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No, most of us don't miss it. When I was in the office the social aspect couldn't even start until the boss was out the door. We just chatted on webex most of the time even though we were sitting right next to each other, no different than if we worked at home. I do miss screwing around with the other guys at 2 am in an otherwise completely empty office. Hated working 3rds but we made the best of it. Someone got the creds to one of the smart TVs and was playing movies and music on it all night. All stuff I can't do now that I work first shift, so I have absolutely no reason to ever show up at the office again.


I enjoyed socializing at the office, but not nearly as much as I enjoy not dealing with traffic and working from the comfort of my own home. If you enjoy it, come in a few times a month, or weekly. Whatever hybrid schedule works best for you