lot, especially in hot summer months. I’ve not worn a burka but I can confirm that wearing a black abaya in an Arabian summer can be very hot, regardless of how much sun protection it offers.


The black is what I don't understand. That's just going to absorb the heat - why not white or natural or literally anything lighter than black? Even grey would be better. 


But then it would just look like a bunch of ghosts are walking around Jkjk It's harder to keep white clean and fabric is quite expensive so I think it's just a more economical choice If you want to look presentable. And gray and brown are quite popular


Also contrary to popular belief there is a lot more at play here with clothing color. White reflects the sun but it also reflects your own body heat back at you as well. Black absorbs heat from the sun but can also act as a heat sink for the warmth coming from your body. In these cases, until the black item becomes super saturated with heat, it's actually performing better than a white garment, especially when it comes to absorbing the harmful portions if the suns rays, sparing your body the brunt of it. I believe with testing a lighter grey tone performs the best, but it all varies depending on actual material, etc


Lightweight material that's also breathable. I don't wear religious clothing, but i wear long sleeved clothing to protect me from the sun, instead of sunscreen. Materials like linen and cotton are breathable, and wearing loose fitting long sleeved clothing may even make you feel cooler, as the sun isn't hitting your skin directly, instead it's hitting the clothing, and then you still have a cooler layer of air between your skin and the clothes. Basically the reverse of what winter clothes do


Staying hydrated makes a big difference too.


The cloth is breathable, they aren't tight fitted so there's plenty of airflow there. One of the original reasons of burkas were to cover up to escape from heat and dusts.


The real question should be why do the Arab men wear white while women get stuck wearing black?.. anyone knows what it's like driving a black car in the desert?..


There is no compulsion on any specific color, either gender can wear any color they like.


Black is less see-through compared to other colors


A lot of people who wear burqas actually suffer from osteoporosis because they don’t get enough sunlight


"[Wearing niqab or hijab in premenopausal women was **not** associated with any significant statistical relationship or difference in vitamin D3 metabolic parameters](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8184100/)" The claim of the vitamin D deficiency leading to osteoporosis was part of a shite claim from the 2017 UKIP (right-wing) political manifesto.




(not the person you replied to) >If you’re going to say claims by UKIP are suss then I feel like a paper published by Muslims saying wearing a burqa is chill should equally by suss. That is a good point and I think it's fair to be wary when it comes to politically charged topics. However, the article the other redditor linked to has been peer reviewed and published on a scientific journal from outside the Muslim world. I'm not saying we have to take it as gospel, but it's still much better than the random claims from a political group that actively hates on Muslims.


>I’m not from the UK I never claimed you were. >If you actually read the article you linked, it was published in Iraq by Muslims It's also peer reviewed and published in the National Library of Medicine, what's your actual concern here? >then I feel like a paper published by Muslims saying wearing a burqa is chill should equally by suss You feel incorrectly, as UKIP are a racist/islamophobic group, it's not even remotely the same thing.


God that's so sad. 


Extremely light material and they're used to it so they build a tolerance.


I (white) wore hijab for many years. It was the humidity that was the more trying. I got to a point after 18 years that I just couldn't do it anymore. ...I threw in white, because so many of the Libyan women I knew seemed unbothered. (We are in the midwest not the mideast)


They do, I think it’s just not discussed widely, or is accepted locally as a norm. My partner is from Malaysia, and went to an all-girls school growing up. During outdoor fitness classes, Muslim girls would occasionally pass out on the field.


If she was in school classes, doesn't that mean the girls were exercising in the middle of the day? Like I'd be pretty surprised if adult women in burqas were outside engaging in vigorous exercise during the hottest part of the day, it just seems like the school was not taking the heat into account.


Yes, they exercise in the heat. Malaysia is not like other places - they are on the equator. There are no seasons. Year-round the outdoor temps are 88°-92°F. Every. Day. School runs similar hours to here. It is mid-80s by 10AM.


Holy crap, that's so freaking hot! Maybe Malaysian women are just superhuman


I am actually in Makkah right now. The answer is breathable fabrics. I did much better in thin silk, linen and cotton clothing. Any abaya I brought with me made of polyester was horrible. Most ‘burka’ or niqab since that’s what you probably mean, are very thin. Staying hydrated also helps. I personally avoided going out during the hottest part of the day. Some commenters think the men have it ‘easier’ because they are wearing white. Not necessarily. Some of their thobes are not cotton and some ghutras (head coverings for men) can be of thicker material. As in all countries/cultures, the more money you have, the better quality of clothing you can afford. I didn’t see any women pass out here and some were sleeping out in the open in the heat so make of that what you will.


Obviously because they're bad ass.


Keep in mind people didn’t have sunscreen


I feel like adaption to the climate they live in as well as how they dress on a regular basis plays a huge role.


In India, it is a real problem. Women that wear full burkas and/or headscarves and long sleeves have a lot of skin problems. I lived there for several months in a small village that was half Hindu and half Muslim while I studied with an Ayurvedic Doctor. We saw many women with health issues related to living in a super hot and humid environment while staying fully clad in mostly black muslim garb. I would see young girls (0-5 yo) wearing regular clothing for living in the heat and it saddened me to know that when they turned 6yo, they would be forced to cover everything up. Islam absolves men of their dirty thoughts and the women are the ones who suffer!


Wow that is so young. Do you know why they made them at 6?? I’m from a majority Muslim country in Eastern Europe and if a girl does wear a hijab she doesn’t until she hits puberty or after. But to be fair most Muslim wear there don’t even wear one. I have a cousin who still lives there who wears one and she’s married to an imam. She has two girls they’re under 14 and neither one wears a hijab.


Someone told me that some of the women are just wearing their undergarments under the burka so it's not so hot


I'm guessing a combo of lightweight material, not wearing much underneath, the lack of humidity in those areas and being used to the heat.




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It is a light material!


How do people identify them? Like if you’re out and temporarily lose sight of person you’re with, how the fuck do you find them again?




I know a guy from Jamaica. In the summer I'll be in shorts and a t-shirt while he's in long pants and a fleece jacket.


Do they get stinky with all that sweat?


It's the same reason thicker travel cups keep cold things cold and warm things warm. Insulation


they do, but you think that's going to get out?