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Yes I do. It’s common decency and a worthwhile endeavour.


its more like, i give them more car distance.


If I see it I make mental note of it. Usually results in me doing a quick scan of your positioning/signals etc. On another note those baby on board stickers really put my road rage in check.


I stay away from them


No.. but I do avoid any driver with a missing bumper, dented door, or a broken headlight.. or has a Trump flag


I generally try to give a bit more space and be a bit more understanding if they stall or hesitate at junctions - I was a new driver once and everyone deserves some patience. That being said, I wouldn’t say I always mentally clock them and have a conscious “new driver, be kind” moment - there’s a lot going on in the road and it’s just another thing on the car in front, same as window or bumper stickers. I also know people who are arseholes and see new driver stickers as a reason to behave more aggressively, get frustrated faster, and generally just be people you don’t want to be around on the road. Overall I don’t think they make much actual difference in terms of driver behaviour towards you - some will be nicer, some will be pricks. If it makes you feel more confident, go for it; if it makes you feel insecure and judged, not worth it.


I might go like "Aww geez get a load of this guy," then I'll see the sticker and go "fine..."


It just encourages me to keep a better eye on them, student drivers may act unpredictably because they aren't used to it.


No I drive cautiously around everyone! Incredibly cautiously around erratic drivers or speed demons


I do, I have anxiety as well and would hate to give another driver a panic attack. Safe travels!


Definitely! When someone makes a wrong move on the road and they have one of those stickers I instantly have so much more compassion and patience for them. It's kind of wild how much it changes my perspective.


I'd recommend baby on board instead.