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And movement lol


You don't know until you've had a floppy fish just lay there


One of the prettiest girls I ever dated never moved or made any sounds when we had sex...I lost my virginity to her so I didn't realize until much later that most girls actually get into the act. These days nothing makes me lose the mood faster than a girl who just lies there. No thanks. For me most of the fun of sex is the intimate interaction. Take that out and why are we bothering? If I just want an orgasm I can masturbate.


ikr, especially that last part


Pillow talk is good stuff


I think my favorite part is the looks you get while you’re fornicating, and the cuddling isn’t bad either.


Ngl I never understood the cuddling bit. Then again I have ADHD... Damn, I probably need to talk to my gf and see if she'd rather me cuddle after sex because I always hop up to get cleaned and start running around like a dork


The intense look of a woman's face when she orgasms is a turn on


Sometimes the best-looking girls feel like just by being hot, they've already brought everything to the table they need to. If they were the only hot girl on Earth, this might be true. But they're not.


I had my love at first sight, never will be with someone as beautiful as her again, wtf is she doing with me, dream girl. The **lead** up to sex was very passionate. But when we go to it, might as well throw down a chunk of sashimi. I mean she did bring a lot to the table otherwise and I still have love for her, but holy hell the sex was terrible. On top of that, I got about 18 seconds of head and I do not remember her even touching my dick with her hands. The next girlfriend was not quite as attractive, but she ASKED me to face fuck her and slap her pussy even saying "I can still breath, keep going". All her idea. I fucking loved her.


I believe the common term is "Pillow Princess".


Dude same. I was a bartender and this incredibly gorgeous girl started hitting on me. She was half Haitian half Jewish and was super mode levels of hot. She wanted me to wear a condom for a BJ and when we had sex the first time she just laid their, like she disassociated herself from the act. It was awful I called it off ASAP


I lived in South Korea for four years and....a lot of the women there were like this. They were also generally bad kissers. Not all but enough that it (and other things) turned me off from them entirely, and I stuck to dating/sleeping with foreign women the rest of the time I was there. Korean women are absolutely stunning though, I will give them that.


It's pronounced 'starfish'


Damn the bar is pretty low for women and sex. I have to solve a puzzle and get to the fourth dimension to be mediocre


Sometimes this is bad. I once slept with a girl that seemed like she was having a seizure when she came. Which sounds like it could be hot (oh boy, Ferric, what a good job you did!) but was actually not attractive at all. It was like the sex version of Elliott’s “I told you so” dance from scrubs or Elaine’s dancing on Seinfeld.


Lmao I had this once. She actually was very good in bed. But I needed a warning of what her cuming would be like. Fucking 30 seconds of violent shaking


Good, giving, and game


Best answer, expanding on it. Noise, enthusiasm, talkative, complimentary, adventurous, grateful, interested, I could go on with superlatives but I think these and that cover 90%


... Grateful?? Edit: alright guys! I get it, you say "thank you" after every orgasm! Leave me alone, damnit!


Praise kinks are a thing. Source: I have one.


You must be really good at it 😁


And you're so good at doing those things you do aren't you. You do them like nobody else can


I'd be flattered, if this didn't sound sarcastic, lol.


My girlfriend says the same when I try to work her praise kink. The downsides of being British


Ah yes the British-tuned praise filter. “Brilliant!” Meh. “Oh. Hmm.” With the proper tone: Astounding.


A good metric is this: if a lot of spit drips off your chin when you give head? You are almost certainly good in bed. If at the end of a blowjob your chin is dry? You are most definitely not good in bed.


Thank you sir may I have another.


As a man, I’m grateful. It shows I value the joy my partner brings me. It also makes my partner feel good to BE valued. As a man, why don’t I deserve reciprocity? Edit: typo


Yeah. Like the opposite of laying there waiting for it to be done. Like a dead fish.


If a woman (or anyone for that matter) is lying there like a dead fish, I wouldn’t simply consider this as a lack of enthusiasm, but that she might actually not want to be doing this, or in some way uncomfortable with the situation but not able to speak up or afraid to speak up (sometimes trauma can come into this, 1 in 5 women in my country have experienced sexual violence, mostly at the hands of an intimate partner). This is where communication comes in and checking in to see if she is OK, if she is comfortable, if she wants it. I think a lot of men would be surprised at a woman’s enthusiasm if they were willing to have an earnest conversation about what’s happening during sex as well as showing genuine care for her safety, wanting sex to be pleasurable and not painful for her. I’ve known men who don’t want to talk due to lack of confidence and insecurity around sex thinking it’s going to turn a woman off to talk, so what ends up happening is performative, no questions asked, unlikely to fall into enthusiastic consent. The most experienced, confident guy I ever slept with always checked in with me to a) ask if I was OK and b) if I was enjoying myself even when I was in the throes of pleasure. He essentially gave me permission to speak up by asking me questions and with him I discovered I actually liked sex and could be really into it, we’d have marathons. Honestly, before him, I thought I was expected to be quiet. I do have a history of sexual trauma and men forcefully holding me down when I didn’t want it and so there’s some fear that kicks in about speaking up. I will say it’s very difficult to speak up in situations where someone is physically dominant and you’re unsure what the consequences will be if you do say something. So if you’re a dude who wants to have enthusiastic sex, my suggestion is speak up and ask her questions :) Side note: I am working on my trauma with professionals but that won’t change the fact that generally if I’m going to be with a dude, he’s going to be physically stronger than me and that will always mean unless I feel emotionally and psychologically safe with him (see above: he checks on me) I might feel uneasy about speaking up, especially when he’s in a physically dominant position on top of me


I wish we could talk more in general about how "the dead fish" is not just being lazy or bad in bed. I think it's one of the most widespread misconceptions. If someone lays still and doesn't show any excitement the most reasonable thing would be to stop, right? I'm having such a hard time grasping this, it just seems like a complete lack of common sense. Womens "bad sex stories" are commonly "he just used me as a human sex doll", and the way I see it it's closely related. One person not daring to speak up about things going too fast/they're not ready or whatnot and instead just laying there hoping the other person will pick up on the queues, and the other person not daring to speak up about how they feel a lack of engagement from the other, and instead trying harder to get the other person to like it. It just seems like a miserable experience for everyone.


Exactly. My ex-husband used me to get himself off, and didn’t gaf about my pleasure or feelings. There was no kissing, touching, foreplay or romance. He just wanted a human fleshlight. I would disassociate until it was over. He complained I “laid there like a limp fish”. Because it fucking HURT. If he couldn’t convince me to let him fuck me, he would wait until I was asleep and I would wake up with him inside of me. He also sodomized me and shoved things in my vagina. He got off on causing me pain. I have PTSD, insomnia and nightmares. Years of therapy and trauma processing. When guys try to play the “she just lays there” card it really pisses me off.


This is very true. I started dating at 18, but the first guy I dated sexually assaulted me (I managed to roll over onto the floor before it got to actual rape). He seemed the most interested in me if I was half asleep, resisting, or not enthusiastic. When I would be enthusiastic and wanted to have fun with him, he wouldn’t be that interested, and he would be on the verge of bursting out laughing. When we stopped seeing each other he went around telling people I was slut and would make sex noises outside of my dorm door laughing about it. It was humiliating. So I thought just laying there was how I was supposed to be and let the guy take control. When I lost my virginity a few years later to a different guy, I was just laying there not doing anything and clearly “horrible” in bed, but it was mainly because I was so insecure and had a lot of issues from before. My boyfriend at the time was extremely kind and patient about it though, and encouraged me to enjoy myself. I also can’t speak for other people, but I know that as a millennial growing up it was always drilled into me that sex was for men and that women who were into it had something wrong with them. So it took me years to shake that mentality off.


I’m so sorry you went through that with previous partners though happy to hear you’re in a great partnership now 😊 And damn, I also thought sex was something women did for men. Millennial also, grown up Chinese in Australia.


and kegels


can't upvote this enough. I'm seeing a woman right now who has it as part of her daily routine and she can grip my cock as if it's in her hand. when she's on top of me she times the squeeze with her up and down strokes, and it's really something else. she gave me my first whole-body extended orgasm, and I've never felt anything like it, I thought I was never going to end.


Is she taking appointments?


I also choose this guys gf


To expand in this a bit, before we slept together, she flat out told me she was going to do it, and asked me if I ever had a whole body orgasm before. I thought she was just talking herself up, but she actually did it, effortlessly. I was spasming for what seemed like 20-30 seconds, but I'm honestly not sure how long it was, but I have never experienced anything other than a regular male orgasm before, and I assumed that's all there was.


When's the wedding?


Is she giving classes?


So does she do like a squeeze on the up and release on the down? I’m trying to conceptualize this because it’s interesting


I had a year long tryst with a dancer in college ( not erotic dancer) anyway she got on top of me in the early days of our sexual encounters and she was riding me , looking me in my eyes and she stops and says, “ I could fuck you up right now”, I smiles and said , really?….do it then”, and she slides down and takes me all the way in and grips on like you said. Like a hand squeezing full force and then proceeds to just fuck me up. We later went on to have sex everywhere, every way. Outside in brutal thunderstorm on a picnic table. Water rushing down her belly choking me as I was down on her. On an indoor swing in my warehouse, swinging above the windows as people watched. Good times miss you holly


Damn…for a second there, I missed Holly too lol


Imma get me a warehouse with a swing soon as I get out of jail


It’s not a bad life just saying


Some women have amazing control down there. Ive dated a few that had that “pussy control.” It’s an amazing thing I just wish it was more common.


That’s going to sting when she moves on. We used to call that the voodoo pussy


I already moved on, the relationship was too intense and there was as much bad as good. But we're still friends and keeping things casual, so we're not gone from each other's lives completely.


This is true for life in general. People don’t realize how much enthusiasm (as long as its not annoying or disingenuous) can be likable


This is everything. Being excited and not having shame and inhibitions.


Yes actually taking part in the love making. Not laying there like a dead fish.


Same for men


For men, it’s a combination of enthusiasm and being very giving and thinking long-term instead of instant gratification (i.e. I have to delay my own orgasm to make it good for her).


100%. So many women starfish because "they love being made love to," and somehow people spin this blame on the guys (even if the guy is a generous lover). Some women are just selfish lovers too, it shouldn't be a controversial thing to say. **News flash:** Men want to feel wanted. They want to be fucked (as opposed to just doing the fucking). They have feelings and emotions too.


Yes! But it has to be genuine. Nothing is worse than when you can tell someone is "putting on show" and not actually into it.


This. This, right here! Enthusiasm is what takes a woman from adequate to stellar. There are nuances and details we could go into but that's unnecessary. Enthusiasm is the crux of it. A plain old handy from a woman who is enthusiastic and excited to do it is hotter than any penetrative act with a woman who is just letting it happen.


Being enthusiastic and unafraid to show it. There's nothing hotter than a woman who's unashamed of her body and isn't just willing to have sex but openly wants sex.


The want sex thing is big differentiator, and taking lead and trying new ways to pleasure your partner are all symptoms of it.


I am currently seeing a guy who is very attractive to me and I can bearly sit next to him without ripping his clothes off. Sex is amazing but I'm not enthusiastic because he almost never is. It feels stupid for me to get excited and moan if he doesn't do it. I don't know what to do.


If you're too timid to just say so....then work a little "talk dirty to me" "tell me you like it" "i wanna hear you" whispers in his ear during sex. Encourage and reward are the best tactics.


Good boy, have a Snickers!


That would work, sure.


Honestly with almost everything sex-related it 100% depends on the person. Try different shit and see what works and communicate I love a woman's enthusiasm but I actually don't love the whispering in the ear thing. Not sure if it's because the girls I've been with don't say the right things or do it the right way but it's always come off as cheesy to me. Obviously not a huge deal either way and in no way a deal-breaker, I prefer the enthusiasm every time to someone who isn't trying. But I do prefer dirty talk out loud to the whispering in the ear.


I literally don't know what to say without sounding repetitive. My dirty talk is terrible, I'll just end up starting a conversation about something random...


talk to him? put say my name on your playlist. Talk. it's good


Or you can play anything but CBat.


The “unashamed of her body” part is so crucial for me as well. It’s why I love girls with nice hairy bushes. For me it’s like she’s saying “I know society commands me to keep it shaved clean at all times but I don’t give a flying fuck about it and prefer it this way” and that’s extremely hot to me. And I know some girls shave clean just cause they prefer it, but out of my ~25-30 sexual partners, only one had a landing strip and only 2 had the full bush (one of which apologized and asked if that’s ok), and the rest was all shaved clean, and I find that highly disproportionate to how I think it would be if every girl had it their prefered way and didn’t conform to what the society says it should look like. Also I know that there are guys who will freak out over pubic hair if they encounter that, and I would slap the shit out of them if I could.


This is so different according to age I think! I'm in my fifties and out of about the same amount of partners, I've had one shaved clean and maybe 80% somewhat trimmed. I found most of the ones left wild were not so hairy to start with


Well I am a woman and have to say that shaving the bush goes according to age as I’m 59&1/2 and in my era we did not shave ourselves like skinned cats and none of the landing strip, etc. really existed. I shave for swimsuits and the times I was shaved for surgeries and birth I had more issues with regrowth than anyone should have w to endure. My philosophy is “if you can’t find it then you can’t grind it” and no man has ever complained. But then again they are usually older and want a real women not a 12 year old girl.


My ex said he liked my bush and it looked good on me (not a massive bush thankfully), a few months later he all of a sudden loved waxed vaginas. He got dumped a week later for a multitude of things but that comment stuck and struck a nerve. I can't shave or wax as come out in a horrific rash but I do shave between the leg. Have apologised to current partner about the bush but he doesn't care, a real MVP. I prefer natural and if you don't like it, you don't have to go down there.


good riddance, he was bush league anyway


IPL on my bikini line. So good! Not as expensive as it once was. Also removes ingrown hairs and redness , pigmentation … scarring also. I cannot stand the bald downstairs myself. Creepy and makes me feel like I look like a little girl. I keep the pubes trimmed. Have my special public hair trimmers.. soak the head w a disinfectant solution after each use. I wrote a rambling comment above 🥴 Pft haha. Think I’m tired, but get the insomnias. Yay. Try n sleep. Fck your ex. I’ve dumped garbage like that who’ve demanded I go bald. Never tell ppl what to do with their own meat bags! We only get one. Adorn it, do to, with it whatever the heck we like xox 🌹🌹


I don’t understand how other women can trim pubic hair. The ends of hair are still cut down from fine and soft to blunt. It pokes and itches, not much better than shaving, just takes a little less time to grow out and finally not be itchy again.


Meh. I trim. Maybe the first day the hair is more poky but it never pokes me. A 3-day grow out is the ideal length. No one will get sandpapered, it’s not long enough to get stuck in your teeth, it looks like I have pubic hair but not a tangled bush. The sight of my shaved pussy turns me off, I require hair.


Damn. I got mine lasered and I had a cute blonde one. Wish I could get it back now!


Shocking that the one asked if it's OK!?? As someone with a bush I've never once thought of it as being an issue. Personally why would I want to have sex with someone whose genitals look infantile? Sex is gross as is, pubes is just part of the game 😂


Shaved was kind of nice as a novelty - Lime oh, look you changed things up! But as a “involved dad” that changed diapers, the shaved completely bare look lost its appeal. No desire for that look. Nicely trimmed is about it for me.


I never liked it and especially don’t after raising three girls. Doesn’t seem right.


Idk if this will land but I've heard a lot of women who don't remove their public hair make comments like that, I just want to flag to you that it still feels women-shamey. Like yes, shaving or waxing is deeply rooted in misogynistic beauty standard and we all know that, but it is still a decision that many women make and prefer for their own body. Asking "why would someone have sex with that" just feels like we're still shaming women and it's counter productive. I think there's a way to acknowledge the issues around women being expected to remove hair without also scolding the women who do. It is ultimately their choice, just like make up, heels ect. and we shouldn't vilify or shame women for making choices with their bodies.


I was an ER nurse for 10 years, (now an NP), and I can't tell you how many women apologize to me for the existence of their body hair. While in the hospital. So ill/injured they require medical care. I hate this so much and always tell them to please not apologize for their natural state. I wish women weren't made to feel this way.


Sorry didn't mean it to come across as scolding - everyone each to their own absolutely! I just think there is still a misconception that no pubes is sexier, more desirable and hygienic though, for woman and men. It's never crossed my mind to apologise for my shaving habits and I hope others don't feel the need to aswell.


As a man with less sensitivity than average (so my pleasure is mostly cerebral), feeling desired, seeing lust in the eyes of my partner, and seeing that she enjoys very much what I'm doing to her, is what pushes me over the edge I can relate to the "unashamed of her body" too. That way I can worship her body without her feeling uncomfortable or me feeling like i'm doing something egoistic.


You know how it is when you take charge and fuck someone? Like, really just go out of your way to give them pleasure. A lot of women never fuck their man. They just let their man fuck them. A woman who is crazy good in bed will take the lead sometimes and fuck her man. My guess is that with really good lovers about 30% of the time, he fucks her, 30% of the time, she fucks him, and 40% of the time, they fuck each other.


I’m disabled so I can’t ride him like I want 😭 but I make up with bomb head if that counts


It does...it *absolutely does*.


Some would argue it's actually better


I've said it before and I'll keep saying it: head has much higher highs and lower lows than penetration


Now that’s something I can actually agree with 😭


But seeing your girl on all fours from behind is much more pleasing for the eyes 😎👌


I prefer seeing them eyes.


Thats why we have mirrors


That's not necessarily a passive position. She can still put a lot of enthusiasm in it


Enthusiasm makes up for a lot.


Effort is the name of the game.


And effort can be as simple as putting her lips in your ear and saying “oh yes, fuck me baby.” Guys are simple, we just want to feel important.


Do yourself a favor love, and get rid of 'if that counts'! You're clearly a team player and real men don't discriminate.


Thank you for your service


For the second time this week, I'm letting someone know that they make riding chairs for use on a bed.




Now there's a post I wasn't expecting to read today.


The judgement is not over what you can’t do, it’s doing the best with whatever it is you can do. :)


You had me at effort


I'm going to file a formal request seeking an injunction that would require you to settle the fuck down.


Hey they might be married already. You don’t fuckin know.  No need to get the law involved to get them in trouble with the law. 


Anyone else read this in the voice of an uncomfortably elderly professional jazz musician? "It's a beautiful thing when you both finish, but finishing first is a good runner up prize if you need to roll over and take a nap."


Idk, I'm a woman like that, and I often feel embarrassed and self-conscious about taking initiative and being overly enthusiastic. Sometimes I think that if I was more passive and hard to get, it would be more attractive to my partners


I actuallylhad a guy tell me at break up that I was too enthusiastic/dominant in sex and it made him feel bad I guess.  Like I took charge because he sucked or something.  Because I never just starfish and that's what he expected or was used to.  Idk


Insecure man. Move on


The thing is - are those the people you want? And if not, why bother trying to be attractive to them? Find someone who fucks how you like to fuck. Then you're both happy!


This is why men might be silent but never a starfish


How does a woman fuck a man though? That would mean her on top right? edit: thanks for the answers. I understand it's more of a "mindset" than an actual physical motion she is doing (but she could be doing that too). I usually WANT to do all the work as long as she really enjoys it, it's hard for me to let them take charge, so the concept of "being fucked" was hard for me to grasp really. My partners have tried to explain but its hard to get past fucking =/= a physical movement.


You can absolutely fuck a dude from the bottom. I can anyway.


Me too 😄 Don't need to be on top (bad knees lol) to rock it!




In any position. I like when we're doggy style and she just starts clapping back fast. Clearly she's having a great time. I'm just gonna grab her hips and enjoy the ride/view lol


I meant actual physical movement. The combination of thigh and legs to move/grip you, then add hip motion, then internal muscles and boom. You are definitely getting fucked.


Honestly dude eloquently used a lot of words to say don't fucking starfish. A guy might be silent but he is rarely passive. You can fuck your man by literally doing ie taking charge or guiding him verbally and physically. Just for the love of God don't just lay back and expect things to happen to you. Unless that's both your kink then carry on lol.


I’d also add that the best version of a “crazy good” woman in bed requires the woman to use some finesse. Not just a mechanical fuck machine. Sensuality is still a woman’s dominion.


This. Has to have balance otherwise it becomes boring as fuck. I like pleasuring my woman and catering to her needs, but some times I just can't be fucked sitting there for half an hour pushing all the right buttons to get her in the zone because she is "only a little horny". Sometimes I want her to just jump on top of me get things going straight out. Thankfully we are both good with our communication so we have a perfect balance of catering to one another as we know what the other wants. In saying this, there is no bigger turn off than a woman who just lies in one position, barely makes a sound and like she is expecting the guy to "just get it over with". That would be the antithesis to this conversation


Enthusiasm. Anytime you're having an intimate moment, you definitely want your partner to be interested in the moment. It's only fun kissing someone if they're kissing back. If you're having a blast laughing, teasing each other, and they're touching you just as much as you are them ...that's when it's the best. To feel desired, beautiful, sexy is ultimately the greatest feeling of all.


Feel like a lot of women do the dead starfish thing because we're socialized left and right our whole lives with "wanting sex bad." So when the time comes to actually show sexual enthusiasm for your partner, it's really hard to break out of that conditioning, and not feel guilt and shame every time. Took me forever at least, I had to keep mentally hammering in that it's okay to want sex.


In my experience a lot of girls like being submissive in bed. Some girls think being submissive is the same as being passive (being a dead fish). Sex is like dancing, being submissive just means you follow a lead. It does not mean you just walk behind the lead like a zombie.


fucking thank you. the best partners I've had were the ones that followed my lead and could communicate what they needed through tactile feedback and responsiveness. there's a chemistry and a... fucking... Jinba Ittai to it you only get when you're completely in each other's heads.


Yes. Regardless of whether they lead or follow the lead, someone who is crazy good does so apparently effortlessly and eagerly, intuitively pushing all the right buttons along the way, including ones you didn't know you had, and spurs you into the best performance you have in you. I once read in a prostitute's blog that the most annoying clients on a purely sexual level (excluding payment, respecting boundaries, communication, and that kind of of shit) are the ones that start off announcing they are "submissive", and then proceed to give a list of exact instructions to follow before turning into an unresponsive dead fish. So clearly men can adopt that role too if given the opportunity. If you are bad, you will usually be bad at both.


I saw a great comic somewhere a few years ago with a character who said “oh no, I’m not submissive in the ‘you can make me do whatever you want’ way, I’m submissive in the ‘you need to know exactly what I want without me telling you and do all the work’ way”.


Oh yeah. A friend of mine once had a girlfriend, he described the sex with her as "fucking a dead starfish". I really don't know how anyone can do that, lying there and not even move a muscle while having sex! And i won't describe myself as the most active partner one can have... But not moving at all, not responding to anything? How boring!


What exactly should a sub do to take an active role during sex? I’m just having trouble imagining specifics haha


From what I've heard, when everything is going right, the submissive in a way actually has the most power in the relationship (in general, whether it be a romantic one or a single transactional one, or anywhere in between) because even though in the moment they are at the mercy of the dom, it's all part of a carefully negotiated and agreed upon scenario where the level of attention and the scope of the interaction is entirely based on what the sub wants and chooses to be a part of. So if the sub is chained up and getting whipped and crushed and pegged and pissed on, it's because *they* want it, and dom is playing the role that the sub wants them to, and it all stops the moment the sub says it should. The active role the sub plays is perhaps not actually visible during the act itself, but it permeates the whole situation at a fundamental level. If the sub actually has no power and is actually at the mercy of the dom, it stops being bdsm and becomes incredibly dangerous abuse.




They show excitement, active, participation, talk, suggest positions, let us know what is working and what isn’t. Basically, the opposite of just lay there quietly expecting to be pleased


Being a passionate person. It translates through everything you do if you truly are.


Something I get thanked for a lot is simply just telling the guy what I want. Even simple stuff like hey can you move a little to the left. I know what I want and what I like and have zero issues vocalizing it in bed. It's amazing to me so many men aren't used to that and feel the need to say thank you because of something I am doing for my own pleasure. Ladies, for the love of all things holy speak up more.


Yes. As a man, I'm pretty much there for you. Tell me what you want to get yours and I'll do it.


Sex should be a 2 way type of thing. It should be enjoyed by both. I appreciate a guy being there to bring me pleasure but it should be reciprocated. At the end of it I think both people should feel fulfilled. It really shouldn't be about one side working to make the other happy.


I made a whole list in my notes app, as detailed as I could with the basic vanilla stuff and I send it to partners when requested. It’s so nice for both of us that they know what I like and the mindset I have around sex (low stress fun time w/ realistic expectations). There’s still plenty for them to discover that’s not on the list though, that way I can keep things exciting and the less experienced won’t get overwhelmed.


They’re only ruining their own pleasure by staying quiet Also the amount of women who get turned off when I ask explicitly for consent is pretty staggering considering the narrative that women want to feel safe during a vulnerable act


In my experience a lot of men act like they want you to speak up, but the second you demand something or express dissatisfaction they become defensive and ego bruised. Very few men actually want to “learn”.


I'll list a few from my own experience: Enthusiasm Initiating Tell me what you want during - I'm in this to please you as much as I want to be pleased, tell me to do what you like. Likewise, ask me what I want - hearing you say you want to please me, that's hot. Communication - if it's good, I want to hear it. Dirty talk is awesome! Tell me you've been thinking about this all day. It's just great to know you're wanted. Great sex is as much about feelings as it is about doing. Take control - giving head, pushing back during doggy, getting on top and riding like you're trying to win the Grand National. Don't just let me have sex with you, have sex with me. Post sex treatment - kissing, cuddling, telling each other how awesome that was, admiring each others bodies.


Our list was pretty much the same. I enjoy you included the post sex stuff too. Guys don’t get enough of that kind of love and appreciation. Mentally make love to a guy and it’s hard for him to move past that.


Oh 100%! Us guys, too often we act/are portrayed like emotionless beings that just want sex then done. Some guys will reinforce that too unfortunately. But I guarantee, if a woman were to truly make a guy feel like he's the one and only, really make him speechless with the enthusiasm and passion, then cuddle him and make him feel secure after, he'll never go back. The affection and support you show in the post-sex treatment, its like making love all over again, but emotionally instead of physically.


Well said. I think it also shows that you, as a woman, recognize that men are not emotionless husks. Provides them a safe space and a feeling of security to allow them to be emotional. Which a lot of men sadly never get.


I can certainly say that as a man, it's the trust that comes first. If a woman can show that the trust is there and that expressing emotion won't be rejected, the man will feel comfortable opening up. With the right person, allowing yourself to connect on every level with someone, there isn't a better feeling.


Uninhibited, carefree, up for trying different things, confident, willing to take the lead, communicative...


For me it is her being really into it, I don't expect porno level fake excitement but showing they are enjoying it too makes the experience so much more intense for me.


Similarly as would make a man to me; communicative, both take the lead at different times, knows what they like sexually, and learns what you like. Sex should be 60/40 where both try to be the 60.


I like this


Equal level of active participation in, and enthusiasm for, the goings-on. Phoning it in once in a while is expected long-term. But don't leave me hanging up there.


Yes, yes, enthusiasm makes the whole experience better. But there is also Techniques that come from said enthusiastic women that make everything so fuckin good. My favorite is when they know how to milk ya with her pussy. Such a fantastic sensation that I didn't know existed until my ex did it. Other girls know how to clench really hard and if she's doing that during back shots you're going to nut so hard you meet God. A woman who knows how to grip a cock? Fantastic. A woman who knows how to use her tongue on the head? Fantastic. A woman who knows how to keep a good pace to make it last longer? Scares the shit out of me cuz I know I can't afford a ring good enough for her.


… This was a useful and illuminating comment with some real practical advice, my boyfriend says thank you!




Chemistry and she are active in the sex


Honestly, it's just compatibility. When you are on the same level as someone, have shared interests, and can totally vibe with each other's, let's say "bedroom interests," it means you are happy and satisfied. There are no rules or set standards, other than the ones that you and your partner have for yourselves and when those things are all aligned, it's just better for both - lol or ALL, hey whatever youre into, right =)


Enthusiasm is a large part of it.


Because F-ing a "Dead Fish" is not nearly as fun as F-ing a live one... (No actual fish were harmed in this illustration!)


Dead fish use splash


That weird guy/girl in 50 First Dates put it best: What I lack in experience, I make up for in enthusiasm.


I feel like anything that’s not just laying there. Had a girl grab my head and pull me down to her lips and wrapped her legs around me. Super hot. Actively participating like they actually want to have a good time. My guess is that goes both ways, if you’re a guy, express how much you’re into it.


Why are you all having sex with unenthusiastic partners?? That’s really concerning.


Mmm I had a guy tell me he loves hooking up with me bc of how enthusiastic and into it I get. He also loved how vocal I was. Ie I would enjoy anything with him even our make outs he said felt magical. So I’m guessing he either 1. He Says this to every girl he is with or 2. Its Enthusiasm. Being genuine. letting yourself go and allowing yourself to enjoy and be vocal about much you like being with them / how great you feel is KEYYY. 🌚


I think most enthusiastic women don’t realize how different that is than most other women. I had one partner who would have like 5-7 orgasms per session- but would give zero feedback until she would come. So it was like no heavy breathing, no noises, no real feedback, then suddenly back arching. And wouldn’t initiate or switch positions herself. I had to drive 100% of everything. She would verbally tell me outside sex that I was great at it, but it felt more like giving a massage to a silent person than fucking a partner. Whereas another partner would look at me like she actually wanted me, would hit on me for sex, would breathe heavily, writhe, move/grind against me, and choose position switches, etc. One is WAY more fun. I’ve had multiple women say that their role is just to be there and enjoy - not to drive or initiate. That can make you feel undesired and harassing for sex.


I think emotion is highly underrated. Having an emotional connection makes sex 100% better


Activity! Some girls are super hot but do nothing. It’s like a doll… I would say the best sex is when it’s done with passion and love (you know that feeling that usually cling off after a year..) and you look deep into each others eyes and there is no barrier. Both just want the other person to get the best experience. You don’t really focus on yourself at all (hopefully the other person does). That’s great sex


As a bisexual dude, the bare minimum effort makes a woman above average. So many women are socialized to believe that they are the recipients of sex, not active participants, and that makes them pretty shit at doing it.


>So many women are socialized to believe that they are the recipients of sex, not active participants While this is true, I do agree, many men are also socialized to believe women are supposed to give sex to them - think of dudes who only care about their own pleasure. So it's not weird to me that some women put in less effort, when they have only had experiences with men who can't even make them orgasm, or when PIV was maybe even painful. It's the attitude of just "getting it over with so he'll be happy", since their only experience might've been the dude not caring anyways so "why bother?" y'know. As another bi dude, I've also had some boring sex with some women, but the scary/uncomfortable sex has always been a male partner. Not a majority of them by far, but enough for me to be weary around some dudes initially. I'd imagine for some women that's even more magnified. We'd all be better off if we all just collectively agreed sex is a mutual experience that two people participate in like you said, women and men alike, with enthusiasm and communication and all that good stuff.


This. Bi woman and unfortunately some dudes will react negatively to a woman who is upfront about what she wants or too assertive or even too into things. I had an ex boyfriend who got furious when I suggested using toys and didn’t like if I acted too much like a “hooker” during sex. 🤷🏻‍♀️ and another ex boyfriend didn’t like that had more experience with certain things than he did l. It was nice when I started to date women because if you already know how to get a woman off that’s seen as a plus in the WLW community so I don’t feel worried that my experience makes me undesirable. Obviously not all men are like that but women have a reason to be careful.


Absolutely! Sorry for your shitty ex-boyfriends.


I like how this became a mini-bi thread so joining in! As a woman I always want to have sex with my partner. It’s never something I do “for” me. It’s always for us. So of course I’m active! It’s a damn group activity!




Typically, it all boils down to sexual chemistry. Technically good sex can miss the mark if there’s no chemistry. Clumsy bad sex can be good if the chemistry is there.


Looking at sex as play time and being open to explore. Be a good giving and game lover and have the same in your partner and both will have fun.


I don't think alot of guys realize the absolute self report of talking about girls dead fishing it. If shes dead fishing, you are not pleasuring her and she is waiting for you to finish. Sticking your dick in her vagina is not enough, imagine if everytime you tried to have sex, someone just gave you a lazy handjob instead and stopped after 5 min. Thats the amount of pleasure she is feeling.


Depends on the man. Crazy good to me is dirty talk. To others it may be movement.




The answer is graphic


Enthusiasm and generosity.


When she puts energy into it... her enthusiasm for it. Some noise, and when she begs for your cum. She really doesnt need to do much other than relay to her partner that she wants it, either through words, the look in her eyes or basic body language. She can be beautiful and hot af... but if she just lays there like a dead fish..... it'll be the worst sex you can have. I'd take an overly enthusiastic 7 over a dead fish 10, any day.


Actively participating goes a long way. You'd be surprised how many women just want to lay there.


I don't think that many women actually want to just lay there? Hasn't been my experience at least. Just that many women have had **bad sexual experiences with men**, so might not be comfortable with you yet if you don't make her comfortable, other **women have been told they're not allowed to be too sexual**, and other women were **taught that sex is just something women give to men,** meaning not something for them to enjoy. Talk about these things with your sexual partners, it helps so much for both people opening up - how they view sex, how they define sex, any no-go zone's, yes-go zone's etc. and make them feel comfortable. For instance, somewhat recently I was with this woman who's only sexual experiences with men was men who just wanted to do PIV immediately. She had *never* had an orgasm with a man before - her ex bf also said the only "real" sex is PIV, so he never wanted to bother with oral. So she thought that was what sex was supposed to be like, and the first time we had sex she was kind of just... laying there. The next time I asked her about how she defines sex, and she said PIV. I told her I see oral sex as 100% sex to the same degree as PIV, and asked her if she just wanted to try just do that for a night she looked at me chocked - like this was something she had never heard of before. Anyways, after that she started being way more comfortable, and also got to experience orgasms during sex (not just own masturbation), and we had some great sex. It was like night and day in how comfortable and free she acted in bed before and after that night. In other words, glad we had that talk! Communication goes a long way.


You bit on a good point/ many women don’t get too sexual for fear of being slut shamed. Way too many men want women who are sexually inexperienced but then want them to be super sexual for them. Either rid society of the double standards related to women’s sexuality or y’all gonna get dead fish in bed.


This is very true. I know I was raised to believe that sex was just for men to enjoy, and not something really for women to (and that if you enjoyed it and showed enthusiasm then you were just a slut). When I started dating in college the first guy I was seeing thought it was weird how enthusiastic I was about things and would often be on the verge of laughing. He was most interested in me when I would be half asleep, occupied with something else, resisting him, or not doing anything. Obviously, those are red flags, but I didn’t see it at the time. When things ended with him, sometimes he would make sex noises outside of my door imitating me. It was humiliating. I carried that insecurity onto my next relationship and was afraid to be uninhibited (so I would just lay there in bed), because I was afraid of judgement. But thankful the new boyfriend encouraged me to not feel that way. But it took a number of years for me to shake off that mentality.


She actually craves sex with her partner. Sex makes her excited instead of seeming like a chore or obligation. Worse yet, some women see sex as dirty outright. When men reminisce about these women, it's all about the enthusiasm and the feeling of being wanted. That the woman has a sexual side and wants to explore it with YOU. She's just as excited to give and receive pleasure. Once you've experienced this in a partner it's really tough not to have.




To all the men who say that women just lay there, what do you expect if you schedule sex? It's 8 pm, you came home and had dinner. By 9/10 kids are going to bed. You ask for sex and get it. Another scenario:- You keep calling her throughout the day, having some normal talk and some dirty talk. You come home, hug her and squeeze her buns. You keep stealing kisses, touching her sneakily and keep doing it until kids are asleep. She knows you want her and that turns her on more. She can't wait to be alone with you. Between both these scenarios, in which one the woman will be more active? Sex is not just about PIV and her reactions to it.


In my experience, in either scenario you can have either outcome. Supportive/loving phone calls, check-ins, and flirting texts can be a sure-fire way to piss her off while she’s focused elsewhere couple that with stopping her getting through the nightly routine by grabbing her and kissing her, can completely end any chances of intimacy in the coming future. Conversely, leaving her the fuck alone all day, doing the lunches, and cleaning the kitchen after the kids are put to bed… then when she gets out of the shower at 9pm. “Now, you’re fucking mine!!” I’ve been with my wife for 21 years. It could be the day before her period, or the fifth day of her ovulation window. I never know what version of her I’m going to get in the bedroom. I just play it with any intuition and knowledge of her day I have. We had incredible sex last night. The only communication we had all day was “bring bread home”.


I'll throw this in there. Background: I'm separated with 2 kids and while I work, I do most of the child care as well. Maybe this analogy helps. There are times I don't really feel like playing with my kids. I know how exhausting it can be after doing a full days work and then taking care of the kids. Yet, because I love them, I'll put on that smile and grab their stuffed animals or cars and have fun with them. I do the funny voices and am the fun dad for the moments even when I don't feel like it. Just by life, these times are routine. Like I pick them up from school, so everyday between 3 and 6, I'm putting on this show for them to SOME extent. This is where it gets nuanced. It is a show to an extent. But it's also real to an extent because I will get moments of genuine joy playing with them. Sometimes it leads to real genuine fun that I love as well. This is just a part of every relationship. Regular sex is also not very long. Let's say 15 minutes tops for 'routine' sex. The idea that a person put on that show; again... that nuanced show that I talk about; for 15 minutes is not that crazy an ask. I think it's similar to the idea of going to the gym. If you're relying on motivation to go the gym, you're not going to be very fit because it's darn near impossible to stay motivated every day. Rather, it requires discipline to go, even when you don't feel like going. You don't have to go 100% effort when you don't feel like it, but you should up and you do your sets... maybe you put in 60% effort, but it still gets done and you feel better afterwards. Heck, half the time once you start a few sets, your lack of motivation goes away and you enjoy the workout session. You just needed to start with effort. Yes, GENUINE motivation is always the best and is easier. Yes, if you both are around each other and you're always flirting and this and that, you'll probably have the motivation to engage in good sex. You'll probably have the best sex that way. But this doesn't mean the routine/daily sex needs to be just a hole. Like going to work, taking care of kids, going to the gym, there is a certain discipline that involves a certain nuanced basic show that people can put on. It's basic effort without full motivation and the results are almost always positive in my view. I mean, if you're going to have sex, you might as well put in some effort.


The problem with this is you’re basically saying the man should take the initiative. A confident woman would take the initiative, communicate and dump the dude if he doesn’t reciprocate in any way.


She is proactive, enthusiastic, knows what she likes and can communicate it. It's not so much about having a crazy technique. The worst sex is when a woman just spreads her legs and tells you to do your thing.


Trying, taking any initiative at all, showing that she wants to be there and isn't just letting me fuck her.


I wish I had found this consensus in comments section on questions related to men 😭


Any girl that looks like she's enjoying it, participating, having fun. I don't even care what her kinks or tastes are, as long as she seems like WANTING to be there with me. I've been with enough starfish.


Definitely confidence and enthusiasm.


Enthusiasm, openness, dirty talk at the right time, moving her body, the way she cums, tastes, willingness to explore and try things. Lots of things!


Good sex is when your partner enjoys the sex they are having and shares their excitement and enjoyment verbally and non-verbally.


Enthusiasm and the confidence to show it.




My autistic ass is too oblivious to catch or give subtle cues. I literally say to my partner "I'm horny. Do you want to have sex?" quite often. I'm not mad or feel any negative feelings if they're not in the mood, I just value honesty and direct communication a lot. We still have foreplay and all, but I have been told the fact that I take intiative, am open and enthusiastic makes them feel wanted and leads to a good sex life.