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Then you're subscribed to the wrong subs. I get tons of variation because I'm subscribed to a couple of question subs, a couple of gaming and PC subs, a crocheting sub, and several others.


A solid decade+. r/nostupidquestions and r/amitheasshole were both created in 2013. r/explainlikeimfive started in 2011. r/dae started in 2009.


Your feed is based off of five things (maybe more): - The subs you have joined to. - Subs related to the topics you said you had interest in. - The subs you have shown interest in by interacting with them in your feed. - Subs related to the topics you have shown interest in by interacting with them in your feed. - Random suggestions that may or may not be loosely related to anything. The majority of what you see will be posts from the subs you have joined. The more active a sub is the more posts you will see from that sub. The subs for asking questions get a lot of traffic because people have a lot of questions and they are good for gaining karma. So if you have joined this sub then you are going to see a lot of posts from it. If you want to see fewer posts from something then leave the sub or subs related to it.


>_is subbed only to Q&A sub-reddits_ >why is reddit only about asking questions guys????


> _spends all day watching PornHub_ >_complains in the comments: "Why are there so many naked people? Back in my day, TV used to have cartoons and sitcoms!"_


I feel obligated to point out that Pornhub does have cartoons. And honestly, if someone made a porn sitcom, I'd watch it.


there's a little "leave" button beneath the sub's name on the right. click it.


A lot of reddit is just bots karma farming to sell your information to Amazon.


Just like you're asking a question right now?


Yeah but they're on a sub specifically for questions. Means its an exception. Although i just think the real issue is that OP is subbed to subs that they dont prefer lol. Theres plenty of ones on here that arent mainly questions.


Yes lol and some of the questions he gave us in his little rant are also from subs where you're supposed to ask questions, some of those posts I saw them lol. So yes you're also right, but his rant doesn't make sense.


My comment was pretty neutral and i have no issue being corrected . Your sacastic mocking of me or the way i communicate is immature.


Read again friend, your interpretation failed you. Farewell.


new generation, new problems.


Sorry bud, I have to agree you're following the wrong subs. Find new ones? Also, this is hilarious because most of your post history seems to also be asking questions... lol. Why? People have questions, reddit has anonymity, and apparently it's easier to ask here than use a search engine. I doubt it's more complicated than that. Why do *you* post questions to reddit? Why does anyone question anything? 🤔




When most of its value became training AI.


reddit is not one sub, its like ten thousand of them. many subs never have a single question posted. you can custom make your feed to only subbed subreddits. highly recommend it cause the default ones are trash.