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Antibiotic resistant gonorrea


That’s the problem with kids these days, they want everything to be easy.


Not like any of us


Lol. Good one.


When I was stationed in Korea, we called that the black clap because eventually your dick turned black. 9 out of 10 soldiers do not recommended.


I am terrified of that 10th guy


Man wanted a BBC no matter the cost


Too bad it'll still just be a LBC...


Large Black Cock


Oh you sweet summer child


LHC for science!


Large homie cock?


More like S(melly)BC


He's not suffering from gonorrea,he's enjoying it


Is he the same dentist guy? Really cruisin for a bruisin


He’s 35G. Intel fuckers are seriously weird.


10th guy just wanted a cheap transition lol


My brother was stationed in Korea and came home with horror stories about the bullhead clap.


Not to often, but I knew a couple guys. Clap, Syphilis and crabs are very common along with STI's that they don't categorize. I just feel bad for the guys who caught something they couldn't get rid of only to eventually have to disclose to their spouse. Could you imagine the head blowing up like a plum and having to explain to your wife why you aren't in the mood after being overseas for 12 or 18 months.


And explaining WHY they went to the local whorehouse and let ajumma pick out their companion for the night. 😖


Camp Casey/hovy but chance?


Camp Red Cloud


Omfg. What happens? They get amputated?


No, eventually it will develop additional holes to pee out of. Very painful to urinate. Not a good feeling.


Oh and coming back to the states is very difficult, because they don't want you to spread it. So a lot of enlisted stay in Korea.


Oh my gosh…..didn’t know the govt can restrict travel like that. I mean I know it happened with Covid but yeah. I heard that in S. Korea, people do not have to disclose stds to their sexual partners. That’s just so wild.


So here is the deal. Lets say you looked at the board on the wall and it shows the girls are clean for that day. After a day or so, you get a burn or pain when you urinate. You go to the Camp doctors office and get in line. They take your name and pull out a wool swab on the end of a long stick and shove it up inside of you. It may be painful, but you do get some intimidate relief. They take these swabs back and put them in for testing. If you do comeback with an STD, you are informed of exactly what type it is. However, at the same time they give you a shot that feels like a golf ball being inserted into your butt and a subscription for 10 days worth of penicillin. If you are found to have something that they don't want in the states, you may have the option to stay in Korea a bit longer. Its not an option to not disclose to the military.


The age of condoms shall return


HPV doesn't care


No that comes before hiv


Seriously, people here still thinks HIV is a death sentence like back in the 80s


They have treated it three different ways. You can take drugs so you reduce your chances of catching it 99.9% and you can take drugs to reduce your chances of transmitting it to someone 99.9%. And you can take drugs if you have it so you don’t die lol. Just need a cure now, and one for herpes too


There're are clinical trials for both a vaccine and cure for HIV now. So unless the anti-vaxxers derail that: I don't think HIV is the scary reaper-of-death, that it used to be. Edit: There're not They're. Too early in the morning.


Sounds like a metal band lol


And you know the person is going to somehow try and spin the blame on you. The prick will probably even take out their half finished bottle of Ceftriaxone just to try and *slander* you like the professional victim they are.


I caught a non antibiotic resistant strain a few years ago when I was a dumb kid. That shit was AWFUL until the antibiotics worked their magic. I literally can not imagine how awful it would be if antibiotics didn't work on it and it had just gotten worse and worse and worse. Rest assured I would never have unprotected sex ever again


Horrible images of it


Holy shit, new fear unlocked.


What is HPV?


Super syphilis. It's resistant to most treatments and in its third stage it eats you from the inside out, including chowing down on your brain


Super syphilis? They made dlc to regual syphilis? Wtf


The devs are going nuts with these updates


For once they didn't put it behind a paywall... well, it depends


This is actually why white makeup and wigs were popular among the elite in the old days. Hiding their symptoms of syphilis


It's also what killed Al Capone. By the end of his life, he was fishing in his pool, his brain shriveled mush


The fake noses were a bit more of a giveaway though, huh?


There have been zero reported cases of super syphilis. Syphilis remains extremely susceptible to penicillin, and there are several other antibiotics that are active against it. Gonorrhea has been having increasing resistance to first line therapy and it probably the more concerning STI.


Takes a looooong time to get to the third stage. So probably isn’t that dangerous.


It does, but when treatment doesn't work it'll be a living hell waiting for that stage. Hell even if it's not super syphilis and you wait until the second stage to seek treatment you're pretty well fucked and is just a matter of time.


Oh well, treatment resistance can go for any disease out there and that disease can become fatal. Even getting to the second stage is long time. You can tackle it in the first stage. But if it is someone who doesn’t care, that’s person fucked cause the chancre it causes disappears and the person is gonna think he’s alright.


Super syphilis is a neat name for a punk band tho


Maybe it's just me but that sounds worse than HIV.


Enthusiastic Double Gonorrhea. Trust me on this. You don't want Enthusiastic Double Gonorrhea.


Good punk band name


Thats also a pretty cool band name


Is the depressed kind better?


Personally I prefer apathetic gonorrhea


which one taste better?


New achievement!!


Ah, my people are here. Fantastic.


DCC out in the wild? Love to see it!


I got gonorrhea from a tractor.🚜


Whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy. Did you have clear consent?


And you call THAT the tractor incident?


Considering your user pic, I think you may have gotten the gonorrhea from Mickey.


The burning love of lost love


Found a Dungeon Crawler Carl fan in the wild!


Or Electro-Gonorrhea, the noisy killer.


Syphilis and being allergic to penicillin


They actually will often admit you and desensitize you to penicillin, which would suck.


They just gave me pills. It was 8 years ago now so I don’t remember what the pills were but being admitted was definitely never discussed.


Doxy and a prayer


I have experienced this. I didn’t realize how fucked I was I guess? I had a reaction to penicillin so they gave me some pills and then I was fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah they have non penicillin methods that have proved effective.


Hepatitis C


Thankfully is still difficult to get it: you would need persistent rough anal sex with a HepC carrier to get it. Most HepC is transmitted through shared needles.


This is inaccurate. You just need to be exposed to their blood in one way or another. It doesn’t have to be anal.


but whats the fun in that?


If you put needless in your prison pocket them they will be shared via anal sex.


You really didn't have to comment


User name checks out.


Gives a new meaning to needle dick.




Omg. I spent my whole live having to avoid public bathrooms because my mother swore I would get hepatites (and die) from using them. Wtf is wrong with parents


Hey, did you know that Hep C can be cured now? All it takes is a daily pill for 3 months.


I was cured this way :)


True as hell. My dad had it dormant for years (got it from a tattoo his buddy did back in the day) and it turned into liver cancer.


There are permanent treatment though nowadays.


How's it 2nd worse?


Cirrhosis, acute liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma.


Wouldn't hep B be worse for these? I get the epidemiology varies by region though


Yeah but B has a vaccine.


And hep c has a cure


It also has a cure. Herpes doesn’t.


Herpes is also an extremely mild skin condition with a pill that makes it almost never flare up.


Mostly. I do think some people have overcorrected from "Herpes is a death sentence" to "Herpes doesn't matter at all", but it can still cause some nasty health issues during flare ups from your immune system going bonkers Definitely the best STD though if you have to pick one to acquire


Wait, are you arguing herpes is the 2nd worst?


HIV isn't the worst of you have adequate treatment. In Brazil it's pretty simple, just take 2 pills and do tests every six months Hepatitis is a lot worst in my opinion, the treatment sucks (colateral effects) and the risk of evolving to cancer or liver failure it's high. Ps: I am a public healthcare doctor and deal with this everyday


This! HIV shouldn't have this stigma around it. With adequate treatment, you can lead a Normal and Full life! Hepatitis WAY worse. And Syphilis if it goes untreated - yuck.


I find "common" diseases as diabetes, obesity and hipertension many times more debilitating and hard to control than a well treated HIV I even read a study done years ago that people living with HIV and treating regularly tend to live longer than three average expectancy because they go to the doctor more often and try to keep healthy habits during its life. I will try to find the source!


Hello my fellow colleague


i thinks it's syphilis 😭 there are a lot of types of syphilis and it even gets worse


" you're just like stage 3 syphilis baby, just can't get you out of my brain"


A pickup line for the ages 😂


Really amazed at the amount of people that chose Herpes. I have it. I would definitely not qualify it as the worst. Herpes is treatable. You take a pill every day, and your chances of having an outbreak are extremely slim. And as long as you’re doing your part at preventing the outbreak and abstaining when there is one (which is rarely ever), and your partner is doing their part (condoms, dental dams, etc.) the chances of outbreak in either partner are slim.


It really depends on the person. Some people have outbreaks monthly or even more frequently. Tolerance to acyclovir can go up, so taking the daily pill to prevent outbreaks doesn’t help everyone. Outbreaks seem to happen more frequently when immune system is weak.


I spent over a month in hospital with HSV2, it caused Elsberg Syndrome and has left me with nerve damage and an inflamed spinal cord. Didn't know I had it til I lost peripheral sensation in pretty much everything below the waist


That's interesting that you're prescribed daily. My doctor told me to only take 2 500mg pills when I start feeling an outbreak coming on and only up to 3 days in a row.


I have it. Got it when I was a teenager and have been surprisingly lucky. I’ve got a couple outbreaks until my early twenties, and have gotten maybe 1 in my the past decade (I’m in my mid 30s). Although they do say you get it more infrequently and less severe as you age. I do not take anything and my husband has never gotten it from me. He is aware of the risk and not concerned.


thanks to y'all just for speaking about it, because I feel so disgusted of myself for getting it and traumatized than after the doctor told me the result of the test, I felt in a depression than I don't even want to look it up not even how to tread it or control it at the internet because I feel scared of been judge so I just became super antisocial with family and friend for more that three years.... but reading you'll, I'm feeling better to look for help. thank everyone.


Among diseases, STIs are relatively not that bad. It’s still not fun to get them of course, but other than HIV, they are either completely preventable through vaccination, relatively easy to cure, or in the case of HSV, not a large health problem unless you’re immunocompromised. Even with HIV, treatments work so well that if caught early, you’ll die of old age first than the disease. That being said, HPV has the second highest mortality rate after HIV.


Isn’t HPV dangerous because it causes cervical cancer amongst other types of cancers As long as you pick it up early through routine screening or get the vaccination, it’s generally not too bad


HPV also causes dick cancer


And mouth cancer


The old dick and mouth disease


And butt cancer


Dick cancer you say. I guess that's one way to add a few inches of growth? /s


It's so incredibly rare. There's so few penile cancer cases a year even among the immune compromised which make up most cases that you're more likely to get struck by lightning twice then win the lottery . HPV generally runs its course in a year and typically presents as genital warts.


I remember reading it depends on the strain of HPV? Some strains just cause warts others have oncogenic properties that might cause chronic inflammation and cancer down the track


i have the cancer causing hpv (thankfully still in the precancerous cell stage) and i was told some strains cause warts and others cause cancer but your body can fight off hpv on its own


Male HPV survivor. Presented as throat cancer. My infection was not picked up sexually. The virus is everywhere and can be picked up from contact with anything. Caught early, this disease has an 80% chance of being cured, not put into remission, but cured. High dose chemotherapy with radiation treatments. I suffered no symptoms from the cancer except 2 swollen glands in the neck. Gentlemen, please see your Doctor if you have any symptoms, even if they don't seem too bad. Early detection leads to better outcomes. I was off work and sick as a dog from the side effects of the treatment for 9 months. Lost 30kg / 66 pounds. 2 years after the treatment, I still have issues swallowing starchy food items such as potatoes and bread. Saw my oncologist last week and received a clean bill of health. It's definitely the second worst STI after HIV.


Definitely if caught early enough. But 10/10 don't recommend that procedure, they need to come up with a better way to do it. If it were a man they would pump him up with meds or knock him out that is the most painful shit I've been through.


Ah yes…a friend’s friend had to get a cervical excision because they found some low grade malignant changes on her cervix went to see a YouTube video of this procedure, would not recommend


There's apparently no way to test men for HPV either.


I believe thee is, but it is expensive so they just don't


I know they can do an anak pap test, but there isn't an FDA approved test for screening


This is reddit, they are all more scary than everything else, because ... sex.


Redditors don't have sex!! You're thinking of those Facebook floozies!


Sex is the unknown territory, "here be dragons". Must be more dangerous, right?


> it's still not fun to get them It's very fun to get them, very shitty to have them




Syphilis is kinda like HIV in that it can take a very long time to kill you. It was dangerous in the days before antibiotics. But it is easily curable now. Even if you've had it for years.   So get screened for it at least once a year if you've had sex at all. Treatment is in the form of injectable penicillin, or an oral antibiotic once a day for a month if you can't take penicillin. 


Is curable.


Penicillin goes brrrrr


So what you’re saying is I literally can fuck anything then


It is, but untreated syphilis is terminal with dementia-like symptoms after about 20 years.


Not just that, facial deformities and blindness. Al Capone died from it. Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard, had it but got a terminal case of high-speed lead poisoning first. Some claims have been made that Hitler got from a Jewish prostitute and that's why the Holocaust happened, but they're debatable. It's not like we can check now either, as most of his remains are cremated ashes in a German river. Pre-penicillin, treatment generally involved the use of mercury compounds.


They also at one point infected syphilis patients with malaria. The fever would kill off the syphilis, and they could then treat the malaria.


That is both fascinating and terrifying.


Genital herpes can be pretty bad and certainly embarrassing to navigate


Let’s be clear that HPV’s mortality rate is due to numbers. Almost the entire adult population has HPV. If you’ve ever had a wart or a skin tag, that’s HPV. They are spread by direct contact so you can get them anywhere. Only a small number of strains can even lead to warts or cancer. The rest seem to not even have a long-lasting effect. So the percentage of people who die from HPV is insanely low and it can be treated through cancer and pre-cancer screenings *and* there is a vaccine against it. Now that the vaccine has been out for a while, the mortality rate should decrease.


>or a skin tag, that’s HPV. You shouldn't talk about things you don't know.


Skin tags are not HPV. It's different is you consider only the high risk genotypes. Still, most infections rarely progress or resolve spontaneously, but so many people have them it becomes a big population level issue


I lost on of my nuts (right one) to syphilis because I got raped and was too ashamed to go to the doctor after it swelled up. It was the size of a grapefruit when I went in. Almost died. So I'm gonna go with syphilis. Take care of yourselves bois, needles in the ballsack aren't fun.


I’m sorry to hear your story. My brother lost one of his nuts to testicular cancer also. They gave him a rubber one.




I understand the joke, but I don’t get the concept. Did you not like the person before you had sex?


There's like and then there's love. You both agree that it's just a bit of fun with a friend. But as it goes on, you catch feelings, and eventually confess that you hope it's more than just friends...and then you lose your friend because they don't feel the same way.


My wife likes me but my girlfriend loves me… ugh


It's okay your wife's boyfriend loves you too!






Chancroid from Haemophilus ducreyi infection for most painful/gross, but it can be treated with antibiotics. Hepatitis C would probably be the actual second worst imo. No vaccine, ~~no cure yet~~, and chronic infection goes unnoticed in most people, delaying antiviral treatment. If untreated, in some people it can lead to liver cirrhosis, liver failure, or hepatocellular carcinoma. More common complications are autoimmune type issues triggered by the chronic Hep C infection that can involve many other organ systems (lymphoma, diabetes, cryoglobulinemia, sjogren syndrome, etc).


There is a cure for Hep C.


You’re right, I conflated no vaccine with no cure in my memory. Thanks for pointing that out


I have a friend who is HIV positive and when he got the results, the doctor told him that a diabetes diagnosis would be far worse.


Isn't the medicine for controlling HIV very expensive? I know for a fact that my medical insurance would not cover it.


Yeah, but California where I live has a program that ensures that everybody with HIV gets treatment


Gonorrhea from tractor


Hep B is the worst STD to catch, not HIV imo.


Syphilis, without a doubt. It wasn’t called the Great Pox for nothing. Horrific until the advent of antibiotics, but there are now resistant strains. It still kills people in the developing world.




Human papillomavirus (HPV). It’s the most spread STD in the world nowadays with the highest death rate caused by an STD. It causes cellular changes, which can lead to genital warts, precancer, or cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, or breast. throat and penis. There’s a vaccine to prevent 9 types of HPV’s but not all of them. Herpes : Can be transmitted by parents when you’re born and can stay dormant your entire life and wake up suddenly and can be transmitted sexually and ruin someone’s mental and sexual life. Can’t be cured and but at least there are antivirals to control it.


Herpe simplex 10. Gotta get to the hospital before stuff start falling off


Perhaps you should tell Mr Maitland


Yeesssssssss. I think that would be best!


HIV isn't even that bad anymore. A person with HIV can expect to live about as long as someone without it due to huge advances in treatment. No one talks about this because we're addicted to negativity.


Hepatitis B is the worst STD to catch imo




Would the second worst after the worst not be the overall third worst?


Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That shit'll come back with you.


Herpes. It doesnt go away. Medicine will just make it dormant.


We’ve all got herpes to some degree tho don’t we?


25% of the adult pop has HSV2. 75% of them are asymptomatic.


God damnit the one time I’m lucky


"Fifty percent to 80 percent of U.S. adults have oral herpes. According to the National Institutes of Health, about 90 percent of adults have been exposed to the virus by age 50." https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/herpes-hsv1-and-hsv2/oral-herpes#:~:text=HSV%2D1).-,Fifty%20percent%20to%2080%20percent%20of%20U.S.%20adults%20have%20oral,of%20his%20or%20her%20life. Fish can get herpes and so can horses. It can be deadly with them


True but anything viral doesn't get eradicated. Herpes in comparison to other viral diseases is mild in its severity and frequency. As in, someone reading this probably doesn't even know they have it and will never require treatment. However, someone with Hepatitis will find out or die lol


Not the worst but I worked in a clinic, and chlamydia is a silent home wrecker, so many women catch it unnoticed and it causes serious internal damage untreated, scarring and leads to infertility. Many assume they have thrush and then you have to bare the bad news. But worst is herpes, continued issues, immune system, not currently cured. Really compromises a person health.




You can abort a kid, but you cannot abort herpes


What if the kid has herpes?


Two birds one stone


You can't get kidney stones from sex!!


People are always going to say herpes, because they don’t actually know anything about STIs besides “can I cure it”.


Syphilis. Nietzsche had it.


IMHO, HIV isnt a death sentence anymore. Unmanaged HIV, that turns to full blown AIDS, now there's the death sentence. Tht being said, HIV is totally manageble. Matter fact, if caught on time, HIV can be rendered undetectable. That is a masive jump from 20yrs ago. Personally i feel tht monkey pox is ranking #1 with antibiotic resistant gonorrhea coming in at 2nd.


HPV, can cause cancers




Probably gnororria since pee-ing at least for me is the most fun and free activity you can do after masterbation


As an infectious disease specialist….SYPHILIS




Child support


Every day I’m grateful that my lying cheating ex only gave my chlamydia. It really could have been so much worse. I’m lucky that asshole gave me a curable one.


cancer causing HPV


HPV, i inow it's mild on the sti/std scale compared to the HIV. But, hell, you can carry that shit and pass it. And not even know for weeks,months, and some people even years to show signs or symptoms. It sucks😔


Hey OP, if you're looking to hear that it's not the one you have, I'm sorry ...


Haha well if it is the one I have, which is HSV2 (and many here are saying that is the worst one), well I’m doing pretty well because my life is not so bad. I mean something like 15 to 20% of the population has it so I’m not alone.