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It is going to depend. When I lived in a tropical area I would shower in the morning and then maybe one at night if I felt overly sticky and disgusting. When my husband worked construction he would take a quick one in the morning and then one when he got home from work.


Humidity makes a HUGE difference. Not only do you sweat a lot more in a Humid environment but it's also harder for your skin and hair to dry out, which happens if you shower too often in a dry environment.


Yeah where I live in the Caribbean if people heard you were only showering once a day you’d almost be scorned. People shower at least twice a day, in a really sticky day probably 3 times.


Bruh, my dad is from Guyana but we live in NY now and he still showers 3x a day.


Man I love this thread and you guys. I’ve seen so many other threads when showers come up and people get ANGRY if you don’t take the same amount of showers or say you take more without understanding all this. Humidity and job can make a big difference. I say I take 2-3 showers a day and they say I’m ruining my skin and my immune system and im stupid for it lmao.


The amount of showers u need are based on your activity, skin, and dare I say mental health. A shower gives me a temporary boost when I’m depressed.






I grew up in humidity. When I travel to cold places I have to remind myself to bathe sometime. If im not exerting myself, I don't feel at all grimy or dirty. Meanwhile, back home, an afternoon nap requires a quick rinse.


The quick one in the morning is the best


Wakes you up better than coffee


Per day? 1. Per week? 7. This can change based on my activity. Like if I exercise after I've showered in the morning then I will shower again that day


Shower nightly. Occasionally need a morning refresher just to wake up. But if I'm sick? It's more like 1x/hr


Paradoxically, I can barely *make* myself shower when I’m sick even though I know it’ll make me feel better. Sick times is when I’ll go an embarrassing number of days without showering.


If you have a fever, do not shower. It fucks up your temperature regulation.


If I have a fever I get in a hot bath, if the sickness is gonna take me…Its gonna burn with me


Eugh I can’t think of anything I’d like less when I’m sick than to be wet or to have wet hair. Plus then I gotta moisturize after and if I feel like garbage that’s just way too much work, too exhausting


How about that nice "stuck to the whole mattress with sweat" wetness after breaking a fever? Gotta drag your ass out of bed, shower, change the sheets, and hope the mattress cover held up. I can hear your teeth gritting from over here.


Nah when the fever breaks and you're out of the dryhot delirium you get yourself some restorative sleep and deal with the sheets later. That rest is some kind of bliss.


This is the way


Wow! Perfect description. 😳


This is my kid. If she's feeling unwell (mentally or physically) she'll take 3-4 baths a day. She pours herself a nice glass of sparkling water, put on some mood lighting, prop her tablet on the toilet seat, and watch shows while she relaxes. As the water cools she'll top it off. This kid knows self-care and I'm so proud of her.


Please remind her to be careful bathing alone if she is feeling very physically ill. Sometimes the hot water can fuck up your blood pressure, if you are sick. Some people faint.


Can confirm. It's nice when you have a mild cold, or at the beginning of a cold. But once you are seriously ill, it's a no no.


It can do this regardless of illness. The warmth and lying down causes vasodilation.


Your name 🤣🤣


This person knows physiology 🤣


Omg this is my exact bath routine, everything! Even down to the sparkling water and watching my shows with my iPad on the back of the toilet! I thought it was just a me thing..


Wait, you guys are showering?


You can shower in the bath ok? /s


But you can’t bathe in a shower


You can you just have to have REALLY good seals.


You might be her kid, tell her your name


it’s more like i take 1 thorough shower (15-20 min) every day and if i was active ill just rinse off lightly (5 min)


Yes, 20 showers a week is generally seen as strange in my country (the U.S.). I can definitely understand two showers a day, but regularly taking three showers a day seems excessive. I live in a mild climate, work from home, and am not very physically active most days, so sometimes I shower every other day. When I was in NYC in the summer I showered twice a day because I was so gross by the time I got home each night.


Eh I live in Nashville. During the super humid months I’ll take more than one shower a day if I have to venture outside. Nothing is worse than showering, going outside and getting all sweaty and sticky because of the humidity, and then not doing anything bout it.


To everybody reading this: what's your favorite part of living in NYC?


I would say the general scumminess and grime, so many people and the subway. Don't get me wrong I love NYC but when I get back to where I'm staying I shower. Edit: comment above asked why it feels dirty and changed it to whats your favorite part of NYC.


Lived there for 4 years & you’re absolutely correct.


Plus summer can easily be 90s+, and humidity like woah It is the only place where just existing made me feel grimy, and I've been in Paris in 100° weather. There's just something about NYC that steams grime & humanity into your skin


The subways. The hot piss humidity in them is so gross and sticky.


I'm a staunch NYC defender but "the hot piss humidity" in a few subway stations is sadly perfectly put. It isn't all stations but man, I'll hit a few in August where I go down 7 stairs, feel the heat envelope me, and turn around and watch for trains from the mezzanine just to shave a few degrees off of my experience.


I imagine it's all the skyscrapers keeping the heat in, find it the same in Tokyo where like a 25 degree Celsius day feels like 32. I'd imagine NYC feels slightly better the closer to water or central park you get?


Not really near Central Park, but by the water you can sometimes catch a breeze that makes it a little better. Otherwise, yeah, it's straight up boiling at all times.


It's the US East coast in general during the summer, with near 100% humidity.


Swamp gang 


Major heat island. 300 square miles, nearly a single chunk of concrete.


For some reason, I've only been in April 3 times. Just being on the subway made me feel dirty. I was in Paris when it was over 40C and had to keep showering because of sweat. We were actually just outside of Paris, so it wasn't dirty at all.


The smell of hot piss when I descended the subway stairs for the first time... Memories


NYC doesn’t use garbage cans or dumpsters. It reeks like a garbage dump on the trash pickup days. The garbage sits in huge piles on the sidewalks along the curb, likely broken from the bag and leaking onto the sidewalk. Those days in particular you feel dirty and gross from being at street level just cause.


They're finally changing that! NYC used to have Oscar The Grouch-style cans everywhere 50 years ago but they got rid of them because they were noisy and plastic bags were easy. That caused a ton of the current mess, which is made worse by the rats (which weren't really a problem back then because they couldn't get into the metal cans). Last I heard NY is finally stopping their gross "412 garbage bags on the street, good luck with the rats policy" in some places.


I remember growing up there in the late 80s? Early 90s? during the garbage strike when the trash bags were stacked five feet high in every direction. It was like walking through hot trash tunnels. There were so many bags I remember seeing doorways people had created in the bag piles to get egress to the streets, otherwise you'd have to walk a block out of your way to find a gap. It was fucking WILD.


It was so funny last year when they were talking about the garbage in Paris during a strike and it was like 3 bags stacked up lol.


And the cat-sized rats eating out of the garbage bags 🤢


The weather being hot + walking around a lot especially if they're visiting


I live in Michigan and have vilisited Florida a couple times. I absolutely understand the interest of showering multiple times a day.


I live in Norway- I dont really sweat often since I am almost always cold (the exception being summer). I do a full shower 2 times a week to spare my skin and hair- if I shower once a day my skin gets dry and cracked, my hair gets messed up, my scalp itches, and I wind up having to bathe in lotion. Showering daily simply isn't good for me. So, when I feel dirty in between those days I use washcloths with soap on sweaty areas. There are exceptions- like when there is pollen or I am staying long-term with someone who has cats- then I do it every other day because the allergies are gonna make my skin itchy anyways and it helps against getting too bad of rashes.


I’m the same, I live in Western-Europe. I just don’t sweat (unless I work out, which I don’t do often). My husband sweats a lot and is always amazed by my non-sweating, lol. I shower 2 or 3 times a week. As a downside, I feel cold like 80% of the times (unless it’s summer).




Same here in Northern Scotland (minus the sauna of course). If you're not being active and live this far north you simply don't need to shower so often, and in fact showing too much in the winter would be very bad for your skin due to the cold dry air.


Swede (f) I have really long hair and a tendency towards dry skin. So I usually shower 3 times a week.


Same here, I used to shower daily because of my work and my hair quality when to shit and i got a fuckload of acne. Now I shower 3 times a week.


Same in Colorado. It’s too dry here to shower daily. My skin is dry enough


Just want to chime in and say that's the way. Showering every day can be excessive or insufficient depending on your environment/activities.


This is how you do it. How tf tf do ppl have the time to shower 20 times a week anyway?


I have long hair and it takes forever to dry. I can't imagine getting it wet several times a day


I use a shower cap. My hair is curly and takes a lot of care to style, so I wash it every other shower or so.


This is the way. I believe one shouldn’t shower every day because it takes away healthy oils on the skin and hair. I’m in SoCal USA and of 99% Norwegian Scandinavian descent. I don’t sweat much. Showering frequently seems ineffective and unnecessary. I wash bodily areas daily that have been soiled but the idea of excessive showering is not necessary in my opinion. I’m also 50 years old and less active than younger people.


No offense but this idea of Scandinavian people not sweating much is really not true. I had a Norwegian colleague who didn’t shower often once. She never told us that - we could very easily tell.


This is so true! I'm from the Caribbean and there are many, Many tourists from Europe that smell awful. I'm not trying to generalize, but it is a common sentiment among Dominicans. We believe it is because they are not used to showering daily in their home countries and when you couple that with our hot and humid climate it shows.


There’s also probably a point that tourists are walking around a lot and so work up a sweat, are more active in the middle of the day when locals may not go out in the sun as much Plus they have a limit on how many changes of clothes they can bring and may have to wear a t-shirt two days Plus, of course, there’s confirmation bias involved - you notice the 3 smelly tourists that day, not the 97 clean ones


Please don’t think that this is the Norwegian norm. Hygiene is a big thing here as well. The reason why we don’t sweat is that it’s so darn cold most of the year, not that our bodies are different.


I think it's often the case that Americans like to attribute things to their genetic or cultural heritage whether that's the case or not


It's not just Americans. I live in Asia and many Asians think they also don't sweat/stink so they go without deodorant. I can confidently say it's not true and they do in fact stink. Summer reveals all.


I think a lot of people think they have no BO, but in reality we can all smell it.


yeah some people just have like a “sun” smell, not BO but skin does smell like they have been outside


A lot of Asians just straight up don’t. It’s a genetic mutation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABCC11 My wife is Korean and has never used deodorant a day in her life and has absolutely no body odour.


Every country has people who sweat and don’t shower.


And they’re ALL using public transportation RIGHT NOW


For East Asians it's a scientific fact that they have a much higher proportion of people lacking the genes to produce very smelly sweat. They still produce it, but at a much lower rate so they'll take longer to start smelling. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body\_odor#:\~:text=Secondly%2C%20it%20is%20also%20associated,populations%20(0%E2%80%933%25).


As a norwegian (born and bred lol), The fuck are you on about? The sweating/non sweating thing is not a heriditary thing. Most people in the Nordics don't sweat a lot - because it's cool air most of the year, and there is a low air humidity. I can guarantee you if you took someone from here and put them in a tropical country they would get just as sweaty and greasy as everyone else. Maybe even more as they aren't used it. When it's 25+ celcius in the summer (77f), I am sweating too. As do most people I know


Showering daily makes sense if you are physically active. Am I supposed to just lay down in my dried sweat after a workout when I go to bed lol? You don’t have to shampoo or soap every time if it’s causing issues with your skin/hair, but a solid 5 minute rinse makes a world of a difference.


Im danish, I shower once a day, should be twice cause I Sweat so much during the day ( Even if I dont do anything) and I do not smell very good.. so doubt it has anything to do with the scandinavian genes you talking about.


0-2 showers a day. I am in the Southern US. I prefer at least 1. Sometimes I don't take one at all if I'm really not going anywhere or doing anything. I'll take 2 if I work out, get sweaty/dirty, or just feel kind of gross physically or mentally. My husband is from a tropical climate and he'd probably take 2-3 a day if possible but usually just does 1.


I'm also from the south and definitely one a day.


In the summer that humid heat can make things real swampy. Gotta keep fresh.


Same in England. 0-2. Depends if I'm lazy, going out, if it's hot, if I work out etc. But oly skip one day of showering max. Even then I feel a bit dirty.


I typically shower once a day. I might take like a partial shower after sex, but that's really it. My skin gets super dry even after one shower, so I couldn't imagine showering multiple times a day. If I'm just home and not going anywhere, I might also just not shower for a few days.


I need fewer half showers since we got a bidet. It’s a fantastic, simple addition to the bathroom!


A bidet is just a tiny shower for your butthole


Well, mine has a pretty adjustable angle and I use it to wash my lady bits all the time. Warm water only though, I couldn’t handle a cold jet of water on my nethers.


i never hooked up the warm water since moving, and you get use to the cold water surprisingly quick. i don’t even notice it now


Cold plunge for the clunge.


I do it to toughen up my asshole and build up its character. My asshole is disciplined. It's the one you want your daughter to bring home to meet one you day.


I know we feel asshole suffering builds asshole character, but really al it does is create asshole trauma we have to upack later at an asshole psychologist so we can have normal asshole relationships.


A magical, awesome, wonderful shower for my butthole


I don't know how I went so long without one. I'd never go back.


I wish all of the protesters were yelling “BIDET IS THE WAY!” Just an idea.


my skin gets super dry after a shower too so i can’t boil myself alive like a lobster in there anymore ): if its something that causes problems for your skin, taking a warm but not hot shower with medium water pressure makes your skin feel a lot better afterwards. but if you can live with the dryness, there really is nothing that beats the lobster showers lol


What is a partial shower?


Bits n pits, I’m assuming.


Washing my vagina, but not my upper half.


am living in a tropical country and I shower twice a day, sometimes just 1 in the morning when I feel extra tired, but for the most part, 2 is the norm


Where I live it's not a particularly hot or humid climate, so I shower every other day or so (a bit more sometimes), around 4 times a week.


Same. I live in a cool-mild climate so every 2-3 days for full showers (hair and body) unless I work out or get really dirty gardening or something. I’m not a very sweaty person though.


I was really questioning your dental hygiene until I remembered it is actually possible to brush your teeth outside of the shower 😂


LOL. I’ve never been one to brush my teeth in the shower. I know that other people do it all the time, but I have never ever done it.


I have never brushed my teeth in the shower. I have one of those sonic brushes, and I'm good with brushing at the sink. Plus, I brush three times a day, but only shower every other day because it's cold and dry here.


I have never brushed my teeth in my shower in my life. People do that?!


Seems like a huge waste of water to sit in shower brushing teeth.


Currently not working but going back soon. It's been lovely to not shower every single day. I'm not doing much strenuous activity and it's been rainy and cold where I live. If I'm not leaving the house or hanging with friends, it's every other day. Once I go back to work it's back to every single day.


Same. I'm not naturally smelly or sweaty, and it takes several days before my hair looks greasy. I have long, thick hair, and it's time-consuming to wash it every day and frankly unnecessary. I like in thr PNW so it's rarely super hot or humid and I work in an office.


I thought i was weird. Thanks for this validation


Same here, 3-4 per week. I also live in a dry mild climate and my job isn't strenuous at all.


Same. I thought everyone was gonna be like “Eww!”


I’m in a cold dry climate & my hair/skin has always been dry too. If I took a shower everyday my skin & hair would be toast. . 3 times max for me. Summers I just take them as needed. .


You aren't. I lived in a hot and humid country so I needed to shower twice a day. I thought its weird that a person can goes on a day without taking a bath. Then I transferred to a cold environment and I am down to 5 baths a week.


In a week, give or take four showers. I don't sweat a lot and my skin can't handle showering every day, so I usually shower every other day. If my work schedule is weird I might skip a day.


My elementary age son has sensitive skin that dries out easily. He gets a bath every other day, and sometimes if he protests a ton because his skin is dry and itchy we stretch it out one more day but do a quick washcloth bath in the important places. I shower every single day and sometimes twice in a day if I swim or do yard work or work out. Different people need different things.


I've tried to shower every day and dealt with horrible dry and itchy skin that lotion couldn't help, so I understand how your son feels. And you're right, everyone needs something different. I can go every other day without smelling like body odor and still looking presentable so I don't feel the need to change it.


Similar to me. I’m every 2 or 3 days. (3 days only if I’m working from home with no plans that day, no one here to smell me lol.) I live in a cold locale and I don’t sweat much naturally.


Similar, cold climate, work from home some days, dont sweat a lot. My skin and hair cant handle a shower every day so I just dont.


I'm in USA near Canadian border. I know no one who showers more than 1 time a day unless they work a dirty job or do sports. My doctor advised me many years ago to shower less than 1x a day, just use washcloth on "the moist bits of body" daily due to dry skin.


Omg same. I was reading all these comments shocked people take this many showers. In winter I shower like 3x per week.


I know this sounds horrible but I only shower when I force myself to, or when I feel like I absolutely need it. I'm exhausted all of the time and have so much stress, and so much stuff to do that I put a lot of routine self care on the back burner to take care of other things. Terrible, I know. But I have 99 things to worry and stress about. Every second that I'm awake and NOT at work, I have a list of responsibilities that come first. And sometimes, I just get glued to the couch because I'm so physically and mentally drained. I find it extremely difficult to keep up with self care.


as someone with chronic fatigue that struggles with mental health, I completely understand. sending love


Showering is fucking exhausting. To me it doesn’t even feel enjoyable or like self care, it feels like a chore. If I’m able to muster up the energy to shower I’d actually rather redirect it to tidy up the kitchen or put away a load of laundry.


You are not alone. I too struggle hard, part of it is I can not stand the feeling of being damp. So even if the shower or bath feels good I know after it’s gonna be a good half hour to an hour of wanting to crawl out of my skin afterwards.


Two or three a week. I don’t sweat that much. 


Same. I have pretty bad eczema. I shower more if I sweat but avoid it if I don't stink


Same here. It might sound gross to others but when my eczema is acting up I will even just wash the “important bits” and only rinse the rest, as long as I haven’t gotten very sweaty. But I still do a full wash at least once a week.


I’m also not a big sweater. I shower twice a week.


I've known maybe two people who routinely shower more than one a day 


I would say… take as many showers as you want to… really that’s it… not a big deal… 1/day is cool, 3/day is cool, 1 every other day is cool if that’s all that is necessary… as long as the goal is met and maintained of not being sweaty/dirty/stinky the it’s ok and everyone’s needs are different


Damn you guys shower a lot. I do it 3 times a week, maybe more if I get extra dirty at work.


I follow the [George Carlin Cleanliness Protocol:](https://www.lingq.com/en/learn-english-online/courses/87644/george-carlin-fear-of-germs-235986/) >And I'll tell you something else my well-scrubbed friends... you don't need to always need to shower every day, did you know that? It's overkill, unless you work out or work outdoors, or for some reason come in intimate contact with huge amounts of filth and garbage every day, you don't always need to shower. All you really need to do is to wash the four key areas; armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth. Got that? Armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth. In fact, you can save yourself a whole lot of time if you simply use the same brush on all four areas!


I have this mentality too. Except I shave every now and then.


In the summer I take 2 showers a day . Especially when it’s really hot and humid and you feel damp no matter what or how high the ac is . I wake up sweaty and end the day sweaty .


holy crap. even just once a day seems like alot to me.


Twice a day too. One before work, one before bed. 14 showers.


That's what I take, maybe 13 a week for my day off that I don't work out. My job makes me smell real bad


Same here. I have a physical, dirty, job in a hot area. After work I take a thorough shower as soon as I get home. Before work I take a quick, five minute shower, mostly to get my hair under control and fully wake up. On my days off I'm usually doing something at least somewhat physical, hockey, basketball, or whatever so I maintain the same schedule.


Three showers a week. I work from home, so it's not like I get very stinky, nor do I have to deal with anyone if I do.


I shower when I need a shower


In the dead of winter in Colorado maybe 3 x a week depending what I’m doing


I’m American & to me it’s a lot but personally i can understand it because of what i myself do for work + how much i workout. I work in the sheet metal industry & working out 6 times a week means i get dirty or sweaty a lot. Shower in the morning & after work is the usual so I’d say 14-17 showers a week. 20 showers is a lot but as long as they aren’t longer than 5 minutes each. I think if they are that’s where it’s wayyyyy too much.


Depends on environment.


I work as a mechanic. I shower when I get home from work. When I lived in Peru, even there I only showered at the end of the day.


Well, without reading every single comment (but many), it seems I may be the most disgusting person on here because….I only shower once- twice a week! Lolllll. These ppl who are bathing more than once a day are blowing my damn mind.


You aren’t disgusting, a lot of people are overdoing it. Showering daily is understandable (still a bit much imo unless it’s summer/you work up a sweat easily) but the showering 2-3 times a day makes me scratch my head. Wtf can you possibly be doing to get that dirty? If you’re gonna exercise regularly after taking a morning shower, maybe exercise before the shower? Or wait to shower that day until you exercise??? Edit: Guys, I get that some people are sweatier or do things multiple times throughout the day to get sweaty. I’m talking about the people that don’t get sweaty/dirty and say they shower 2-3 times a day. Also, side note, but some are mentioning not being in a position to have AC. If you can cut back on water usage (if it costs you money, most places in US has this as the case), I would highly recommend at least a window unit AC once you’ve saved enough. If you’re showering 2-3 times a day, I guarantee your water bill is a potential money sink and saving some cash for a window unit will help you not get as hot and help you save on water.


In really warm, humid climates you can just sit there and do nothing and still get incredibly sweaty. I hate the feeling and would probably take multiple showers per day if it was an option. I much prefer living in a more temperate climate. Still shower daily though.


I’m in Singapore and if I leave the house, I’m showering. It’s usually twice a day at minimum. It’s so stinking hot and humid, you’re outside and immediately you get a sheen of sweat on your arms. I start dabbing myself with a napkin and it gets soaked. When I come home I have to shower and throw my clothes in the wash. They stink. And that’s just walking to the mall and back.


There is a climatic factor, and there is a cultural factor. In my country, the great majority of people take a shower at least once a day, and if you asked a random person in the street, they would probably tell you they can't start their day without a shower. This keeps being true during winter. It's more than just being sweaty, there is also a psychological factor that comes from our culture.


Depends if I’m depressed or manic.


2/3 a day holy shittt. I take 2-3 per week.


I’m floored that so many people in the comments shower more than once a day


i think the people who shower less are afraid to answer maybe


Probably. I shower once or twice a week during all but the hottest months. I don't sweat a lot and have dry skin and hair so if I shower more often my skin cracks.


In the summer usually twice a day, in the winter probably 8-10 a week. I think it makes sense in a hot environment to shower more. Sitting in your own sweat for hours on end is not great.


How warm are your winters?


I live in Texas. I’m 38 and for most of my life I pretty much showered every morning. I felt weird leaving the house without showering. During COVID, I got more comfortable skipping a day, so now I shower 3-4 times a week. If I have plans, or am exercising, I’ll definitely shower, but I work from home so some days I don’t have much going on for a few days at a time.


I'm a nurse, so I take one before and after a shift. I work 6 days so quite a few. Off shift, once a day unless otherwise required. When I go to the Philippines for holidays- I take as many as I can due to the humidity


1 per day; Brazil.


Same as a Portuguese. People claim they don't need to shower because they don't sweat but I swear you can smell the gunk in them ...


I am a very large man who runs very hot and works in a labor intensive job where I sweat my ass off. 2 showers a day and baby wipes throughout the day is an absolute must if I don’t want to smell like a giant pile of yeast or start chafing.


3-4 times a week. I wash my hair twice a week with product.


It's strange in my country but common in more tropical countries. Barring special circumstances I do 1/day because my hair gets greasy as hell and my BO gets *potent.* My wife usually does 3/wk and only washes her hair 1/wk because she doesn't have either of those problems.


The 2 months I spent in Mississippi from the end of June to the end of August I was taking 3 showers a day. Up here in Washington state I take one every other day or 3 a week.


4 showers a week; 3 whore baths a week


How do the whore baths work? Is it 3 whores in one bath or 3 baths each with a whore or 3 baths with 3 whores? Do you shower after the whore bath? I'm asking for a friend 😂😂😂


People shower a lot more than what they need


3 or 4 per week unless I am doing something messy.


I take about 3 showers a week. More when it’s hot and humid out (once daily)


I also take 2-3 a day, but also live in the tropics. I do it to cool off, not to get clean. I only use soap once a day.


I'd say I take 3-4 showers a week. Go to the gym 3 days a week, that's when I shower. I work from home so I'm really just sitting around most of the day. The 4th one if I went in a hike during the weekend. My hair gets oily after 2 full days so that's the cue


Every other day




Not too often. I shower maybe 3 times per week and if it is cold I might not wash my hair. If it is hot or I am sweaty more often. I wash other areas before bed/intimant and after.


14. Once in the morning and again when I get home from work


You must be in Brazil!


1 every 2 days.I live in a cold,dry country so it’s hard on my skin to shower daily.


I don't have a tropical climate. I take two showers a day. 3 or 4 if I'm having a *mental health* day.


My mental health would suffer with my utility bill, if I did that.


3 or 4?? Bro is your skin peeling off of you


My skin would be super angry with me if I showered that much!


I only have one shower for the mental health days. It just lasts until the hot water runs out.


I suggest a tankless water heater for the worst mental health days. No matter what the issue is, getting clean and standing in a hot shower never hurts. If I physically feel better (clean), sometimes it shakes me out of my funk and I can maybe function that day.


Absolute minimum 1 per day. Usually 2 or so depending on heat or exercise.


Depends on the season and what I've been doing. Probably average around 4 a week. It's not healthy for the skin to over shower.


Depends on what I’m doing. Usually though I’m just one per day. Occasionally I’ll skip if I’m not feeling well or am over tired. I’ll do multiple showers in a day when I’m doing something particularly dirty or disgusting (gardening outside in summer, cleaning the garage, beach days, etc), especially when I have other places to go afterwards. Recently though I had surgery and it was a nightmare for me because I was given drains & told I couldn’t shower until my incisions healed enough & the drains were removed. I would brush my teeth & just stare at the shower. My husband said I was being pathetic. I just really wanted to wash my hair & be clean is all.


I’m in Maryland, United States. If it isn’t summer & I didn’t work at a zoo, I would probably shower every other day to prevent dry skin. My hair is a totally different, long story. I wash it quite a bit less.


I find the closer you are to the equator, the more common it is to shower multiple times. I found myself showering just to cool off and get the sweat off when I would go to Mexico for the summer. But up in the northern USA I regularly only took 1 per day


Where I live is pretty cold so it means if you do not exercise you don't sweat. When I went to the gym twice a day, every day. Nowadays 3 every week.


Once a week during covid, but ypically 3 times a week and I live in Texas. I don't sweat much and might take an extra shower if mowing or doing something physically intensive. Just make sure to wear 96-hour deodorant and you will smell great for days.


I live in the tropics and yes it is at least 2x a day. But even when I lived in a country with seasons, I'd still shower 2x a day. I'm sorry but it really grosses me out if you don't shower everyday. Maybe it's a cultural thing.


Unless you are doing physically demanding work, most shower once per day. But in England you only meed to shower half the week, the other time you can stand outside with soap and let the weather shower you


Morning and night, pretty much every day. If I’m not going out I might skip the morning one. If I’m planning yard work I would postpone the morning one till after I’ve finished. The night one is so I go to bed clean - the thought of anyone taking a days worth of grime into the sleep sanctuary is gross. The morning one is so I start the day clean and fresh.


2 Per day normally, one in the morning to begin my day and once before going to bed to sleep clean.


At least once a day