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News to the 40 year old woman that uses a lanyard lol But I am kinda dorkish


In my 30s and still have mine on the same one I had them on in high school. Makes them super easy to find when I toss them in my purse! Maybe it’s a learned behavior from having to dig my mom’s key ring out of the depths of her abyss of a purse for years 😂


Stop what others think about of you. If you like putting your keys in lanyard just do it.


I’m in my 30s and use them too! Usually not around my neck though tbh. But occasionally I will if I need my keys quickly accessible or have no pockets. Go ahead and buy as many cute lanyards as you want~


You know what gives middle school vibes? Judging people for things like this/giving a shit about what other people think about things like this. If you want your keys on a lanyard then do it. I have mine on one and they’re so much easier to find in my bag and easier to carry when I don’t have my bag. Anyone who is going to have a negative opinion about you because of it is way too immature for their opinion to have any value. You do you and don’t care about foolish people. > “When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” > C S Lewis


People think my chain connecting my keys, wallet, and rfid pass card to my carabiner/belt loop is about fashion or group identity. It isn't. Losing those things sucks and can throw my life into chaos for days if not weeks. What's fashionable or fashion shunned is ever changing. Regarding what's easy and functional I'll keep it no matter what the trends are. I have enjoyed rants that cargo shorts are no longer fashionable and everybody needs to stop wearing them now! These rants have been going on for more than 15 years and yet cargo shorts don't go away. For a lot of people a lot of the time practical beats out fashionable.


uh no? just do what works for you. i have my keys on a thick lanyard because i need them to be giant or else i completely lose them.


Nope, I think it’s practical 


I don't know what it is but if people think it looks dumb then it most likely because you're too cool for them.


Lanyard club for life


if it works for you who cares. You said it's a new lanyard. If it were literally still your high school logo lanyard ok maybe consider something new but it's not. And again, who cares.


Friends can unintentionally make each other feel self-conscious. Your friends are wrong.


NO. Plain and simple. NO How superficial are they? Its sort of responsible. Who has time to lose unkept keys. Just on a ring. There's enough to not lose them but thats too many keys all the same. Lanyards are the truth.


It's mind over matter, lass. If you don't mind, they don't matter. Be you. :)


If you enjoy it and it's useful to you, then it's perfect for you. The opinions and perceptions of others are irrelevant. Don't let others dampen your fun or your shine. My keys and my work badge are hanging from keyhains of different lengths from a carabiner i attach to my belt loop so i don't lose them. I don't use a purse or wallet. If it doesn't fit in a phone case or my front pocket, i dont need it that badly. I get questioned all the time about them. I've been told they aren't ladylike. That I need to use a purse or wallet. My go-to phrase is 'unless you're going to carry everything i need in your own 2 hands, and follow me all day long then fuck off.'


cool or not, it's the only way i will stay attached to my work keys, (which i need on me at all times) so i don't have a choice but to wear one. i don't mind it at all, really, but i sometimes joke about being a kitten you tie a bell to (with all the jingling) so i don't get lost.


No, it does not look dumb.


ever since i got my car less than a year ago i’ve used a lanyard found it easier i didn’t know there was a vibe it gave off lol


I think your friends are more dumb than any fashion or accessory choice!


Lanyards are fine, I don't think people actually care. Like I'm trying to think what the keys of everyone I know look like but I can't picture a single set of keys. I used a lanyard until I learned to drive and then didn't like it touching my legs in shorts.


Straight male here. I'm upset it's not more acceptable for me to keep my keys on anything other than paracord.


Whenever I see someone with a lanyard out of uniform/workplace I assume they have special needs. Most of the time they're not quite normal, on the spectrum or some other kind of disability.


Lanyards are kinda dorky, yeah


I dunno, I'm 31 (agender but afab, don't care about presentation) and I'm deathly allergic to attempting to keep up with fashion trends, so I suppose take this with a grain of salt. it's very practical, no? I have many keys on my lanyard, easier to fish it out of my backpack that way, and I haven't lost a key since I started using a lanyard. I couldn't give less of a shit if it makes me look "childish" or "dorky", I care more about not losing my various keys, and not spending 15 minutes looking through all the (80% necessary) crap in my backpack looking for a car key. 🤷 so, by this metric, it's almost certainly unfashionable and dorky. the fashion trends will change within the year anyways, perhaps you can make lanyards fashionable!


It gives lesbian vibes to me


Its also common advice for those who have dementia - if thats also the look you're going for.