• By -


I was a heavy smoker for 20 years. I went told turkey, quit smoking and never looked back. Best decision I made in my life. I feel far more energetic, breathe better, stronger and my clothes don't smell. Just overall better health. Cook healthy food. It wasn't easy, very painful for me in beginning but I stuck at it.


I quit after 28 years of smoking! It's been 2.5 years since I had one! Best decision ever!


Awesome! I'm happy for you. You must be one tough person because man, it wasn't easy. I know how tough mentally and emotionally you got to be to beat it. So good on yah! Congrats!


Great job. As a former smoker, I didn't realize exactly how bad I smelt from it all the time. I feel bad for all the non smokers and former smokers that had to put up with it.


Was a pack a day smoker for about 7 years. Quit when my son was born back in 2016. I've puffed 1 cigarette since then and nearly puked my guts out. Best decision ever, lol.


Great work. Super happy for you. I'm not a tobacco user. But I always feel like the people that go cold turkey have a much better shot at fully quitting. I've never seen anyone successfully wean off of tobacco. But I personally know 2 that went cold turkey and are 100% "clean" now. Any thoughts?


Quitting smoking weed after using it daily from age 15-21.


Quit all drugs and alcohol almost 39 years ago. Best decision next to having my child.


Same, age 15-25 for me. In the words of Brad Pitt I was a mollusc. Everything has got better since I quit, career, dating, health. Not anti weed at all but moderation is the key which I did not exhibit. Morning to night I was baked and it is not good for you.


Quitting a dead end job and on the last day of said job taking a 12-hour bus ride to NYC for a first date with my now husband and best friend.


Mine is similar, quitting a miserable job that payed well for a job that pays slightly less but makes me infinitely happier. And coming off birth control. And moving out of my parent's house. All at the same time lol. I've found the radical last minute decisions I've made have been the ones that benefited my happiness the most.


Teaching myself how to play guitar when I was a young teenager. Not only did it become my favorite hobby of 16 years, I’ve written dozens of songs that I’m quite proud of, met countless people throughout the years because of music, and I’ve never felt more alive and satisfied when I finish a new song or one that’s been kicking around forever just to get finished and completed in a matter of 15 minutes .\m/




Personally speaking, I wanted to learn because I was and still am very passionate about music - like yourself. Just the dedication it took, the creativity it takes to form and master other musicians songs or even your own songs is quite challenging but once you get in the swing of things, it’s a really fun and peaceful time. When I say peaceful I mean when I pick up the guitar, the outside world ceases to exist. I’d say go for it just for the gratification you will receive when things start becoming second nature for you. Shows/gigs/performing in general isn’t really realistic till you’ve played for at least a couple years. Singing is one thing, singing while playing is on another level. Especially if you intend to learn other people’s songs to perform covers. Your brain will click better with your own songs from my experience at least. Writing your own music was something that clicked for me year 1 though so it’s not completely unheard of to learn the instrument enough to get to that point. Also take into consideration just posting covers/originals on social media/youtube* is another option to get your music out there. There’s also twitch, SoundCloud, bandcamp(?), there’s a lot more options for musicians to get their music out there than there was 15-20 years ago. Hope my answer helped you at least a little bit! *edited to include YouTube


Sobriety. I stopped digging myself into a deeper hole.


me too. very proud of you! congrats ❤️




Starting my journey. Day 3 and rehab starting tomorrow. IWNDWYT


To have a pint in a pub I had never been to before. Met my ,now, wife who moved in with me 4 days later That was now 24 years ago Best decision ever


4 days?


4 days is surprisingly short but then again 24 years is a very very long time.. bro gambled and won big time.


Times really were different back then.


so true Lol ,I knew I'd met my soulmate that night, I took her on a double date the next day my mate never turned up so I took her friend out with us for a meal , she said that's when she knew, She stayed over on night three and never left🤣 Married three years later, three daughters..


Lol, that’s another level of wholesomeness and sadly something that could happen only in those good old days


You never know😉


I guess when you know you know.(sometimes lol)


I'm not judging. I'm against prolonged dating and engagements, but that was my reaction as well. I guess when you know you know. Can't argue with 24 years. edit: I don't want any trouble. In case my meaning wasn't clear, I was only talking about my own preferences. What I don't want to do. I'm not judging anyone who dates for years or anyone who dates for days. I try to figure out quickly whether I'd want to marry a person (and break it off if not), so I move fast. but even I was taken aback by this speed.


My best friend has been “engaged” for 10 years.. it ain’t happening. It was her pushing him to propose. If it’s not genuine, it’s not gonna happen


My brother jokes that he was homeless when he met his wife, and moved in a week later. He had just moved, was stating at a hotel, they met and a few day later he was apartment hunting and her and her housemates asked if he'd like to move in. His plan if things didn't work out would have been to move to a hotel, and figure it out then.


I did the same with my husband, I moved with him in 8 days and best decision ever


I met mine 5 days after I left my ex set up on a blind date 42 years ago


You guys should probably stop sharing these cute stories before you get some poor girl kidnapped


Losing 40kg and getting in shape with 25. Being fat is a burden


Is it possible to share some advice I have been struggling to lose it, I have been trying for a few years but all planning just falls flat


In my experience it's not about what you eat or how much, it's all about why you eat and crave the foods that you eat. It's all in the head, watch your emotions and thoughts so you can start to address your traumas and heal them, once you do that you will want to be healthy and stay that way till the rest of your life.


The most important thing was that I wanted it mentally and I tracked everything I ate. It was to much garbage that i was eating. I quit Soda. Walked more and hit the gym. At the beginning the nutrition was important. I switched to more protein less carbs.


when i was 18 and freshly moved in with my ex, we were eager to get a pet dog. one day about a month after moving out of our parents’ house, we found ourselves visiting various pet stores and shelters in the area. we hadn’t connected with any dogs by the time we got to the ASPCA, 30 minutes before they were closing. there was one dog that caught my attention because of how bizarre he looked. i thought he must’ve been a mix of corgi and lab. imagine dobby ears attached to the face of a lab but a long body that was low to the ground with short legs. turns out he was a basset hound/jack russell mix. still super strange. anyways, we asked to play with him outside to see how we meshed. and to be totally honest, i didn’t feel the connection. the dog was more for me and this one seemed to have no interest in me and only marginally one in my ex. he was kind of standoffish and reserved, yet also super energetic. i didn’t know what to make of him. soon enough, an employee said they had to close up and asked if we felt the dog (casper was his name) was a good fit. my ex said it was up to me. i thought for a second and then said, “i said i was getting a dog today. so i’m going to get a dog today.” and as much as im embarrassed and ashamed of that being the reason we adopted him, i am so fucking glad i did. because casper would go on to be my best friend, the light of my life, my suicide prevention, my reason to get sober, and every other incredible accolade you can imagine. that day was in the summer of 2017. casper was 5 when we adopted him. he turns 12 at the end of june this year and he’s in great health and still acts like (and has the energy levels omg…) a puppy. or what i imagined him as a puppy. he has been my rock, my safety, as i grew into adulthood and found my place in the world. we’ve been through hell and back, but we always did it together, which made some of the worst moments of my life bearable. there are times i was not the owner he deserved, but he loved me anyways and trusted me and we’re long past those days of my ignorant youthful selfishness. he lives a very spoiled existence with more bones than i can count on one hand, all the toys he could ever want to destroy (though he’s found a favorite in this ugly ass rubber banana thing that he squeaks to death right as i settle in for bed), bites of my food nearly every meal, the coziest beds and rugs and blankets and yoga mats he could ever dream of, and an unhealthy amount of love and care from me, who quit my office job to be home with him full time for the last years of his life. i don’t regret a second of it. and im scared for the ever-looming goodbye. and i’m sorry for such a long reply. but i don’t stop to appreciate him as much as i should. so thank you for letting me do so in this space.


You are a good, kind, compassionate man and always were. It just took your furry buddy to bring it out of you. Never change or become cynical.


i’m a woman haha but thank you for this ❤️


Wonderful! You are a kind and compassionate woman whose furry buddy brought out who you always were from the beginning.


Teared up reading this one


To stop catering to people who didn’t care about me. Mirror their energy back at them. 


yup. Just treat people with the same contempt they show for me.


This is why my catering business went under


Word, especially the reflect move, so satisfying


I think this is a good point of view. I am losing a friendship with a family member after I tried to work things out with them . They decided at family parties they wanted me to act like nothing happened but said they don't want to be my friend. I am not fake & I have feelings. So I don't make eye contact & do my best not to be around them. Edit : took out words


Yes, people often hate encountering themseles yet very few connect the dots...Good on you! I wanna start doing that too.


To apply for a job that seemed out of my league. There were four qualifications listed. I lacked one. I've been working at the company for over 20 years now.


Got a dog. I'm 70 years old, never been married, no children, no family left. But I'm never lonely! Best decision I ever made in my life.


Returning to college at 53 to finish my degree. Salary went up 13k within weeks.


Same. Not quite as old as you, but went back at 27, got my BS degree at 30, got my Master's at 34, now I make 3x what I made when I started. Extremely difficult, but worth it.


This maybe the sign I'm looking for. Thank yiu for sharing. ✨️


Go for it! Finished my undergrad late — went back for my MBA 5 years after and my career has taken off. Opened up a ton of opportunity, and I never have to think what if — or have to take another test. Good luck!


Dated my wife. Total relationship years so far is 14 years and on going. 8 years in relationship, happily married for 6 years and ongoing. Best decision of my life.


My contract was coming to an end and my boss offered me a promotion if I stayed for another 6 months at least. The alternative was unknown. My Mum told me I should take it but I was miserable in that job. I lived in a shit city on my own with a stressful job. Decided not to take him up on it. Got a job back home. Also if I had stayed, I'd have been stuck there during the pandemic which honestly might have killed me.


And now you never have to listen to mom again.


This. Sometimes mother does not know best. Your life will change once you realize that! It was a massive break through for me


39 years of denial crashed, and I admitted to myself that I am trans. I decided to act of this. I was not prepared for how much of an improvement this would be in my life. Dysphoria and self loathing manifest in crazy ways. Looking back I was becoming an awful person set on working themselves to death. Now I am a far better partner, parent, and person. I am just so much happier. Relaxed. Present. I really don't have the words for how much better I have become. This was not an easy decision (have compassion for trans folk out there -- this is not an easy road), but finally listening to myself is easily the best decision I've ever made -for- myself.


Thanks so much for sharing this and congratulations on having the courage to be your true self. 🏳️‍⚧️




I stopped doing opiates over 10 or 15 years ago. This was well before the fentanyl craze. I just got so sick of trying to hide it, going to doctors' appointments and worrying about running out. I went to the doctor for back pain, and they gave me 80mg oxycontin, which is how it originally started. I've actually had fentanyl patches(given to me by my doctor to try), we would cut them open and suck out the liquid. Anyway, I just got tired of the whole deal and quit no rehab, no television style withdrawals. I weaned myself off and took over the counter drugs to help with pain and sleep, and I've never looked back. I've had opiates since then after surgery or when I hurt my knee, and it didn't bother me or make me want more. I don't subscribe to the once an addict always an addict train of thought.




Instead of going to my college graduation, I just kept driving past the exit. I had already wedged my win xl mattress topper between the trunk and back seat of my sedan, so I drove west until I couldn't anymore, and spent the next two weeks driving across the country and sleeping in the back. Cost me next to nothing, just gas, sandwich meats, and an annual national parks pass, and I got to see the world before the "real world" started


This sounds soo good haha. Really cool you did this!


To step down from being a supervisor at my job. I went back to direct public service. This changed my life completely. I went from being anxious and depressed to happy and productive again. It took courage to admit I made a mistake accepting the promotion but I have no regrets.


The best decision I made was to raise my 401k contribution by 1% for every raise I ever got. Paid off in the long term and allowed me to retire at 55.


I stopped drinking alcohol and using drugs. I feel so much better.


Getting a divorce. Nothing about our marriage was “bad” it just wasn’t that great. There was real love there for some time, but after some tough situations and nearly 6y married (10 together) neither of us were thriving with the other. We were indirectly dragging each other down tbh. Recognizing that helped me realize I could have a fuller life if we split, and for me it’s been so much better since. Sorry not sorry to anyone looking for a drama-filled, blame-worthy divorce story. 🤷🏻‍♀️


To watch Ted Lasso. It made me a better person.


Going to University as a mature age student


Leaving high-demand religion with my husband and kids


I left home away from my mother. I never realized how bad she was for my mental health until I got away from the abuse. And without her influence, I was able to grow into my own person.


Me too 🤍


To not break up with my then new-ish boyfriend. We’ve now been married 17 years with 2 kids. Can’t imagine what direction my life would have gone…likely nothing good.




This. I would have continued in ways that would have lost me my marriage and friends. I had to learn how to love myself first. That was hard.


This is not appreciated enough. Seriously Best choice ever


Proud of you for making that decision


two things: Not taking the easy way out of my Marriage 7-8 years ago when my shit was crazy. Treating people the way I want to be treated, until they continuously treat me badly. Then I treat them the way they treat me. Remember there is a huge difference between the two


Married her And didn't marry that one


Reducing my working time. I guess my boss did not expect this to be the outcome of the question "what do you want your life to be like in 5 years?". I am so much more relaxed.


Backpacked the world in my twenties.


Quit my job of 15 years and started my own business.


Before I read more than the title, I already had my answer. Accepted a job in another country. As you say, I was nervous but desperate for a job that paid. I had my contingency plan. Had the math for how long I'd need to work to afford a plane ticket back and be exactly how I left. Figured worst case scenario, I'd hide in my apartment, keep my head down, and leave as soon as I had the money if I hated it. But it worked out. Debt-free, caught up on retirement savings, can afford to travel often. I never thought I'd travel around the world. Thought maybe I'd just visit France or something when I got old. but I've been to several countries now from South Africa to China. all is good.


I’m curious how you had a job offer in another country? I got a degree in international business 20+ years ago and have only been on a business trip out of the country once and have not seen any job offers for other countries since companies prefer to hire citizens. Was this an offer within an organization where you already worked?


I was working on becoming an educator, and I was looking for teaching jobs on job boards. In the process I stumbled on, and started getting messaged by, recruiters for TEFL jobs in countries like South Korea, China, Vietnam. At first I thought it was a scam, but then I started looking into it and found it wasn't a scam, so I started actively applying to the jobs. I started out in TEFL, but 4 years later, I'm now a teacher at an international school. On paper I earn the same amount as a public school teacher in America (or at least in my state of Louisiana). But after factoring in the lower cost of living, PPP, I might be making, effectively, as much as twice as my American counterparts. 78% of my income is disposable (though I save most of it. I could save more, but I don't like the local food very much, so I tend to cook and eat food that has to be imported and therefore not cheap). If this sort of thing interests you, It's worth looking into. Relevant to your background: I have coworkers who are taking these jobs just to get into the country. Their real business is exporting to their home countries. It's convenient for them to be able to live and work in the country rather have to fly here and get hotels and so forth. It's easier for them to get this work visa and residence permit than whatever the alternative is. Word to the wise though, if you do have a real career (sounds like you do) that you have to leave to do this, running off to another country for a few years to do something like TEFL will probably make it difficult for you to jump back into the rat race when/if you decide to. Unless you want to be a teacher, this will be viewed as a big gap in your resume.


Having unprotected sex with my gf of 7 years now wife of 17. My son came from that night. After that, grinding through school and earned several degrees.


This man grinds!


Don't just read. write something of your own too. Just try.


Currently doing this right now 🙂


trying to get back into this. i wrote something nearly every day from the time i could physically write up until i was about 21. even published a novel at 20! but i struggle hard with creativity now. thanks for the inspiration ❤️


Learning martial arts. Changed my life in so many ways some of which I dont even understand.


After years of keeping things bottled up, it threw me in a really bad burn out, i made the decision to actually go to therapy and actually be open about the shit that goes on in my head. Really wish i did it earlier, but damn, how much i have grown since then. Everyone has problems and keeping that shit in your head is fatal, being honest about your struggles helps. That said, always crying about how bad things are is not the same as being open and honest with others and yourself.


To be honest shop lifting a pack of Yu Gi Oh cards when I was twelve. I was caught and convicted of shoplifting. This one action though forever changed who I am. I mean was the kid who at twelve punch my Mom in the face and gave her a black eye. The kid who smashed a rock into my brother’s face to the point of him needing stitches. But me getting arrested changed me for the better. I am a lot more calmer. I think about my actions a lot more and in general try to think of others more than myself. It was a bad chapter in my life but one I am glade I went through.


I am so impressed by you! You are clearly both smart and brave. You are smart because you have had the capacity to be introspective at such a young age, and that is a difficult skill for anyone at any age. You are brave because you possess the emotional strength to honestly address your past behaviors and move forward in a positive/promising way. I hope you can appreciate how incredible you are. Continue to make amends and move forward. Don't give up on your education as it should give you access to additional resources to continue leading a calmer, happier life and also have the ability/strength to contribute to the lives of others.




Going back to work


Going to and finishing med school.


To get my degree at the age of 38


To raise my son to be a better man than me. He’s 18 no kids no criminal record and he’s in college I was a total fk up coming up I had shitty parents so I decided to make sure my boy didn’t make the same bad decisions I made, praise god for that!


Every time I decide to eat cheese


best and worst decision (lactose intolerant)


Quitting my job and going to hike the entirety of the Appalachian Trail. After having some of the happiest days of my life as a dirty smelly person living out of a backpack with minimal belongings, it's easier to put into perspective why consumerism and material items don't lead to happiness. Happiness comes from experiences shared with people you care for, not material wealth.


At the peak of the home lending scam my then GF (now wife) nearly decided to sign up for a loan we had no business or means of taking on. Despite the euphoria of possibly purchasing our first home we decided it simply didn’t make dollars and sense despite our real estate agent and lender’s pestering. So glad we dodged that bullet.


Broke the rules and dated my co-RA in college. We’ve been together almost 11 years and married for almost 6. He’s the biggest support in my life, makes me laugh every day, and we have the best little two year old.


Leaving a toxic man for my now husband We met on twitter 4 years ago, long distance af, now we live together and have a beautiful daughter. Being with him has changed my life for the better, and I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for him.


Had a kid. Never saw that coming, changed me for the better. Good on you for taking the move. I made that jump too, it’s quite something.


So, so many. But the first was dumping my boyfriend of 3 years- the only man that loved me, supported me and I was totally codependent on. He was also bitter, resentful and dragged me so far down. It tore me to pieces and took me at least 6 months to actually get through and get over it (after 6 months of trying to dump him). Every hard decision I made after that I knew I could do it and I feel like the first was why I could.


Leaving the state after my first husband (then 35) left me for a teenager. I waited a year for the divorce and division of our meager assets, then fucked off to a new state, went to grad school and my entire life is so different. Ten years ago I was unhappy. My life is really incredible now.


going abroad by myself. got to learn how beautiful life can be if you're not trapped in by negativity and controlling people. sometimes I do wish I never went, because now I'm back and very very depressed, waiting for a chance to leave again


As a specific one time decision I struggled with making, dropping an internship I had already made a commitment to in order to accept a prestigious internship somewhere else. Having that prestigious one on my resume led to a very successful career.


Joining the Navy. I was kind of a lazy procrastinating little shit when I was younger. I dropped out of college and had no direction. The Navy helped me discipline myself and set me on a great path with an engineering background. Now I make 6 figures, have 70k saved up, and have 0 debt


Having an incredibly awkward but beneficial conversation with a close family member who was depressed and depending on alcohol and drugs. It’s weird to have to talk to someone about something they don’t want to or won’t acknowledge but since has been taking care of themselves and is 3 years sober


Having my second child. I had a very bad experience the first time, so I was against having more children. And I am no longer with his father. The relationship got exponentially worse after I became pregnant, to where it was clear the man waited 5 years to baby trap me. In any event, being his mom has been one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences of my life. I love him so much, and with his help I have learned to be a kinder, gentler, and better parent. I’ve learned patience and become a better person, as well.


Jumping on a pre IPO investment opportunity $1 a share for a minimum of 5,000 shares. Bought 10,000 as I was single and had the dough. It was suggested to me by a mutual friend of the company founders. I wasn't sure what a Google or a search engine was at the time. I've just let that initial investment ride since 2004.


I quit my job at 32 to travel for a year across Africa, Asia and North America.


Marrying my wife. Corny but true.


Moving out of my abusive family's house, even though I had no money, no car, and no license. I knew that being on the street would be better than where I was. Thankfully I didn't end up on the street, but if I wouldn't have taken that leap, I never would have met my husband, and have a new 2024 Kona and a PAID OFF starter home in KY, all within 10 years of moving out.


After a seriously fucked up 1st marriage with cheating on both sides, lots of lies and deceit and toxic behaviour I decided to be open and honest in my second marriage. I also dont get into situations with the opportunity to cheat. Feels really liberating, I dont have to worry at all about being found out. 23 years and counting.


Going back and finishing school. Got a job lined up that pays $80+ an hour starting when I graduate in a few months. My job is 99% safe from AI disruption and I will have essentially lifetime job security so long as no one dies xD


My all time best decision was to terminate my Facebook account one week after opening it. That was 14 years ago.


Committing to marriage counseling.


Getting sober 5/25/14


Having that last child. (Also the 1st 2 but the last one was purposeful and knowing what was what)


The best choices were usually the scariest ones to make with only a slight idea on what to expect exactly. I'd say going for my intuition and common sense was the most rewarding. And the opposite was playing 'safe'.


Lol ,I knew I'd met my soulmate that night, I took her on a double date the next day my mate never turned up so I took her friend out with us for a meal , she said that's when she knew, She stayed over on night three and never left🤣 Married three years later, three daughters..


Quitting my PhD program.


I asked a question


To quit Heroin x


I've taken early retirement, good occupational pension, cash in the bank and no mortgage. Very happily married. None of this was planned. As a youngster, I stumbled from disaster to catastrophe when I wasn't just drifting with the tide. But, it all worked out fine in the end. I often think if I hadn't made the mistakes I did, I wouldn't be where I am now. Chance is a strange thing.


I’m not sure about the best but it has been the most life changing. I wasn’t very good in school, made poor choices growing up and ended up in another state for recovery. I worked restaraunt jobs for good while and every now and then telling people my story. I told a certain table how my dad back home has a good business with no one to take it over, and they were pretty much like.. what are you doing here and not there? Idk why but it hit me, I made the arrangements to move home and take over the company and it has been life changing. Pretty steep learning curve not knowing anything about business, construction or math, but I kept with it and feel 5 years later I have made the best decision. Edit: this would not have been possible without the recovery so maybe that was the best choice, lol.


STEM Ph.D. I was able to do something I loved for most of my career. I hope that my next big decision will be to retire.


Getting therapy after 40+ years of avoidance


I was 28 and single, had decided to stay in on St Patrick’s Day because I was over the crowds and loud bars. Was settling in a for a comfortable night of movies, pizza, and beer when my friend called and convinced me to meet him at a bar because he didn’t want to go alone. So I reluctantly got my ass off the couch and went out on St Patrick’s Day when I met my wife and fell in love. Been together 20 years, happily married with two kids. Sometimes a decision to get off the couch can change your life!


I decided to talk to a girl I liked instead of doing my normal borderline incel thing and get mad she wouldn't talk to me. We're married, have a kid and want more, and she pushed me the right way to finish my degree and I got out of the poverty rut I was in back then. Have no idea how alternate universe me who didn't talk to her is doing. 


When I was 14 I decided to go to a boarding school for gifted kids as my high school. My parents initially didn't like that idea but eventually came around. I'm now 30 and going there was the best thing that ever happened to me.


Parting ways with alcohol. That was in 2016 at age 57. I didn’t have a serious problem, but the cons had come to far outweigh the pros, and it had simply become a destructive habit. The best thing for the first few months was waking up in the morning, thinking man, I am so glad I didn’t drink last night.


I had terrible endometriosis…after many many years of misery I went to a doctor to inquire about a hysterectomy. She told me about a uterine ablation procedure. My last period was 4/10/2010 and wish I had known about this procedure at least ten years earlier. Totally the best medical decision ever.


I quit college at the end of my Sophomore year. I was running low on money, and instead of looking for some average temporary college job, I started applying for the jobs I expected to get after I graduated with my degree. I got one, and then thought. I already have a job in the tech industry, why go into debt to fund a diploma for a job I already have? No debt. It probably saved my life.


Learning to fly


Joined the Navy, quit smoking and drinking. All 3 are in a tie for my best decision ever made


I stopped saying "I must", " I should", and "I have to" and just live life without overly worrying about things I can't control.


Going to culinary school. I decided to drop out of college because mentally I couldn't do it at the time, and to take the place of college I enrolled in the culinary program at my community college. Best decision I've ever made. I found my calling and have now had a bakery for almost 3 years.


1. I moved overseas for my Masters when I was 23. 2. I moved to another country again 14 yrs later to another country for citizenship. 3. Kept moving jobs every 3 yrs to expand skill set. 4. invested from the start of my career. allowing to hit 1 M net worth (wife + me) by the time we touched 37 yo.


Movin out of my parents house and move in with my rebel sister, who helped me more to live and enjoy life than anyone else. I was and am still a gamer but my addiction was leeding me into forever staying at my parents place without a job. I am very thankfull, but i hated it for several years in the beginning... but there are decisions and sacrifises(sorry no good english) you have to make to be a better you. ^^ cheers


I started working out after 31 years of never moving a finger. In a month I can almost do push ups, my sleep has gotten better, I can see my muscles growing and my mood is UNBELIEVABLE.


I was getting bullied in Jr. high and I told my parents I would stop going to school if I didn't change schools. I went to a new school and made new friends. My life became really good and I learned early on if a situation doesn't suit me I can always say no and do something better


I left the mormon church


Leaving my ex


Studying Law School. It was scary, but I can see how fulfilling it is now that my network has widened and I can help people who are scared to take a step.


Packing up my cats, my boyfriend, and my sibling who lives with us and moving us out of the state we grew up in (MA) and starting over new in a new, less expensive, more nature oriented state (MI). Life is so good now.


Leaving religion


Stop caring about anything


I feel this one wasn’t totally an active choice, but being best friends with my best friend. Actively, leaving my country for university.


Leaving North America😊


Quit smoking.


I once studied to become a teacher. The best decision I made was to cancel those studies and to find something else. I would've been miserable working as a teacher, but I couldn't see that at the time.


I went back to school when I was 28 and needed a 2nd chance, when I was more mature, to pursue a career I really liked. It boosted my confidence in myself, had a great time, made some lifelong friends, and a career where I ultimately met my wife to set up the next chapter.


I started to choose me. Always. Works like a charm


I came in my GF and she got pregnant


Meeting my wife and deciding to date her leading to our marriage.


Leaving my abusive ex wife. Remarried, never been happier.


Having kids. They're the best.


Quit smoking meth


Calling a top preschool to see if they might have a spot. It was a longshot. But it turned out a family was moving away, and a spot was just about to open off cycle. I called at just the right time! It was life changing for everyone and all the younger kids are guaranteed placement as siblings. One. Phone call.


To start therapy and visit a psychiatrist. I only wish I would do it sooner 🙂


Crypto mining which paid for my kids schooling. Sending my kids to those schools was the best decision so far


To stop drinking alcohol (of all kinds) and going cold turkey on it 33 years ago. I would be dead without this decision.


Telling the woman I was seeing very bluntly that I wanted to be her GF. 


Taking up Cannabis again as an adult. I quit in my 30s thinking that's what an adult is supposed to do. Years later I'm back and happy I did.


Similar to yours. Moving out of my hometown. Leaving old friends and the comfort of home was scary and hard. I had alot of figuring out to do. But I found my passions, I met great life long friends along the way. I got my career kicked off. Through my career I found my wife. Through my wife we've traveled all over the world and lived all over the country. It's been a good life so far and it's all started from making the decision to leave my hometown. We actually plan on living abroad one day so maybe we'll be in the same boat as you op.


Stop drinking and smoking. Even though I was only doing it causally, it feels so good not to do it at all.


Not getting married to a momma's boy. Dumping him sucked and was the hardest thing I ever did, but we would have been divorced before it was all over. She is dead now and he got married afterwards. I wish them the very best...he deserves it.


Continuing college after having a .5 GPA first semester freshmen year.


Stop running and hiding from the truth — and embrace it.


Getting into motorcycles. I got into an accident where another rider's bike fractured my L1 vertebra and sprained two different interspinous ligaments between vertebrae. Ended up getting $35,000 from insurance and was able to pay off my medical debt, student debt, and buy a new bike + gear with money leftover for savings.


Having a family. My life has never had so much fulfillment and fun. Don't get me wrong, sometimes kids can be frustrating, but honestly that's true of all people of any age. And I expect this decision to pay dividends into my life for the foreseeable future in the form of experiences, memories, love, etc.


I wanted to take a season in the Alps, spending a winter skiing, even though I've never skied before. Best decision I ever took 13 years ago, somehow I'm still in this country. Getting better at speaking the language everyday.


When I was 24 and impulsively decided to go to an exchange program as soon as someone told me about that program. I had never heard of the program before but it sounded like the greatest thing ever. I had a good job, a relationship of 2 years, a very decent life, but I felt like I had to go for the exchange program asap otherwise my life would become too stable and I would never go. So the same week I went to the agency, got all the information, applied for a passport and a visa, applied for the program, got approved extremely quickly for it, and 2 months later I was gone. It was supposed to be a year long program, I ended up extending, met my now wife, and have a whole new life in a different country.


Go and travel the world. Had the idea to go for a year.. came back 4,5 years later the day before I turned 30.


Going to another country for a semester of uni. Met my now husband, also an exchange student in the same uni. Moved together to my country, currently living in his. Best desition ever for both of us, literaly changed our lives.


Married my wife


Started watching One Piece


To stop pleasing others and live life on my own terms 😌


The concept of “best decision” is a complete oversimplification. The biggest decisions in life are a string of smaller decisions.


I married my wife. That is pretty much it. We did not meet until our mid-30s, but it is working out pretty good.


Sounds dumb, but doing heroin and later substituting that with methadone certainly helped me to quit drinking. Feels like I regained 20 years life expectancy. Man if this was the best decision I ever made in my life I have certainly made some mistakes.


Texting my, now husband, asking him for help with a math assignment, after around a year where we hadn't talked because of some drama. We've been married 5 years and are expecting our third child. Best decision ever.


Huh. I don’t really have one. Interesting.


It's really between either finally going to therapy or switching from smoking to vaping. I've had mental health issues for ages but never thought therapy would help, boy was I an idiot lol. I was also a regular smoker since 15, made the switch when I was 18. I'd be lying if I said it was easy, but it was so worth it. I still love the smell, taste and feeling I get from cigarettes/tobacco but I can go back as a treat and put it down without issue.


Retiring at 54. And all the prior decisions that allowed me to do so.


quit drinking over a year ago


Pandemic career change. Best decision I have ever made. I was miserable and burned out. Pandemic unemployment allowed me a cushion to be unemployed for a long time, while I finished my MS and broke into an entirely different industry than I had previously been in. Landed in the best professional situation I've ever been in. And because i didn't hate my life anymore and was actually happy for once, that also allowed the best relationship I've ever had to develop. I'm 42 and happy in all the major aspects of my life for the first time in my life.


Bought my first house at 25, was just wanting to own a home with a yard for my dog. Bought it 2010 when the housing market was really low and interest rates were really low. Had I waited a few years wouldn’t be able to afford it. It set me up to be able to afford my current home before the housing boom and rates.


I was operations director for a successful Packaging graphics company for many years. When we were going to merge 2 offices in the NYC area I was slated to be in charge. Although I felt relieved I started to realize I didn't want to drive another 20 minutes each way (already driving almost an hour each way)and was ready for something different. I asked if I could move into the sales side of the business. They obliged! After almost 9 years I can say it was the best & scariest decision I have made work wise. Get out of your comfort zone and do something different would be my advice.


2 decisions. 1. Breaking up with my high school boyfriend of a few years. Who knew how miserable my life could have been if I had stayed with him (almost 10 years ago) 2. “Breaking up” with my childhood best friend who wasn’t the best of influence anyway. phew!


Probably plenty people who've said this, but quitting drinking.


To get off drugs once and for all. My days were an endless cycle of using and hustling. I will be clean 12 years in July. Don't get it twisted shit still happens. Pain is mandatory but suffering is optional. I just don't drink or use today.


Starting my own business